Region III Quarterly

Volume 1 - No. 1

July, 1939


The Region III Quarterly, which makes its initial bow with this issue, has for its purpose the dissemination of information which it is hoped will be of practical use to Service personnel and to interested individuals and organizations. The articles will be written in non-technical phraseology with a view to making them interesting and instructive. Their scope will include various phases of geology, forestry, wildlife, archaeology, history, landscaping, engineering, recreational planning, and other subjects concerning National Park Service activities in Region III.

The articles contained in this first issue of the Quarterly have been written by Region III Office personnel to indicate the type and quality of material to be used. The Quarterly can not be published regularly, however, without field cooperation and assistance. It can not succeed without contributions from superintendents, rangers, inspectors, and others. Friendly criticisms and helpful suggestions for the Quarterly's improvement are invited. It is proposed to include, from time to time, pertinent articles written by persons outside of the Service. Such articles will give an outside viewpoint which should be helpful in considering Service problems.

The reproduction of the line-drawings and half-tones in the Region III Quarterly has been made possible by the friendly cooperation of the Region I Office. Such cooperation is another example of that esprit de corps which has always been a major factor in National Park Service accomplishments and is appreciated. The encouragement given by Director Cammerer, Associate Director Demaray, and Editor-in-Chief Story to this Office's proposal to issue the Region III Quarterly also is appreciated.

Hillory A. Tolson, Regional Director

map of Region III park units
National Park Service Areas in Region III.
(click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

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Date: 17-Nov-2005