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Most of the work of the General Mechanic this month has consisted of completing the installation of the conduit and wiring of the buildings in the new utility area, in cooperation with the CCC, and in moving all the equipment to the new shop, and installing it. In addition, minor items of repair to Headquarters' cars and equipment were performed, and the usual servicing of vehicles and equipment. Overhaul work on Ford Pickup U.S.D.I. #10889 was begun, but is not as yet completed. One official trip was made to Phoenix during the month, for the purpose of delivering the Ford Dump Truck, U.S.D.I. #13910, to the Palmer Manufacturing Co. of that city who have contracted to repair the smashed cab-body. Another official trip was that made to NM-5-A, at Flagstaff, in company with Custodian Bicknell, for the purpose of delivering heavy equipment to the CCC camp there. *****SWM*****
PERSONNEL Park Naturalist King spent his time in office work except for a trip December 9 through December 18 which time was spent visiting New Mexico monuments, as is described more fully below. Junior Archeologist Steen spent nineteen days of the month in the field, most of the time at Aztec Ruins National Monument on archeological consultance detail. Junior Naturalist Dodge made a four and a half day trip to Walnut Canyon and Pipe Spring National Monuments as well as Grand Canyon National Park. On this trip he accumulated certain data needed for museum planning, and distributed 95 Gambel quail, which were very kindly furnished by the Arizona State Game and Fish Commission, re-stocking Pipe Spring National Monument, a project which was approved last year. Following is a break-down of the time spent by the various members of the staff on the several projects of this department.
GENERAL All available card envelopes were pasted in library books. This project is approximately 80% complete but cannot be finished until additional book pockets are received. The accumulation of color film lantern slides and motion picture continuities continued. In addition to editing and processing the Superintendent's Monthly Report, the staff prepared six reports for submission to various offices. The usual large number of informational requests was answered. A request was made to Region Three Technicians for a survey of Betatakin Canyon of Navajo National Monument with a view toward re-stocking the area with beaver. It is believed that these animals would aid considerably in retarding erosion there. Ranger James W. Brewer reports that upon superficial examination habitat seems favorable for beaver. Notification was received from the Museum Division in Washington that efforts have been made to obtain Mescalero Apache artifacts for the White Sands Museum. It is believed that a representative series of these artifacts can be obtained. Supervision of the Casa Grande Side Camp educational program was continued. Considerable thought was given to the formation of a plan for administering the antiquities funds which was made in the 1939 fiscal year balances. This program will take final form next month, and it is hoped that certain very badly needed ruins stabilization jobs can be completed before June 30, 1939. Data were prepared to form the basis for a job application for capping, draining, and patching in the ruins stabilization program at Aztec Ruins National Monument. SOUTHWESTERN MONUMENTS LOAN LIBRARY Lack of personnel precluded the possibility of any library cataloging during the month, but 1,200 negatives were identified and placed in the permanent negative file. As was mentioned above, approximately 80 percent of the books in the library now are equipped with loan card pockets. A total of 122 publications were added to the library as follows: 33 books, 23 periodicals, 15 leaflets, 3 prints, 6 maps, and 45 pamphlets. VISITORS Superintendents Jess Nusbaum and Charles Smith; Supervisor Ronald S. Lee of the Branch of Historic Sites; Ranger Edwin Austin; Project Superintendent H. B. Chase. NEW OR UNUSUAL ACTIVITIES The following informational talks were given during the mont: November 30, talk illustrated by movies at Casa Grande National Monument to 25 Pima school children from Blackwater. December 4. Five talks, illustrated by movies, given at Casa Grande National Monument museum as an experiment for holding visitors during rush periods until guides can be furnished. A total of 100 people were contacted in this manner. December 21. One talk to the local Federation of Federal Employees at Coolidge, Arizona. Attendance: 35. It was with considerable pleasure that the letter of transmittal sending the manuscript for Southwestern Monuments Association Booklet No. 1 to the printers was written on December 23. It is expected that this booklet will be ready for distribution within a month. Through the kind cooperation of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission, 95 Gambel quail were obtained and distributed to Wupatki and Pipe Spring National Monuments. It is known that this species was native to both localities, but the birds have been depleted or destroyed through unusual circumstances. It is hoped that this stock, possibly augmented during the next two years, will re-establish this interesting species at the mentioned areas. Continued attempts were made to obtain a vertical component seismograph for Sunset Crater National Monument. This project presents many difficulties and the staff is not very optimistic concerning successful completion. A seismograph for Sunset Crater would be such a distinct addition to the scientific program of the Museum of Northern Arizona at Flagstaff, Arizona, that the Southwestern Monuments staff does not wish to drop the project until all avenues have been exhausted. RESEARCH In response to a request from a graduate student of the University of New Mexico, a compilation of all known holdings of vertebrate bone material in Southwestern Monuments museums was completed and mailed. This survey brought clearly to our attention the meager possessions and inadequate cataloging at most of the National Monuments. It is hoped that some time can be allotted to install adequate catalogs in many Southwestern Monuments during the next year. In order to bring the ruins trail at Aztec Ruins National Monument out of the original rooms without the use of unsightly wooden ladders, it became necessary to excavate completely one living room near the center of the settlement and to excavate partially another room nearer the plaza. Junior Archeologist Steen traveled to Aztec Ruins and performed this excavation during the month, first having received proper approval from the Regional office. His report of this small dig will appear in a future issue of the supplement to the Southwestern Monuments Monthly Report. The aerial maps for Case No. 21, Bandelier Monument Museum, were received from Bandelier and instructions were prepared for final mounting of the maps at the Western Museum Laboratories. Label copy was written and it is hoped that this case can be prepared early this spring. Room measurements and a certain amount of other information was gathered by Junior Naturalist Dodge on his trip to Pipe Spring National Monument. This information will be used in future museum planning for this area. Junior Archeologist Steen, with the gracious assistance of Mrs. Steen, prepared a script for the use of the Editor-in-Chief of the Park Service in compiling material of a publicity nature for the New Mexico Cuaro Centennial Celebration in 1940. The script delineated Coronado's entry into the Southwest. Considerable personal time was donated to the Government by the Steens on this project. CONSULTATION ON DEVELOPMENTS The field trip of Park Naturalist King was for the purpose of accompanying Supervisor Ronald S. Lee of the Branch of Historic Sites, members of the staff of the Region Three office, members of the staff of the New Mexico Cuarto Centennial Commission, through New Mexico monuments to make a survey of needs of the areas before the heavy travel season expected in that year. Mr. Lee came to the Southwest as representative of the Secretary of the Interior and will relay his suggestions to him. *****SWM****
The last month of 1938, December was a busy month at Camp NM-5-A. All W. P. Projects were started and materials of all kinds were received and stored. Ninety four enrollees left for Pennsylvania on Saturday, December 24, 1938, leaving the company strength of 92. The snow has melted sufficiently to allow transportation to all jobs without difficulty. Several inches of snow fell at Wupatki, but only one day was lost--that on account of the storm on December 21. Camp Mechanic Chase spent from December 15 to 22 bringing a convoy of new trucks from Santa Fe to be distributed throughout several camps in Arizona. The trip was made without any serious delay and no accidents. Acting Regional Director Maier and Inspector Haile spent a short time in camp on December 17. Inspector Haile made his monthly inspection on December 19. On December 2, Engineers Diehl and Tovrea accompanied by Sanitary Engineer H. Hommon visited Walnut Canyon, definitely settling several questions concerning the Sewage Disposal Plan. Excavation has been started on the Administration Building and Residence No. 2 at Walnut Canyon and the water system including sump reservoir at the spring, the pipe line, and the storage reservoir, as well as the Custodian's house and Utility Building at Wupatki. *****SWM*****
On top of a fairly busy, run-of-the-mill month comes the rush and grind of getting a lot of Public Works jobs under way; and on top of that the Christmas rush. With it all the boys in the office felt at times like a little dog chasing his tail--lots of action but not seeming to get anywhere. The work just kept piling up about as fast or a little faster than they could shovel it off the desks into th files and the out-going mail bags. Al Kuehl wasn't quite so well as we reported last month and finally would up taking sick leave and going to the coast for a general overhaul and check-up. We understand at this writing he will be back after the holidays. Charlie Steen is back from the job of excavating two rooms at Aztec Ruins where Carroll Miller is changing a visitor trail. Charlie reports an interesting trip and will probably give us something for the Supplement on the results of the dig. One interesting episode of the trip was the ten-above-zero night he and Mary had to spend out in the forest up over the Mogollon Rim in a truck whose lights went out. Such things grow more pleasant as the memory looks back a few years upon them. Tom Charles got his new White Sands booklet out during the month and it is a nice piece of work. He wrote most of it while he was laid up with sciatica not long ago and Mrs. Charles said it was a blessing he had it on his mind as otherwise he would hardly have been fit to live with. Johnwill and Lena and little Jimmie Faris seem to be getting settled down at White Sands in good shape. It won't be long now until the paved road is completed and we will be able to turn the public through the new administration area. Then will we begin to realize how big our problem is when a third the number of visitors the Grand Canyon has come down on our one full-time ranger, our part-time custodian, and our one utility man. Ronald F. Lee, of the Washington Office Branch of Historic Sites, was in to see us on the 19th of December in connection with our cooperation with the Cuarto Centennial show over in New Mexico in 1940. We all enjoyed the visit very much, though we worked hard all day, even taking our problems to the luncheon table over at the Inn. Hugh had to take Ronnie up to Ash Fork, 300 miles, to catch an eastbound midnight Santa Fe train. Need we add that he is sold on the Southwestern Monuments? For once, Washington beat the grapevine telegraph on the call for a Superintendent's Conference at Washington, January 5 to 10. It was as unexpected as the rabbit the gentleman sometimes pulls out of the hat. There is so much work in the office that the Boss decided the best thing for him to do was to leave this end to Hugh and go East himself. At this writing he is waiting for a cold to clear up and Doc. to give his consent; neither of them being very severe the outlook is good. David and Corky Jones moved from Wupatki to Casa Grande on the first of December, and David is now on his winter tour of duty as ranger at Casa Grande National Monument. They are quartered at the Vah-ki Inn for the winter. During the month Davy overhauled the Pima basket and pottery case in the museum, improving the display considerably. He and Al, with the approval of Dale, have further museum changes planned as time allows. There is talk of sending more stuff back into storage which bring the usual yawls from the Boss who is more or less of the old school in the museum arguments and wants plenty of reference material on his shelves when he starts his museum talk with a party of visitors. Mrs. Smith, of the Vah-ki Inn, invited the Park Service crowd over for dinner the evening of December 17. The Boss was surprised to figure up that there were 29 of us as a possible total attendance, but, fortunately for Mrs. Smith, our forces were somewhat scattered and not that many could attend. We all had a lovely time, needless to say, and there is still talk among the boys about the fine feed. Also we enjoyed the music furnished by Charlie Carter and Polly Tovrea, and everyone seemed to get a kick out of the Christmas carols and the general gang singing. Ruth and Chuck Rickey dropped in for a few minutes the other day while en route between San Diego and Santa Fe on annual leave. They both looked well and it was good to see them again. They were about half persuaded to go home and send out their Christmas cards and then come back and go down to Guymas on a fishing trip with Tov. and Polly who are also taking annual leave. Ted Cronyn has changed his official name and is now Custodian of Canyon de Chelly National Monument. He took a little time off during the holidays to get out to civilization for a few days. George Sheffield, CCC, has changed from guide to mimeograph operator upon the resignation of Vic. Sholz who has gone to the coast to accept a position. Scott Hall, CCC, has taken Sheffield's place on the guiding forces. Bud Budlong had a tough experience the past month when it became absolutely necessary for us to talk to him. He received our wire by a messenger, tried half the night to get in touch with us through the short wave Arizona amateur stations, and then put in the remainder of the night slipping and sliding over the road into Gallup. But he made it, to the salvation of some of our friends. Dale King was out with Ronnie Lee for ten days or two weeks and they both reported a very successful trip. They were at Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Aztec, Chaco Canyon, and El Morro. King came in rather under the weather with a cold or flu or whatever it is that every one is having, but Hortensia's cooking soon brought him around. Natt Dodge has made several talks with color movies during the month and reports successful showings. Also we had one Sunday when we had a lot of fun experimenting with handling the waiting visitors between trips at Casa Grande with color movies and color slides. You will hear more of this later. We had word from Ruth and Millard Henning at the first of December. They were at Martinez, California, and were trying to arrange their affairs so they could buy a house trailer in Los Angeles about the middle of the month and be in Death Valley by Christmas. From there they will be on the way to the Southwestern Monuments. We know that everybody will be glad to learn that Millard's eyes seem to be holding their own. They say they hear from Natt and Louie Caywood and Zeke and with the Monthly Report they keep pretty well in touch with what we are doing. They also say they are starting out for a two year cruise this time, which sounds like they may be preparing to visit all our monuments and really get acquainted. Ruby and Hub Chase were Christmas visitors with the Millers at headquarters and then went down to Tucson where Hub had a lot of dental work caught up. Louis Gastellum and Bob Petrie went home over the Christmas vacation, as did Larry Mungerro; Ira Goodwin holding down the bachelors' quarters over the week end. On a wildlife trip to Pipe Spring, Natt secured a number of much needed photographs of the fort and surroundings, and brought back from the Heatons a Christmas gift for each of the Headquarters and Casa Grande families. The gifts consisted of home canned preserves, james, and jellies and the like which were greatly enjoyed by all of us and gives us an insight into why Leonard always looks so well fed. The Heatons had a real big hand in our Merry Christmas at Coolidge. A new use for the museum truck (popularly known as "the pie wagon") is suggested by an experience suffered by Davey Jones. Davey was looking for some item among the shelves in the back of the truck when the door blew shut. Control of the latch being on the outside, Davey found himself a prisoner in somewhat warm and cramped quarters. Fortunately his shouts were heard and he was released. As long as the truck is at Headquarters, there will be no need of a jail at Case Grande.
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