Land of Contrast: A History of Southeast Colorado
BLM Cultural Resources Series (Colorado: No. 17)
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No Author. "Rocky Ford as the School Children See It," n.l., n.p., 1925 (xerox copy).

Autobees, Jose Marino Collection, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Austin, J.R., "A History of Early Baca County," n.l., n.p., c. 1936.

Aviation in Colorado Collection, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Bent, George. Papers, Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Denver, Colorado.

Bent's Fort Collection, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Bent and St. Vrain Collection, University of Colorado, Western History Collection, Boulder, Colorado.

Bent-Hyde Collection, University of Colorado, Western History Collection, Boulder, Colorado.

Blackmore, William. Microfilm, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Carson, Christopher Collection, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Chivington, John M. Collection, Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Denver, Colorado.

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______. Interview, Huerfano County, Colorado, 1933-1934, in: Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

"Claims Club," copy, CWA Collection, Vol. 343, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Colorado Cattle Growers Association. Collection, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

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Colorado State Forestry Collection. Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Colorado in World War II Collection. University of Colorado, Western History Collection, Boulder, Colorado.

Colorado State Grange Collection. University of Colorado, Western History Collection, Boulder, Colorado.

Colorado Stock Growers Association Collection. Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

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Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek District Railway Collection. University of Colorado, Western History Collection, Boulder, Colorado.

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Fitzpatrick, Thomas. Collection, University of Colorado, Western History Collection, Boulder, Colorado.

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Iliff, John Wesley. Collection, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

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Mountain and Plains Festival Collection. Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Palmer, William Jackson. Papers, Pioneer Museum, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Post Office Department, Records for Colorado Territory. University of Colorado, Western History Collection, Boulder, Colorado.

Prairie Cattle Company, Ltd. Collection. Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Public Works Administration. Collection, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Richeson, A.K. "Senator J.M. Madrid, Trinidad, Colorado," CWA Interview, Las Animas County, Colorado, No. 359/6, In: Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado, MMS.

Rickle, Mrs. Artie. "The Early Stockman," Civil Works Administration Inter views, Vol. 351, In: Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Roche, Josephine. Collection, University of Colorado, Western History Collection, Boulder, Colorado.

Rocky Mountain Fuel Company. Papers, Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Denver, Colorado.

Sons of Colorado Collection. Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

Sons of Colorado Pioneers Collection. Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

St. Vrain, Ceran. Collection, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colorado.

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Stoddard, Minne E. "Pueblo History," n.l., n.d., Typescript.

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Walsen, Fred. Papers, Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Denver, Colorado.

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Wulsten, Carl. Papers, Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Denver, Colorado.


Interview with Robert Wagner, Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado, 1982.

Published Documents

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No Author. Colonel Kearney's Expedition of 1845. Report of Secretary of War, 29th Congress, First Session.

No Author. Colorado Mining Directory . . . Denver: The Colorado Mining Directory Co., 1883.

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No Author. Geology and Mining Industries of the Cripple Creek District. Colorado. Washington, DC: GPO, 1895.

No Author. Fort Carson: A Tradition of Victory. Fort Carson, Colorado: Public Affairs and Information Office, 1972.

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No Author. Report of Authorizations for Survey for Transmountain Diversion of Waters. Washington, DC: GPO, 1938.

No Author. Report of the Board of Immigration of Colorado Territory for the Two Years Ending December 21, 1873. Denver: Board of Immigration, 1874.

No Author. Report of Compacts Between Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas with Respect to the Republican River. Washington, DC: GPO, 1940.

No Author. The Mining Book, 1936. Denver: Colorado Mining Association, 1936.

No Author. The Cost of Producing Sugar Beets in Colorado. Washington, DC: GPO, 1926.

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______. . . . Geology and Ore Deposits of the Platoro-Summitville Mining District, Colorado. Denver: Eames Brothers, 1917, 1918. (Colorado Geological Survey, Bulletin Number 13.)

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Theses and Dissertations

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Adams, Blanche V. "Colorado in the Civil War." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1930. M.A. Thesis.

Annand, Robert N. "A Study of the Prohibition Situation in Denver." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1932. M.A. Thesis.

Antalek, Marie. "The Amity Colony." Emporia, Kansas: Kansas State Teachers College, 1968. M.A. Thesis.

Athearn, Frederic J. "Augustin de Iturbide and the Plan de Iguala." St. Louis, Missouri: St. Louis University, 1969. M.A. Thesis.

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Atchison, Carla J. "Nativism in Colorado Politics: The American Protective Association and the Ku Klux Klan." Boulder, Colorado; University of Colorado, 1972. M.A. Thesis.

Barringer, John W. "The Development of the Santa Fe, 1935-1948." Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1949, B.S. Thesis.

Bartlett, Richard A. "The Great Surveys in Colorado, 1867-1879." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1953, Ph.D. Dissertation.

Bean, Geraldine B. "Charles Boettcher, A Study in Pioneer Western Enterprise." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1970. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Besser, V.M. "The Administration of Governor Waite and the Populist Party in Colorado, 1893-1905." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1924. M.A. Thesis.

Binkley, Frances W. "The Hayden Survey." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1945, M.A. Thesis.

Bird, Leah. "The History of Third Parties in Colorado." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1942. M.A. Thesis.

Blomstrom, Robert L. "The Economics of the Fur Trade of the West, 1800-1840." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1961. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Bracey, Jessie A. "Colorado Indians and Their Removal." Greeley, Colorado: Colorado State Teachers College, 1939. MA. Thesis.

Bridenbaugh, Clement F. "John Evans, Western Railroad Builder." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, n.d., M.A. Thesis.

Borne, Lawrence R. "Colonel James A. Ownbey and the Wootton Land and Fuel Company." Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan, 1975. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Bowhay, Arnold A. "The United Oil Company, Florence, Colorado: Operations and Tests." Golden, Colorado: Colorado School of Mines, 1914. M.A. Thesis.

Collyer, Robert L. "Development of Municipal Personnel Administration in the City of Pueblo, Colorado 1885-1956." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1957, M.A. Thesis.

Combs, D. Gene. "Enslavement of Indians in the San Luis Valley of Colorado." Alamosa, Colorado: Adams State College, 1970. M.A. Thesis.

Crisler, Carney Clark. "The Mexican Bracero Program, with Special Reference to Colorado." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1968. M.A. Thesis.

Crowley, John M. "Ranches in the Sky: A Geography of Livestock Ranching in the Mountain Parks of Colorado." Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota, 1964. M.A. Thesis.

Davis, James H. "The Rise of the Ku Klux Klan in Colorado, 1921-1925." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1963. M.A. Thesis.

Davis, Thomas M. "George Ward Holdredge and the Burlington Lines West." Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska, 1939. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Dawson, Lois. "The Populist Movement in Colorado." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1930. M.A. Thesis.

Day, Frank E. "The Populist Congressmen from Colorado, 1893-1895." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1947. M.A. Thesis.

Decker, Gerhart J. "Early Colorado Statehood Movements and National Politics, 1860-1867." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1942. M.A. Thesis.

DeLorme, Roland L. "The Shaping of A Progressive: Edward P. Costigan and Urban Reform in Denver, 1900-1911." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1965. Ph.D. Dissertation.

DePew, Kathryn M. "The Temperance Movement in Territorial Colorado." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1953. M.A. Thesis.

Downing, Bonnie P. "The Mining Interest in the Colorado Statehood Movement." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1970, M.A. Thesis.

Fleming, Helen M. "Mining in Leadville, Colorado Since 1860." Greeley, Colorado: Colorado State Teacher's College, 1924.

Flynn, Norma. "South Park: Seventy-five Years of Its History." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1947. M.A. Thesis.

Fogel, Karen S. "Mineworkers and Their Families in the Southern Colorado Coalfields, 1913-1914." Cambridge, Massachusetts: Radcliff College, 1975. B.A. Thesis.

Fox, Leonard P. "Origins and Early Development of Populism in Colorado." College Station, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania, 1916. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Fuller, Leon W. "The Populist Regime in Colorado." Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin, 1933. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Gaynor, Lois M. "History of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Co., and Constituent Companies, 1872-1933." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado 1935. M.A. Thesis.

Griswold, Jean. "The History of Leadville, Colorado to 1900." Los Angeles, California: University of Southern California, 1933. M.A. Thesis.

Hasting, Martin F. "Parochial Beginnings in Colorado to 1889." St. Louis, Missouri: St. Louis University, 1941. M.A. Thesis.

Henderson, David A. "The Beef Cattle Industry of Colorado." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1951. M.A. Thesis.

Jensen, Billie B. "The Women's Suffrage Movement in Colorado." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1959. M.A. Thesis.

Johnson, Ella C. "The Territory of Jefferson." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1926. M.S. Thesis.

Kaplan, Michael D. "Otto Mears: Colorado's Transportation King." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1975. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Kingsbury, Joseph L. "The Development of Colorado Territory, 1856-1865." Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago, 1922. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Kim, Ok Joon. "Geology of the Wetmore-Beulah Area, Custer and Pueblo Counties, Colorado." Golden, Colorado: Colorado School of Mines, 1951. M.S. Thesis.

Knautz, Harlan E. "The Progressive Harvest in Colorado: 1910-1916." Denver, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1971. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Lewis, Pachal D. "Official Exploration and Improvement of the Arkansas River, 1806-1900." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1937. M.A. Thesis.

Logan, Paul S. "The History of the Denver and Rio Grande Railway, 1871-1881." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1931. M.A. Thesis.

Lonsdale, David L. "The Movement for an Eight-Hour Law in Colorado, 1893-1913." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1963. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Lopez, Olibama. "The Spanish Heritage in the San Luis Valley." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1942. M.A. Thesis.

McCarthy, G.M. "Colorado Confronts the Conservation Impulse, 1891-1907." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1969. M.A. Thesis.

Markoff, Dena S. "The Beet Sugar Industry in Microcosm: The National Sugar Manufacturing Company, 1899-1967." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1980. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Matthews, Ruth E. "A Study of Colorado Place Names." Stanford, California: Stanford University, 1940. M.A. Thesis.

McIntyre, Katharine. "The Development of Commercial Banking in Pueblo County, Colorado." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1940. M.A. Thesis.

Mehls, Steven F. "David H. Moffat, Jr: Early Colorado Business Leader." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1982. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Mock, Samuel D. "Railroad Development in the Colorado Region to 1880." Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska, 1938. Ph.D. Dissertation.

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Morris, John R. "Davis Hanson Waite: The Ideology of a Western Populist." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1965. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Neuhaus, Carla E. "Transportation to Colorado, 1858-1869." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1928. M.A. Thesis.

Payne, James S. "The Beginnings of Irrigation in Colorado." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1958. M.A. Thesis.

Rastall, Benjamin M. "The Labor History of the Cripple Creek District: A Study in Industrial Evolution." Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin, 1908. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Reini, Gertrude. "A History of National Forests in Colorado." Greeley, Colorado: Colorado State Teacher's College, 1931. M.A. Thesis.

Rinker, Catherine. "History of Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1891-1917." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1934. M.A. Thesis.

Roberts, R.P. "Public Highways of Colorado." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1919. B.S. Thesis.

Satt, Flora Jane. "The Cotopaxi Colony." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1950. M.A. Thesis.

Shields, Lillian B. "The Arapaho: Their Associations with White Men." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1929. M.A. Thesis.

Shomaker, Gordon A. "The Government of Pueblo, Colorado; An Appraisal." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1953. M.A. Thesis.

Sims, Robert C. "Colorado and the Great Depression." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1970. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Smith, Honora D. "Early Life in Trinidad and the Purgatory Valley." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1930, M.A. Thesis.

Smith, Willard, W. "An Analysis of the Revenue Structure of Pueblo, Colorado." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1951. M.A. Thesis.

Storey, Brit A. "William Jackson Palmer: A Biography." Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky, 1968. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Swadesh, Frances L. "Hispanic Americans of the Ute Frontier from the Chama Valley to the San Juan Basin, 1694-1960." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1971. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Suggs, George G. "Colorado Conservatives Versus Labor." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1964. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Toby, Emma C. "History of the Formation of the Counties and History of the Counties of Colorado." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1930. M.A. Thesis.

Thomas, Alfred B. "Spanish Exploration into the Colorado Region, 1541-1776." Berkeley, California: University of California, 1924. M.A. Thesis.

Tomle, Erwin. "The Developmental Period in the San Luis Valley Agriculture, 1898 to 1930." Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University, 1948. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Thompson, John H. "The Molybdenum Industry at Climax, Colorado." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1943. M.A. Thesis.

Thomson, George. "The History of Penal Institutions in the Rocky Mountain West, 1846-1900." Boulder Colorado: University of Colorado, 1965. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Trindell, Roger Thomas. "Sequent Occupance of Pueblo, Colorado." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1960. M.A. Thesis.

Tushar, Olibama L. "People of the Valley: A History of the Spanish Colonials of the San Luis Valley." Denver, Colorado: Metropolitan State College, 1972.

Van Horn, Harold. "Absorption of Public Lands in Colorado, 1860-1890." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1965. M.A. Thesis.

Morgan, Nicholas G. "Mormon Colonization in the San Luis Valley," Colorado Magazine, Vol. 27, 1950.

Morrili, W.J. "Birth of Roosevelt National Forest," Colorado Magazine, No. 5, Vol. 20, 1943.

Murphy, J.E. "Western City Ends Flood Menace," Scientific American Vol. 134, 1926: 318-319.

Mumey, Nolie. "John Williams Gunnison: Centenary of His Survey and Tragic Death (1853-1953)," Colorado Magazine, No. 1, Vol. 31, 1954.

Van Hook, Joseph O. "Settlement and Economic Development of the Arkansas Valley from Pueblo to the Colorado-Kansas Line, 1860-1900." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1933. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Voss, Walter A. "Colorado and Forest Conservation." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1931. M.A. Thesis.

Welch, Gerald D. "John F. Shafroth, Progressive Governor of Colorado 1910-1912." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1962. M.A. Thesis.

White, Forest L. "The Panic of 1893 in Colorado." Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, 1932. M.A. Thesis.

Wickens, James F. "Colorado in the Great Depression: A Study of New Deal Politics at the State Level." Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1964. PhD. Dissertation.

Wilson, Owen, M. "A History of the Denver and Rio Grande Project, 1870-1901." Berkeley, California: University of California, 1942. Ph. D. Dissertation.

Woodward, Dorothy. "The Penitentes of New Mexico." New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University, 1935. Ph.D. Dissertation.

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