IV. RESTORATION OF ARLINGTON HOUSE, 1920-1931 This section will be divided into two portions: the first will be a general chronological narrative of the development of plans to preserve and restore Arlington House (Lee Mansion) from 1920 to 1931; the second will examine the work of the restorers based on documentary evidence during the exterior and interior restoration of Arlington House in 1928-31.
The quartermaster corps had maintained, repaired, and improved Arlington House without any external advice from 1864 to at least 1914. On May 17, 1910, however, Congress established the Commission of Fine Arts, with headquarters in the Department of Interior. At some undetermined date (probably after World War I and certainly by 1920) the Commission of Fine Arts extended its interest and attention to Arlington House and the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. The Commission, comprised of architects, sculptors, artists, architectural historians, and landscape architects, began to supply the quartermaster general with recommendations, which were generally accepted by the corps if funds were available, in an effort to improve the appearance of Arlington National Cemetery. The most active and influential member of the Commission during the 1920s was its chairman, Charles Moore, an able architectural historian from Detroit, Michigan, and scholar of what was termed "modern architecture". During this period Moore wrote two studies that have become standard works in their field: a two volume biography of Daniel H. Burnham (1921), who worked in landscaping and architecture in Chicago from 1846 to 1912, and The Life and Times of Charles Follen McKim (1929). McKim was a noted architect active in the East from 1867 to 1909. On November 27, 1920, Col. H. C. Bonnycastle, quartermaster commanding the Washington Depot, prepared the following comments on a "Report Pertaining to Arlington Cemetery for the Commission of Fine Arts," dated November 1:
The Commission of Fine Arts, in brief, recommended the restoration of Arlington House. [1] During 1921 and 1922 Chairman Moore corresponded with Mrs. Henry W. Keyes, the wife of the U.S. Senator from New Hampshire and a native Virginian, who in a letter to the Good Housekeeping had urged the restoration and furnishing of Arlington House to the Custis-Lee period. [2] On May 28, 1924, Chairman Moore appeared at the hearing before the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress to make a statement on H. J. Resolution 264, "authorizing the restoration of the Lee Mansion in the Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia." Speaking on behalf of the Commission of Fine Arts, Moore informed the Congressmen that:
Moore also informed the committee that "this matter has been up several times between the Commission of Fine Arts and the various officials at Arlington and of the War Department, and the plans have been made for the complete restoration of the mansion so far as the externals are concerned..." As to the interior restoration, Moore remarked, "In order to remove the [cemetery] headquarters and put them over in the amphitheater, that, of course will take money; and then the room in which Robert E. Lee was married [room 108] is now occupied by the caretaker or by Mr. Nye [Dye]." Moore stated further:
Colonel B. F. Cheatham, who attended the hearing as a representative of the War Department, took no position on the proposed resolution. He did mention, however, that "Mr. Moore, of the Fine Arts Commission, has given the War Department a study of the entire project. This is now being worked on in the Quartermaster's office with a view to requesting the Secretary of War to ask for an appropriation at the proper time." [5] A joint resolution authorizing the restoration of the Lee Mansion in Arlington National Cemetery, was finally passed by Congress and approved by President Calvin Coolidge on March 4, 1925 (the full text may be found in Appendix F). With regard to the restoration of the Custis-Lee Mansion, the resolution read:
On March 27, 1925, as a result of the new law, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster supply officer to make an investigation of Arlington. He was to report on:
The quartermaster supply officer, responding on May 25, 1925, reported:
On July 9, 1925, the cemeterial division prepared estimates totalling $252,000 for restoration of Arlington Mansion and construction of four replacement buildings. The proposed work included:
The addition of a new Foreman's Lodge, to be built at Fort Myer at a cost of $20,000, brought the grand total to $252,000. Major General W. H. Hart, the quartermaster general, submitted this total to the Assistant Secretary of war on July 16, 1925. The Secretary of War quickly reduced the requested appropriation from $252,000 to $100,000, providing $75,000 for the restoration of Arlington House and $25,000 for the construction of a lodge and office for the superintendent. [9] On August 17, 1925, acting Secretary of War Dwight F. Davis wrote to Moore about furnishing Arlington House. He stated in part, "It occurred to me that the Fine Arts Commission could best decide the articles that blend properly with the project as a whole and I am, therefore, writing to ask you if you will be kind enough to pass upon any articles that may be offered." [10] Chairman Moore accepted the offer on behalf of the commission on August 25, 1925. [11] Two months later, on October 26, Moore undertook successfully to subvert the intent of Congress as expressed in the joint resolution, approved March 4, 1925, regarding the restoration and furnishing of the Lee Mansion to the period "immediately prior to the Civil War." The New York Times, on October 26, 1925, reported this action under the headline, "Lee Memorial Plans To Be Dropped":
He also provided Moore with estimates of the cost of restoration. Moore went on to state in the article:
Despite this about face, on November 17, 1925, in the final revised estimate for the restoration project, the Secretary of War asked Congress for an appropriation of $177,000, which included $50,000 for restoring the mansion and two outbuildings, $75,000 for furnishing them, and $52,000 for erecting a new superintendent's office-lodge, a gardener's lodge, and a foreman's lodge. Congress, declined, however, to appropriate money for this project. As has been mentioned, the quartermaster general from 1925 to 1928 refused to approve expenditures for the routine maintenance of the exterior or interior of Arlington House on the assumption that money would be provided for the restoration. Only money for emergency repairs was authorized during this period. Upon the suggestion of Chairman Moore an estimate was submitted for fiscal year, 1927, asking for $10,000 to make "a thorough investigation and survey to determine the condition of Arlington Mansion and outbuildings." This request twice failed to pass, but finally, on March 28, 1928, Congress did appropriate the desired $10,000. [13] The engineering division provided the quartermaster general with a detailed five-page estimate on how the $10,000 could be spent: $5,400 for exterior work and $4,600 for interior work. Of the exterior money, $3,800 was for work on the mansion, $1,000 on the slaves quarters, and $600 on the summer kitchen. All of the $4,600 for interior restoration was for work in the mansion. A total of $4,353 was to be spent in rooms 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 and 117 of first floor center house and south wing and $247 for work in the basement. [14] On August 1, 1928, the quartermaster general authorized the quartermaster supply officer of the Washington Depot to expend up to $5,400 on exterior restoration of the mansion and the two outbuildings. Of this sum, $3,800 were for Arlington House. No expenditures for interior work were approved. This work was, in many aspects, deferred maintenance for the years 1925-1928. The supply officer was also notified:
On December 11, 1928, the fiscal division provided the quartermaster general with an estimate totalling $61,500 for the restoration of the mansion and two outbuildings. Of this total, $26,100 were for exterior restoration and $35,400 for interior work. [16] On March 4, 1929, an appropriation of $90,000 was approved for restoring and furnishing Arlington House and its associated outbuildings. The law read:
With some $95,000 now available for the restoration projects, matters had reached a critical stage. On April 12, 1929 the, quartermaster general established a committee to advise on this work and had Colonel L. H. Bash invite Chairman Moore and other members of the Commission of Fine Arts to serve on the committee. In the letter Bash explained:
Brigadier General William E. Horton, U.S. Army, retired, was appointed chairman of the committee. Colonel Bash explained on behalf of the quartermaster general:
Moore accepted this offer by telephone on April 13 and reported that he would bring Walter Peter, architect, and Arno B. Cammerer, secretary of the Fine Arts Commission, with him to the April 17 meeting. [20] Because most of the basic recommendations covering the restoration of Arlington House and its two outbuildings were made at the April 17 meeting and were approved or disapproved by the quartermaster general on May 3, 1929, these two documents will be presented in detail. Item 1 in each case is from the notes of the April 17 meeting, which are dated April 18, 1929, and the decision from a memo dated May 3, 1929. [21] The documents stated:
At a meeting held on April 24, 1929, the Committee on Furnishings developed basic guidelines that were followed from 1929 to 1931. Brigadier General William H. Horton, Chairman, reported to the quartermaster general:
Items G and H of the April 17 and paragraph 2 of the April 24 meetings "memorandums document that architectural historian Charles Moore had succeeded in his plan, as described above, to restore Arlington to the Custis period (ca. 1804) rather than to the period prior to the Civil War." Victorian architectural features and Victorian furniture would be banned from the mansion and such existing features would be replaced by reproductions of "purer Colonial period" mantels and furnishings. By following this "restoration policy", the Quartermaster Corps at the insistence of the Fine Arts Commission destroyed some important original architectural and historical fabric of Arlington House. The Quartermaster Corps accepted and understood architect Moore's plan, for on August 9, 1932, Brigadier General L. H. Bash wrote regarding Arlington House, "By authority of Congress, this Office has restored the old mansion to the condition in which it was during Mr. Custis lifetime." [23] Arlington House was one of the early major restoration projects of the 20th century. Work on Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, was just getting underway in 1928, and during the early years of that project much conjectural "restoration" and reconstruction work was also implemented. Unlike Arlington, however, the clear intent of a federal law was not disregarded at Williamsburg.
In his undated (ca. 1931) report to the quartermaster general summarizing the restoration work at Arlington, Architect Luther M. Leisenring described the preparatory research done in 1929-30.
An examination of the extensive restoration files for the 1929-31 period reveals that the quartermaster general, or his agents, wrote numerous letters to scholars and members of the Lee family who might have some knowledge of the history of the mansion and its furnishings. In response to one such letter, Douglas S. Freeman, editor of the Richmond, Virginia, News Leader and noted biographer of Robert E. Lee and George Washington, responded on April 22, 1929:
He added, rather inaccurately as it turned out, "General Lee's own correspondence, virtually all of which I have examined, contains nothing of any consequence to help in refurnishing the place." [25] The incoming letters, however, did provide the names of various authors and titles of numerous articles or books that contained some mention or information on Arlington House. Armed with this information, Architect Leisenring, or his assistants, proceeded to the Library of Congress to collect the data from these published sources. Unfortunately, they found little or no information on the architectural evolution and furnishings of the house. Leisenring did make a valuable contribution by interviewing several former Lee slaves that were still alive in 1929 and 1930. The Custis-Lee family letters (the de Lutta-Ely Collection and the George Bolling Lee Collections) were privately owned and not available to the War Department restoraton for examination, hence the alterations and improvements made by Custis and Lee from 1802 to 1861 remained undocumented and known only from limited sources and physical investigations. Knowledge was inadequate for complete and fully accurate restoration of the mansion. In fairness to Architect Leisenring, it should again be mentioned that the 1929-31 restoration work at Arlington was a pioneer project. In view of limited sources available to them the restoration was conservative in its approach to the physical fabric of the buildings. If already in place, a physical feature was generally retained unless proven to be post 1861. If stability required replacement, it was done in material and technique to resemble the original. Leisenring's reading of the physical evidence and efforts to locate and apply documentation was well in advance of the state of the art. His adherence to the legislative mandate was admirable in face of pressure from the Fine Arts Commission to restore to an earlier and more artistically palatable kept these to a minimum. Where fabric was removed due to Fine Arts Commission demands, (e.g., mantel removal in white parlor), the fabric was retained on site and fully documented. Without documentation available to later researchers, Leisenring found and restored the old door to the boys' chamber from the small chamber, with only a four-year error in dating physical material with which Mrs. Lee had closed off this opening in 1857. The Quartermaster Corps obliterated the evidence of 60 years of intrusive use with great success and a minimum of errors. Awareness of lack of documentation, respect for original fabric, and limited funding helped minimize damage to original fabric and supported accurate restoration in keeping with the legislative mandate. The Quartermaster Corps and the Commission of Fine Arts knowledge of the architectural history of Arlington House can be seen in extracts from a letter written by Brigadier General L. H. Bash Arno B. Cammerer, Secretary of the Commission of Fine Arts, dated March 10, 1931: [26]
A newspaper article in the Washington Star, July 5, 1931, written by Will P. Kennedy and based on an extended interview with Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Mortimer who was in charge of the work at Arlington, dated the construction of the house:
The Quartermaster Corps and the Commission of Fine Arts did not know when the main house was built, but dated it at some undetermined time after 1804 and prior to 1826. The exact years, 1817-18, were not to be established until research by Murray Nelligan was completed, 1948-53.
On May 3 the quartermaster general acted on the restoration committee's recommendations of April 17 and April 24, 1929. Colonel L. H. Bash, assistant to and acting on behalf of the quartermaster general, translated these decisions into detailed orders and instructions for the quartermaster supply officer, Washington Depot, as follows:
The quartermaster general's office began to provide the quartermaster supply officer with plans or blueprints and specifications for restoration work:
Lieutenant Colonel Mortimer, the quartermaster supply officer, Washington Depot, who was responsible for supervising the restoration of Arlington House, submitted two progress reports in September and November:
As a result of the quartermaster supply officer's activities, three contracts for improvements to Arlington House were made and approved by the quartermaster general. These were:
In Mortimers progress report "Statement re Completion of Restoration of Lee Mansion," dated November 21, 1929, it was stated:
On March 6, 1930, Brigadier General Bash wrote to Charles Moore, stating:
The Commission of Fine Arts inspected the Arlington House restoration project on March 20, 1929, and on the following day, Chairman Moore reported to General Bash on their findings. He wrote:
On April 9, 1930, General Bash provided Mortimer with data on the financial status of the Arlington House restoration project:
On June 6, 1930, after noting that a total of $110,000 had been appropriated for restoration work on Arlington House to date, it was reported that expenditures stood as follows:
On July 17, 1930, the Commission of Fine Arts again inspected Arlington House and Moore wrote to Bash complaining:
On November 10, 1930, Mortimer provided H. Bash with another progress report that showed the following expenditures had been made:
The restoration work on the house and outbuildings was considered to be complete by April 1931. By the fall of 1931, however, the Quartermaster Corps had not yet managed to have "Colonial" mantels (reproductions of mantels in place in family parlor and dining room) made to replace the two Victorian marble mantels that Col. Robert E. Lee had installed on the fireplaces in Room 112 in 1855. This occassioned further criticism from Chairman Moore on October 1, 1931. He wrote:
The Quartermaster Corps, however, had managed to obtain a contract to carve two marble mantels in London, and in early 1932 the two old Lee mantels were removed and replaced by the reproduction Colonial period mantels. The restoration of Arlington House had finally been completed in accordance with Chairman Moore's plan. Between 1928 and 1931, Congress appropriated a total of $110,000 to restore Arlington House: $71,500 for work on the mansion and two outbuildings and $38,500 to furnish these three structures. Between August 1, 1928, and November 10, 1930, the quartermaster spent approximately $75,354 on the projectabout $69,353 on the three historic structures and $5,601 on furnishings. The following chart lists the appropriations and expenditures for the restoration of Arlington House from fiscal year 1930 and 1931 funds:
1. Exterior Restoration, 1928-31 On August 1, 1928, the quartermaster general informed the quartermaster supply officer of the Washington Depot that Congress had appropriated $10,000.00 for the restoration of Arlington House and that L. M. Leisenring, architect of the quartermaster general's office, had been placed in charge of the restoration work. Leisenring was to work in cooperation with the quarter-master supply officer. In his instructions the quartermaster general wrote:
Much of this effort was repair work and represented deferred maintenance which the quartermaster general had been putting off since the mid-1920s. If the workmen followed their instructions, reconstructed basement doors and windows would duplicate those that were being replaced. As a part of this work Drawing No. 6608-1069 (or NCP-2.3-38), a "layout showing new copper gutter & down spouts, leader heads & ground drains from house," dated September 21, 1928, was produced. At the meeting of the quartermaster general's special committee on restoration, held on April 17, 1929, it was recommended: That the exterior of the main building be reconditioned and repaired without change to its present appearance, except the addition of a proper type of railing around the roofs of the North and South wings and the substitution of stone steps for the wooden steps around the main [front or east] portico. [57] On May 3, 1929, the quartermaster general approved this plan
a. Brick Floor and Stone Steps, East (Front) Portico In his detailed instructions issued to the depot quartermaster officer, Lieutenant Colonel Bash wrote on behalf of the quartermaster general on May 29, 1929:
The depot quartermaster supply officer, Lieutenant Colonel Mortimer, reported on September 24, 1929, that the special bricks for the portico floor were on order. Funds to accomplish this portion of the project were authorized on April 9 by Bash, but in November of that year Mortimer was still only able to report that the materials for the new floor were still on order. Designs were being prepared for new stone steps to the portico and stone sills and to the rear [west] exterior doors and doors to two outbuildings. [60] The decision to actually construct the stone steps, however, had not been made. [61] On April 9, 1930, Bash advised Mortimer, under the head of "Work to be done on Mansion...", that the sum of $450.00 was available for repairs and relaying of the portico floor with with Octagonal bricks." In his progress report dated November 10, 1930, Mortimer wrote that the floor work was "in progress, being approximately 90% completed." The 1851 brick floor of the east portico was thus replaced by a similar brick floor in 1930 at an approximate cost of $450.00. However, the plan to replace the wooden steps on the east portico, which had been a feature of this porch since 1818, with stone steps, was never executed by the Quartermaster Corps during the period 1928-33, apparently because of the high cost. [62] b. Balustrades on Roofs of North and South Wings On May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster officer to "Construct wooden balustrades at eaves lines of roofs on north and south wings." [63] The estimated cost was $3,200. On October 9, 1929, the quartermaster general sent copies of Drawings No. 6608167 and 188 (or NCP 2.3 7 and 8) dated October 8, 1929, which showed scale and full sized details of the wood balustrades. The depot supply officer was instructed to erect and make a temporary section on the southeast side of the south wing to determine whether any changes should have been made in the details before the work was carried to completion. [64] On November 16, 1929, apparently as a result of this test, Bash submitted Drawing No. 6608168 as revised November 15th (Drawing No. NCP 2.3-8). He commented:
The roof balustrades might have been installed on the north and south wings during the period November 1929 to April 1930 because the item is not listed among the projects that remained to be completed as of April 9, 1930. [66] This work attempted to restore a feature that had adorned the wing roofs from 1818 to around 1857. Robert E. Lee removed the old rotten parapets when he put gravel roofs on the north and south wings in 1858 and to keep the roof from leaking never rebuilt the parapets. It should be noted that the reconstructed balustrades were not like the old parapets in design and were not located in the same position as old parapets. See drawings from 1824, 1843, and 1853. c. Basement Windows On September 18, 1929, the quartermaster general's office sent Drawing No. 6608173 (or NCP 2.3-13, dated September 14, 1929), "showing new casement sash and the replacement of old iron bars in all [eleven] basement windows of Arlington House. It is believed that in most cases the existing window frames can be extended to accommodate the sash and the outside shutters, which have been shown for some of the windows.
The May 29, 1929, instructions of the quartermaster general, directed the depot quartermaster supply officer to "renew rotted and damaged window sash, doors and frames wherever necessary." [68] On September 24, 1929, Mortimer reported that estimates were "being secured for mill work" to complete this work. [69] On November 21, 1929, it was stated, "Renewal of rotted and damaged window sash, doors and frames, approximately 50% completed." [70] This work was finished by April 9, 1930 at a cost of some $2,900.00. [71] d. Chimneys On May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster supply officer to "open up and clean out all flues in all chimneys down to the fireplaces or other openings from whence they start." He was to "insert in tops of all chimney flues heavy copper wire screens to keep out birds and squirrels." [72] The quartermaster general issued a change order on September 30, 1929, which specified that "the tops of chimneys will have their flues closed by means of slate slabs, in lieu of copper wire screening previously directed." [73] On October 1, 1929, the quartermaster supply officer wrote to the quartermaster general:
In change orders issued on November 13, 1929, the quartermaster general directed that the chimneys on the main building, "due to their deteriorated condition, will be taken down and rebuilt, using the old brick insofar as practical and all brick to be laid in Portland cement mortar. These chimneys to be of same dimensions as original chimneys and to be stuccoed on the outside to match present work and to be capped with slate." [75] The work was completed prior to April 9, 1930. [76] e. Pediment on East and West Facades of Main Building On November 13, 1929, the quartermaster general directed, that no work be done on "the Pediments on East [front] and west [rear] facades on Main [Center] Building...." The pediments "originally were apparently stuccoed and marked off to imitate stone. They are now sheeted up with wood. No change will be made in this construction." [77] f. Roofing Materials for Mansion In orders issued on November 13, 1929, the quartermaster general reported that, "the roofs of the building are at present slate. It has been suggested that these should be replaced with asbestos cement shingles imitating old wood split shingles. This change will not be made. The present slate roof will be retained, but repaired if necessary." [78] The original roofs of the mansion and its two wings had, of course, been covered with wood shingles until 1858. In 1858, however, Robert E. Lee had covered the main house with slate and the two wings with gravel roofs. The extant slate roof dates from 1908. g. Shutters, Steps, and Roof Repairs On November 21, 1929, the quartermaster general was advised that "Shutters, steps, and roof repairs [had been] completed." [79] h. Exterior Painting In his orders issued on May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed that "when all other work is completed, finish any necessary painting on the exterior of the building." [80] In his progress report dated September 24, 1929, Mortimer informed the quartermaster general, "All exterior walls and cornice painted. Some exterior woodwork on windows and doors to be completed during October." [81] No effect was made, however, to marbleize the eight columns on the east or front portico to restore their appearance to the period 1858-1870. In his 1931 summary report of the restoration of Arlington House, Architect L.M. Leisenring described the exterior work as follows:
The documentary evidence indicates that between August 1, 1928, and April 9, 1930, the Quartermaster Corps completed the exterior restoration of Arlington House, with the exception of the reconstruction of the brick floor on the east (front) portico which was finished in December 1930. The evidence strongly suggests that the Quartermaster Corps carefully reproduced existing features that had to be replaced on the exterior. "Colonial" features, except perhaps in the hardware, were not introduced on the outside work. The only features added were reconstructions of roof balustrades for the north and south wings, architectural adornments that were reminiscent of parapets probably removed in 1858 when new roofs were put on wings. Plans to replace the wooden steps that had served the east portico since 1818 with stone steps were abandoned in 1930, apparently because of cost factors. 2. Interior Restoration, 1929-31 On June 30, 1928, as has been mentioned, the engineering division of the Quartermaster Corps had proposed spending $4,353 to repair or "restore" the interior of Arlington House. On August 1, 1928, the quartermaster general had vetoed the proposals for interior work, so that the restoration of rooms in the mansion did not commence until 1929. Architect L. M. Leisenring, writing in 1931, described existing conditions in 1929 in Arlington House:
a. Removal of Memorials from Arlington House In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general instructed the depot quartermaster supply officer to remove all trophies and memorials except the two large bronze plates now in the central hall [room 111] of the mansion to a suitable location. He stated:
This work was completed by September 24, 1929, [85] at a cost of some $1,000.00. [86] b. Rewiring Mansion The December 11, 1928, estimate contained an item of $1,000.00 for improved electrical services from Fort Myer to Arlington House. [87] In the progress report dated November 21, 1929, it was reported that the "additional electric service from Fort Myer [was] completed." [88] The December 11, 1928, estimate also contained $1,500.00 for "Electric Wiring, Main Building, floor & base plug outlets only, except in basement." [89] On May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general instructed the depot quartermaster supply office to "remove all old [1914] electric light wiring or gas piping now in the buildings and install a new system with floor plugs and a certain number of fixtures for emergency illumination, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the QMGO." [90] On September 24, Mortimer reported, "All removals called for completed. . ." [91] On September 20, 1929, the quartermaster general's office transmitted Drawings Nos. 6608 - 164, 165, 166 (or NCP 2.3-4, 5 and 6) showing locations for electric outlets in the basement, and first and second floors of Arlington Mansion. Also enclosed were outlined specifications for the installation of this work, and the depot supply officer was authorized "to proceed with this work by the purchase and hire method." [92] On November 21 it was reported, "Electric wiring main building, floor and base plug outlets only, except in basement, approximately 50% completed." [93] This work was completed by March 1930, when the mansion was opened to visitors. [94] c. Removal of Kitchen Ranges and Plumbing On May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster supply office to "remove the ranges, plumbing fixtures and piping and open up fireplaces in room 13 [room 104 - kitchen] and in the winter kitchen immediately below this room in the cellar. Refinish these as old open fireplaces with cranes and other utensils." [95] This work involved the removal of kitchen ranges and sinks from rooms 104 and 203 as well as and also the water closet and bath tub from rooms 102-103. In further orders issued on July 29, the quartermaster directed that "all plumbing [should be removed] from room 23 [room 202 - water closet and bath tub in the second floor 1885 bathroom]. This room should be restored to its original condition in the same way as other rooms in the first floor." [96] On September 24, 1929, Mortimer reported, "All work of this completed except that part requiring specifications by quartermaster general's office which have not been furnished." [97] On October 18, 1929, Drawing No. 6608 (or NCP 2.3 - 15), dated October 14, 1929, for the fireplace crane for the winter kitchen was sent to the depot supply officer. [98] In orders issued by the quartermaster general on September 30 it was stated that "utensils for fireplace will be procured by the office of the quartermaster general." On November 13, 1929, it was announced that "iron cranes will be provided for fireplace in cellar kitchen and summer kitchen, all as shown on plan prepared by this office..." [99] The fireplace cranes were apparently installed in both the mansion and outbuilding by March 1930. On May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general instructed the depot supply officer to "remove all plumbing fixtures from room no. 3 [room 114] and restore this room as similar rooms in north wing. Provide toilet and lavatory for guards at location to be approved by the quartermaster general." [100] This project involved the removal of three water closets and a sink that had been installed as a ladies toilet room in 1910. On September 24, Mortimer reported that this work could not "be undertaken until removal of [cemetery] office to new location. This will be done early in October." [101] In orders issued on November 13, 1929, the quartermaster general directed that a "lavatory will be installed in this room [room 12 or 102] where indicated on plan prepared by this office." [102] The plan provided for a water closet in the room [102]; a water closet had been installed in room 103. The old plumbing was thus removed from the house, and a new lavatory for the use of the guards and mansion staff was installed in room 102 in December 1929. d. New Heating System Installed in Outbuilding On May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot supply officer to remove all of the "present heating system in main building, including radiators and piping, and install a new system with concealed radiators and pipes operated from central heating plant, as per drawing and specifications by the quartermaster general." [103] In orders issued on July 29, it was announced, "It has been determined that central heating plant will be placed in the basement of the public comfort station, the walls of this building being underpinned and carried down to a proper depth." [104] The estimate of December 11, 1928, contained items of $12,000 for construction of the boiler house and its trenches for the pipes and $4,500 for "Heating Main Building, radiators, grills, etc." [105] The heating system being removed had been installed in 1906. On September 24, 1929, Mortimer reported, "All removals completed except Boiler which had been ordered and will be moved to building occupied by European Claims Unit at Fort Myers within ten days." [106] On September 11 the quartermaster general's office sent Drawings Nos. 6608 - 161, 162, and 163 (or NCP 2.3 - 1, 2 and 3), dated September 9, 1929, for the installation of the new heating system, together with specifications for this work, to the depot supply officer. [107] Mortimer reported that bids for this work would be opened on September 27. [108] In additional orders, dated November 13, 1929, it was announced, "Rooms 10 [101A] and 11 [101B] are practically one room. Two corner cupboards will be constructed to conceal radiators for heating this room." Mortimer also directed that "an exposed radiator will be installed in this room [No. 12 or 102 - the new lavatory] to provide necessary heating." [109] During the restoration of the mansion in 1929, Room No. 13, [104] served as the temporary office of the superintendent, and Room No. 10-11, [101A and 101B], was used by the cemetery work force. [110] The contract for installing the heating plant in Arlington House, dated September 28, 1929, was awarded to the Crawford Company of Washington, D.C., and approved by the quartermaster general on November 5, 1929. [111] On November 1 copies of Drawing No. 6608-178, showing "the method approved for securing heat in rooms 10 and 11," were provided to the depot supply officer. [112] Four change orders for the heating contract, No. W 950 QM 649, were issued in 1929: No. A on November 16; No. B on November 26; No. C., covering the installation of radiator in Room No. 12 [102], December 4; and No. D, December 4. [113] The new heating system was installed and functioning by March 1930. Architect Leisenring described this work in 1931:
e. Installation of Automatic Fire Alarm System On May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general announced that "an electric fire protection system to sound an alarm from any room, with alarm in guard-room" would be installed in Arlington House. The December 11, 1928 estimate included an item of $2,500 for the "Automatic Fire Alarm System." On September 18, 1929, the quartermaster general's office provided the depot supply officer with specifications for the fire alarm system and directed him to advertise for bids. The contract was awarded to the lowest bider, the Atmo Automatic Fire Alarm Company of America on November 6, 1929 at $1,744.00 (Contract No. W 950 QM 668). [115] The Atmo Automatic Fire Alarm Company prepared seven detailed drawings, Nos. 747 to 752 (NCP 2.3 - 56 - 62), showing diagrams for the installation of the system on the basement, first and second story, and attic levels of Arlington House. The system was also installed in the two outbuildings and the guards' and boiler room. A change orderNo. Awas issued on February 3, 1930. [116] On February 20, the quartermaster general informed the depot quartermaster supply officer:
As part of this project the Atmo Company produced Drawing No. 782 (or NCP 2.3 - 63), dated February 10, 1930, entitled "Gong Extension for Fire Alarm. . ." On January 9, 1930, the quartermaster general also instructed the 3rd Corps Area quartermaster:
This was to be done without passing through the central telephone exchange at Fort Myer. The 3rd Corps quartermaster reported that one pair of wires had been extended from the guard room to the fire station on Feb. 24, 1930. [118] The new fire alarm system was functioning by March 1930. Under Item No. 15, in his May 29, 1929 orders, the quartermaster general had further directed that "a gas fire smothering system" be installed "in the attic of the main building, as per Plans and specifications of the Quartermaster General." This envisioned the installation of the "C-O Two" extinguisher, which was to operate automatically. The gas was to be retained in cylinders and the gas piped to desired locations, where fusible links, at certain temperatures, would release the gas to put out the fire. [119] This system was never installed in Arlington House, probably because it was found to be impracticable. In his 1931 final restoration report, Architect Leisenring remarked of this work:
f. Metal Guard Rails for Rooms and Rubber Stair Mats The December 11, 1928, estimates requested $1,500 for guard rails and screens. In his orders to the depot supply officer, dated May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general, instructed him to "provide metal guard rails and screens to the different rooms to keep the general public out, similar to the arrangement at Mount Vernon." On December 14, the quartermaster general provided the depot supply officer with Drawings Nos. 6608 - 179 and 200 (NCP 2.3 - 17 and 30), dated October 25 and December 13, 1929 respectively, [120] showing details and locations of guard rails to be placed in Arlington House. On January 14, 1930, Drawing No. 6608-179, revised January 14, 1930, was sent to the depot supply officer "to show rubber matting, for rubber matts on each stair tread of main or rear stairway." [121] Bids were received and the contract for installing metal door guards in Arlington House was awarded to A. F. Jones Iron Works, Inc., for $446.00 on January 6, 1930. [122] This work was apparently completed in the mansion, except for Room No. 2 [115]. In the report for April 9, 1930, under the heading of work yet to be completed, it was noted that "Guard rail fence in Room No. 2" was not yet made and the estimated cost was put at $250.00. In the progress report of November 10, 1930, it was recorded that this guard rail had been erected for Room No. 2 or 115. g. Work in Attic In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster supply officer to:
On September 24, 1929, Mortimer reported, "The clearing of the attic has been completed, but the cleaning thereof is to be done by the use of a vacuum cleaner. This work is to be undertaken and completed during the next ten days. The roof work has been completed." In the Washington Evening Star, on July 5, 1931, it was reported, "While making the restoration of the roof, sheathing and gutters were torn off and close up under the eaves was found a very old globe of the world, on which were outlined the voyages of discovery up to 1796. . ." The following measured drawings were produced to facilitate the interior work:
h. Policy for Interior Restoration In the meeting held on April 17, 1929, the quartermaster general's special committee on the restoration of Arlington House recommended "that the interior be restored and repaired generally; that only temporary [post 1864] partitions be removed; that the arrangement of the rooms in the north wing [rooms 104, 105, 106, 107] be allowed to remain, as well as the arches in the double parlors [rooms 108 and 109] north of the main hall...." The quartermaster general approved this recommendation on May 3, 1929 and the physical evidence indicates that he adopted the accompanying suggestions. This was fortunate because the floor plan of the north wing dated from the 1818 completion of the mansion. The north wing had never had the original [1804] floor plan suggested by Gilbert Rodier in 1924, which was supposed to resemble that found in the south wing. The arches between Rooms Nos. 108 and 109 also dated from the original (1817-18) construction of the main house. Immense damage to the historic fabric of the interior of the mansion was thus avoided. i. Floors The December 11, 1928, estimate indicated that $4,600.00 would be required to "renew deteriorated floor joists and rafters, repair old flooring and lay new flooring." At its April 17, 1929 meeting, the quartermaster general's advisory committee on restoration recommended that "all the modern flooring be removed and the original old floors [be] restored." The suggestion was approved by the quartermaster general on May 3, 1929. In his May 29, 1929, orders, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster supply officer to remove all "modern flooring and replace all original flooring that has rotted or been injured with new mill pieces worked to match original floor boards. Scrape all floors and refinish with oil and wax to a flat dull lustre." In further orders issued on July 29, the quartermaster general ordered that:
In his September 24, 1929 progress report, Charles Mortimer reported, "All modern flooring now taken up except in hall [room 111] which left for convenience of public pending receipt and laying of new flooring. Difficulty being experienced in obtaining satisfactory wide flooring of proper quality." In the progress report dated November 21, 1929, it was recorded that this work was approximately 30% completed. On December 8, 1929, the quartermaster general's office informed the depot supply officer, "It has been decided to put no finish on the old floors at the present time and to treat the new flooring with Johnson No. 120 stain as per sample submitted to match as closely as possible the old floor boards." [123] In his 1931 report summing up the restoration work, Architect Leisenring remarked:
The flooring of the first story, over which the hardwood had been laid was in such poor condition that its repair was impossible. Thus, a new pine floor, duplicating the original as closely as possible, was laid over the entire first story. Rubber matting was then laid on the restored floors and rubber treads placed on the stairs to protect them from visitors' feet. [124] j. Stairs The December 1, 1928, estimate indicates that the sum of $600.00 was available to repair the stairways in Arlington House. In his May 29, 1929, orders, the quartermaster general instructed the depot supply officer to "remove gate from main stairs [room 113]. Open up service stairs [room 110] to second floor and to cellar. Repair wherever injured and make all perfect." The gate had been placed on the main stairway in 1885. In his progress report dated September 24, 1929, Mortimer noted that this work was "partially completed. Those parts not completed dependent on other work except in the case of the gate to stairway leading to second floor which has purposely been left on for the present to prevent visitors interfering with working force." This project was completed by March 1930. On December 23, 1930, Mortimer informed one of his carpenters:
k. Repair of Interior Mill Work On May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general instructed the depot supply officer to "repair all evidence of injury to interior mill work, carefully conforming to the contours of all original moldings, etc. Take down temporary [post 1864] partitions marked on plans by The Quartermaster General to be removed." On September 24, 1928, Mortimer reported that the mill repairs had been "Completed as far as economically practicable. Some work on this to be completed as other work progresses." l. Interior Doors The December 11, 1928, estimate provided $500.00 for the repair and renewal of interior doors. In his orders, dated September 30, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot supply officer, "The east door leading from the main hall [room 111] into Room No. 4 [room 112 - the Lee 1855 parlor] will be repaired to make it correspond with the adjoining door into the same room." In the April 9, 1930, report of work yet to be completed in the mansion, it was reported, "Flat grating in one door each, Rooms 4 [1121 and 8 [109]" was yet to be inserted at an estimated cost of $150.00. The grating was apparently for heat circulation purposes. In the article on the restoration of Arlington House that appeared in the Washington Evening Star on July 5, 1931, Mortimer told the reporter:
m. Replicas of "Colonial" (Federal) Hardware In 1874, as has been mentioned, the quartermaster corps replaced most of the missing original locks in the mansion with modern locks. The December 11, 1928, estimate thus contained an item of $1,600.00 to "renew hardware throughout." In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general instructed the depot quartermaster supply officer to "replace all missing or modern hardware in all three of the buildings with hardware of the Colonial period, approved by the quartermaster general." In his progress report, dated September 24, 1929, Mortimer commented, "Estimate being secured. Type will be submitted to Quartermaster General's Office." In the November 21 progress report it was noted that the "new hardware has been ordered." The Federal replica hardware was installed in the mansion prior to March 1930. On December 8, 1929, Brigadier General Bash was presented with one of the original door locks to Arlington House that had been removed during the Civil War. The Washington Evening Star reported this incident:
On December 9 Bash sent the lock to Mortimer with instructions to have a key made for it and to put it back in its proper place at "such time as the house is ready to receive it." [127] In an interview published in the Washington Evening Star on July 5, Mortimer described the search for the original location of the returned lock:
For photograph of the old lock restored in its original location, see U.S. Signal Corps Photograph 95036A, taken October 1931. Photo 7. (It should be noted that the locks on the east and west doors are original.) In his final report on the restoration of Arlington House, written about May 1931, Architect Leisenring wrote:
n. Truss for Partition and Floor Construction over the White Parlor (Room 112) The December 11, 1928, estimate contained an item of $850.00 for "New steel beam supports for ceiling of Main Drawing Room [room 112] and rebuilding partition over same. [Partition between rooms 206 and 207]." In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster supply officer to "set a steel I-Beam of suitable size to carry all possible loads in the partition and floor construction over Room No. 4 [112]. This beam must be set so that the lines of the present ceiling in Room No. 4 [112] shall not be affected nor the present lines in baseboards and partitions in Rooms 19 [207] and 20 [206]." In his progress report of September 24, 1930, Mortimer wrote, "All work completed." Someone added in pencil, "Truss substituted for steel beam." In the progress report dated November 24, 1929, it was stated, "Steel beam supports for ceiling of main drawing room [room 112] and rebuilding partition over same has been completed." The change in plan from SteelI beam to a truss system was approved by the quartermaster general on July 29, 1929. He wrote, "The proposed method of trussing partitions between rooms 19 [207] and 20 [206] in order to stiffen the ceiling over room no. 4 [112] is approved. The same method of trussing partitions between rooms 22 [204] and 23 [203] is also approved, subject to your further investigation as to the necessity for trussing this second partition." The absence of any mention in the completion reports of further work on the partitions between rooms 22 [204] and 23 [203] suggests that it was found that truss work on this wall was not required. In his 1931 report summarizing the restoration of Arlington House, Architect Lesienring wrote:
o. Partitions Between Rooms 108 and 109 On November 13, 1929, the quartermaster general informed the depot supply officer, "Partitions between Rooms No. 7 [108] and 8 [109], no change will be made in the present [three-arch] design of the partition. However such repair work that is necessary to put it in good condition will be made." p. Rebuilding and Replastering of Brick Walls, Second Floor Main Hall (Room 201) The December 11, 1928, estimate contained an item in the amount of $850.00 to "rebuild and replaster brick walls, Main Hall [room 201 or 17], 2nd Floor." The quartermaster general directed the depot supply officer to carefully inspect "Brick wall in main hall, second floor [room 201 or 17]." "If found necessary," it was to "be rebuilt before being replastered." In his progress report on September 24, 1929, Mortimer commented, "Completed except around door to Room 19 [207]. This is matter for final completion in connection with Item 17, repairing all evidence of injury to interior mill work." In the progress report, dated November 21, 1929, it was reported, "Rebuilding and replastering brick walls, main hall [room 201 or 17], 2nd floor, has been completed." q. Repairs to Plaster Walls, Ceilings, and Cornices The December 11, 1928, estimates contained $1,600.00 for "repairs to plaster walls, ceilings and cornices" inside the mansion. In his orders, dated May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster general, "When all work likely to disturb interior plaster has been completed, repair all original interior plaster work, carefully matching original moldings, cornices, panels, etc." In his progress report, dated September 24, 1929, Mortimer reported, "Some plaster work done. Some underway. In accordance with directions of Quartermaster General's Office letter [of May 29] some of this work must wait until toward end of restoration." In the progress report of November 21, 1929, it was recorded, "Repairs to plaster, walls, ceiling, and trim, approximately 75% completed." The replastering work was finished by March 1930. r. Work on the Conservatory (Room 116), South Wing In orders issued on November 13, 1929, the quartermaster general informed the depot quartermaster, "The original roofing material was apparently removed and a glass roof installed at some unknown date [by the Quartermaster Corps in 1874]. No change will be made in this construction." In the April 9, 1930, report on work yet to be completed in the mansion, an item of $100.00 was included for "Completion and refurnishing of conservatory [Room No. 116]." The report of November 10, 1930, indicated that the "Conservatory has been completed and one bench and two shelves are in place, but nothing further has been done in the way of furnishing. Lack of heat precludes keeping plants here in winter." On November 24, 1930, Brigadier General Bash wrote to Mortimer regarding completion and furnishing of the conservatory:
On December 23, 1930, Mortimer, in a letter to William Gutshall, gave the final orders, including a "scheme and drawings for the shelving and rack for the conservatory of the Mansion." The carpenters were to construct these pieces. s. Painting the Interior of Mansion The estimate of December 11, 1928, included $4,100.00 for "Repainting interior walls, ceilings, & trim." In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster supply officer to "paint the interior of all [three] buildings, as per schedule of where and what colors to paint approved by the Quartermaster General." In his progress report dated September 24, 1929, Mortimer reported, "Painting on north side in progress. Other paint work dependent on samples or scheme to be furnished by the Quartermaster General's Office." On November 21, 1929, it was reported that "Repainting interior walls, ceilings and trim, [was] approximately 50% completed." This interior painting was completed by March 1930. t. Searching for Rumored Mural in White Parlor (Room 112) The quartermaster general's advisory committee, at its April 17, 1929, meeting, recommended "that an effort be made to discover reported mural decorations under the present paint in main drawing room [room No. 4 or 112]." In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed the depot quartermaster supply officer to "investigate the supposed existence of mural painting in Room No. 4, using the services of an expert approved by the Quartermaster General." Mortimer reported, on September 24, 1929, that this investigation had been "completed but nothing so far discovered." As the documentary evidence has indicated, the brick walls of room 112 [or 4] were not even plastered until 1855, so that there were no Custis mural paintings to be found on those walls. u. Restoration of Murals on Walls of Main Hall (Room 111) The estimate of December 11, 1928, included $1,000.00 to "restore historic mural decorations." In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general instructed the depot supply officer to restore the mural painting on the frieze "over the stairs [at the west end] in the hall [room 111], and also the painted panels on the exterior of the slaves' quarters, using the services of an artist approved by the Quartermaster General. Examine for evidence of mural decorations on south side of hall frieze." In his September 24, 1929 progress report, Mortimer noted that the work was "partially completed. Restoration of painting cannot be properly done until all other work completed." On November 15, 1929, Brigadier General Bash wrote to Charles Moore, Chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts, seeking advice on restoring the murals in the mansion and on the exterior of the Slaves' Quarters. With regard to the mansion, Bash wrote:
Moore, responding on November 19, wrote:
No further work was done on the murals for some time. In the April 9, 1930, report of restoration work yet to be accomplished were two items: 1. $100.00 for "Restoration of mural paintings on slave quarters", and 2. $500.00 for "Restoration of mural painting in main hall over west door." No further work, however, was done on these two projects during 1930. On November 10 it was reported, "As yet, no artist has been secured for this work and restoration." By March 1931, the projects appear to have gotten out of hand. In a newspaper article dated March 23, 1931, it was announced:
Brigadier General Bash apparently first learned of the letting of this contract when he read it in the newspaper. On the same day, March 23, he dashed off the following instructions to Mortimer, the depot quartermaster supply officer:
The murals at the west end of the main hall in Arlington House were apparently never subjected to artist Albert Nelson Davis's cleaning techniques. In an article published in the Washington Evening Star, on July 5, 1931, it was stated:
v. Conversion of Morning Room (Room 115) to "State Dining Room" Without any documentary evidence to support its suggestion, the quartermaster general's advisory committee on the restoration of Arlington recommended at its April 17, 1929, meeting "that the large room [room 2 or 115] be furnished as the state dining room." This idea was accepted and approved by the quartermaster general. Documentary evidence presented in this study suggests that room 115 was probably the Custis family parlor from 1804 to 1818 when the main house was built. By 1845 the room had not been redecorated for many years and was described as "once used as a parlor; now empty" except for a few of Custis' painting articles. The documentary evidence further indicates that Robert E. Lee redecorated room 115 in 1855, and it was henceforth used by Mrs. Lee as her "morning room." The furnishing of Room No. 115 as a "state dining room" created a room that never existed and elevated George Washington Parke Custis to an importance that he never obtained since he never gave "state dinners" during his lifetime. w. Removal of Original Mantels The December 11, 1928, estimates included $2,200.00 to "Rebuild fireplaces & hearth, and restore marble mantels." The quartermaster general's advisory committee, at its April 17, 1929 meeting, accepted architectural historian Charles Moore's plan and recommended "that this room [the large room in the South Wing - room 2 or 115] and the main drawing room [room 4 or 112] south of the central hall [room 6 or 111] have new marble mantels [that is, reconstructed mantels] installed similar to those in the double parlors [room 7 or 108 and 8 or 109]." Under Moore's plan the three Victorian mantels that adorned the fireplaces and which had been installed by Robert E. Lee and his wife in 1855 would be removed from rooms 112 and 115 and be replaced by reconstructed mantels. The mantels on the second floor were also apparently not up to Moore's standards, because the advisory board further recommended on April 17 "that the mantels on the second floor be replaced with mantels of the Colonial period." On May 3, 1929, the quartermaster general approved the removal of the three marble mantels from Rooms Nos. 112 and 115 "if funds permit," and he approved outright the plan to replace the mantels in the second floor bedrooms with "mantels of the Colonial period." In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general instructed the depot quartermaster supply officer:
In his May 29, 1929, orders, the quartermaster general also directed the depot supply officer to "repair the marble mantels now in Rooms 7 [108] and 8 [109], also the wooden mantel in Room 14 [106]." He warned, however, that these repairs should not be commenced until the work was "practically completed." Mortimer, in his report of September 24, 1929, revealed that no progress had been made on replacing the mantels. He noted:
x. Work on First Floor Mantels On July 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed that the 1855 Victorian "Marble mantels in rooms 2 [115] and 4 [112] are to remain at the present subject to future study." On September 30, 1929, the quartermaster general ordered that:
On September 30, 1929, the quartermaster general further directed that "Mantels in Rooms 13 [104] and 14 [106] and the one in the basement directly under Room 13 [104], all of which are of wood, are to be repaired and placed in good condition." He further instructed the depot quartermaster supply officer that the "Marble mantels in Rooms 7 [108] and 8 [109] are to be carefully taken down, repaired carefully, stored and after heating equipment has been installed in the hearth of the fireplaces, these mantels will be re-set in their original positions." In October 1929 the quartermaster general's office developed four drawings for producing "Colonial period" mantels on the first floor:
On October 7, 1929, Brigadier General Bash wrote to the William H. Jackson Company of New York City and John Evans and Company of Boston, requesting estimates for the cost of securing two marble mantels "to be of white Italian marble with arabesques, panels with mythological subjects, etc., all of the period 1790 to 1810, preferably by Italian workmanship." A blue print and a photograph of the top of the desired mantels were also included. [132] Evans estimated the cost at $2,118.00. Jackson Company reported the two mantels would cost $800.00 and could be delivered in four months. [133] On October 12, 1929, the quartermaster general's office sent copies of Drawing No. 6608-170Details of Wood Mantel for Room No. 2 [115] to the quartermaster supply officer and directed that the mantels "should be constructed of the best grade of white pine with mouldings sharply cut and absolutely true with full size details. The ornament should be of composition from models approved by this office." It was suggested that estimates for making the wood mantel (and also the wood mantel for Room 19 [207] on the second floor) be secured from Donnelly and Brother of Washington, D.C.; Todhunter, Inc., of New York City; and C. F. Meislaham of Baltimore. [134] On November 13, 1929, the quartermaster general sent Mortimer copies of Drawings Nos. 6608 - 169 and 174, showing 3/4" and 1-1/2" scale and full size details for the two marble mantels to be constructed and placed in room 4 (112), together with a photograph of "an existing mantel" which "shows the character of the carved decoration which will be used." The quartermaster supply officer was also supplied with the estimates of cost received from Boston and New York City and instructed to advertise for bids to make the mantels. He was informed that bids were not to include the marble hearths. The present hearths are to be cut down to proper size and reset as shown on drawings. The materials for the mantels were to "be best grade carrara marble." [135] In special orders issued on November 13, 1929, the quartermaster general directed Mortimer:
In the November 21, 1929 progress report it was reported that "Fireplaces, hearths, rebuilt and restored marble mantels" were "approximately 25% completed." On December 20, 1929, Drawing No. 6608 - 194 (or NCP 2.3-23) was produced, entitled "Details for replacing Marble Mantels in Room No. 4 [112]." The quartermaster general sent this and the following instructions to the depot supply officer on the same day:
The work on the first floor mantels and fireplaces was completed by March 1930. By this date all of the original mantels had been repaired and put back in place, except in room 115 [or 2], the new "State Dining Room", where the 1855 Victorian marble mantel that had been installed by Robert E. Lee had been removed and replaced by a "reconstruction" of a typical "Colonial period" wooden (pine) mantel. But the fate of the two 1855 Lee marble mantels in room 112 [or 4] had still not been finally decided. After the Commission on Fine Arts inspected Arlington House on March 20, 1930, Chairman Moore wrote to Brigadier General Bash:
The lack of money had apparently saved the 1855 mantels in room 112 thus far. In a note attached to Brigadier General Bash's letter of April 9, 1930, to the depot quartermaster supply officer regarding work yet to be done on the mansion, he wrote, "The suggestion to provide two new mantels in room no. 4 [112] to be postponed for consideration when 1932 [fiscal year] funds become available." With regard to the "State Reception Room" (No. 4 or 112), he directed, "Complete furnishing of State Reception room, including draperies - All of the furniture of this room [112] must be of a delicate character and of the same general design characteristic of the 18th century." No change in the mantels in room 112 had been made by July 1930, because Chairman Moore again wrote on July 17, "Every time the members of the Commission of Fine Arts go to the Arlington Mansion they ask when the mantels in the south room [No. 4 or 112] are to [be] changed to make them harmonious with the remainder of the house. Just at present they are rather a ghastly piece of Mid-Victorian." Fourteen months passed and still the Quartermaster Corps had apparently made no "progress" in removing the 1855 mantels from rooms 4 or 112. On October 1, 1931 Chairman Charles Moore thus levelled another blast at Brigadier General Bash, writing:
Bash responded on October 2, 1931:
In an interview given about this time, Mortimer remarked, "The large reception room [room No. 4 or 112] never received the mantelpieces intended for it, but years later two so-called 'up-to-date' Victorian mantles were installed. We hope to replace these with two of the design and material of those originally ordered for this room by Mr. Custis." [139] Under this theory the original mantels for Arlington House had been given as a gift to Eleanor Parke Custis and placed in Woodlawn. The fact that the two fireplaces in room 112 had no mantels placed on them from 1817 to 1855 may not have been known to the restorers. The traditional unsupported story attached to mantels in the family parlor and family dining room and similar mantels at Woodlawn is that they were gifts to G.W.P Custis and Nelly Custis Lewis from Lafayette after his visit in 1824. No documentary support for this story has yet been established at Arlington or at Woodlawn. The source of these mantels and date of installation at Arlington and Woodlawn is at present unknown. The correspondence relating to the new marble mantels to be installed in room 4 or 112 in 1931 reveals that Mortimer had entered into a contract, No. W 950-QM-941 on July 10, 1931, with T. Crowther & Son, London, England. The contract provided "for two marble mantels for the Lee Mansion" at a cost of 100 pounds, or about $500 each. The lowest bid received from American manufacturers was $850.00 apiece. The Act of February 21, 1931, however, limited purchases that could be made abroad and special exception had to be received before the contract would become legal. The assistant secretary of war granted this authority on August 21. In August 1931, "after careful reconsideration" by the commissioner of customs, it was decided that Arlington House as a historic area could be considered "educational" and therefore was exempt from customs duties on the imported mantels. On September 30, Mortimer was able to submit the contract with all supporting clearances, and on October 3, 1931, the quartermaster general formally accepted the contract. [140] The two "reconstructed" mantels installed in early 1932 and the restoration of Arlington House was finally completed. The final damage had been inflicted on the architectural fabric of room no. 112. In summary, with regard to the first floor mantels and fireplaces, all original marble and wooden mantels were removed from the fireplaces during the installation of the heating system in late 1929. Fireplaces were repaired and the two fireplaces in room 4 or 112 were increased in depth and width to what was believed to have been their "original dimensions." The wooden mantels on the fireplaces in rooms 104 and 106 and in the winter kitchen under room 104 were carefully repaired and then put back in their original positions. The marble mantels in rooms 108 and 109 were similarly repaired and replaced. In room 2 or 115, the 1855 Lee Victorian marble mantel was removed and lost; the room 115 fireplace was adorned by a "reconstructed colonial period" mantel of white pine. All of this work was completed by March 20, 1930. The two 1855 Lee Victorian marble mantels were repaired and replaced during this same period, because funds were not available to replace them with "Colonial Period" marble mantels, as had been recommended by architectural historian Moore in April 1929. This final "flaw" in the restoration plan, however, was "corrected" by March 24, 1932, when two marble "Colonial Period" mantels, carved in London at a cost of $1,000, were installed on the room 112 fireplaces. The two 1855 Victorian mantels from room 112 were taken out and put in storage in the basement of the mansion, where they were in 1952. The evidence presented indicates that the principal destructive effects of the Moore plan of restoring Arlington House to the Custis period rather than the Lee era were almost entirely concentrated on the morning room in the south wing and room 112, the large white parlor on the south side of the center hall (room 111). Here the three 1855 Victorian marble mantels actually selected and installed by Robert E. Lee were removed and replaced by "Colonial period" mantels. The "Victorian" woodwork and door frames of room 112, however, were not removed during the 1929-30 restoration. As a part of the 1929-30 plan two "mythical" rooms that never existed, the "State Dining Room" No. 115, and the "State Reception Room" - No. 112, were created. The two rooms erroneously suggested that George Washington Parke Custis was a far more important person than he was and that "state" functions of historical importance took place in these rooms. Rooms 115 and 112 were also to be furnished in 1930-32 in a style that conveyed a false idea of the wealth and taste of George Washington Parke Custis, as well as of the type of furnishings actually in the mansion during his lifetime. The furnishings were not representative of the Custis or Lee era (1802-1854). Finally, if room 112 - the White Parlor, had been properly restored to its condition during the Custis period, the Commission of Fine Arts would have been amazed and dismayed to discover that all of the plaster walls and ceiling, woodwork and fireplace mantels in the room had to be removed, leaving only brick and lath walls and unfinished fireplaces. The room was "furnished" only with dusty and decaying old furniture and the two windows were adorned by dark shades that were usually kept drawn. y. Work on Second Floor Mantels and Fireplaces In his orders of May 29, 1929, the quartermaster general informed the depot quartermaster supply officer that the mantels "in the second floor bedrooms No. 19 [202], 20 [206], 22 [204] and 23 [203] will be removed and replaced with wooden mantels similar to that now in room no. 14 [106]." This suggestion had been made by the quartermaster general's advisory committee on restoration at their April 17, 1929, meeting. In further orders issued on July 29, 1929, the quartermaster general directed that the "marble mantles removed from rooms on second floor are to be carefully examined and where same are intact they are to be replaced in the exact location they were before, but the openings of fireplaces increased to their original dimensions." No work was done, however, on the second floor mantels and fireplaces prior to September 24, 1929. On September 30, 1929 the quartermaster general issued the following revised orders relating to work on the second floor rooms:
The quartermaster general's office then prepared two drawings for room 19 (207):
On October 12, 1929, the office of the quartermaster general sent copies of Drawing No. 6608-171 to the quartermaster supply officer and directed that the room 19 [207] mantel "should be constructed of the best grade of white pine with mouldings sharply cut and absolutely true with full size details. The ornament should be of composition moulding from models approved by this office." It was also suggested that bids for making this mantel should be secured from Donnelly and Brother of Washington, D.C.; Todhunter, Inc., of New York City; and C.F. Meislaham of Baltimore. The mantel for room 19 [207] was made and installed and the marble mantels for the other three bedrooms were repaired and replaced prior to March 20, 1930, when the Commission of Fine Arts inspected Arlington House. The members registered no complaints against the second floor mantels. This and perhaps reluctance to remove physical fabric that might date to the historic period on the part of the restorers, apparently ended the original plan to remove all four second floor mantels and to replace them with reconstructed "Colonial Period" mantels. Preservation of the marble mantel in place on second floor was fortunate, because architects Rodier and Kundzin in their 1924 work producing measured drawings of Arlington did not draw any elevations of the second floor rooms and mantels. Thus, if the three marble original mantels had been removed in 1929 as planned, there would have been no record as to the nature of these mantels. z. Basement (Room BO-3), Wine Cellar On January 27, 1930 the quartermaster general sent drawings (Drawings Nos. 6608-204 and 205 (NCP - 2.3-35) dated January 25, 1930, "Racks, etc. in Store Room (BO-3) Main Building.") "showing racks and bottles and casks in storeroom of main building" to the quartermaster supply officer, issuing instructions on their construction from rough surfaced pine and oak. He further directed, "The brick platform of which there were traces in the present floor should be re-laid and the whole room gotten to have the appearance of an old storeroom." [141] The actual installation of the brick floor, however, was not to be carried out until 1934.
Between August 1, 1928, and December 31, 1931, an approximate total of $110,000 was spent on the restoration and furnishing of Arlington House and its two outbuildings, the southern slaves' quarters and the northern winter kitchen. Of this sum, about $71,500 was spent on restoring and protecting the buildings and $38,500 for purchasing "colonial period" furniture for the three structures. Recognition of 1861 terminal date is reflected in selection of furnishings for purchase. About $55,000 of the restoration money went for work on the mansion and $6,500 for restoring the two outbuildings. Approximately $31,500 went for exterior work, and $40,000 for interior work on the three historic buildings. The following chart indicates the appropriations for this work in 1929-30:
Approximately $2,700 were spent on the slaves' quarters and $3,800 on the summer kitchen. New doors and door frames were provided for the three basement entrances. New casement sash, frames, and shutters were made for the eleven basement windows. Broken glass and sash were repaired. New copper gutters and downspouts were installed on the Custis-Lee mansion and 6 inch tile drains were laid to carry off the water from the downspouts. The hips and ridges of the roofs were flashed with copper, and flashing of the six chimneys was renewed. Broken slate on the roof was repaired. Exterior stucco was pointed and repaired and the exterior of the house was given two coats of oil and lead paint. 1. Exterior Work The pavers of the floor of the east (front) portico were repaired and replaced. The cost of this work, completed in 1930, was $450.00. Proposed plans to replace the historically accurate wooden steps on the east portico with sandstone steps were not carried out. Existing wooden steps were repaired and painted. Eight columns on the east portico were scraped and painted. Wooden balustrades, based on the parapets in Benson J. Lossing 's 1853 painting of Arlington House, were placed on the roofs of the north and south wings. New casement sash and wooden bars, replacing the old ones, were placed on all eleven basement windows in 1929. Exterior rotten and damaged window sash, doors, and frames were renewed, and chimneys were opened up down to their fireplaces and their tops closed by means of slate slabs to keep out birds and squirrels. The four large chimneys on the main house, because of badly deteriorated brick, were taken down to the level of the second story ceiling and rebuilt according to their original dimensions, reusing the old brick as far as possible. Portland cement was used to rebuild the chimneys. Investigation revealed that the east and west pediments of the main house were sheeted up with wood. This arrangement was not changed in 1929, but the two pediments were given two coats of oil and lead paint. The slate roofs of the main house and two wings were thoroughly repaired in 1929. Exterior shutters were repaired, and exterior walls and cornices of plaster and wood were painted two coats in 1929. Many of the original soft bricks in the basement walls, as well as the chimneys, had crumbled and required replacement in 1929. Old timbers in the cornices and rotten roof beams and joists were replaced. The glass roof of the conservatory (room 116) in the south wing was rebuilt in 1929. The exterior restoration work in 1928-30 apparently reproduced the existing features that had to be replaced. The only new "historic features" introduced on the exterior in 1929 were the wooden roof balustrades on the north and south wings. No effort was made to restore the 1858 gravel roofs on these wings or to marbleize the eight great columns on the east (front) portico. 2. Interior Work The sum of $1,000.00 was spent to remove the "Honor Roll of Soldiers who Served in the Spanish American War" with its marble pedestal from room 112, including the brick foundation at its footing, which was apparently located in basement room BO-8 under room 112 to help support the weight of the memorial. The cellar floor in room BO-8 was then levelled and repaired. The two bronze history plates in the main hall (room 111) were also removed to permit the brick wall underneath (in room BO-6) to be "refilled." In 1929 the sum of $1,000 was spent to lay better electrical lines from Fort Myer to Arlington House. The 1914 electrical wiring of the mansion was removed and rewired with floor and base plug outlets. Electric kitchen ranges, hot water boilers, and kitchen sinks were removed from the old kitchens located in rooms 104 and 203. Bath tubs, water closets, and plumbing fixtures were also removed from rooms 102-103 and 202, as well as pipes from room BO-2winter kitchen and the old laundry. Three water closets and a sink were removed from room 114, where a public toilet for ladies had been installed in 1910. In 1929 a new water closet and sink were installed in room 102 for use of the mansion guards and staff. An automatic fire alarm system was installed in the basement, first and second, and attic floors of Arlington at a cost of $1,842.70. The system was also installed in the two old outbuildings and connected with the guards' room in the new outbuilding, and the fire station at Fort Myer, where an automatic gong rang in case of a fire. A direct telephone line was also installed from the guards' room to the Fort Myer fire station for the same purpose. The 1906 heating system was removed from the mansion, including the radiators and the boiler located in room BO-5 in the basement. The sum of twelve thousand dollars was spent to erect an outside boiler house, guard room, and public comfort station. An additional sum of $4,500 was expended to install the new concealed heating system in the mansion. Grills and hidden radiators served the new hot water heating system. On the first floor the grills for the new heating system were installed in the fireplaces, and in the large room [101] there were two radiators that were concealed in reconstructed "colonial period cupboards." Metal guard rails and screens were installed on all doors of rooms open for viewing by visitors, modelled after the system then in use at Mount Vernon. Rubber matting was laid on the reconstructed and restored wooden floors and rubber treads placed on the stairs to protect them from the feet of visitors. The attic, which was unfinished, was thoroughly cleaned out and all old dust removed from the top of the lath and plaster work. No painting was done in the attic and only essential changes were made to the old framework in the attic. The original flooring was comprised of tongue and groove pine boards of random width and thickness. The original flooring on the second floor was cleaned, repaired with original flooring from the first floor, and thus generally preserved. The original flooring of the first floor was so badly worn that it had to be ripped out and replaced with a reconstructed pine floor that duplicated the original as closely as possible. The sum of $4,600.00 was spent to replace deteriorated floor joists, rafters, and flooring. The stairs were repaired and the gate that had been placed to close off the main stairway in room 113 in 1885 was removed. The service stairs, located in room 113, were opened from the basement to the second floor. Interior doors were repaired or renewed. The hall door on the east end and south side of the hall [room 111], leading into room 112, was repaired and altered to match the west hall door to room 112 from the main hall. Flat gates were installed in the west doors to the white parlor and family dining room. The "Colonial period" hardware throughout the mansion was reconstructed at a cost of $1,000.00. These reconstructions were apparently modelled after old hardware that was still found in place. Only two of the original door locks were found to be still in place. These were located on the east and west entrance doors to the main hall [room 111]. One original door lock taken from the mansion was returned and installed in its original location on the hall door on the north side of room 111, opening into room 109. All post-Civil War partitions were removed and interior mill work repaired or renewed by duplicating the mill work found in place. Partitions were thus removed from rooms 101 and 202, which dated from 1885 or later. The three arches between rooms 108 and 109 were not altered, but repaired. A truss was introduced in the partition wall between second floor rooms 206 and 207, which was located over room 112. The weight of the partition had caused the ceiling of room 112 to sag nearly five inches. Cracks appeared in the ceiling of room 112 and on the partition wall of rooms 206-207. The brick walls of the second floor hall [room 201] were rebuilt and replastered. Plaster walls, ceilings, and cornices throughout the mansion were repaired in 1929. The interior of the conservatory [room 116] was repaired and painted. The sum of $100 was spent to construct new benches and shelves for plants. No restoration work or cleaning was apparently done to the murals at the west end of the main hall (room 111) in 1929-31. All twelve mantels on the fireplaces in Arlington House in 1929 were "original", [i.e., pre-1861]. There were four wooden and eight marble mantels. All twelve mantels were removed from their fireplaces during the installation of the new heating system. Both fireplaces and mantels were repaired. Eight of the mantels were then returned to their original locations and the remaining four mantels were replaced by "Colonial period" mantels reconstructed for that purpose. Thus, the two Victorian marble mantels that Robert E. Lee had placed on the fireplaces in room 112 and the one in room 115 in 1855 were removed and put in storage. The mantel in room 115 was replaced by a reproduction wooden (white pine) colonial mantel, and the two mantels in room 112 were replaced by two reproduction "colonial" period marble mantels (actually reproduction of C-1920-25 mantels). The original marble mantel in room 207 was replaced by a white pine reproduction mantel of the "colonial" period. The two fireplaces in room 112 were increased to what was believed to be their "original" width and depth. The two Victorian mantels from room 112 were stored in the basement where Murray Nelligan found them in 1953 and moved for their restoration. The Victorian mantel from room 115, however, was not found and is presumed lost. The original design of the 1855 marble mantel in room 115, however, has been preserved based on the measured drawing of the mantel made by architects Rodier and Kundzin in March 1924 (See Drawing No. 12). No measured drawings, however, are known of the mantels on the second floor fireplaces; thus, the design and appearance of the original mantel in room 207 is not believed to be documented by drawings. Finally, documentary evidence suggests that "traces of a brick platform" were found in the floor of basement room BO-3 in 1929. A brick floor was then laid in 1934 following these traces. During the interior restoration work, July 29 to January 16, 1932, when the superintendent's new lodge and office were completed, the office of the superintendent was located in room 104 and the cemetery staff used room 101 as a work area. Under architectural historian Charles Moore's plan of restoring Arlington House to the Custis period (ca. 1804), rather than the Lee period (ca. 1861), the greatest damage to the original historic fabric was concentrated in three rooms: room 112 - the large Lee parlor finished in 1855; room 115, an old parlor that was renovated into Mrs. Lee's morning room in 1855; and room 207, Lee's chamber. In these three rooms original mantels were removed and replaced by replicas of "colonial period" mantels. The Moore furnishing plan also created two "historic" rooms that never existed: the "state dining room," room 115, and the "state reception room," room 112. These rooms indicated a pomp and ceremony never part of the warm informal hospitality that was typical of Arlington House in both the Custis and Lee days. Period furniture was not similar in many cases to the furnishings used at Arlington by the Custises and Lees. Even the 1861 use of the white parlor and the morning room was denied by some of the furnishings selected. But it must be remembered that family collections of letters which helped Murray Nelligan accurately describe Arlington House in his doctorial thesis "Old Arlington" were not available to the War Department restorers.
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