Aztec Ruins
Administrative History
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I hereby grant to the Department of Anthropology of the American Museum of Natural History a concession to excavate and study the whole series of prehistoric ruins, known as Aztec ruins, on my land in northwestern New Mexico, particularly described as follows, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section Four (4) Township Thirty (30) north, Range eleven (11) west, N.M. P.M., subject to the following conditions.

1. The walls of the ruins excavated by you shall be capped with cement where necessary and otherwise strengthened by closing breeches and cracks. In general, the structure is to be left in such condition as it may become a permanent monument. All dirt and debris is to be cleared from the inside of the ruins down to the original surface and the debris adjacent to the outside of the walls removed to allow proper drainage and passage room. All dirt and excavated material is to be deposited outside the ruins on the east and west in depressions which will be indicated to your representative when on the ground.

2. A duplicate series of specimens to be retained by me as a permanent exhibit, but all other specimens of scientific value may be removed by you and placed in the American Museum of Natural History, to remain there as a permanent record of the site.

3. You shall have the use of space in the ruins and its immediate environs for field equipment, storage of tools and materials. That the owner shall be compensated for the use of additional space as may be agreed upon.

4. That a period of five years will be allowed you to complete the excavations and restorations, during which time no other institution or persons will be permitted to disturb any ruin or parts of ruins covered by this concession, provided the work is continued with reasonable diligence during proper season of each year for such work, provided also that the owner shall have and reserves the right to continue his permanent farm improvements.

5. That this agreement is conditional upon your beginning work on or before August 1st, 1916.

When I have your acceptance of these conditions, we will consider the negotiations closed except as to those matters referred to in the letter of date March 27, 1916, which are to be settled by your representative on the ground and myself.

(Signed) H.D. Abrams

Aztec, N.M. April 1, 1916.

[Retyped from xerox of original document]

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Last Updated: 28-Aug-2006