Rules and Regulations
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Automobiles are allowed in the park under the regulations given on pages 24-26. The Crater Lake Co. operates an automobile, saddle horse, and stage transportation service for the accommodation of the hotel guests and other tourists; but every person is at liberty to provide his own means of transportation and to camp, subject to the regulations beginning on page 21.

Fares for automobile and launch trips and rates for guides, horses, and rowboats are as follows:

Transportation rates.


Fare between Anna Spring Camp and Crater Lake Lodge:
     One way$0.50
     Round trip1.00
Transportation, per mile, within the park0.10
Special trips will be made when parties of four or more are made up, as follows:
To Anna Creek Canyon, including Dewie Canyon and Garden of the Gods, 24-mile trip, for each person2.00
Around the rim road, including side trip to the Pinnacles, with stops at all scenic points, in an 8-hour trip with picnic lunch5.00
The Sunset Drive, from Crater Lake Lodge to summit of road at Watchman, at sunset, 10-mile trip, for each person1.00


Saddle horses, pack animals, and burros:
     Per hour$0.50
     Per day3.00
Service of guide, with horse:
     Per hour1.00
     Per day6.00


Launch trips:
Wizard Island and return, on regular schedule, launches leaving lake shore at 9 a. m., 11 a. m., 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. per person$0.50
Wizard Island and return, special trip, per person1.00
Around Wizard Island and Phantom Ship and return (about 15 miles), per person$2.00
Around the lake2.50
Small launches, without operator:
     Per hour1.50
     Per day.50
These small launches will not be rented without operator to inexperienced persons.
Small launches, with operator:
     Per hour2.50
     Per day12.50
     Per hour.50
     Per day2.50
With oarsman, per hour1.00
With detachable motor—
     Per hour1.00
     Per day5.00
Towing rowboats (extra).50


Distances from Crater Lake Lodge by road or trail to principal points.
and general
Best means of


Llao Rock8 north 8,046Auto, horseback, and foot. Fine view. Point from which the legendary body of Llao was thrown into lake.
Diamond Lake18 north ----Horseback Beautiful lake north of the park; fine fishing; affords view of Mount Thielsen.
Devils Backbone 6.5 north----Auto Fine view of formation and coloring of Glacier Peak.
Glacier Peak6 north 8,156Auto and foot Highest point on rim of lake; fine view.
The Watchman5 north 8,025     do Fine view; easy climb.
Garfield Peak1.25 east 8,060Foot or horseback. Easy climb foot or horseback. Fine view. Monster bowlder, 100 feet high.
Dyar Rock2 east 7,880     do Hard climb on foot. If taken by horseback distance is 6 miles.
Vidae Cliff3 east 8,115     do Fine view. Easy trip by horse; distance 7 miles.
Sun Notch7 east 7,115Auto and foot Fine view of Phantom Ship. View of Vidae Falls. Easy trail, 1 mile.
Dutton Cliff9.5 east 8,110     do Fine view; 7.1 miles by auto, 2 miles on foot.
Sentinel Rock18 east ----Auto Most comprehensive view from rim of lake.
Cloud Cap20 east ----     do Fine drive. Good scenery.
Scott Peak22 east 8,938Auto and foot 2 miles by trail from Cloud Cap. Highest point in park.
The Pinnacles13 southeast ----Auto Grotesque lava formations.
Garden of the Gods and Dewie Falls5 south ----     do Waterfalls, meadows, pinnacles, and canyons of great beauty.
Anna Creek Canyon10 to 13.5 south ----     do Beautiful canyon, 300 to 400 feet deep.
Union Peak7,698 10.5 southwestAuto and foot 4 miles by trail from road. Hard peak to climb. Good view.
Crater Peak6.5 southeast 7,265     do 2.25 miles by trail from road; easy climb; good view of the Klamath country.
Wizard Island3.5 north 6,940Foot and boat Extinct volcano crater in summit. Trail to top.
Phantom Ship3 east-----      do Grotesque rock-pinnacled island.
Around the Lake35 miles----- AutoFine views of lake and surrounding country.

For trips to any of the above-named points in the park arrangements may be made at Crater Lake Lodge. The ordinary outing clothing will be sufficient.

For trips to Mount Thielsen, Diamond Lake, and other remote points some camp equipage, pack horses, and a guide will be necessary. These can be secured at Crater Lake Lodge.

Saddle horses, pack animals, and necessary equipment can usually be obtained in the near-by valleys, and guides can also be secured when wanted.

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Last Updated: 25-Aug-2010