III. NOTES 1. Dallas T. Herndon, The Arkansas Handbook 1947-1948 (Little Rock: Arkansas History Commission, 1948), p. 131. 2. Ralph Wooster, "The Arkansas Secession Convention," Arkansas Historical Quarterly, XII (Summer 1954), pp. 172-173. 3. Frank Moore, ed., The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, With Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, Etc., vol. I (New York: G.P. Putnam, 1862), Documents Section, p. 2. 5. James J. Johnston, "Letter of John Campbell, Unionist," Arkansas Historical Quarterly, XXIX (Summer 1970), p. 178; Wooster, "The Arkansas Secession Convention," pp. 174, 183. 6. Although Campbell reversed his vote, he, along with Murphy, refused to sign "the devilish instrument." Johnston, "Letter of John Campbell," p. 181; Wooster, "The Arkansas Secession Convention," pp. 183-184. 7. Orville W. Taylor, Negro Slavery in Arkansas (Durham: Duke University Press, 1958), pp. 49-50; United States, Census Bureau, [1860 Census], Agriculture of the United States in 1860; Compiled From the Original Returns of the Eighth Census (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1864), p. 224. 8. Ted R. Worley, "The Arkansas Peace Society of 1861: A Study in Mountain Unionism," Journal of Southern History, XXIV (November 1958), p. 445. 9. Ted R. Worley, ed., "Documents Relating to the Arkansas Peace Society of 1861," Arkansas Historical Quarterly, XVII (Spring 1958), p. 87; H.M. Rector to Jefferson Davis, November 28, 1861, in The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, vol. VIII (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1883), p. 699. 10. Worley, "Documents Relating to the Arkansas Peace Society of 1861," pp. 107-111. 12. Rector to Davis, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. VIII, p. 699. 13. Ibid. Only 240 members, however, have been identified through extant documents. Worley, "Documents Relating to the Arkansas Peace Society of 1861," p. 82. 14. Solon Borland to A. Sidney Johnston, December 11, 1861, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. VIII, pp. 709-710. 15. Worley, "The Arkansas Peace Society," p. 447. 16. Ibid.; Noah Barnett to J.J. Johnston, September 6, 1973, James J. Johnston Private Collection, Marshall, Arkansas; A.W, Bishop, Loyalty on the Frontier, (Saint Louis: R.P. Studley & Company, 1863), pp. 128-129. 17. Bishop, Loyalty on the Frontier, p. 129. 18. Worley, "The Arkansas Peace Society," p. 450. 21. Barnett to Johnston, Johnston Collection. 22. Francis V. Greene, The Mississippi, vol. VIII in Campaigns of the Civil War (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1882), p. 2. 23. Franz Sigel, "The Pea Ridge Campaign," in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, vol. I (New York: The Century Company, 1884), p. 314. 24. Clement A. Evans, ed., Arkansas, vol. X in Confederate Military History (New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1962), p. 92. 25. Wiley Britton, The Civil War on the Border, A Narrative of Operations in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and the Indian Territory During the Years 1861-1862 Based Upon the Official Reports of the Federal Commanders Lyon, Sigel Sturgis, Fremont, Halleck, Curtis, Schofield, Blunt, Herron and Totten, and of the Confederate Commanders McCulloch, Price, Van Dorn, Hindman, Marmaduke, and Shelby (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1890), pp. 383-384. 26. Bishop, Loyalty on the Frontier, pp. 11-12; Arkansas, Adjutant General, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Arkansas, For the Period of the Late Rebellion, and to November 1, 1866, S. Misc. Doc. 53, 39th Cong., 2nd Sess., Serial 1278, 1867, p. 1; James J. Johnston, "Searcy County, Arkansas During the Civil War," (typescript, Searcy County Library, Marshall, Arkansas), p. 97; Georgia L. Tatum, Disloyalty in the Confederacy (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1934), pp. 38-39. 27. Final Report of the Western Sanitary Commission, From May 9th, 1864 to December 31, 1865 (Saint Louis: R.P. Studley & Co., 1866), p. 96. 28. S.C Turnbo, "Stories of the Ozarks: Accounts of Pioneer Life in Southwest Missouri and Northwest Arkansas in the Country Adjacent to the White River; Where the Pioneers Lived, How They Lived and Died and Where They are Buried and Particularly the Adventures of the First Settlers With the Wild Animals of those RegionsBuffaloes, Bears, Deer, Wolves, Panthers, Catamounts, Wildcats, Snakes, and Wild Turkeys," (typescript, J.N. Heiskell Collection, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Special Collections), I, p. 166; F.J. Herron to Samuel R. Curtis, November 29, 1862, War of the Rebellion, Serial I, vol. XXII, Part 1 (1888), p. 794; Richard O'Connor, Wild Bill Hickok (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1959), p. 63. 29. Johnston, "Searcy County," pp. 46-47. While clear distinctions between the terms is impossible, jayhawkers usually applied to Federal irregulars and bushwhacker referred to Confederate guerrillas. Leo E. Huff, "Guerrillas, Jayhawkers and Bushwhackers in Northern Arkansas During the Civil War," Arkansas Historical Quarterly, XXIV (Summer 1965), pp. 130-131. 30. Johnston, "Searcy County," pp. 46-47. 31. Ibid., p. 135; John Quincy Wolf, Life in the Leatherwoods, ed. by John Quincy Wolf, Jr. (Memphis: Memphis State University Press, 1974), p. 5; Evans, Arkansas, p. 167; John Hallum, Reminiscences of the Civil War (Little Rock: Tunnah and Pittard, Printers, 1903), p. 95; Mollie E. Williams, A Thrilling Romance of the Civil War: Forty-two Days in Search of a Missing Husband, A Lesson of Woman's Fidelity, Fortitude and Affection (Chicago: n.p., 1902), p. 15. 32. John O. Shelby to J.F. Belton, May 31, 1864, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XXXIV, Part 1 (1891), pp. 924-925. See also I.W. Fuller to E.D. Mason, April 1, 1864, ibid., Series I, vol. XXXIV, Part 3, p. 8; John E. Phelps to W.S. Rosencrans, April 29, 1864, ibid., p. 347. 33. Johnston, "Searcy County," pp. 127-128. 34. Moore, Rebellion Record, vol. V (1863), Documents Section, p. 540. 35. Johnston, "Searcy County," p. 150. See also John B. Sanborn to O.D. Greene, January 3, 1864, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XXII, Part 1, p. 779; C.B. Holland to J.B. Sanborn, February 17, 1864, ibid., vol. XXXIV, Part 1, p. 88; Record of Events, January 16, 1864, ibid., p. 96; J.E. Phelps to J.B. Sanborn, February 16, 1864, ibid., pp. 92-93; J.E. Phelps to J.B. Sanborn, April 23, 1864, ibid., pp. 886-887; J.B. Sanborn to J.E. Phelps, January 4, 1864, ibid., Part 2, pp. 21-22. 36. Johnston, "Searcy County," p. 150. 37. Arkansas, Adjutant General, Report, p. 203; Evans, Arkansas, pp. 93, 167; Wiley Britton, Memories of the Rebellion on the Border (Chicago: Cushing, Thomas & Co., Publishers, 1882), p. 441. 39. War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XII. 40. J.O. Phelps to J.B. Sanborn, May 10, 1864, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XXXIV, Part 1, p. 909. 41. I.M. St. John to G.W. Randolph, July 31, 1862, War of the Rebellion, Series IV, vol. II (1900), p. 29. 42. Record of Events, March 13, 1864, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XXXIV, Part 1, p. 640. 43. J.W. Caldwell to F.J. Herron, January 13, 1863, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XXII, Part 1, p. 214. 44. Ibid.; J.E. Phelps to J.B. Sanborn, February 16, 1864, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XXXIV, Part 1, p. 93; Johnston, "Searcy County," p. 55. 45. G.W. Murphy to J.B. Sanborn, March 28, 1864, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XXXIV, Part 2, p. 762. 46. James T. Smith, (Captain), "Report," Newton County Homestead, III (April 1961), p. 26; Turnbo, "Stories of the Ozarks," vol. I, p. 166; Yellville (Arkansas) Mountain Echo, June 28, 1939; Perry Case, "The Long Drive: A Cowboy's Own Story of his Experiences on the Trail From Texas to Chicago," American Heritage, XI (April 1960), p. 77 47. J.W. Orr to Governor of Arkansas, February 21, 1865, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XLVIII, Part 1, (1896), pp. 931-932. 48. G.M. Dodge to J.A. Rawlins, May 12, 1865, War of the Rebellion, Series I, vol. XLVIII, Part 2, p. 419. 49. Herndon, The Arkansas Handbook, pp. 129-140.
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