Big Bend
Administrative History
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The written Administrative History of a park serves several purposes, not the least of which is to inform park managers of the present and future about the events, actions and decisions in the past that have influenced our current status. Without that information we might have a difficult time understanding our present circumstances. As parks age, another purpose of the history is to provide accurate historical information for interpreting park history to our visitors who are often fascinated by the people and events of the early years.

Michael Welsh has produced an exemplary Administrative History of Big Bend National Park that will long serve as an important management document and as an interpretive tool, as well. His love for the Bit Bend and its people is evident in his writing. The workload of travel, interviewing, organizing and writing was immense. From Washington, D.C. to Chihuahua City, Mexico Dr. Welsh ferreted out important, but often obscure, information. However, he has brought it all together into an accurate and readable history.

I thank Dr. Welsh for producing this invaluable history. I’m sure he would support my dedication of this document to the men and women of the past and present who have worked to preserve, protect and provide for the enjoyment of this magical place we know as Big Bend National Park.

Frank J. Deckert
Superintendent, 2002

Conrad Wirth
Figure 2: Conrad L. Wirth, Supervisor, Recreation and Land Planning, National Park Service Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Last Updated: 03-Mar-2003