ADMINISTRATIVE DATA The following section summarizes information on the structures useful for their management within the National Park System. Included is a table with building name, NPS and IDLCS numbers, construction date, management category and proposed treatment; National Register status including date(s) listed, criteria and context; and recommendations for documentation, cataloging and storage of materials generated by the HSR. See bibliography for references and related studies. Structures Included The following table lists all structures reviewed in the study. The table lists the name, NPS and IDLCS number, Management Category, and Treatment. Definitions of the Management Category (assigned by park staff) are as follows: A, must be preserved (none included); B, should be preserved; and C, may be preserved. Please see the Conditions and Recommendations section of this report for definitions of treatment terms.
National Register Status Cabrillo National Monument was entered, without documentation, onto the National Register in 1966. To provide the needed documentation of the site, a draft National Register Historic District Nomination for Cabrillo National Monument was begun in 1988 and revised in 1994. The documentation for Cabrillo National Monument Historic District was accepted by the National Register on September 18, 1998. In 1996, a district nomination was prepared for the entire Fort Rosecrans Point Loma Coastal Defenses, including properties under NPS jurisdiction at Cabrillo National Monument and under U.S. Navy jurisdiction at Fort Rosecrans. The structures are considered significant under criterion A, history, for their associations with World War I and World War II. The structures are also significant under criterion C, architecture, as examples of military design and technology.
cabr/hsr/admin-data.htm Last Updated: 06-Apr-2005 |