APPENDIX D FOOTNOTES AND REFERENCES All references used in compiling this history are on hand in the Badlands National Monument library or files for further study. Where actual reports, correspondence, or books were not available, copies have been obtained from such sources as the National Archives, Library of Congress, National Park Service, and various public and university libraries. For the sake of simplicity, the following abbreviation has been used where appropriate:
1 Dee C. Taylor, Salvage Archeology in Badlands National Monument, South Dakota (Missoula: Montana State University, 1961), pp. 79, 80. 4 Herbert S. Schell, History of South Dakota (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1961), p. 16. 7 Lt. G.K. Warren, Preliminary Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota in the Years 1855-'56-'57 (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1875), p. 26; J.R. Macdonald, "The History and Exploration of the Big Badlands of South Dakota," Guide Book Fifth Field Conference of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in Western South Dakota, ed. James D. Bump (Sponsored by the Museum of Geology of the South Dakota School of Mines and 188 Technology, Rapid City, August 29 - September 1, 1951), p. 31. 8 Hiram M. Chittenden, and Alfred T. Richardson, eds., Life, Letters and Travels of Father Pierre-Jean De Smet, S.J., 1801-1873 (New York: Francis P. Harper, 1905), vol. 2 pp. 622, 623. 9 Charles L. Camp, ed., James Clyman American Frontiersman 1792-1881 (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1928), p. 24.
10 Reuben G. Thwaites, ed., Travels in the Interior of North America by Maximilian, Prince of Wied (Cleveland: The A.H. Clark Company, 1906), vol. 3, p. 90. 11 Chittenden and Richardson, op. cit., p. 624. 13 188 Cleophas C. O'Harra, The White River Badlands (Rapid City: South Dakota School of Mines, Bulletin No. 13, Department of Geology, November 1920), pp. 123, 128. 14 John Francis McDermott, ed., Journal of an Expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri in 1850, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 147 (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1952), p. 1. 15 Macdonald, op. cit., p. 31; American Journal of Science, vol. 3, no. 7, 2d series, January 1847, pp. 248-250; O'Harra, op. cit., pp. 23, 24, 110-117, 161. 18 Ibid., p. 2; Macdonald, op. cit., p. 31. 19 E. de Girardin, "A Trip to the Bad Lands in 1849," South Dakota Historical Review, I (January 1936), 60. 23 David Dale Owen, Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota; and Incidentally of a Portion of Nebraska Territory (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo, and Co., 1852), pp. 196, 197. 25 Ibid., pp. 198-206, 539-572. 26 McDermott, op. cit., pp. 2, 3, 54, 55, 59. 32 Lt. G.K. Warren, "Explorations in the Dacota Country in the Year 1855," Senate Ex. Doc. No. 76, 34th Congress, 1st Session (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1956), p. 76. 34 Letter, Will G. Robinson, Secretary, South Dakota State Historical Society, to John W. Stockert, September 26, 1967; South Dakota Historical Society, South Dakota Department of History Report and Historical Collections (Pierre, S.D.: State Publishing Company, 1962), vol. XXXI, p. 280. 37 O'Harra, op. cit., pp. 24, 161-163. 38 Ray H. Mattison, ed., "The Harney Expedition Against the Sioux: The Journal of Captain John B.S. Todd," Nebraska History, XLII (June 1962), 92, 130. 42 Charles Schuchert, and Clara Mae LeVene, O.C. Marsh, Pioneer in Paleontology (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1940), pp. 139-168; U.S. National Park Service, Soldier and Brave (New York: Harper and Row, 1963), pp. 135, 136. 44 Macdonald, op. cit., p. 32. 46 Macdonald, op. cit., p. 33. 47 Louis Knoles, Forest Ranger, "A Report on the Bad Lands of South Dakota," 1919, pp. 20, 21. 48 Ibid., p. 2; Letter, Mrs. E.T. Jurisch, Farmingdale, South Dakota, to George Crouch, Wall, South Dakota, May 24, 1965. 50 Jackson-Washabaugh County Historical Society, Jackson-Washabaugh Counties 1915-1965 (Marceline, Mo.: Walsworth, n.d.), p. 11; Interview, A.E. Johnson, Interior, S.D., by John W. Stockert, January 30, 1968. 51 Robert M. Utley, The Last Days of the Sioux Nation (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963), pp. 40-59. 53 Frederic Remington, "Lieutenant Casey's Last Scout," Harper's Weekly, XXXV (January 31, 1891), 86. 55 William H. Burt, and Richard P. Grossenheider, A Field Guide to the Mammals (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1964), p. 75; Knowles, op cit., p. 22; Louis Blumer, Wall, S.D., interview by John W. Stockert, January 15, 1968. 56 Walker D. Wyman, Recorder, Nothing But Prairie and Sky (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954), p. 46. 59 Jackson-Washabaugh County Historical Society, op. cit., pp. 11, 136, 142. 60 Interview, Leonel Jensen, Wall, S.D., by Ray H. Mattison, June 2, 1965; statement confirmed by A.E. Johnson, Interior, S.D., February 10, 1968. 62 Photograph identified by Grace Sullivan Blair, Martin, S.D., A.E. Johnson and Rolla J. Burkholder, Interior, S.D. 65 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930 Population, Vol. I (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1931), pp. 1015, 1019. 66 Luman H. Long, ed., The World Almanac 1966 (New York: New York World-Telegram and The Sun, 1966), p. 375. 67 Letter, Senator Peter Norbeck to Prof. W.C. Toepelman, University of South Dakota, May 22, 1922, PNC, p. 3. 68 Interview, Leonel Jensen, Wall, S.D., by John W. Stockert, March 20, 1967. 69 Congressional Record, 61st Cong., 1st Sess., 44:50, 58, 115, 128. 70 Knoles, op. cit., pp. 17, 18. 72 Gilbert C. Fite, "Peter Norbeck," Dictionary of American Biography, ed. Robert L. Schuyler (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958), XXII, 491, 492. 73 Bernice White, ed., Who's Who for South Dakota (Pierre, 1956), p. 103; South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1931 (Pierre: State Publishing Company, 1931), p. 455. 74 Edmund B. Rogers, comp., History of Legislation Relating to the National Park System Through the 82d Congress: Badlands National Monument South Dakota (1958), S. 3541, 67th Cong., 2d Sess.; Congressional Record, 67th Cong., 2d Sess., 62: 6173. 76 Congressional Record, 67th Cong., 2d Sess., 62:6233; Rogers, op. cit., H.R. 11514, 67th Cong., 2d Sess. 77 Rogers, op. cit., Executive Order of Warren G. Harding, October 23, 1922. 78 Letter, Commissioner, General Land Office, to Senator Norbeck August 28, 1923, PNC, p. 11. 79 Congressional Record, 67th Cong., 4th Sess., 64:5573. 80 Congressional Record, 68th Cong., 1st Sess., 65:215; Rogers, op. cit., H.R. 2810, 68th Cong., 1st Sess., S. 3541, 67th Cong., 2d Sess. 81 Letters, Senator Norbeck from Attorney General B.S. Payne, January 11, 1922, Prof. W.C. Toepelman, May 17, 1922, and W.H. Tompkins, U.S. Land Office, May 26, 1922, PNC, pp. 1, 3-7. 82 Letter, Senator Norbeck to Vice President H.E. Beebe, Bank of Ipswich (S.D.), May 5, 1924, PNC, p. 15. 83 Interview, M. Emma Quevli, Interior, S.D., by John W. Stockert, February 6, 1968. 84 Letter, Senator Norbeck to J.W. Parmley, Ipswich S.D., November 7, 1927, PNC, p. 32. 86 P.D. Peterson, Through the Black Hills and Bad Lands of South Dakota (Pierre, S.D.,: J. Fred Olander Company, 1929), p. 23. 88 Letter, James M. Palmer, Secretary, Wonderland Hiway Association, to Senator Norbeck October 22, 1927, PNC, p. 20. 89 Letter, Senator Norbeck to Parmley, November 7, 1927, PNC, p. 32. 92 Letter, Senator Norbeck to Secretary of the Interior Hubert Work, November 2, 1927, PNC, p. 31. 93 Letter, Senator Norbeck to Representative Williamson, April 10, 1928, PNC, p. 49. 95 Rogers, op. cit., S. 4385, Calendar No. 1280, 70th Cong., 1st Sess.; H.R. 13618, 70th Cong., 1st Sess.; Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 1st Sess., 69:8046. 96 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 1st Sess., 69:9224; Rogers, op. cit., Senate Report No. 1246, Calendar No. 1280, 70th Cong., 1st Sess. 97 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 1st Sess., 69:9589. 98 Robert S. Yard, "National Parks Situation Critical," National Parks Association, November 7, 1928, PNC, p. 129. 99 Letter, Senator Norbeck to Yard, December 3, 1928, PNC, pp. 126, 127. 100 Letter, NPS Acting Director A.E. Demaray to Senator Norbeck, December 1, 1928, PNC, p. 122. 101 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 1st Sess., 69:10007; 2d Sess., 70:3807. 102 Rogers, op. cit., House of Representatives Report No. 2607, 70th Cong., 2d Sess. 103 Memorandum, NPS Director Arno B. Cammerer to Secretary of the Interior, July 6, 1938. 104 Rogers, op. cit., House of Representatives Report No. 2607, 70th Cong., 2d Sess. 105 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 2d Sess., 70:4302, 4303. 106 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 2d Sess., 70:4404. 107 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 2d Sess., 70:5015, 5089; Rogers, op. cit., House of Representatives Report No. 2808, 70th Cong., 2d Sess. 109 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 2d Sess., 70:5225. 110 Memorandum, NPS Director Cammerer to the Secretary of the Interior, July 6, 1938; Hillory A. Tolson, Laws Relating to the National Park Service, the National Parks and Monuments (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1933), pp. 302-305. 111 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 2d Sess., 70:3198, 3812; Rogers, op. cit., S. 5779, 70th Cong., 2d Sess.; Senate Report No. 1842, Calendar No. 1869, 70th Cong., 2d Sess. 112 Congressional Record, 70th Cong., 2d Sess., 70:3490; Rogers, op. cit., H.R. 17102, 70th Cong., 2d Sess. 113 Interview, Ted E. Hustead, Wall, S.D., by Ray H. Mattison, June 2, 1965; "Bad Lands Becomes National Monument," The Rapid City Daily Journal, January 28, 1939. 114 Memorandum, NPS Regional Director Howard Baker to the NPS Director, June 6, 1956 (includes copy of "Proposal of Name for an Unnamed Domestic Feature," Board of Geographic Names). 115 Ibid.,; Weldon W. Gratton, "History of the Operator's Development at the Pinnacles Area Badlands National Monument" (NPS Region Two, Land and Recreation Planning Division, September 23, 1948; Information from E.N. (Curley) and Ilo Nelson (Cedar Pass Lodge concessioner, 1964- ), February 9, 1968.
116 Memorandum, G.A. Moskey, Chief Counsel, NPS, to NPS Regional Director, Region Two, May 20, 1941; Receipt signed by B.H. Millard and S.N. Millard dated October 24, 1946; Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for March 1955. 117 Program, "Millard Ridge Dedication," Badlands National Monument, Interior, South Dakota, June 28, 1957. 118 Information from E.N. (Curley) and Ilo Nelson, February 9, 1968; Gratton, op. cit.; Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for October 1950. 121 Memorandum, NPS Director Cammerer to the Secretary of the Interior, November 28, 1934. 123 Rogers, op. cit., Executive Order of Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 21, 1934. 124 Letter, Fred Bess, FERA, to Tilford E. Dudley, The Land Program, FERA, January 1, 1935; Lewis Meriam, Relief and Social Security (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1946), p. 283. 125 Final Report on the "Badlands National Monument Extension, South Dakota R-1," Third District Office, Branch of Planning, NPS, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, submitted April 2, 1935, cover letter and pp. 30-45, 79; Letter, NPS Assistant Director Wirth to Sixth Regional Officer, NPS, August 1, 1935. 126 Letter, T.A. Walters, Acting Secretary of the Interior, to Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator, FERA, April 15, 1935. 128 Ibid.; Letter, Director J.S. Lansill, The Land Program, to T.E. Dudley, The Land Program, FERA, April 17, 1935. 129 Meriam, op. cit., pp. 286, 287. 130 Letter, Senator Norbeck to NPS Assistant Director Wirth, February 13, 1935. 132 Letter, Senator Norbeck to Herbert Evison, NPS Acting Assistant Director, March 8,1935. 133 Letter, Mrs. Eva Stevens Roberts, Imlay, S.D., to NPS Assistant Director Wirth, September 2, 1935. 134 Letter, George Gibbs, Regional Officer, Region VI, NPS, to M.C. Huppuch, Recreational Demonstration Projects, September 18, 1935. 135 Letter, Senator Norbeck to R.G. Tugwell, Administrator, Resettlement Administration, November 25, 1935. 136 Thomas A. Sullivan, Laws Relating to the National Park Service, Supp. I (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1944), p. 149. 137 Various correspondence pertaining to the establishment of Badlands National Monument. 138 Letter, Governor Tom Berry to Secretary of the Interior Ickes February 26, 1935; Letter, NPS Superintendent Harry J. Liek to C. Irvin Krumm, Executive Man ager, Greater South Dakota Association, November 20, 1953. 139 Letter, D.K. Parrott, Acting Assistant Commissioner, General Land Office, to Senator Case, June 11, 1937; Memorandum, Neal A. Butterfield, NPS, to Mr. Thompson, February 13, 1937, "Badlands National Monument Extension, South DakotaR-1," op. cit., p. 113. 140 L.U. Foreman, Final Report (1938-1939) on "Badlands Tunnel Engineering," Federal Works Agency, Public Roads Administration; Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for June 1940. 141 Memorandum, NPS Director Cammerer to the Secretary of the Interior, July 6, 1938; "Badlands National Monument Extension, South DakotaR-1," op. cit., pp. 116, 117; Letter, Senator Norbeck to NPS Director Cammerer, July 30, 1935. 142 Memorandum, Antoinette Funk, Assistant Commissioner, General Land Office, to the NPS November 8, 1938; Grazing History, Badlands National Monument (September 1963), p. 88. 143 Memorandum, NPS Director Cammerer to the Secretary of the Interior, July 6, 1938. 144 Thomas A. Sullivan, Proclamations and Orders Relating to the National Park Service up to January 1, 1945 (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1947), pp. 118-120. 145 Memorandum, U.S. Department of the Interior for the Press, February 4, 1939. 146 Letter, F. Hopkins, Acting Chief, SCS, to NPS Director Newton B. Drury, December 27, 1941. 147 Project Manager's Monthly Narrative Report for January 1937. 148 Project Manager's Monthly Narrative Report for April 1937. 149 Howard W. Baker, NPS Resident Landscape Architect, "Report to the Deputy Chief Architect on Development of Proposed Badlands National Monument, November 13 and 14, 1935," December 30, 1935; "Badlands National Monument Extension, South DakotaR-1," op. cit., cover letter and p. 15; "Badlands Tunnel Engineering," op. cit.; Summary of Activities at Badlands National Monument, Fiscal Year 1940 (included in Superintendent's Fiscal Annual Narrative Report File). 150 Summary of Activities at Badlands National Monument, Fiscal Year 1940; Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for June 1940. 152 Memorandum, Superintendent Liek to the NPS Director, August 11, 1939; Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for February 1940. 153 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for July 1940; Summary of Activities at Badlands National Monument, Fiscal Years 1941, 1942. 154 Memorandum, Superintendent Howard B. Stricklin to the NPS Regional Director, Midwest Region, March 17, 1965. 155 Baker, op. cit., p. 4; Memorandum, NPS Associate Director Demaray to NPS Regional Director, Region II, November 4, 1939; "Badlands National Monument Extension, South DakotaR-1," op. cit., p. 64. 156 Memorandum, Chief, Project Development Division, NPS, to the files, December 20, 1939; Memorandum, NPS Acting Regional Director Paul V. Brown to Regional Attorney Taylor, February 23, 1940. 157 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for April 1940. 158 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for May 1941; Summary of Activities at Badlands National Monument, Fiscal Year 1940; Memorandum, NPS Chief Counsel Moskey to the NPS Regional Director, Region II, May 20, 1941. 159 Memorandum, NPS Regional Director Baker to the NPS Director, June 6, 1956; Weldon W. Gratton, op. cit.; Information from E.N. (Curley) and Ilo Nelson, Cedar Pass Lodge, February 9, 1968. 160 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for February 1940. 161 Memorandum, NPS Acting Regional Director Brown to Regional Attorney Taylor, February 23, 1940. 162 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Reports for April 1940, November 1940, September 1941, and April 1943. 163 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports for January 1965 and April 1967; 1958 date deduced from various government memorandums 1956-1958. 164 Summary of Activities at Badlands National Monument, Fiscal Year 1942. 165 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for July 1940. 166 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for March 1940. 167 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for November 1941. 168 Letter, NPS Acting Director Demaray to Representative Case, May 21, 1941. 169 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for September 1941. 170 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for March 1942. 172 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for May 1942. 173 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for December 1942. 174 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for May 1942. 175 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for March 1943. 176 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for June 1943. 177 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Reports and Annual Fiscal Reports for the war years, passim. 178 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for November 1943. 179 Summary of Activities at Badlands National Monument, Fiscal Year 1942; Co ordinating Superintendent's Annual Narrative Report for Fiscal Year 1947. 180 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for January 1953. 181 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for January 1948. 182 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for September 1952. 183 Purchase Order, Superintendent, Badlands National Monument, to Golden West Telephone Coop., Inc., October 17, 1960; Special Use Permit BADL 61-1, July 20, 1961. 184 Coordinating Superintendent's Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1947. 185 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Reports for May through September 1948; Fiscal Annual Reports 1947 and 1949. 186 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for October 1951; NPS Report 1a1, Annual Report of Officials in Charge of Field Areas and the Regional Directors, June 1, 1952. 187 Receipt, signed by B.H. Millard and S.N. Millard, October 24, 1946; Badlands National Monument Land Records. 188 NPS Report 1a1, Annual Report of Officials in Charge of Field Areas and the Regional Directors, May 11, 1951. 189 Superintendent's Annual Fiscal Narrative Report, June 8, 1960; Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for November 1950. 190 Grazing History, op. cit., pp. 2, 3. 191 Memorandum, Superintendent Stricklin to the NPS Regional Director, Midwest Region, March 17, 1965. 193 Information from Chief Park Ranger Byron A. Hazeltine, Badlands National Monument, November 1967. 194 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for March 1943. 195 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for February 1946. 196 Custodian's Monthly Narrative Report for November 1946. 197 Memorandum, Lawrence C. Merriam, NPS Regional Director, Region Two to the NPS Director, December 6, 1946; Letter, Secretary of the Interior J.A. Krug to the President of the United States, May 21, 1949. 199 Memorandum, NPS Associate Regional Director, Region Two to Superintendent, Wind Cave National Park, August 31, 1949. 200 Krug to the President, May 21, 1949. 201 Rogers, op. cit., Senate Report No. 1064, Calendar No. 1005, 82d Cong., 2d Sess. 202 Ibid., Bills and Reports named in the text by number. 203 oGrazing History, p. cit.; Badlands National Monument map file. 204 Telegram, Ben Chief, Pine Ridge Indian Agency, to Senator Mundt, February 8, 1952; Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Tribal Council of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, February 8, 1952. 205 Rogers, op. cit.; Hillory A. Tolson, comp., Laws Relating to the National Park Service, Supp. II. (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963), pp. 387, 388. 207 Memorandum, Department of the Interior to the Press, February 4, 1939; Grazing History, op. cit., p. 88. 208 Letter, Congressman Berry to NPS Director Wirth, July 9, 1952; Resolution of the Cane Creek Cooperative Grazing District, Walter Kruse, President, n.d. 209 Letter, Senator Case to NPS Director Wirth, July 16, 1952. 210 Letter, NPS Regional Director Baker to the NPS Director, January 16, 1953. 211 Letter, NPS Acting Director Tolson to Congressman Berry, July 2, 1952. 212 Statement, "Boundary Revisions, Badlands National Monument, South Dakota," NPS, July 1952. 214 Federal Register, October 10, 1952, pp. 9051, 9052. 215 Letter, General Superintendent Lick, to C. Irvin Krumm, Executive Manager, Greater South Dakota Association, November 20, 1953. 216 Memorandum, NPS Assistant Regional Director John S. McLaughlin to the NPS Director, April 14, 1953. 217 Letter, General Superintendent Liek to C. Irvin Krumm, November 20, 1953. 218 Ibid.; Memorandum, Superintendent John A. Rutter to NPS Regional Director, Region Two, October 14, 1955. 219 Land Status Map, Drawing No. NM-BL-2036-C-2, January 15, 1953. 220 Memorandum, NPS Director Wirth to NPS Regional Director, Region Two, December 5, 1952. 221 Theodore E. White, Report of the Paleontological Survey of Certain Peripheral Areas of the Badlands National Monument South Dakota (River Basin Surveys, Smithsonian Institution, June 1953). 222 Paul L. Beaubein, Preliminary Report of Archeological Reconnaissance, Badlands National Monument, 1953, November 3. 1953, p. 3. 223 F.W. Albertson, Report of Study of Grassland Areas of Badlands National Monument, South Dakota . . ., September 1953; Letter, F.W. Albertson to NPS Regional Director Baker, September 26. 1953. 224 Resolution (No. 7615), Frank W. Mitchell, Secretary, State Highway Commission, November 17, 1953; Letters: F.W. Mitchell to Senator Case, November 24, 1953; F. Web Hill, Chairman, Conservation Committee, Rapid City Chapter Izaak Walton League of America, to NPS Director Wirth. November 4, 1953; Leonel M. Jensen. Game, Fish and Parks Commissioner, to Dr. G.W. Mills, March 18, 1954; Dr. G.W. Mills. President, Black Hills and Badlands Association to NPS Director Wirth, December 2. 1953: Memorandum. General Superintendent Liek to NPS Regional Director, Region Two, November 4. 1953. 225 Resolutions; Board of Directors, White River Cooperative Grazing District, November 24, 1953: W.M. Rasmussen. Executive Secretary, South Dakota Stock growers Association, December 11, 1953; Memorandum, Superintendent Rutter to NPS Regional Director, April 28, 1954. 226 Memorandum, NPS Director Wirth to NPS Regional Director, Region Two, April 5, 1954. 228 Adolph Murie, "Wildlife Values in Badlands National Monument," 1954, pp. 16, 17. 229 James D. Bump, "A Geological and Paleontological Appraisal of the Badlands National Monument," September 15, 1954, p. 1. 231 Memorandum, NPS Acting Regional Director McLaughlin to the NPS Director, April 20, 1955; Resolutions; Clark Chamber of Commerce, J.W. Lockhart, Secretary, December 16, 1953; Black Hills and Badlands Association, G.W. Mills, President, December 2, 1953. 232 Development Outline, Badlands National Monument (1947), February 28, 1947, p. 14; Tract map of Badlands National Monument, South Dakota R-1, Dates; January 21, 1936, September 1936, and June 30, 1939; Memorandums; NPS Regional Director Baker to the NPS Director, October 28, 1952; NPS Acting Regional Director McLaughlin to the NPS Director, April 20, 1955. 234 Minutes of Open Meeting Concerning Badlands Boundary Revisions, Wall, South Dakota, April 12, 1956; Memorandum, NPS Regional Director Baker to the NPS Director, April 17, 1956. 235 Federal Register, March 29, 1957, pp. 2052, 2053; Minutes of Open Meeting Concerning Badlands Boundary Revisions, Wall, South Dakota, April 12, 1956; Badlands National Monument Land Ownership Record, Deed 182, April 1958. 236 Information from Badlands National Monument files, December 1967. 237 Letter, Joy J. Deuser, Chief, Regional Lend Management Division, SCS, to NPS Regional Director Baker, December 10, 1953. 238 Grazing History, op. cit., Appendix p. 30. 240 "Summary of Mission 66 Objectives and Program for Badlands National Monument," NPS Region Two, Omaha, Nebraska, April 6, 1956; Superintendent's Annual Reports, Fiscal Years, 1956-1961. 241 Badlands National Monument Land Ownership Record, Deed No. 178, August 25, 1955. 242 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for May 1959. 243 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for November 1960. 244 Badlands National Monument Museum Accession Book. 245 Ibid.: Letter, Harold Martin, Museum of Geology to John J. Palmer, November 21, 1960. 246 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for June 1958. 247 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports prior to 1959; Information from Elloween M. Saunders, Secretary, Badlands National Monument, February 9, 1968. 248 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for September 1959. 249 Ibid.; Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for August 1959. 250 Superintendent's Annual Narrative Reports, Fiscal Years 1962, 1963. 252 Grazing History, op. cit., pp. 13, 14. 254 Ibid., pp. 15-19; Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for November 1961. 255 Grazing History, op. cit., p. 19. 256 Information from Chief Park Ranger Hazeltine, February 9, 1968. 257 Grazing History, op. cit., pp. 16-20. 260 "Badlands National Monument Extension, South DakotaR-1," op. cit., p. 5. 261 Memorandums, NPS Regional Director Baker to the NPS Director, October 28, 1952, and January 16, 1953. 264 Badlands National Monument Annual Wildlife Census Reports, 1943-1946; Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for May 1959. 265 "Long Range Wildlife and Range Management Plan, Badlands National Monument for Period 1965-1969," p. 6. 266 Ibid.: "Badlands Wildlife Restoration Plan," September 9, 1965; Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports for November 1963 and October 1964; Information from Chief Park Ranger Hazeltine, February 10, 1968. 267 Information from Chief Park Ranger Hazeltine, February 10, 1968. 268 Knoles, op. cit., p. 20; "Badlands Wildlife Restoration Plan," op. cit. 269 "Badlands Wildlife Restoration Plan," op. cit. 270 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Reports for January and February 1964. 271 Information from Chief Park Ranger Hazeltine, November 1967. 272 Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for February 1964. 273 Badlands Monthly Public Use Reports, 1939-1967; "Bad Lands Becomes National Monument," The Rapid City Daily Journal, January 28, 1939. 274 Hillory A. Tolson, compl, National Park Service Officials, U.S. Department of the Interior, NPS, January 1, 1964, p. 41.
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