Abraham Lincoln Birthplace
Administrative History
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Rock Spring Farm
Plate I: View of Rock Spring Farm, where President Lincoln was born. From a photograph taken in September, 1895, for McClure's Magazine. The house in which Lincoln was born is seen to the right in the background. Rock Spring is in a hollow under the clump of trees in the left centre of the picture.

Plate II: The Evans Art Co. photo of the cabin taken in 1895 at its site by the spring.

flagpole at historic Rock Spring site
Plate III: Courier-Journal, August 27, 1905.

Plate IV: The logs on the train, guarded by Kentucky militia sent by Governor Beckham. From Collier's Weekly, June 23, 1906, p. 13.

Plate V: To the left of the cabin in the picture may be seen the cornerstone of the Memorial Hall and the derrick with which it will be lifted into position. Courier-Journal, February 12, 1909, p. 5.

Jones, Mackay, Collier
Plate VI: Richard Lloyd Jones, Clarence Mackay, and Robert Collier of the Lincoln Farm Association standing by the cabin as it appeared before the completion of the Memorial Building. Note window panes. Photograph by J. H. Hare of Collier's Weekly, February, 1909.

cornerstone ceremony
Plate VII: At the cornerstone ceremonies, February 12, 1909. Photograph by J. H. Hare of Collier's Weekly. Files, ALBNHS.

Plate VIII: Courier-Journal, November 10, 1911. p. 5.

Plate IX: View showing the location of the plaza in a basin. Looking north west from the intersection of the Jackson Highway and the south property line. 1929. NA RG 79 WDI.

Sinking Spring
Plate X: The Sinking Spring. 1929. WDI.

center landing
Plate XI: View from the center landing on approach steps to the Memorial Building. Note cultivation in center background. 1929. WDI.

main entrance
Plate XII: Main Entrance showing sign and wire gates. September, 1934, NA RG79.

Plate XIII: Looking southwest across plaza. Large oak on corner property line. September, 1934. NA RG79.

Nancy Lincoln Inn
Plate XIV: Approach view of Nancy Lincoln Inn and two of the four cabins. September, 1934. RG 79.

parking area
Plate XV: View of parking area from Memorial roof. September, 1934. RG 79.

Plate XVI: 95 year old "Creal place." Located to left of main entrance drive on Park property. Demolished winter, 1941. September, 1934. RG 79.

Plate XVII: Northwest elevation of toolhouse. September, 1934. RG 79.

restrooms and pavilion
Plate XVIII: Log restrooms (left) and pavilion lcoated behind Memorial Building. Demolished August, 1959. May 1939. FHD.

Plate XIX: Bronze plaque of Gettysburg Address, erected Augsut 1938. Removed ca. 1967. RG 79.

Pres. Eisenhower
Plate XX: President Dwight D. Eisenhower speaking at the Memorial Building. April 23, 1954. Files, ALBNHS.

Visitor Center
Plate XXI: The Visitor Center. Completed 1959. Files, ALBNHS.

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Last Updated: 10-Feb-2003