Arkansas Post
Montgomery's Tavern & Johnston and Armstrong's Store
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Primary Sources

Manuscript Materials
At the Arkansas County Courthouse, DeWitt, Arkansas

Arkansas County Chancery Record A.
Arkansas County Deed Book A.
Arkansas County Deed Book C.
Arkansas County Deed Book D.
Arkansas County Deed Book F.
Arkansas County Deed Book G.
Arkansas County Deed Book H.
Arkansas County Deed Book I.
Arkansas County Deed Book D6.
Arkansas County Deed Book 26.
Arkansas County Marriage Record B.
Arkansas County Probate Record A.
Arkansas County Real Estate Assessment Records, 1875-1930.
Arkansas County Tax Lists for 1836 and 1848.
Arkansas County Territorial Tax Lists for 1821 and 1823.
Arkansas County Will Book A.
Arkansas Land Sale Record E.
Index to Book of Records (Deeds, Commissions, Indentures) Louisiana Territory, District of Arkansas, Aug. 3, 1808-Dec. 23, 1809, Arkansas County Courthouse.
Minutes of the Grand Jury, April 1845 Term, State of Arkansas vs Etienne Vaugine.
Records of the Arkansas County Probate Court, File No. 661.
Seventh Census, Schedule 4, Arkansas Township, Arkansas County, County Clerk's Office, DeWitt, Arkansas.
Territorial Tax List for 1817 of Arkansas County.
Territorial Tax List for 1821 of Arkansas County.

At Arkansas County Museum, Gillett, Arkansas.
Articles of Partnership, "Scull Papers," Arkansas County Museum, Gillett, Arkansas.

At Arkansas History Commission, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Annual Report of Work Accomplished at Arkansas Post State Park, 1931, Arkansas History Commission.
Copy of Contract, "Scull Papers," Arkansas History Commission.
Lewis, Maude, "Deed is Given to Arkansas Post Park," Arkansas History Commission.
Minutes of February 11, 1930, Meeting of Arkansas Post Park Commission, Arkansas History Commission.
Minutes of April 7, 1931, Meeting of Arkansas Post Park Commission, Arkansas History Commission.
Minutes of July 19, 1934, Meeting of Arkansas Post State Park Commission, Arkansas History Commission.
Wilbur, Ray L., to D. D. Glover, Feb. 12, 1930, Arkansas History Commission.

At National Archives, Washington, D. C.
Crittenden, Robert, to Armstrong, Jan. 4, 1821, NA, RG 217.
Extract from Bright's Journal, Bright to Secretary of War, Dec. 20, 1806, Letters Received, Secretary of War, NA, RG 107.
Letter Book, Arkansas Trading House, 1805-1810, NA, Microcopy M-142.
Morgan, Benjamin, to Secretary of War, June 23, 1807, Letters Received, Secretary of War, NA, RG 107.
Seventh Census, Arkansas County, NA.

Government Documents
Acts of Arkansas, Act 57, 1929.
H.R. 7113, 72d Congress, 1st Session.
Laws of Arkansas Territory, "An Act making appropriations for the year eighteen hundred and twenty and part of the year eighteen hundred and twenty one," NA, RG 59.

Travel Accounts and Journals
Featherstonhaugh, G. W., Excursion Through the Slave States, from Washington on the Potomac to the Frontier of Mexico; with Sketches of the Popular Manners and Geological Notices, 2 vols., London, 1844.
Irving, Washington, The Western Journals of Washington Irving, edited by John F. McDermott, Norman, 1966.
Letter Books of W. C. C. Claiborne, 1801-1816, edited by Dunbar Rowland, 6 vols., Jackson, 1917.
Nuttall, Thomas, Travels into the Arkansas Territory, 1819, edited by Reuben G. Thwaities, Cleveland, 1905.
Peattie Donald C., Audubon's America, Boston, 1940.
Pope, William F., Early Days in Arkansas, Being the most Part Personal Recollections of an Old Settler, Little Rock, 1895.

Secondary Sources

Articles in Periodicals and Journals
"A Visit to Arkansas Post, 1900," Arkansas Gazette, Dec. 2, 1900.
Chenault, Fletcher, "Arkansas Post is Neglected Shrine," Arkansas Gazette, Nov. 11, 1926.
Halli Burton, William H., "Reconstruction in Arkansas County," Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association, Fayetteville, 1908.
Halliburton, W. H., "An Arkansan Visits Arkansas Post," Arkansas Gazette, January 22, 1939.
Johnson, Boyd W., "Frederick Notrebe," Historical Bulletin Grand Prairie Historical Society, Vol. V, April 1962.
Utley, J. S., "Graves of Eminent Men," Publications of the Arkansas Historical Commission, Fayetteville, 1908.

Special Studies
Hallum, John, Biographical and Pictorial History of Arkansas, Albany, 1887.
Nasatir, Abraham P., Spanish War Vessels on the Mississippi, 1792-1796, New Haven, 1968.
Walker, John, "Summary Statement," May 27, 1971.

Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock), 1844-1849.
Arkansas Gazette, 1819-1849.
Grand Prairie Leader (Stuttgart), 1930-1932.
Louisiana Gazette (New Orleans), 1804-1809.

Atkinson, J. H., to E. C. Bearss, April 24, 1964.
Walker, John, to Michael P. Hoffman, June 3, 1971.
Worley, Ted., to E. C. Bearss, July 1, 1964.

Personal Interviews
Kendall, Bruce, with E. C. Bearss, April 1, 1971.
Mattmiller, Mrs. Thelma, with E. C. Bearss, June 17, 1971.

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Last Updated: 13-Jan-2004