The Regional Review

Volume VII - Nos. 1 & 2

July-August, 1941


Jamestown Island NHS


Photographed from the National Park Service auto-giro, Jamestown Island presents a view never seen by John Smith, Pocahontas or Powhatan, but which, no doubt, they would recognize. One aspect of this modern view would astonish them, however, for Jamestown Island in 1607 was not an island but a peninsula. The point of land in the lower left corner, now known as Glass House Point, formerly extended as a narrow neck joining Jamestown Island to the mainland. Across this neck ran the colonial road from Jamestown to Williamsburg. Many years ago the connecting link was worn away by the forces of erosion, but in the near future this geographical feature will be restored by the National Park Service. The original Jamestown settlement was probably in the wooded area just below the docks which may be seen jutting out from the island. Here the shore line has also been worn away by erosion and the James River now covers a part of the historic site.


Yorktown Battlefield

Yorktown Battlefield

Colonial National Historical Park

Colonial National Historical Park

Fortifications which played an important part in the siege of York town Virginia, in the War of the American Revolution The enclosed work on the right is the British Redoubt No. 9, and in the center is Battery No. 2 in the Second Parallel of the American line.

Battery No. 9 was constructed by Lord Cornwallis between July and the latter part of September, 1781. It formed a part of the outer defenses of the British line encircling Yorktown and was stormed and captured by 400 French soldiers on the night of October 14, 1781. The next morning construction was begun on the American Battery No. 2 and the British redoubt was incorporated into the American siege works. After Cornwallis surrendered, these fortifications were completely leveled for strategic purposes and were reconstructed a few years ago by the National Park Service.

Yorktown Battlefield

The Yorktown Victory Monument was erected by the United States to commemorate the French alliance and the victory over Cornwallis. The cornerstone of this monument was laid in 1881, at the celebration of the centennial of the surrender. It is located near the upper end of Main Street in Yorktown and overlooks the York River.

Colonial NHP
Yorktown National Cemetery

Colonial National Historical Park

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Date: 04-Jul-2002