The Regional Review

Volume II - No. 5

May, 1939


The Regional Review

Vol. II May, 1939 Number 5


The Review continues to receive letters indicative of the interest stirred by Wilton P. Ledet's article on the Acadians in the March issue. Some of the responses would be serviceable to the author who sets out to write a history of the eighteenth century migration from Nova Scotia.

"Your researchers deserve great credit in unearthing many interesting things of the Acadians in Louisiana," commented Robert M. Clutch, Philadelphia advertising executive. "There were 300 or 400 [Acadians] shipped here during the expulsion time and their plight was very pathetic. Many of them died of hunger. Some Quaker took pity on them and rented them some ramshackle shanties. . . Some were sold on the block the same as slaves. The whole thing was a terrible arraignment of man's inhumanity to man."


A rare opportunity for useful public educational service appears to be afforded the Branch of Research and Information if it is prepared to move quickly. The "Swapper's Columns" of Yankee, the New England magazine, contains an item: "My stuffed pileated woodpecker has mites but no moths. I want mounted moths or butterflies. Can't we get together?"


Ever desirous of marching in the forefront of the parade of events, The Review dispatched its alertest agents this month to conduct a door-to-door canvass on the joys and sorrows of the 8 o'clock réveille of summer. As expected, there were "yeas," "nays," and "undecided."

Those voting in the affirmative described the rollicking matutinal pleasures which regale him who, bounding calesthenically from bed at 6 ante meridian, welcomes an early opportunity to transfix with his shining lance the workaday foes besetting his office path. Those registering a contrary verdict cited the doubtful value of the emancipated hour from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. in which, they stoutly insisted, life's most trivial inconsequentialities occur. Unmeasured, however, was the cautious ballot of the undecided who revealed, in some cases, that they habitually stayed up all night to assure a timely arrival at the morning deadline. The latter two groups hinted that 8 a.m. appeared just as early among the flowers of May as during the showers of April.

Fearful lest it release an undigested report on the colder statistical aspects of its arduous survey, The Review, to stop the gap, summoned the full complement of its Branch of Poesy and ordered verses appropriate to Aurora's glorification. The result, Poem No. 10-dash-14B, does not appear, somehow, to be altogether mete and proper from the psycho-administrative standpoint; yet, lacking more uplifting strophes, we reproduce, with fitting Goldbergian salutations:


  Punctual, precise Percy Neverlait,
    Always at his desk at the stroke of eight,
    Did labor mightily the whole day through
  Doing what others took an hour to do.

  While belated, sheepish Von Schloh McBlip
    Began each day by signing a leave slip;
    At quitting time so gripping were his chores,
  He worked firmly on as others slammed their doors.

  Now time has fled and Life has played her prank---
    The hare runs behind, the tortoise front rank:
    Punctual Percy is sub-Inspector,
  Schloh signs mail as Regional Director.

---H. R. A.

"Natural wonders are not all that the National Park Service conserves for the enjoyment and inspiration of the American people. With in the past few years the scope of this bureau of the Department of the Interior has been broadened to include national historic shrines and landmarks. With this step has come a still broader conception of America as a whole. We cannot honor our heroes and sages; we cannot visit the places hallowed by them without deepening our own consciousness of what true patriotism means. It is good for all of us to pause now and then to recall some of the costs and sacrifices that have gone into the making of America." --Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the Interior.


To the Editor:

I have much pleasure in sending you a copy of Indian Wild Life, the only magazine devoted to educate and building up public opinion about the wild life in India and hope you will very kindly place it on the exchange list with your valued magazine from January 1939.

India is shamefully backward in the preservation of wild birds and animals and they are being rapidly exterminated by various agencies. She has much to learn from your highly advanced country in matters relating to the preservation of wild life and I am sure your magazine and publications will stimulate the public in the right direction as they will be put in the free reading room of the ill India Conference. Many foreign societies, magazines and publishers are helping the noble cause of wild life in this manner. . .I assure you that your kind and generous cooperation will be most gratifying to the members of the Committee and will be keenly appreciated by the educated public. I need hardly assure you that your magazine too will have good publicity in this far off Continent.

Trusting this will receive your generous consent and will open a way of cooperation between your country and India in a most deserving and noble cause.

Yours faithfully,
Hasan Abid Jafry,
Managing Editor,
Indian Wild Life.

Butler Palace
Lucknow, India
April 22, 1939

To the Editor:

Your magazine each month spends so much time on my desk, instead of in the library where it belongs, that I finally cannot resist a letter to express my admiration...

Since practically every issue I pass on to someone who is interested in one or more of the articles, before I send it up to our library shelves, I am curious to know what sort of circulation you have. Do ordinary citizens see it or only those who are carrying on the work with which it deals? I hope that it has a wide distribution because it certainly has great interest, and seems to cover its fields most adequately.

Carol H. Woodward,
Editor of The Journal,
New York Botanical

May 12, 1939.

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