Chapter V NOTES 1. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, p. 273; Averam B. Bender, "Opening Routes Across West Texas, 1848-1850," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 37 (October 1933), 116, 119, 135. 2. Goetzmann, Army Exploration, pp. 363-64; W. Turrentine Jackson, Wagon Roads West: A Study of Federal Road Surveys and Construction in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1846-1869 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965), p. 244; H. W. Caygill, "The Camelization of the Army," The Military Engineer, 26 (July-August 1934), 271. 3. Odie B. Faulk, The U. S. Camel Corps, An Army Experiment (New York: Oxford University Press, 1976), pp. 20-22, 70-71, 86-87. 4. William H. Echols, Diary of a Reconnaissance of the Country Between the El Paso Road and the Rio Grande River, 36th Cong., 2d sess., Senate Executive Document 1, pp. 33, 40. 5. John Shapard, "The United States Army Camel Corps: 1856-1866," Military Review, 55 (August 1975), 85-88. 6. Warren, Memoir, p. 56; Jackson, Wagon Roads West, pp. 25-26; Goetzmann, Army Exploration, pp. 213, 217. 7. Robert V. Hine, Edward Kern and American Expansion (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962), pp. 49-50, 58-61, 70-71. 8. Quoted in Hine, Edward Kern, p. 62. 9. Hine, Edward Kern, pp. 65-66. 10. Ruth M. Underhill, The Navajos (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971), pp. lx, 3, 74. 11. Edgar L. Hewitt, Ancient Life in the American Southwest (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1930), pp. 289-93; Frank McNitt, ed., Navaho Expedition: Journal of a Military Reconnaissance from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Navaho Country Made in 1849 by Lieutenant James H. Simpson (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954), pp. 3, 4345. 12. Hewitt, Ancient Life, pp. 293, 301; John C. McGregor, Southwestern Archaeology (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965), p. 39; Goetzmann, Army Exploration, pp. 240, 243-44. 13. Hine, Edward Kern, p. 77; Underhill, The Navajos, pp. 90, 96-100. 14. Lorenzo Sitgreaves, Report of an Expedition Down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers, 32d Cong., 2d sess., Senate Executive Document 59, p. 17. 15. Jackson, Wagon Roads West, pp. 107-11, 345. 16. Jackson, Wagon Roads West, pp. 112-16, 119, 328. 17. Assistant Adjutant General, Tenth Military Department, to Lieutenant William H. Emory, 26 September 1849, and Lieutenant Cave J. Couts to Emory, 17 October 1849, Emory Papers, Yale University; Odie B. Faulk, ed., Derby's Report on Opening the Colorado, 1850-1851 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1967), pp. 7-8. 18. George R. Stewart, John Phoenix, Esq., The Veritable Squibob: A Life of Captain George H. Derby, U.S.A. (New York: Henry Holt, 1937), p. 71. 19. John Phoenix, Phoenixiana; or, Sketches and Burlesques (New York: A. Appleton, 1866), p. 59. Also see Phoenix, The Squibob Papers (New York: Carleton, 1865). 20. Stewart, John Phoenix, p. 38. 21. Faulk, Derby's Report, pp. 8-9, 13, 25, 28, 47. 22. Warren, Memoir, p. 55; Robert S. Williamson, Report of the Reconnaissance made by the Late Brevet Captain W. H. Warner of a Route Through the Sierra Nevades by the Upper Sacramento, 31st Cong., 1st sess., Senate Executive Document 47, pp. 17-20. 23. Williamson, A Route Through the Sierra Nevadas, p. 20. 24. Stewart, John Phoenix, p. 117. 25. Stewart, John Phoenix, pp. 136-37. 26. Howard Stansbury, Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, Including a Reconnaissance of a New Route Through the Rocky Mountains, 32d Cong., Special sess., Senate Executive Document 3, pp. 13, 97-98. The following account of Stansbury's expedition is based on this report. Footnotes are provided only for portions quoted in the text. 27. Stansbury, The Valley of the Great Salt Lake, p. 101. 28. Stansbury, The Valley of the Great Salt Lake, p. 111. 29. Stansbury, The Valley of the Great Salt Lake, pp. 118-19. 30. Stansbury, The Valley of the Great Salt Lake, p. 134. 31. Andrew Love Neff, History of Utah 1847 to 1869, ed. by Leland H. Creer (Salt Lake City: The Deseret News Press, 1940), pp. 264, 354, 558, 605; Goetzmann, Army Exploration, pp. 222-23. 32. Stansbury, The Valley of the Great Salt Lake, pp. 187-88. 33. James H. Simpson, Report of Explorations Across the Great Basin of the Territory of Utah For a Direct Wagon-Route From Camp Floyd to Genoa, in Carson Valley in 1859 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1876), p. 23; Goetzmann, Army Exploration, p. 224. 34. Goetzmann, Army Exploration, p. 224. 35. Simpson, Across the Great Basin, pp. 25-26; McNitt, ed., Navaho Expedition, p. 237. 36. Joseph C. Ives, Report Upon the Colorado River of the West, 36th Cong., 1st sess., Executive Document, pp. 21, 38. Unless otherwise indicated, the following account of the Ives expedition is based on this report. Footnotes are provided only for portions quoted in the text. 37. Ives, Colorado River of the West, p. 43. 38. Ives, Colorado River of the West, p. 46. 39. Ives, Colorado River of the West, p. 63; Goetzmann, Army Exploration, pp. 375, 381-82. 40. Edwards, ed., The Whipple Report, p. 13. 41. Merrill, First One Hundred Years of American Geology, p. 684. 42. Ives, Colorado River of the West, p. 106. 43. Ives, Colorado River of the West, p. 107. 44. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, p. 308. 45. Ives, Colorado River of the West, pp. 100-01. 46. John N. Macomb, Report of Captain J. N. Macomb, Topographical Engineers, in charge of San Juan Expedition, 36th Cong., 2d sess., Senate Executive Document 1, pp. 149-50. 47. John S. Newberry, "Geological Report," in Macomb, Report of the Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West, in 1859 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1876), pp. 54-55; Goetzmann, Army Exploration, p. 397. 48. Newberry, "Geological Report," pp. 93-94, 97. 49. Merrill, First One Hundred Years, p. 363; Goetzmann, Army Exploration, p. 397. 50. Goetzmann, Exploration and Empire, p. 316.
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