This year was marked by legislation re-designating approximately 410,000 acres of Craters of the Moon National Monument as Craters of the Moon National Preserve — the 386th unit of the National Park System; the start of the process to craft a new general management plan; and progress on some notable projects to rehabilitate the aging facility infrastructure of the park.


The attached charts display the park operational and project budget and staffing for fiscal year 2002.


Visitation: Annual visitation was 183,573, down 1 % from calendar year 2001.

Visitor Survey: For the fifth consecutive year we surveyed a sampling of park visitors.

  • 97% indicated an overall satisfaction with facilities and services
  • 88% reflected an understanding of the significance of the resources of Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve following their visit


  • Participated with other agency land managers, counties, and private land owners in initiating a cooperative weed control program in and around the Monument
  • Undertook aggressive noxious weed eradication efforts along road corridors within the new areas of the monument
  • Initiated a project with the NPS Geologic Resource Division to create a geology and soils database for new lands within the monument
  • Obtained funding for a two-year survey of kipukas, essential to future decisions regarding wildland fire and invasive weed management, for these islands of largely undisturbed sage-steppe vegetative communities
  • Worked with 14 other parks in the Pacific West and Intermountain Regions to implement the Northern Rocky Mountain Exotic Plant Management Team.
  • Completed field surveys for white pine blister rust within limber pine stands. No blister rust was detected.


  • Completed the design, implementation and installation of a parkwide system of trailhead signs, printed brochure, and Web site for the purpose of providing all visitors, including those with disabilities, with accessible trail information in a variety of formats. This project received the NPS 2002 National Accessibility Design Achievement Award (Exhibits and Waysides).


  • In seeking to increase and expand the membership base of the Association, membership applications were printed and are available and a new member newsletter is printed twice annually.
  • The Association donated over $8000 to the NPS in support of interpretation, education and resource management efforts at Craters of the Moon and Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument. In addition the Association provided personal services assistance valued at approximately $36,000.


  • Entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Bureau of Land Management, Upper Snake River District, to provide for close coordination of the visitor and resources protection functions of both agencies within the boundaries of the monument. Under this agreement more efficient utilization of the capabilities of both agencies is possible.
  • Entered into a "Delegation of Authority" letter with the Shoshone Field Office Fire Management Officer of the Bureau of Land Management to provide necessary wildland fire protection, management, and suppression within the monument and preserve.
  • Hired Alan Fieldson, Park Ranger (Law Enforcement) who will enter on duty in the spring of 2003.
  • Park Ranger Tammie Henderson served a "Homeland Security" detail outside the monument.
  • Only one wildland fire of less than one acre within the monument this year.


  • Extended and paved the Broken Top Loop trail to the Tree Molds Parking Lot providing visitors a safe alternative to walking on the roadway. Also completed improvements to the remainder of the trail.
  • Completed successful testing of Test Well #3 for the park's potable water system. We are proceeding with development of plans and specifications for converting from a surface water source (springs) to wells as the source for potable water.
  • Upgraded the park's microwave system to accommodate the speed and bandwidth needs for data transmissions.
  • Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) and Student Conservation Corps (SCS) and Public Land Corps (PLC) assisted with the completion of a number of projects including boundary fence repairs; trail work; and preventative maintenance on


  • Public Law 107-213 was signed into law this year to re-designate approximately 410,000 acres of land added to the monument in 2000 as a national preserve and to permit hunting within the preserve. Craters of the Moon National Preserve is the 386th unit of the National Park System.
  • Initiated, with the Bureau of Land Management, the development of a Monument Management Plan. Adrienne Anderson of the Denver Service Center was assigned to the project as the Team Captain. An interdisciplinary planning team was formed. Conducted a round of public meetings in eight communities; prepared and distributed two newsletters to the public; and held numerous meetings with tribal, local government and interested groups to assure wide involvement in the crafting of the plan.
  • Progressed with plans for rehabilitation of the visitor center. Denver Service Center, Support Office, and park staff, with participation of the State Historic Preservation Office and outside design staff, worked together in a design charette and conducted a value analysis before the superintendent presented a proposal to the NPS Development Advisory Board (DAB). Following approval by DAB Fletcher-Farr- Ayotte was awarded the contract to prepare design and construction drawings and specifications.
ONPS-Park Base $ 980,000
Subtotal Park $ 980,000
Microsoft License Agreement Assessment $ 2,500
FY Unfunded Needs Withdarwal -0.7% $ 6,900
Withdrawal of FY Permanent Change of Station Funding $ 13,300
FY Uniform Withdrawal . Ref:F34(PWR-AB) $ 8,300
Funds Withdrawn for Radio Maintenance $ 1,500
Subtotal Park $ 947,500
Interpretation $ 169,464
Visitor and Resource Protection $ 148,646
Natural Resources $ 169,024
Maintenance $ 251,654
Administration/Management $ 206,712
Awards $ 2,000
Subtotal ONPS Monies $ 947,500
Repair Broken Top Loop $ 73,805
Emergency Bury of the Water Line $ 189,704
20% Fee- Survey for Universal Trail Information $ 9,735
Replace Water Lines $ 189,389
General Management Plan $ -
FY2002 Cost of Collections $ 60,800
Road Striping $ 10,000
VC Office Carpet Replacement $ 8,500
Replace Wayside Exhibits At Caves Area Parking Lot $ $8,500.00
Replace Transparencies & Mounted Photos In Visitors Center $ 6,000
Replace Mounted Animal Specimens In Exhibit at Visitors Center $ 1,500
YCC $ 5,320
Air Quality-Gas $ 3,000
Air Quality-Visibility $ 4,000
VIP Funds $ 2,500
VIP Uniforms $ 600

Last Updated: 31-Jan-2005