Crater Lake
extract from Rehabilitation of Historic Crater Lake Lodge
Comprehensive Design Program
Historic Character / Documentation
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extract from
Rehabilitation of Historic Crater Lake Lodge
Comprehensive Design Program
Historic Character / Documentation

The National Park Service
Fletcher Farr Ayotte, Architects
CH2MHill, Consulting Engineers

Approved March 30, 1990



This chronology arose from the need for more historical information on the Crater Lake Lodge when rehabilitation efforts began to accelerate in late 1989. A narrative history was prepared as part of the historic structure report on the building in 1982, but funding and planning problems delayed its publication until 1984. The information in the HSR was augmented by the BOOR/A report of 1986, which led to the formulation of alternatives concerning the disposition of the lodge and the circulation pattern of Rim Village. In February 1988, a Development Concept Plan was approved so that the rehabilitation of the building could be funded as part of a package aimed at redeveloping Rim Village.

When the DCP was approved, it was thought that the lodge rehabilitation would take place at the end of the ten year funding package. Structural problems connected with the closing of the building in May 1989 changed the construction schedule and accelerated the design program for the lodge. After an inventory of salvageable items was done by DSC architects and park staff in September 1989, the need be came apparent for a technical supplement to previous work.

Project Team Captain Craig Frazier requested that a building chronology be undertaken that would cover initial construction, subsequent alteration, and changes to the immediately adjacent landscape. In stead of an addition to the HSR, it was agreed that a more effective presentation of the additional source material made available since 1982 would be a concise, referenced chronology that could be read in con junction with other work about the lodge and Rim Village. The most important sources for context are the following:

1. Greene, Linda. 1982. "Historical Data Section," pages 17-134 in Arbogast, et al., Historic Structure Report, Crater Lake Lodge, Crater Lake Lodge, Crater Lake, Oregon. Denver: USDI, NPS, Branch of Cultural Resources.

2. Unrau, Harlan D. 1988. Administrative History, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. Denver: USDI, NPS.

3. Mark, Stephen R. 1990. Chapter 17, Planning and Development at Rim Village: 1886 - Present. Continuation of the park's administrative history, typescript.

4. Gilbert, Cathy, and Luxenberg, Gretchen. 1990. Historic Landscape Report: Rim Village, Crater Lake National Park. Forthcoming. Seattle: USDI, NPS, Cultural Resources Division.


5/22/02 Park is created; an informal campground has earlier been established on Victor Heights (now the picnic area) and near or on the site of the lodge. (1)
8/19/05 A road to the rim is completed by Superintendent Arant. The last mile of the road approximates the present location of the Raven ski trail and replaces a wagon track made by the Sutton Party in 1869 which is now part of the Dutton Creek trail. (2)
1907 Crater Lake Company is formed, W.G. Steel and George Woodbury are majority stockholders. Crater Camp is established adjacent to the site of the future lodge. (3)
Summer of 1908 Southern Pacific head E.H. Harriman visits the site of the future lodge and suggests that an outside fireplace be incorporated into the exterior of the building. Steel gives himself credit for choosing the building's location, but this may have been more a reaction to the existing road/trail system than anything else. Apparently no consultation with a geologist was made. (4)
7/10/09 Steel states that a rustic hotel will be constructed this season as will an electric lighting plant (generator) and tent houses for guests who will stay near the hotel site. Portland developer Alfred Parkhurst is now the company's majority stockholder, supplying much needed capital for the park development. He accompanies Steel to the rim to make measurements for a water system and to pick a site for the building. (5)
7/25/09 Workmen are engaged in constructing a water system to serve the future hotel and the present wooden dining facility. The system (which will utilize Munson Spring) will utilize wooden pipe. (6)
8/21/09 A telegraph line has been put in that allows for communication between the rim development and park headquarters at Annie Springs. By the end of the season, the new hotel's foundation has been completed. (7)


6/16/10 Parkhurst goes to the park and states that this summer will see the lodge completed. He says that the hotel was originally planned to be a frame building, but this has now been superceded by stone. The lodge is to be ornamented in design, be 150 feet long, have glassed porches facing the lake, and contain four great stone chimneys. (8)
7/1/10 Parkhurst states that the "guest hall" will be 50 x 80 feet in size, with a great fireplace at either end. At the north [actually west] end of the lodge will be erected a huge outdoor fireplace where campfires will be held. (9)
7/3/10 The company uses cars known as Locomobiles to haul tourists to the rim. This is due to the durability and gearing of these vehicles, which allow for transport of people and supplies up the last mile of road. (10)
7/25/10 Frank Keyes is the company's building contractor. In a newspaper interview, he states that the lodge will be constructed of stone throughout. The material is to come from one of the "nearby volcanic ledges" and will be hauled about half a mile. Although rough, it is supposedly splendid building rock but is a little difficult to handle and must be put into walls as it was fashioned by nature as it will not stand much hammering. "A large amount of cement will be used in the setting for these stones and when the walls are completed and the roof, which is to be of tiling, is put on, it will defy the ravages of the elements for all time to come." In each room, there will be a large fireplace and mantle "like the old-timers of the back woods country were used to." (11)
8/21/10 The water system is completed and a hydraulic ram at Munson Spring is installed. By the end of the season, much of the kitchen's exterior has been constructed of "hewn" rock, and in one account, the room is occupied, but no further detail is given. (12)
5/1/11 R.N. Hockenberry of Portland is named as the lodge's architect in a letter from the Secretary of the Interior. (13)
5/21/11 Parkhurst states that there has been difficulty in cutting rock and getting building material to the lodge site. He at first expected the hotel to cost $5000, but estimates now run in the $25,000 to $30,000 range. Arrangements have been made for the Burns and Utter sawmill (now the site of Wilson's Cottages) to provide lumber. An artists conception of the lodge is published, showing the north side to have large plate glass windows and a pergola. A mock Tudor exterior is shown above the stonework, much like other Craftsman designs of the period. (14)
6/11/11 A newspaper article states that the north wall of the hotel will consist of glass throughout and that the building will have four massive fireplaces besides the one outside. (15)
8/31/11 Masons are said to be close to having the stone walls of the lodge put up, but the walls are incomplete at the end of the season because of the time-consuming task of quarrying the rock for the walls and hauling it by wagon to the rim. In a separate newspaper interview, Steel says that the north wall of the "assembly hail" is now finished. The dining hall will seat 100 guests and he hopes that the entire building will be enclosed during the fall months. Cook (1980) indicates that the origin of the building rock shifted to the Annie Springs area at this time because it was better quality. In a letter to Steel dated 1/18/12, Parkhurst describes the 1911 season as being short and full of problems. He says that 80 percent of the kitchen wing is completed, and the stonework of the lobby and dining hall is finished. The only lumber source is a little mill at Wildcat (just outside the old south boundary, some three miles inside the present one). Parkhurst has lumber brought to the construction site, but cannot get carpenters. He has to leave 9000 pounds of roofing material, 50 chairs, 30 beds, and provisions in storage in Klamath Falls because the items cannot be freighted up. (16)
1/18/12 Parkhurst tells Steel that the hotel can be finished by the end of 1913. Financing difficulties compel Steel to go to Washington and lobby for a 20 year lease. Parkhurst says that he will walk away from the project without the lease. It is obtained, and Steel begins a campaign to replace Arant once Wilson is elected President. (17)
2/15/13 A Department of Interior inspector comes to the park to see what Steel's case is against Arant. The inspector describes the hotel construction as being 40 percent complete, with 90 percent of the stonework done. He states that the lodge will 2/15/13 have a frontage of 162 feet and a veranda 16 feet wide that will run full length of the building. The inside arrangement provides for 40 guest rooms, a great hall, office and lobby, baggage room, kitchen, two bath rooms with wash basins on each of the upper floors. The wooden structure of 1907 near the hotel supplies water from Munson Spring and pit toilets are provided near the tent houses west of the lodge. Refuse is buried some 300 yards away from the hotel, but there are plans to install a large septic tank about 200 feet south of the building outside the drainage area of the water supply (this is near the manhole that backed up in 1975). A September windstorm severely damages the tents, prompting Parkhurst to submit plans for some simple gable roofed cottages drawn by Hockenberry. They will have short concrete footings to raise them above ground and will contain six rooms on each side and a lavatory room in the middle. (18)
9/4/13 The kitchen and dining room are expected to be ready for the 1914 season, but the roof over the east end of the dining room has yet to be completed. A pergola is expected to be built on the north end of the building in 1916. (19)
Winter of 1913-14 Snow does severe damage to the lodge's roof, much of it collapsing into the basement. (20)
5/18/14 Army road crews open a new road to the rim to replace what had been built in 1905. This route reaches Rim Village just east of the present Employee Dorm and continues north to the lodge, veering west from there to begin the Rim Drive. (21)
7/31/14 General Superintendent for National Parks Mark Daniels arrives to consult with Steel and Parkhurst on a development that he calls "Rim Village". Crater Lake is one of several parks proposed to have a village modeled after Daniels' plans for Yosemite Valley. (22)
10/1/14 Steel recommends that the Government acquire all hotels and improvements made by private parties in the park in his annual report to the Secretary of the Interior. The properties would then be leased back to interested parties. Apparently hinting at Parkhurst's financial difficulties, Steel suggests that this be tried in the park because "construction of private improvements is in its infancy at Crater Lake." (23)
10/23/14 Parkhurst states the hotel is 95 percent complete and that in June of the coming year carpenters will be put to work finishing the interior. Upon the building's completion, the company's tents will be moved from the rim to Annie Springs. Daniels' consulting firm does a drawing for the lodge's lobby counter and main staircase. (24)
2/10/15 Parkhurst states that there are nine rooms on the second floor and nine rooms on the third floor that are supplied with hot and cold water. These rooms will be "extra well furnished" and are worthy of an extra charge of 50 cents a day. He contemplates charging 25 cents a day for heating stoves in rooms if guests want them. An extra charge of 50 cents will be made for baths (which are not in the rooms) because the plumbing costs $3000 to install. (25)
4/3/15 An article in the Saturday Evening Post states that golf links are proposed for the area east of the lodge and that cottages will take the place of tent houses at the rim. (26)
6/28/15 Lodge opens with dinner served in the dining room. The hotel supposedly has 68 bedrooms on three floors and is about 50 feet from the rim. The dimensions of the building are 50 by 120, with the dining room 30 x 40, great hall 40 x 50, and lobby 30 x 40. (27)
Summer 1915 Cook (1980) recalls being told that the company's Locomobiles had for several seasons been hauling all of the rock from Annie Springs to the lodge site for the building's foundation and walls. Until July only Parkhurst and a few others live in temporary quarters in the lodge and meals are served in the kitchen. He says all meals are served in the dining room after the lodge opens and that most employees are housed there. He states that the Rim Camp trail begins east of a hogback near the rim and descends west over the hogback for a short distance, then east before switchbacking on hair pin turns. In 1972, he visits Rim Village and cannot find the trail, saying that erosion has moved headward and the edge of the rim seemed to have moved closer to the lodge by 20 feet. The hogback was gone. (28)
October 1915 Mark Daniels is said to be working on water color designs and plans for Rim Village. Like the original plans for the lodge, these drawing have disappeared. (29)
12/19/15 Newspaper report that some lodge rooms have hot and cold water, and that there is a plan to build a 16 foot porch and pergola along the entire north side of the building during 1916. (30)
6/19/16 Lodge manager H.C. Tuller is quoted as saying that the building will offer first class accommodations beginning in the 1916 season. (31)
8/7/16 The sleeping accommodations of the lodge are pressed to the limit by 258 guests registering for one night. Shakedown beds and chairs are used in the great hall to handle guests who do not have rooms. (32)
8/8/16 An inspection report states that paint and plaster residue are on the finishes of the mantles of the two interior fireplaces. Candles have been used for lights, and there is lumber for construction of an office piled in the great hall. Outside of the building, there are now wooden floor tents available for 100 guests. Visitors using the campground have to come to the lodge for water, there being no water or sewer system to serve them. (33)
9/15/16 A complaint letter to Congressman Sinnott describes the Rim Camp trail as exceedingly dangerous. The writer notes that the lodge has no fire escapes and an "imperfect" water supply. The building is not completed and is illuminated above the first floor by kerosene lamps and candles. (34)
ca. 1916 Staehli in BOOR/A (1986) says that original interior wall and ceiling finish in the guest rooms was tar paper-like and supplemented by beaver board. The exterior was built mostly with sawn planks and boards like a conventional house. Sawn planks 2 x 10 to 2 x 16 were nail laminated to make beams. Walls were stud framed with reinforcing horizontal plank beams added at the eaves. Roofs were similarly framed, but heavier and closer spaced. Lumber used was Douglas-fir, larch, western hemlock, and Ponderosa pine. (35)
4/15/17 There is telephone communication between the lodge and Annie Springs. Snow banks extend upward to the front dormer windows of the building. (36)
Summer 1917 Bush (1953) states "the interior [of the lodge] was not completed and the bark slabs lining the huge living room or "Foyer" covered only half of the wall space. The great fireplace was there, however, and was the center of hotel life." (37)
8/19/17 The Portland Chamber of Commerce says that the lodge should not be confused with an elaborate hotel of the summer resort variety. They say the building has 54 rooms, some with hot and cold water. Bathrooms and a good dining room are available. Earlier in the season Superintendent Sparrow opens a new trail to the water using an earlier design by Mark Daniels. It starts on the north side of the lodge and is called the Lake Trail. The trail is 1.25 miles long with a 15 percent grade. (38)
5/22/18 The company's tents are still located west of the hotel. Sparrow plans to make a definite parking area away from the rim but near the lodge. A new cesspool will be dug further away from the building because the already overflowing cesspool had sewage discharged into it in 1917. This caused the sewage to well up and run on the ground with a noticeable odor dominating the vicinity. (39)
10/3/18 A large tank is built in the campground and water pipe laid for an NPS water system to service the rim campground for the 1919 season. Pumping equipment will be installed at Munson Spring in 1919 so that the system will be operational. (40)
8/13/19 Maximum capacity of the lodge is said to be 200 people. Director Mather hints at closing the building on his tour due to the unsatisfactory conditions he has encountered. He is accompanied by the NPS's newly hired and first landscape architect, Charles Punchard. A brochure for the season shows that the 1907 frame structure is still next to the hotel. (41)
8/29/19 A visitor complains that there are no keys to any of the lodge's guest rooms. (42)
9/25/19 Four steel fire escape ladders are placed on the building. Three are on the south side (leading down from the third floor men's room, room 317, and room 301) and one on the north side (from room 310). (43)


June 1920 A Delco lighting plant (generator) is installed next to the lodge near the present transformer house. An inspector reports that the building is still unfinished. (44)
7/4/20 The holiday weekend fiasco results in Parkhurst's ouster as hotel manager eight days later. A newspaper account also includes a description of blankets being fine, heavy, and woolen of good quality. The linen is good also, but rooms are cold because the windows once opened cannot be shut. Many win dows are difficult to open. (45)
August 1920 A branch store is maintained in the lodge lobby while the main one is at Annie Springs. In his report for the 1920 season, Punchard advocates the use of volcanic rock in CRLA buildings, either alone or in combination with logs in the design of buildings. A photo taken in August shows that cars are parked along the west side of the hotel and that a circular turnaround area along the south side has been developed. (46)
9/14/20 One of the charges against Parkhurst is that there are no toilets on the first floor because of a lack of plumbing, while on the second floor the toilets in the two restrooms are not properly screened from the bath facilities. (47)
12/19/20 A "Crater Lake Committee" appointed by Governor Olcott details its findings about Parkhurst's operation of the lodge. They say that the guest rooms are not completely or well furnished, that the lighting system has been inadequate, that the outside fireplace is not properly sheltered from the wind, and that there is no garage. It is stated that the lodge is weatherproof and in generally good repair, but consider able money should be spent to improve the interior. The 1907 frame building, now used as a storehouse (located about 100 feet from the hotel) is unsightly and in disrepair.

In their recommendations, the committee states the hotel does not have adequate pumping facilities and so has run short of water on several occasions. Laundry facilities are said to be 85 miles away in Medford, but the beds are comfortable and the mattresses, pillows, and bedsteads are of fairly good quality. They comment that the rooms are poorly arranged and generally inadequate, and that no ice or fresh milk is available. (48)
4/18/21 Parkhurst has control of the lodge for the time being and announces the appointment of E.E. Larimore (formerly of The Oregon in Portland) as manager and J.C. Fritz (of the Arlington and University clubs) as cook. He says that accommodations will be three times as extensive as the previous year and will consist of 50 tent houses, six 8-room cottages, and a comfort station with baths and hot running water. A week later, Parkhurst eliminates himself from management "voluntarily". (49)
4/27/21 The Crater Lake National Park Company is formed by E.V. Hauser and R.W. Price. Carl Y. Tengwald (formerly of the Holland Hotel in Medford) is now manager. An option to buy out Parkhurst is given to the company, who will operate concessions in the park on a trial basis. On the same day, Albright writes Mather that Parkhurst is incorporating the Oregon Resort Company and will bid to develop a resort at Union Creek proposed by the Forest Service. (50)
4/30/21 Crater Lake National Park Co. plans to place its newly outfitted tent houses to the east of the lodge. The tents have wooden floors, have wood walls eight feet high, and have screens. (51)
5/17/21 Assistant Director Albright credits A.B. Dohrman, President of the Yosemite Park Company, with get ting leading Portlanders to endorse creation of the Crater Lake National Park Company so that Parkhurst's share of the concession operation can be bought out. (52)
6/9/21 Hauser and Price plan to have a pianist, drums, and saxophone as part of an evening orchestra in the lodge. Four maids and five waitresses are hired. (53)
7/22/21 Violin sections are played at the lodge in evenings with the great hall "beautifully decorated" with greens. Steel gives evening talks in the lodge and shows his Claude Lorrain mirror to visitors who supposedly take a great interest in seeing the lake reflected in it. The lodge is now using its new office which has a store (west side of great hall, is connected to the registration area) for the convenience of campers. (54)
7/24/21 New plumbing has been installed throughout the lodge. Some photographs in the Steel Scrapbook for this season show a rustic railing west of the great hall fireplace to separate the orchestra from the audience. Another photo shows an Indian motif wall hanging on the great hall's southeast wall and a standup Victrola next to the great hail's north door. A photo of the great hall's west wall shows chairs and the new store. (55)
8/2/21 The desk, store, and manager's office in the lodge are reported to be complete. New banisters of logs are finished and are in place on the stairs and window of the landing. Five private baths have been installed on the second floor and the rooms are newly calcimined, "greatly improving the appearance of the guest rooms in the lodge". (56)
8/24/21 Outside fireplace dedicated by Mather, Secretary Fall, Olmsted Jr., and Southern Pacific President McCormick. Later that evening there is a roof fire burning out of the big flue because the masons had not removed the wooden formwork when the chimney was constructed. Although the fireplace has been used several times since construction, no fire until this one has burned hot enough to ignite the wood. Damage is reported to be slight. (57)
Summer 1921 The exterior walls of black building paper are covered by shingles and stained brown. The roof is stained green. A comfort station is built east of the lodge to service the company's tent houses. Its appearance is intended to match the stonework of the new Kiser Studio and that in the annexes of the lodge. (58)
9/1/21 A relief map of the park is placed in the lobby. W.A. Kamps (formerly of Portland's Multnomah Hotel) is appointed manager. Price lets his lease on Portland's Mallory Hotel expire and becomes more active in company management. The summer season has brought a 42 percent increase in the number of visitors and a 48 percent rise in the number of cars in the park. (59)
9/18/21 A photo of Steel is hung over the mail box "in the most prominent place in the lobby" and an electric light is placed over the picture. (60)
9/26/21 Auto mechanic John Maben is appointed as the first winter caretaker for the lodge. He serves in this capacity until the spring of 1929. (61)
10/1/21 The company has its headquarters in the Multnomah Hotel and states that it will exercise its option and take over the business from Parkhurst. It plans 35 additional tent houses and a new wing for the lodge. A builder (F.P. Salter) is now at the lodge preparing sketches for the addition. The article concludes by saying that all plans, even to colors, must first be approved by the NPS. (62)
11/30/21 Hauser says that the company needs $60,000 for construction of the new wing, $20,000 for repairs, and $40,000 to buy Parkhurst out. (63)
3/19/22 Maben reports that snow is 16 feet deep at the lodge and that it is banked up to the second story on the north side of the building. (64)
5/20/22 An affidavit from a 1920 visitor is brought into evidence against Parkhurst when he refuses Hauser's offer. It states that the one male toilet on his floor was situated in an inside room and was separated from the only bathroom on that floor by a seven foot partition. The walls of his guest room had cracks that al lowed an adjacent room to be viewed when lights were put out. In this room and others, the walls were made of plaster board which was of wood fiber composition. There was a crack of about a quarter inch between the joining of the boards that allows a person to look through it. (65)
6/27/22 Newspaper article says that the annexes will supplant the old lodge when they are finished, so that the original lodge can be reconstructed throughout. Great difficulty is being experienced in procuring the building materials. The first step is to open a rock quarry so that stone for the annexes can be obtained. (66)
7/1/22 Parkhurst denies that he has sold his interest in the concession to the Crater Lake National Park Company. The lodge supposedly has 64 sleeping rooms. (67)
9/27/22 Punchard's successor, Daniel Hull, wants the annexes to look similar to the original lodge in stonework, windows, and roof. After talking to Price and the contractor Salter, Hull notes that the fire escapes on the west end of the annexes are drawn on the plans and represent the "best they could do without expending a large sum." (68)
9/30/22 Salter hopes to have the stonework of annexes complete in a few days so that carpenters can do the framing during the 1923 season. The "granite" used for the annexes comes from the Watchman area, lumber and supplies from Chiloquin, while sand is hauled from Union Creek. The annexes will have 86 rooms, of which 36 will have bath, toilet, and wash basin; while 23 rooms will have wash basin and toilet; the remainder (25 rooms) will have a wash basin (referred to as a "lavatory") only. The season's visitation goes up 25 percent from the previous year to 35,000. (69)
12/7/22 Crater Lake National Park Company receives a 20 year contract that is made retroactive from 1/1/22. It promises completion of the annexes by the 1924 season. (70)
4/7/23 Newspaper article notes that there is a gas-driven generator at the lodge for interior lighting, but no out door lighting so far. (71)
Summer 1923 In a 1987 letter to the editor, Medford's Archie Pierce recalls hauling stone from the west rim (Watchman?) for the completion of the annexes. He states that he also transported lumber from Chiloquin to the construction site.

Superintendent Thomson notes that a rustic screen was built to eliminate the lodge's clotheslines from view (in the service area near the comfort station?). Visitation for the season goes up 50 percent to 52,000. (72)
10/1/23 Contractor is reported to be working on the interior of the annexes. (73)
11/3/23 Mather says that the war and the establishment of the budget system have been responsible for the failure to carry out the original CRLA (Daniels'?) program. (74)
12/9/23 The annexes are to make a total of 147 well furnished rooms in the lodge. A large number of these are to have private bath and all will have running water. Price says that the lodge along with the tent houses should suffice for some time to come, "the annexes with its furnishings, additional water supply, and sewage disposal system represent a sizeable investment with no assurance of immediate return." (75)
7/13/24 There are news and cigar stands in the lobby of the lodge; a telephone is hooked up in the building. (76)
Summer 1924 The company completes the furnishing of 22 rooms in the annexes. Unprecedented auto traffic allows the park to be the only one in the system to have paid its own way. Construction does not erase evidence of a somewhat circular turnaround area in front of the building's entrance. The 1907 storehouse is demolished. (77)
8/2/25 Travel to CRLA will break all records. Mather announces the approval of a five year NPS development plan for the park. The annexes are to cost $100,000 before they are complete and will comprise 85 rooms. The basement and stonework were done in 1922, while the superstructure and roof were built in 1923, and a portion of the interior completed in 1924. Twenty rooms have been finished and are now in use. The building is being finished "in rustic fashion in the interior with the use of yellow [Ponderosa] pine." (78)
8/4/25 Refrigeration at the lodge is accomplished by use of snow in an "ice box" that is unscreened until the U.S. Public Health inspection. Inspector recommends that the company run a four inch line from the storage tank in the campground to the hotel. This should be connected with the two 2" line mains from Munson Spring now in use that feed the storage tank. Thomson wants a pump house constructed at Mun son Spring. Construction begins on a new sewage plant for the lodge that utilizes crushed rock. (79)
8/9/25 Maben recalls the previous winter at the lodge. He says that shutters were put on the windows of the lobby and dining room at the close of the 1924 season. His quarters are in the basement, where in summer the supplies and stores are kept, aligned so that he sleeps under a window. States that items had to be gathered from the kitchen, bakery, and pantry and put down in the basement. Pumps had to be put away and pipesdrained. He says that the storm of November 1924 shook the building, so that windows rattled and every joint in the timbers was creaking and groaning, "the fourth floor was like the deck of a ship in moderately rough weather." The wind drives snow through with such force that it sifts in around window casings, through the dormer roofs, and between the shingles. He states that "there is hardly a square foot on the storm side that the snow does not find its way through." Maben cannot have a fire during the storm because the wind comes down the chimney with such force that it will lift the lids off of the stove, so he has to eat cold canned food. In March 1925, he says that he could step from the snow to the roof on the north side of the lodge. (80)
Summer 1925 Nine rooms are completed in the lodge. The sewage disposal system is finished at the end of the season. Laundry is now being taken to Klamath Falls daily. Price does not allow dancing in the lodge, so guests go over to the Community House where there is a phonograph. Patterson's postcards are one of the few things sold in the lodge's store. A piano is in the great hall and there are nightly singing programs. Lights go out at midnight because of the Delco generator. (81)
4/26/26 A gigantic earth and rock slide just below the hotel does major damage to the Lake trail. (82)
11/16/26 In a letter to Mather, Steel recalls that Parkhurst sold his real estate development in Portland for $50,000 to finance the original lodge. (83)
1/27/27 NPS begins an extensive improvement program for the park. A new pumping plant and water system will be constructed at Munson Spring, while a small comfort station will be built near the water at the foot of the Lake trail. (84)
July 1927 In a Standard Oil Bulletin, there is a photo of lumber piles on the ground near the west annex on the south side. One hemlock tree still stands south of the lodge where the present roadway is, and some grass grows in the turnaround in front of the building's entrance. The first road oiling project is begun at the rim to fight the blowing pumice dust after a new road from Munson Valley reached Rim Village. The route changed the village's circulation pattern considerably because it now enters the area at a plaza created by the NPS instead of near the lodge. The 1914 route is abandoned. (85)
Summer 1928 Seven percent of the visitors patronized the lodge during a year when 113,000 came to the park. No physical improvements are made in the hotel structure and no new furnishings or embellishments are added. The largest grading project ever attempted on the rim is done is front of the lodge with Fresno scrapers. A pump house is constructed at Munson Spring and water pipe laid in Rim Village. (86)
9/16/28 A veranda on the lodge's north side has been started and will be completed by the end of the 1929 season. (87)
1/25/29 Planning for definition of roadways and a promenade is begun. A log parapet is planned for the control of parking until stone curbing is put in. A drainage culvert was put in during 1928 in the fill area to carry run off. It is 18" corrugated pipe and 40 feet long. (88)
3/29/29 Albright tells Price of visitor criticism that rooms are inadequately furnished, especially with regard to curtains and rugs. "Effort was made to keep the rooms clean but they were in such an unfinished condition, from a standpoint of paint and furnishings, that it was impossible to make them look attractive. Money should be spent to make the lobby attractive and only a small amount should be involved in making the guest rooms attractive and liveable." (89)
6/17/29 Price is now the sole manager of the lodge and is assisted by his daughter. He says that Frank Salter, as usual, will be in charge of all the company's building this year. (90)
7/14/29 The NPS opens the Crater Wall trail that begins from the promenade near the new cafeteria following a route earlier blazed by Fred Kiser. The Lake trail is abandoned. (91)
7/21/29 Public health inspector notes the leakage in lodge's plumbing. He questions whether the water system can provide enough for the NPS "naturalization" program on the rim. An agreement is then hatched whereby a half acre west of the lodge is sown to grass as an experiment to gauge water usage. He notes that the NPS plans to grow a lawn in the open area west of the lodge and plant shrubbery around the lodge buildings. (92)
7/25/29 Landscape architect EA. Davidson orders six foot wide walks be staked as diagonal paths to augment circulation along the promenade. The first planting soil is secured along the west rim road about half a mile away from Rim Village and out of sight. Some time is spent investigating areas adjacent to the rim for suitable shrubs and small trees to be used for the autumn transplanting work, but the best area seems to be what is now Steel Circle. Davidson recommends a change in the water system from the two foot high stand up faucets to box faucets. Superintendent Solinsky's idea about having a sidewalk on the north side of the log parapets is adopted, but not implemented until stone curbing is put in several years later. (93)
7/29/29 A small spring is located on Garfield Peak that is thought to be of possible use in the naturalization pro gram. (94)
8/7/29 The veranda is near completion. It is 80 feet long and constructed along the older section of the lodge. It is built of large rocks cemented together in a wall about six feet high around the edge of the veranda, rising about two feet above the floor. It has a concrete foundation and steps that go down to the promenade. During construction, one of the lodge's windows is covered, as is what had been referred to as the "ice chute". The graveling of paths that Davidson recommended is partly completed. (95)
8/27/29 A lawn will extend about 1000 feet west of the lodge. In the experimental area, loam has been hauled in and fertilized. Four days later, there is a report that the veranda has been paved and railed, with a $600 awning added. Rocking chairs have been placed on it. The lodge has done its greatest business in history so far this season. A confectionery counter is located in the lodge. (96)
Summer 1929 NPS correspondence states that the lodge has 105 sleeping rooms, but only 20 have a private bath. Public restrooms on second and third floors are small and need constant attention to keep clean. Visitation jumps to 128,000 for the year. (97)
9/13/29 About ten percent of the rim area has been planted and walks need to be completed. The log parapet has been finished along the road and in the turnaround loop in front of the lodge entrance. (98)


1/7/30 Rudy Lueck is now lodge caretaker and says that five pigeons which had nested under the lodge's eaves have been found dead from the cold. (99)
4/9/30 Report that reiterates the Summer 1929 correspondence about the lodge having 105 sleeping rooms and only 20 rooms have private bath. There is a photographic studio in the lodge, but the entrance to the lobby should be widened and made more attractive. The veranda is a great improvement, but something similar should be added on the south side for the unloading of guests. There is not enough electric power to heat rooms. The entire upper floor of the lodge is now in disuse because the NPS water system does not provide enough to the bath and washrooms. A storage tank should be built on Garfield for an adequate water supply. Tent houses to the east of the lodge should be removed and a fence built around the hotel's service yard. (100)
4/13/30 The original stove in the kitchen was wood-burning. Laundry is done in Medford. (101)
4/30/30 Solinsky says that 40 rooms in the lodge are yet to be finished and furnished. Some $40,000 is needed to do the job but he recommends that this money be put into constructing "deluxe" cabins. The only power now available to the lodge is generated by two or three small gasoline plants, and they furnish barely enough light to see by. (102)
7/6/30 Newspaper describes the chairs on the veranda as rustic and states that there is a magazine counter in the lodge. (103)
7/29/30 The park's post office is established in the lodge. (104)
Summer 1930 NPS makes a concerted effort to locate the main circulation area of Rim Village away from the lodge. The Sinnott Memorial is built, as is a comfort station in back of the cafeteria to serve the housekeeping cabins. This allows for eventual abandonment of the tent house area east of the lodge and the removal of the 1921 comfort station there. (105)
9/23/30 Visitation jumps 27 percent over 1929, to 153,000. (106)
9/30/30 Newspaper criticism states that little has been done at the lodge since 1921 except add rooms. There is still no garage, the entrance to the building is described as a freight shed, and building's light is too poor to read or play cards. In addition, there is no heat in the rooms, the great hall has kitchen tables for writing desks, and has no decorations such as Indian rugs or artistic hangings, while the chairs are arranged so closely together that one has to push them aside in order to get near the fireplace. (107)
5/1/31 Steel says that the lodge is located right where he wanted it. (108)
5/24/31 Company says that it lost money in 1930 because it had a smaller volume of business than in 1929. (109)
6/22/31 A new water system is being constructed that will replace wood pipe with steel. Munson Spring water has been pumped into five wooden tanks located on a hill in the campground area, but the new Garfield reservoir will eliminate two of these tanks. Water pressure is now expected to average 275 pounds. (110)
6/25/31 The overhead telephone lines from Munson Valley to the lodge are placed underground. The lodge has one of six lines in the park. (111)
8/24/31 The lodge's dining room closes early because of a drop in business. (112)
9/14/31 Visitation increases to 170,000, a gain of nine percent over 1930. The NPS plants shrubs on the north side of the lodge. (113)
9/22/31 Power is delivered to a transformer substation at the lodge, marking the first time that generators do not have to be used. (114)
11/1/31 A report notes that 445 feet of parapet wall along the promenade is needed to finish the walk. All of this is located east of the lodge. A large fill (what would later become the parking area) is being built south of the graded area that was done in 1928. (115)
1/1/32 An 11,000 volt transmission line constructed during the fall of 1931 has eliminated the use of seven gas driven generators formerly in the park. Like the phone line, power cables are located underground be tween park headquarters in Munson Valley and the lodge. (116)
8/8/32 Lodge's dining room closes because of the drop in business, and the company knows it will sustain a loss for the season. Visitation drops to 109,000 for the season. (117)
10/24/32 Parapet wall near the lodge is completed. Shrubs are planted near the steps of the veranda to the promenade. Considerable planting of shrubbery and sodding is done along the north side of the hotel. Three large hemlocks from Munson Valley are planted on the northwest corner of the lodge. (118)
11/18/32 Landscape architect Merel Sager reports that the planting of Kentucky bluegrass has become quite bunchy. He likes pink spirea and mountain ash as shrubs. Much of this year's planting was done on the north side of the parapet wall between the Sinnott Memorial and the lodge. He states that stone curbing has been placed from the plaza to the lodge. Sager also says that planting needs to be done on the south side of the hotel and that he is trying to get the company interested in what he calls "foundation planting" around the building because he says that the lodge is unattractive as it is. (119)
12/14/32 A construction report provides some detail about the bays built in the parapet wall below the lodge. The report has several pictures. Parking at the lodge is on the graded surface south of the entrance. (120)
2/6/33 The park's post office is to be located in the lodge once again this season. (121)
June 1933 A fire inspection report notes problems with knotted drop cords in the guest rooms and hallways of the building. Fire escape balconies have been damaged by snow or are rotten and need replacement. The kitchen chimney has a sizeable hole in it where the metal pipe takes off from the "brickwork". Sparks could escape to the shingled roof and building codes are cited about park chimneys not having spark arresters. (122)
6/11/33 All meals will be served in the cafeteria. The lodge is on a strictly European plan. Rates are lower than in 1932. (123)
7/14/33 The lodge's water system is made up of various sizes of "unsuited pipes" that were originally laid close to the ground (in some cases 6" from the surface) so that frozen pipes are a continual expense. A new water system of steel pipe is laid by Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees. Faucets are placed at "convenient intervals" along the walk in the landscaped area. (124)
September 1933 The planting of shrubs to the west of the lodge is completed. Visitation for the year drops to 90,000, about a 18 percent decline. (125)
10/13/33 Sager's naturalization report states that preparation of soil was done for planting the turnaround area near the entrance of the lodge. This was done by hauling mostly sedge peat from Munson Valley and bringing in top soil from the east entrance road (power line area, near a tributary) one half mile from headquarters. The area was then sodded, with shrub and tree beds prepared and placed informally. (126)
10/16/33 Stone curbing is being constructed on the south side of the lodge, defining both the turnaround area and a future parking lot adjacent to it. The curbing is 8" thick, 24" deep, and between 30" and 84" long. C.C.C. crews work on shrub bed between the veranda and the steps to the bay. (127)
7/1/34 Resident landscape architect Francis Lange says that the turnaround area (which he calls the "circular drive") requires constant attention with respect to the watering of the landscaping. The sodding of the circular drive is complete. Large trees are being placed within the circular drive and he says that this is desirable because an immediate effect is gained rather than having to wait for growth. A walk has been staked through the area; its construction will allow the landscaping to be completed. (128)
August 1934 The lodge receives its first staining on the roof and exterior walls since the 1920s. (129)
Summer 1934 Visitation increases to 118,000. Stone curbing in front of the lodge is completed a year after new entrance steps and landing are built at the building's main entry. Price arranges with Solinsky to have a concrete porch built on the hotel's south side for $200, using park materials and labor. But $500 is ex pended and this becomes one of the charges investigated prior to Solinsky's indictment. (130)
9/26/34 Lodge dining room closed and is now used for the storage of automobiles. (131)
10/22/34 The circular drive has been completed with a bitumen walk, but the lower parking area is unfinished. Lange says that the circular drive stops visitors from parking. He also states that the now abandoned tent house area and old horse corral need to be cleaned up by the concessioner. (132)
6/15/35 Price announces that the dining room will reopen and the company will spend money on furniture and equipment in the lodge. (133)
8/19/35 A report on the concessioner contains complaints that the lodge's beds are poor, one has to be careful that they do not roil out. The beds are described as "old iron affairs" while the rooms are said to be finished in beaver board. The dining room is still closed and employees have no distinguishing uniform or badge as required by the contract. (134)
11/1/35 Lange says that the south side of the lodge is improved. Trees, shrubs, plants, peat, top soil, and sod were added to the rear of this (the lodge) unattractive layout and improvement took place in the vicinity of the lower parking area. He compares the scene with 1931 and states that the NPS and CCC work has produced an interesting landscape despite the unattractive exterior of the lodge. (135)
11/6/35 The lower parking area near the lodge is reported to be finished, with landscaping of it scheduled for 1936. A photo shows just a few trees in the circular drive, with pumice only in the parking area. (136)
8/1/36 Lange recommends the debris in the hotel's basement be removed and that better cleaning methods need to be found around the entrance. A tennis court is proposed for the area southeast of the lodge in the pumice flat formerly occupied by the tent houses. (137)
9/1/36 Company completes ten rooms on the third floor of the annexes, supposedly finishing that level. The exterior of the annexes are getting an entirely new covering of redwood shingles on their exterior walls. The walls of the basement floor and windows are in need of repair and repainting. (138)
9/24/36 The tank house at the campground is removed and the area landscaped because all Rim Village buildings are on one water system. (139)
10/1/36 Lange says that the reshingling of the annexes' exterior walls was completed in September. The company's plan is to give the same treatment to the original portion of the lodge during 1937. The entire building will be restained when the 1937 work is completed. (140)
8/24/37 Several old roads to the east of the lodge have been obliterated. Landscaping of small areas east of the lodge continues through the fall. The planting of weathered boulders and logs around the hotel has been completed. He says that there remains only small landscape details about the operator's lodge, but it can't forsake its barn-like architectural characteristics. During the month the building's exterior walls and roof were stained the approved park color (brown and green, respectively). (141)
Summer 1937 All rooms in the older portion of the building are supposedly papered and painted. The Superintendent's Annual Report states that 16 rooms were completed in the lodge and that its lobby underwent extensive alterations to provide for increased business. Price says that all rooms on the second floor are now "finished" (probably meaning that 3/8-inch sheet rock has been used). (142)
10/25/37 A report contradicts the Annual Report by stating that only ten rooms were finished during the year, bringing the total usable rooms in the lodge to 87. (143)
12/17/37 The account for surfacing and paving parking areas has had the difference in cost of the lodge's porch charged against it [the actual ($500), less what Solinsky quoted Price ($200) for its construction]. Much of the road work is done during the summer of 1933, when a large part of the parking area in front of the lodge was graded by hand. Some 3760 cubic yards of material is moved for the parking area, with about 950 yards coming from the parking area; the remainder is from Munson Valley. (144)
5/17/38 Price states that the lodge's laundry requires only one washer. He also writes that all of the sewer system was laid out at the time that the building [meaning the annexes] were constructed. The annexes were erected with the expectation that a laundry would be installed eventually. (145)
6/23/38 Price sends Superintendent Leavitt the plans for the laundry plant that is to be located in the lodge's basement. A six inch concrete floor has been poured, which will be the base for a washer, extractor, ironer, and fluffer. The plumbing for the plant was put in during 1922 but for 16 years laundry has been done out of the park. Price states that the company's construction program began in 1922 and continued until 1929, when it stopped for the depression and did not start again until 1936. With the rooms completed in the past two years and the increased travel, it became necessary to 'complete our [building?] pro gram with a laundry plant." (146)
8/25/38 The new laundry has been completed in the basement of the lodge. There have been no changes to the building's exterior, except that 1000 feet of lineal walk has been placed at the lodge's parking area. (147)
9/19/38 Review of the newly installed laundry reveals that the Portland cement plaster varies 5/8" in wall thickness. A recommendation is made for a louvre vent in one of the four existing windows in the laundry room. Vents should also be placed in the door of the water heater room and in a selected place in the foundation wall. A better type of flooring is needed between the laundry and the water heater room than the existing dirt floor. (148)
10/21/38 A new cabin development is planned for the area next to the lodge, partly in response to the noticeable deterioration of the housekeeping cabins after only ten years. (149)
11/18/38 Leavitt urges Price to clean up the lodge's basement, especially the toilet and the approximately ten 50 gallon capacity oil drums. (150)
4/24/39 Twenty of the 26 bowl and pitcher rooms in the lodge are occupied by female concession employees. (151)
7/22/39 The company has installed a fireplace screen for the "lobby" fireplace and roped off an aisle leading from the fireplace to the front exit. Four "stempel pistol type" fire extinguishers are added, as is an automatic shutoff on the laundry boiler so that an explosion from lack of water will be prevented. A 24 hour watchman service is instituted. (152)
Summer 1939 Four fire hydrants are installed with public works money near the lodge, as part of new water and sewer lines put in by CCC enrollees. Their locations are: to the east of the building, at a point southeast on the circular drive, at a point southwest, and west along the promenade. Leavitt's annual report notes that the company has installed better beds and mattresses in the lodge. The park has the greatest number of visitors in its history (236,000), but the concession shows a loss for the year. (153)
9/25/39 Lange reports that redwood shakes have been used as a minor improvement on the south side of the lodge to replace damaged members on the annexes. (154)


July 1940 Water hammer problems in the lodge's pipes. The filter trenches built to service the building failed due to the increased volume of waste from installation of the laundry plant. (155)
9/19/40 Leavitt recommends that the company receive another 20 year contract. (156)
11/7/40 Four foot high wood piles have once again made their appearance east of the lodge. Vehicle tracks have been made by concession employees across the pumice flat area near the building. (157)
1/9/41 Leavitt writes that the lodge has five types of rooms: those with bowl and pitcher only, some with hot and cold water only, those with wash basin and toilet, some with the previous two kinds of amenities and a bath, those with all amenities and twin beds. He wants the company to install a hot water heating system, and a furnace that burns fuel oil instead of visitors and employees attempting to use space heaters. A Grinnell-type automatic sprinkling system should be placed throughout the building and fire doors should be installed in the corridors. (158)
4/26/41 Company receives a new 20 year contract some seven months prior to the expiration of its current agreement. It agrees to install a water heater system to replace portable electric heaters and commits itself to a lodge fire safety program. The lodge is said to have 102 guest rooms, a figure that includes those where employees are housed. (159)
9/8/41 The company proposes reshingling a portion of the building so the NPS recommends use of vertical grain cedar shingles similar to those existing on other parts of the lodge. (160)
9/17/41 Safety violations are cited because 19 female concession employees are housed in a series of small attic rooms that open onto a narrow corridor. The attic corridor is finished with "a composition paper type sheathing which appears highly inflammable." It is noted that the metal fire escape ladders are not considered a means of exit by the NPS, and that "the matter of how to get through such a small window opening and onto the ladder would present problems best solved by a side show escape artist." (161)
11/5/41 The NPS recommends the removal of highly combustible paper wall and ceiling finish from all rooms and corridors; installation of non-flammable wall board or paper finish is recommended. Also recommended is a metal fire escape with exit door near room 402. Fire axes should be placed in the hallways. (162)
11/14/41 Leavitt calls for plans to connect the lodge sewer line to the NPS system located south of headquarters. At this time, garbage from the lodge is hauled from Rim Village to the dump located in Munson Valley (the site of Steel Circle). (163)
2/19/42 A ski "bowl" is located south of the lodge and used by visitors. (164)
6/8/42 A memo to Director Drury notes that an automatic sprinkler system for the lodge was first suggested in a NPS 1939 fire safety report, but this was rejected by the company as financially impractical. Although a new dormitory building is desireable, concession employee housing may have to be provided in the unfinished west wing of the lodge. (165)
6/25/42 The lodge's dining room provides all meals because the cafeteria is closed for the season. (166)
7/27/42 Last day for accommodation at the lodge until it reopens 6/15/46. (167)
10/28/42 In his Annual Report, Leavitt writes that new furniture, bedding, and mattresses were placed in some 30 of the lodge's rooms during the season. He states that all of the building's rooms have now been refurnished. Visitation has gone from an all time high of 273,000 in 1941 to 100,000 because of the onset of World War II. (168)
Spring 1943 Some damage is done to the 1919 north side steel fire escape ladder by snow loading. (169)
8/6/43 The lodge is called a "fire trap of the worst sort" and a recommendation is made that it should be replaced as soon as possible. The Rim Village development is further described as an unsightly con glomeration of buildings which should be demolished and "the entire area except for the road and parking area allowed to revert to nature." (170)
March 1944 Leavitt notes that a number of rooms (on the fourth floor?) in the annexes have not been completed. Employees are housed in the attic space upstairs. The parking space outside has space for 44 cars. (171)
7/18/44 Chief Landscape Architect Tom Vint questions whether it is wise to continue with overnight accommodations in the park when most of the visitation has been observed to have shifted to a day use pattern. (172)
12/14/44 The underground power cable to the lodge is worn to the point where power to the building cannot be provided. The NPS suggests that the company operate the cabins, store, and lunch counter from the cafeteria until this can be repaired. (173)
10/31/45 Leavitt states in a planning report that the small spring located on Garfield Peak currently cannot be found. (174)
11/29/45 An NPS planning chart shows the lodge with 95 rooms and total capacity of 240 persons. Some 35 rooms (capacity 74 persons) have bath facilities. (175)
12/14/45 Leavitt states that the cover of the lodge's septic tank caved in during the period that the building was not in operation [1942-45]. He notes that U.S. Public Health Service inspectors recommend a sewer pump near the lodge and a connection to the septic leach field system serving the cafeteria. (176)
Summer 1946 The fourth floor of the lodge is no longer used to house employees. Approximately $10,000 was appropriated to replace an electrified cable between Munson Valley and Rim Village in order to restore service that had failed during the war years due to deterioration of the old cable. (177)
2/10/47 A gasoline-driven rope tow is installed on the weekends in the ski bowl south of the lodge. (178)
5/7/47 The company puts new ranges and heaters in the lodge. (179)
6/11/47 Leavitt notes that the lodge's wall and roof shingles need replacement and that guest rooms need new linen and blankets. Fire escapes need repair and replacement, while the dining room should have new utensils and dishes. It is during this month that the company closes off the fourth floor. (180)
8/1/47 An inspector's report states that the food storage area in the lodge basement has only a dirt floor. The toilet facility in the basement is said to be inadequate and much of the building's plumbing is described as being improperly installed. (181)
8/15/47 A NPS inspection of the lodge notes that there is no fire alarm in the building, but all of the waste baskets in the guest rooms are of the "metal type" and ash trays have been provided in similar numbers. Some of the lodge's old electric wiring has been replaced by new #8 and #10 wire. (182)
September 1947 A notation is made that the lodge's plumbing fixtures are leaky and waste much water. (183)
3/11/48 Leavitt writes that hotel accommodation should be provided outside the park and all concession facilities at the rim should eventually be condemned. (184)
4/13/48 The company has placed an order for a dishwasher whose capacity is 1000 pieces per hour. A vegetable peeling machine is ordered, as are meat blocks for the lodge's kitchen. (185)
4/27/48 Leavitt estimates that the cost of a sprinkler system for the lodge would be $60,000 and difficult to put in an old building not designed for it. (186)
5/7/48 Price's attempt to sell the company to Michael Lee of Oakland falls apart. (187)
5/10/48 Leavitt tells the company that the NPS wants plywood instead of paper to line the rooms and hallways of the "China quarters" (above kitchen). The only toilet, bath, and wash basin facilities for these quarters are currently in the basement under the kitchen, necessitating a two story descent. These quarters also need fire escapes. In an internal NPS letter of the same date, there is comment about the south side fire es capes. To use them, a guest would have to get access to an often locked room and then step up on a chair to reach the window sill. Panels need to be placed between stairs, especially on the third floor because sweepings are going into the recess formed by the panels and sidewalks. There is a need to enclose the vertical openings which exist in all bathrooms and toilets. Vent shafts are not lined with any fire-resistant material and have been sealed in the attic and ground floor. The company still uses a great number of 20 and 30 ampere fuses. No fire alarm has been provided and combustible materials have not been removed from the attic, bathroom, or lean-to(?) to the kitchen. (188)
6/3/48 Some facilities for the China quarters are near completion and fire stops in stairways are "well along". Fire escapes are being repaired and wire reinforced glass for all stair and hallway doors has been in stalled. On the same date, NPS Director Drury writes Secretary of Interior Krug to say that the company's fire safety improvements of 1947 are not up to standard. He states that the cost of a sprinkler system would exceed the value of the structure, but that a strict watchman service should be instituted. The removal of the lodge should be made a condition for granting a new contract in 1960. (189)
6/4/48 The company reports that it has been or intends to fix the swinging doors in the hallways so that they will stay closed. They plan to install fire alarms and modernize the building's fire extinguishers. (190)
6/14/48 The company agrees to employing a combination telephone and telegraph operator in the lodge for the season. (191)
6/25/48 WASO Safety Chief Ahern prepares a 12 page report on the lodge. He writes that electricity is provided by California Oregon Power Company, whose voltage is reduced through an oil-cooled transformer located in a room that does not meet the standards of the National Electrical Code and which was not designed for that purpose. An underground vault is recommended if the transformer continues to be oil-cooled, with installation a responsibility of the NPS. Ahern states that the 75 person dining room is heated by a propane gas unit heater; other rooms have electric heaters but some remain unheated. Two oil burning boilers are present, one in the basement of the building's south end to furnish hot water for the kitchen. The other is located at the basement's north end to furnish hot water for the guest rooms and steam for the laundry. There is a small ironing room in the north basement.

Ahern's recommendations are many. He wants the main entrance doors to open outward and be equipped with panic hardware. The dry powder extinguishers in the hallways should be removed. Since sparks have ignited upholstery of chairs, the great hall's fireplace screen should be kept closed. He wants standard enclosed exits (instead of steel ladders that go down from guest rooms) near rooms 301, 310, 340, and 354 even though some rooms would be lost. In each guest room Ahern wants an ash tray and a metal waste basket. (192)
9/10/48 Much outside trim of the lodge is painted. (193)
12/31/48 Several WASO personnel agree that the lodge should be adapted to a two-story structure which could house NPS public contact functions, a museum, and offices. (194)
4/23/49 The company writes to Leavitt and lists some of their improvements for the lodge since January 1941. They mention that there is a new dishwashing machine, furniture, rugs, and fire equipment (alarm, exit lights, and fire wall in kitchen basement) in addition to the remodeled quarters for the Chinese help. (195)
7/12/49 Many rooms have supposedly been redecorated, there have been new carpets laid, and a new runner carpet has been placed on the second floor hallway. It is probable that asphalt tile on the first floor made its appearance during this period (1948-1950) because it is referred to in the 1953 Haner report. (196)
10/14/49 Acting Superintendent D.D. Crumley writes that the NPS has considered installation of a transformer vault several hundred feet away from the lodge, but this would entail considerable expense and would re quire a special snow chimney for winter access. (197)
12/21/49 Leavitt writes that the company purchased about 60 Wessix space heaters for guest rooms at the beginning of last season. The lodge's great hall is heated only by a large fireplace. Liquid gas is used to heat the dining room. Employees eat in the cafeteria. "Store service" is provided in the lodge and consists curios, magazines, newspapers, postcards, pictures, candy, and bottled drinks.

In the same report he states, "Furniture for most of the rooms (knotty pine type) was constructed by the company m the winter of 1938-39 and replaced old, worn-out, obsolete furniture. New mattresses and blankets and other bedding was provided at that time...Heating in the bedrooms was provided by electric heaters when commercial electric service was provided in the park in 1934." (198)


3/23/50 Leavitt tells Price that the proposed transformer vault will have a paint storage area about eleven feet square so that the company can store their paints and reduce the fire hazard inside the lodge. (199)
Spring 1950 Structural reinforcement necessitates the installation of eight-by-eight wood columns in the great hall. (200)
5/15/50 The NPS suggests that a "coin box" telephone be placed in the lodge lobby and that all guest calls be made through it instead of line charges continuing to accrue. An example of successful operation at Yosemite is cited. (201)
6/29/50 Director Drury writes that recommendation for sprinklers in the lodge was first made in 1936 and that "the implication that such protection was not known when the two wings were finished in 1937 is incorrect." (202)
10/4/50 Leavitt reports that Price fired Fyock (his son-in-law, who had taken charge of the lodge's improvement program) after a quarrel and Price had proceeded to fire a number of employees without cause throughout August. (203)
11/14/50 Transformer vault is reported to be 80 percent complete. Installation of the transformer and the placement of a rock facing on the exterior (never accomplished) still need to be done. (204)
12/5/50 Assistant Superintendent Been suggests that rock facing not be put on the transformer vault and recommends instead that its walls be stained brown. "Without the rock facing, the stained vault will be a much neater structure than the frame (cold storage) shack which stood where the vault is now." He notes that the unsightly boarded up windows [of the kitchen wing and the building's southeast corner] are like that the year round. The company proceeds to put its cold storage room in the basement of the lodge where the NPS transformers formerly were located. (205)
12/6/50 Leavitt notes that "when the footings for the transformer vault were dug the concrete in the walls of the lodge was found to be in such poor condition that rather than to use the lodge walls at all, all four walls of the vault and the roof and floor were made of reinforced concrete which gives us an excellent structure. The concrete that is in contact with the walls of the lodge has strengthened and reinforced them to a large extent." (206)
June 1951 The company wants to use four rooms on the third floor formerly occupied by employees as guest rooms. (207)
8/15/51 San Francisco regional office sends the company's contractor samples of stain suggested for the lodge. Stating that the following are good for NPS buildings, green is suggested for the roof (Creo-Dipt, no. 239 or 237); brown (Creo-Dipt, no. 226 or 233, alternatively Cabot's Creosote Stain no. 247) or gray (Cabot's Creosote Stain no. 243) for the walls. The wall choice is given because the NPS has recently come to the conclusion that gray may be as suitable for exterior walls as brown. By September, the contractor had completed the staining of the lodge, using the approved green and brown colors at a cost of $8000. (208)
9/27/51 Sketch plans are made (see drawing 106-lA) because the original plans for the lodge are not available in the park, regional office, or through the concession. It is noted that the beams on the first floor of the original building are sagging and bear directly on the stone walls. Construction methods for the kitchen are said to be poor as seen from the sagging members. The basement below the kitchen consists of part concrete, part wood, and part earth floors and contains an unvented bathroom. Two concrete piers are in good condition but the 8 x 10 wood post is unsound and subject to dry rot because it is in contact with the earth floor. The basement under the dining room has a walk-in refrigerator in the southwest corner with a wood floor that is now about to break through due to dry rot. The annex basement is praised as being better than the original building but moisture enters there also. Where earth floors occur, the company has placed mats of pleated wood.

The first floor guest baths and public w.c. are interior and not vented. In the employee's wing, however, the wall finish consists of 1/2" thick rough fibre or insulating board (similar to rough fibered masonite) of a light brown color and unpainted. It should be replaced with a sanitary plaster board that offers some fire resistance. The w.c. and lavatory at hall end are also finished with this material. Annex wing on the second floor is of fair construction but the quarters for the Chinese help is in poor condition (pine floors, plywood walls, wood stairways with no fireproofing, and a shingle roof on this wing is deteriorating rapidly). Third floor annex wings are fair, and it is noted that the help's quarters are in the "east wing". There are a number of roof leaks on the fourth floor, which result in wall board peeling off ceilings and walls. The wall board is an obsolete make, consisting of card board stiffened by a backing of wood lath, with the latter set in a type of coal tar or asphalt.

North facade window sills have been split or sheared off due to collapse of the "marquee" over the terrace last winter. The concrete terrace facing the lake has cracked the entire length and has settled so as to drain water into the sub-fill below the terrace. Double hung wood sash are not weather tight, especially at meeting rails. There is a recommendation that garbage cans near the kitchen wing should be fenced and screened. Immediate reroofing and strengthening of the kitchen wing should be undertaken. The report concludes by stating that an outside engineer should make a complete structural survey before repairs are undertaken. (209)
10/15/51 The lodge's roof and sides are restained and trim repainted. Price's doctor will not allow him to return to the park because of his health. (210)
1/29/52 The NPS regional office discusses water reservoir requirements of a proposed sprinkler system in the lodge, but is handicapped by not having a set of complete plans for the building. (211)
8/19/52 An inspection report notes that the dining room ceiling is seriously deteriorated and in need of major repair and finish. The lodge's septic tank is reported to be inadequate and effluent discharges in seepage trenches that are seriously overloaded, resulting in effluent "running in considerable volume from the seepage trenches down the mountain to the valley...Sewage disposal at the lodge is totally inadequate and its correction calls for emergency action before reopening next season." (212)
2/27/53 Company attorney Joe P. Price writes that the stone wall in front of the lodge veranda is leaning at a sharp angle toward the lake and is in danger of collapsing. (213)
4/2/53 The plans for the original part of the lodge are said to be at WASO. Photostatic copies are later provided Ross and Tunks so that they can prepare the Haner Report. (214)
June 1953 The Haner Report is done by S.A. Ross and H.V. Tunks on contract with the NPS. This report is a structural survey to determine if removal is warranted economically or whether measures could be taken to extend the building's life. Ross and Tunks observe the conditions in 1953, often comparing them with the Hockenberry plans.

Ross writes that alteration work is in progress for three rooms on the lodge's north side, second floor, lobby section. Cabinets, lavatories, and showers will be installed. The third floor of the original building has employees housed over the great hall, while the lobby and dining hall sections are used for storage (the fourth floor over the great hall is also used as storage space). In the annexes, the fourth floor is unfinished and used for drying space and storage.

The Hockenberry plans showed a half timber stucco wall finish above the second floor line. Ross notes the difference between the eave line, dormers, and level of masonry in the as-built condition and the plans. The original lodge was sheathed with asphalt felt weather sheet under the later shingles. Original room and corridor finish on the second, third, and fourth floors was wood lath and asphalt-bonded paper board applied directly to the lath, but a considerable amount of paper board has been replaced or covered by insulation board or plywood with a four foot plywood wainscot. The annex interior finish on three floors is wood frame and gypsum board with plywood wainscoting.

Structurally, the exterior stone walls should have been constructed with pilasters (as per plans). The great hall was to have concrete footings and piers in the plans instead of allowing stone and mortar walls to rest on original ground. Four dormers were constructed on the third floor of the dining hall and lobby sections (vs. 2 in plans) and five dormers were built on the fourth floor of the great hall (vs. 3 in plans). The heads of stone masonry in the windows are arched instead of flat as planned. Ross notes that the annexes were built substantially as shown in plans, but have no weather sheet on exterior walls. He notes that stone masonry walls were originally laid up with lime mortar, with individual stones chinked rather than bedded solid. Except for the chimney projection above the second floor, existing stone masonry was repointed with Portland cement mortar.

Ross states that the windows appear to have been recently painted, but this treatment is good only for appearance. The window trim and sills are badly deteriorated. Original flashings on the lodge roof around the chimneys are rusty and need replacement. Shingles on the northeast corner of the dining hall under the eaves are riddled by bird peck. When the exit platforms were cut into the rake of the roof, the roofing material was damaged. The platforms are not weather proof and should be redecked. Dormers should be removed because they prolong snow loading and are the major source of interior water damage.

A floor by floor condition report is also included. All rooms used for guests have been refinished, but some employee rooms over the great hall and dining room on the third floor have not been. Wood floors on the second and third floors are in poor condition, having been cut up for pipes and are now sagging. Asphalt tile covers the first floor in the lobby, great hall, and dining room; Ross speculates that the kitchen floor has been renovated. Basement under the kitchen is cement, but that under the great hall is dirt and is used for food storage.

Ross states that the installation of a sprinkler system is desirable, but not mandatory because the annexes were completed before the adoption of the Pacific Coast Uniform Building Code. He says that the second floor beams were spiked together instead of using one inch cross bolts. An illustration shows that the dining room retained its original 14" timber beams. A photo of the great hall shows that the "Indian" motif design still hangs on the east wall as it did in the early 1920s. Ross states that 12 rooms need (wall?)papering in the great hall section and that an extra layer of 1/2 inch gypsum board is needed on the inside of all exterior wall surfaces of the original lodge. A lodge expansion is feasible to the east by building an addition similar to the annexes, but it would be necessary to increase the dining and kitchen facilities. (215)
9/28/53 Superintendent Wosky notes that the company added showers and toilets to four rooms during the sum mer. Three of the rooms are large and have been serving family groups. He writes that they converted two rooms by putting showers and toilets in during the 1952 season. (216)
3/29/54 Price sells his 90 percent interest in the concession to Harry and "Pop" Smith. The Smiths begin a five year program of expansion that correlates with increased revenue and use of the lodge. (217)
4/9/54 A new power and metering panel is installed in the Lodge's transformer vault. (218)
12/13/54 The Smiths have a new cocktail lounge, the Caldera Room, substantially completed. Done are the ceiling, wallpaper, plumbing, and wiring rough-in. (219)
6/13/55 Caldera Room opens. (220)
8/10/55 An a la carte breakfast service is added in the dining room in addition to the table d'hote service. (221)
2/13/56 A broken water main causes a large amount of water to leak into the basement of the lodge. The cause was later found to be a broken 3/4" hose connection off of the 3" line. Little apparent damage to the building is done, though the Garfield Reservoir is virtually drained. (222)
March 1956 The Smiths propose to put an addition onto the dining room of the lodge. (223)
5/11/56 A ten year development plan is presented to the NPS by the Smiths. The concessioners have found that their volume has increased since taking over, with both profits and use of the lodge showing gains each year. This pattern of successive rise in business will continue throughout the Smiths' tenure at the park, from 1954 to 1959. (224)
6/12/56 A new steam boiler is installed in the basement of the lodge to serve the laundry. The portion of the basement adjacent to the boiler room has an earth floor converted to concrete. (225)
6/11/57 New electrical circuit installed from the basement to the third floor of the lodge and a system of outlets is placed in 25 employee rooms. This measure is intended to relieve the old, overloaded circuits and reduce the fire hazard. (226)
Summer 1957 Evening naturalist programs are held in the great hall, a room that now has Indian motif lamp shades over the once bare light bulbs, a magazine stand in the northwest corner, and metal folding chairs throughout the room. (227)
8/25/57 Improvements have been made in lodge accommodations but few details are given. The lodge supposedly now has 114 rooms and a pillow count of 294, a figure that includes 90 employees. (228)
11/7/57 The lobby, great hall, and dining room now have a false ceiling installed by lodge caretaker Glen Happel. Much plumbing work has been accomplished with the placement of bathroom facilities in six rooms. (229)
12/12/57 Happel has been painting the new false ceiling on the first floor. He has been preparing nine rooms for painting in which toilet facilities were installed. (230)
2/11/58 The painting of the false ceiling is completed and work is progressing on construction of a new souvenir display wall and case. (231)
April 1958 New display cases, counters, and walls have been completed in the northwest corner of the great hall. Renovation of nine guest rooms is completed. (232)
9/9/59 Ralph Peyton and Jim Griffin buy the concession operation from the Smiths. The signing of a new con tract is anticipated, but a series of extensions follows until late in 1967. (233)


6/15/60 Lodge opens without a new contract, but can now serve wine with meals in the dining room. Three days later, a small roof fire breaks out in early morning. Concession employees handle lodge guests and control the blaze, which causes little damage. (234)
12/7/60 Negotiations begin regarding the sale of the lodge to the NPS for conversion into a visitor center. (235)
8/2/61 A field agreement is reached about the sale of the lodge between the concessioners and Superintendent Yeager. (236)
9/13/61 After a $500 appraisal, $297,000 is programmed to acquire the lodge by the NPS. It is thought that the building will be converted into a visitor center, with construction starting in July 1963 and completed by July 1967. On September 20, WASO transfers $30,000 of this amount that was intended for museum exhibits. (237)
12/11/61 The lodge is undergoing "plant improvement", but what is done is unspecified. (238)
2/13/62 Peyton and Griffin want to match the money that they will receive from the sale of the lodge and put it toward construction of a new hotel. They are adamant that the new building should have a view of the lake because they would be giving up a site with that feature. (239)
2/7/63 Concessioner improves the kitchen floor and electrical system, removing what Yeager terms as "all unsatisfactory equipment." The intention is to install new tables, dish washing facilities, and other kitchen equipment before the 1963 season opening. (240)
9/9/63 Deteriorated log guard rails are removed from the lodge parking area and replaced with asphalt curb. (241)
Fall 1964 Reroofing of the lodge is started, but the job has to be done again in 1965 because felt paper had not been put down under the shingles. (242)
January 1965 The programmed acquisition of the lodge no longer appears in the Mission 66 monthly progress reports.
4/10/65 An unexplained hole (16" x 24") in a dormer roof appears on the north side of lodge. Sections of 1" x 4" sheathing and shingles are broken. (243)
7/15/65 A start order is given to the contractor for a trunk sewer that is to be built from Rim Village to Munson Valley. It is to cost $40,000 and contain three manholes, one of which is to be the source of the water crisis ten years later. (244)
Fall 1965 Peyton and Griffin finance the installation of new carpeting and furniture in the lodge. This program continues until the NPS acquires the building in late 1967. (245)
12/20/65 Superintendent Volz writes that an additional 6" water line is needed to service a proposed sprinkler system for the lodge. (246)
1/21/66 Volz writes that the lodge has 76 rental rooms and urges that a new concession contract not include ex tended use of the building. (247)
6/7/66 A new 200 amp circuit is installed in the lodge's basement, and three junction boxes are moved to the center of the basement. (248)
9/1/66 Director Hartzog visits and stays overnight in the lodge. He has an informal meeting with Peyton, whereupon an agreement is made for the NPS to buy the building. The plan is to reduce the lodge to a "low profile" structure, the height of it being approximately to the top of the exterior masonry walls. (249)
11/23/66 An appraisal is done of the concession and NPS buildings at Rim Village and Munson Valley, so that Peyton can ascertain the value of NPS property at park headquarters. This is done because Peyton is willing to trade his Rim Village and Denton Park property (in Fort Klamath) for much of Munson Valley. He hopes to use the proceeds from the sale of the lodge to finance this new development. (250)
3/3/67 Development of the lodge into a two-story structure is planned to be accomplished by 1970. (251)
9/26/67 The NPS draws plans for a sprinkler system to be installed throughout the lodge. (252)
10/19/67 Happel has begun remodeling work on ten rooms and one bath on the lodge's fourth floor. (253)
12/20/67 A new 30 year contract is executed with the expectation that the concessioners will embark on a $2 mil lion development program for Rim Village and Munson Valley. The lodge is conveyed to the NPS, but no maintenance agreement is made. The concession assumes routine maintenance until the water crisis of 1975. (254)
Spring 1968 The lodge has a sprinkler system installed throughout the building. At the third floor level, 1/2" steel cables are placed diagonally to help stabilize the building against snow loads. (255)
June 1968 Fire doors are installed as a requirement for fourth floor occupancy by employees. (256)
7/29/68 After consultation with Hartzog, work is started on a new water line that will service the lodge's sprinkler system. The work is finished by the end of September and involves replacing the 4" line with a 6" line. (257)
Summer 1969 The concessioners find that 6" water line is not adequate for the lodge's sprinkler system, so Peyton strikes a deal with Hartzog to get the NPS to pay for an 8" inch line which is constructed in the fall. (258)


Fall 1970 Peyton sells some surplus furniture from the veranda to Park Research Biologist R.M. Brown. (259)
Summer 1972 Construction of the concession s employee dorm is begun as required by the 1967 contract. (260)
12/7/73 Plans for motel units to be constructed at Rim Village or in Munson Valley are dropped after conservation groups oppose the construction of the employee dorm. This is done to stop what Senator Packwood calls "the desecration of Crater Lake National Park by unnecessary buildings." A revised master plan for Rim Village is ordered by Assistant Secretary of Interior Nathaniel Reed. (261)
9/4/74 Repaving of the roadway from the cafeteria to the lodge is completed. (262)
March 1975 The revised master plan ordered by Reed notes that the lodge has been nominated for the National Register of Historic Places. It states that Nixon's 1971 executive order requires that a historic survey (interpreted to mean a historic structure report) be done before major alteration or new construction affect ing the building is attempted. (263)
7/11/75 CRLA is closed to the public until August 1. The lodge remains closed for the remainder of the season due to the water system being reconstructed with emergency funds. (264)
8/14/75 The new water system for the park will use Annie Spring exclusively beginning November 1; Munson Spring is abandoned as a water supply. (265)
9/6/75 Senator Hatfield holds a hearing in Medford about the water crisis. Events concerning the lodge figure prominently in the record. (266)
3/1/76 Under threat of litigation, Peyton sells his company's interest in the concession operation to the Can teen Company of Oregon. (267)
3/2/76 The NPS List of Classified Structures states that the lodge is 585,000 cubic feet and contains 142 rooms. (268)
3/10/76 Peyton and Griffin agree to a NPS master plan proposal to remove the coldwater cabins. The lodging eliminated will be replaced by remodeling the upper two floors of the lodge for overnight accommodations. The concessioners dispute the NPS assertion that the lodge has to be removed and state that the building has been nominated as a historical landmark and that it is a sound structure. They cite Special Directive 75-10 from former Director Everhardt to back their position which is that concession facilities at Rim Village should not be eliminated or phased out. (269)
8/24/76 A master plan draft indicates that the NPS wants an interpretive facility with winter viewing. Concession facilities will remain as long as they have a useful life. Canteen has ten years to remove the coldwater cabins, but says more guest rooms in the lodge are necessary. it is stated that the lodge needs rotten wood window sills and jambs replaced. The veranda needs repair, while the transformer vault should be relocated or modified. There is also criticism that the great hall's gift stand and contemporary furnishings need to be removed. (270)
October 1978 Some $250,000 is appropriated to reroof the lodge, but work does not start until 1981. (271)
May 1979 An electrical inspection of the lodge is made by Denver Service Center personnel. (272)
October 1979 A preliminary report on fire safety and structural stability of the lodge is prepared by DSC. Glen Happel states that each guest room of the several modernized to date has cost $4000. (273)


January 1980 Inspectors estimate that $2.4 million is needed to correct the lodge's deficiencies. There is mention that the NPS still has no maintenance agreement with the concessioner for the building. (274)
11/26/80 A General Accounting Office report focuses on fire safety of the lodge after a request by Senator Hatfield. (275)
12/11/80 The NPS holds public hearings on the question of whether to retain or remove the lodge at the end of its useful life. Overnight stays in the building had declined in the past three seasons, but those at the meetings generally supported retention. (276)
4/3/81 House Joint Memorial 11 urging the retention of the lodge is passed by the Oregon Legislature. (277)
4/28/81 A Roseburg contractor wins bid to reshingle the lodge on the lake side and make various life safety improvements. Among them are constructing a fire escape on the lodge's south east side, rebuilding existing fire escapes, installing fire retardant materials in hallways, and chinking large chimneys to prevent smoke leakage. (278)
5/5/81 The lodge is placed on the National Register of Historic Places. (279)
5/19/81 Dan Babbitt writes that the lodge's roof sheathing and eaves need repair. (280)
8/13/81 An inspector notes that the lodge's fireplaces and chimneys are exempted from building codes because the structure is on the National Register. (281)
10/7/81 A contractor is installing a three-story fire escape on the southeast side of the lodge after completing the first stage of reshingling the building. Change orders on the fire escapes, alarm system, and fire doors lead to much confusion. Some masonry has been repointed and more work is done during 1982. (282)
12/16/81 The historic structure report estimates that the renovation and/or restoration cost of the lodge will cost upwards of $6 million. Acting upon DSC advice, the regional director issues a "no go" decision that suspends the project. (283)
February 1982 A structural survey and physical condition report by Haner, Ross & Sporseen of Portland compares its findings to their 1953 report. Among the recommendations is one for additional steel cables to assist those placed in the building during the late 1960s (some photos in the report show the cables between the first and second floors). (284)
Spring 1982 The lodge's basement and fourth floor are emptied of much furniture and other items in storage. Reroofing of the lodge's south side commences. During this time it is found that some of the exterior wall shingles (ca. 1924?) had been put on with square nails. (285)
March 1984 A draft Development Concept Plan is the subject of public meetings. The disposition of the lodge elicits the most comment, retention in some form is favored once again. (286)
9/11/84 After Director Dickenson opts for eventual removal of the lodge, he is called to testify in a hearing being conducted by Representative Weaver. Responding to criticism that the Historic Structure Report restoration estimates were biased in favor of a "first class" hotel, Dickenson agrees to a second study based on a "rustic" standard of accommodation. This becomes the BOOR/A report of 1986. (287)
Spring 1985 The northwest corner of the great hall's roof falls off after it was damaged by snow loading in 1983. (288)
November 1986 BOOR/A's report is released. In it, Al Staehli presents his findings about whether the slope north of the lodge is eroding back in light of the veranda's deterioration. He writes that change in the snow drifting pattern was evident with the addition of the annexes, and this has put additional stress on the original building. Certain interior details are mentioned, particularly on the first floor. Staehli says that the original great hall light fixtures were replaced when the false ceiling was put in, but the original cord and lamp holder fixtures have been converted to double lamp socket devices in the dining room. He notes that the great hall and dining room fireplaces have been condemned by the NPS. Wrought iron curtain rods and the Indian motif drapes are thought to be from the 1930s (ca. 1937?).

In the original structure's guest rooms, Staehli surmises that blue plaster board was used in place of lath. Some areas of the lodge this was later covered by gypsum board, plywood, or cellular fiber wallboard. Much of the plaster board coverings were white washed. On the building's exterior, Staehli writes that the exposed building paper (ca. 1915-21) was something called Insulo-Black. He cites a report of the 1920s that has the lodge's exterior being gray in color instead of brown. (289)
1/8/88 In his "Notes on the Crater Lake Lodge", Staehli mentions that there are dressers, bedside tables, and chairs stored in the attic of the west wing annex. (290)
2/25/88 Regional Director Odegaard announces the decision that the lodge will be restored as per adoption of the Development Concept Plan for Rim Village. (291)
2/10/89 Canteen Corporation of Oregon changes its name to Estey Corporation, though the local name of the business, Crater Lake Lodge, inc., remains unchanged. (292)
5/26/89 The lodge is closed on the recommendation of consulting engineers. CH2M Hill prepares a technical memorandum on the building's structural stability. A decision to accelerate the work on rehabilitating the lodge follows. (293)
9/1/89 A salvage inventory is conducted by DSC historical architects and CRLA staff. Guest room fixtures were rated and first floor furniture was noted. (294)


Abbreviations are used in some references for repositories and parts of source citations to avoid repetition.

CCFCentral Classified Files
DARDirector's Annual Report to the Secretary of Interior
DSCDenver Service Center
FRCFederal Records Center
HFHistory Files, Crater Lake National Park
HSRHistoric Structure Report, 1982
MCMuseum Collection, Crater Lake National Park
MDFMaintenance Division Files, Crater Lake National Park
NANational Archives, Washington, D.C.
RGRecord Group
SARSuperintendent's Annual Report, Crater Lake
SMNSuperintendent's Monthly Narrative, Crater Lake
SSWilliam G. Steel Scrapbook, CRLA Museum Collection
TICTechnical Information Center


1. SS 22:2, p. 35, Vancouver Register Democrat, 5/14/02; SS 22:2, p. 8, Portland Oregonian, 9/15/1895; Williams, Gerald (comp.) 1989. Judge John Breckenridge Waldo: Diaries and Letters from the High Cascades of Oregon, 1880-1907, entry dated 8/23/1896 [p. 221], USDA-Forest Service, Umpqua National Forest.

2. SAR, 1905, p. 5, HF.

3. SS 35:3, p. 4, Portland Oregon Journal, 3/22/07 and p. 12, Klamath Falls Herald, 8/22/07.

4. SS 39:7, p. 93, Medford Mail Tribune, 8/24/21.

5. SS 35:3, pp. 91-92, Medford Mail Tribune, 7/2 and 7/10, 1909.

6. SS 35:3, p. 95, Portland Oregon Journal, 7/25/09.

7. SS 35:3, p. 102, Medford Mail Tribune, 8/21/09 and p. 52, Medford Mail Tribune, 6/16/09.

8. SS 36:4, p. 52, Medford Mail Tribune, 6/16/10.

9. SS 36:4, p. 58, Medford Mail Tribune, 7/1/10.

10. SS 36:4, p. 58, Portland Oregon Journal, 7/10/10.

11. SS 36:4, p. 60, Medford Mail Tribune, 7/25/10.

12. SS 36:4, p. 71, Portland Oregon Journal, 8/21/10.

13. Walter Fisher, Secretary of the Interior, to Calvin S. White, M.D., Oregon State Health Officer, 5/1/11, cited in: "Crater Lake Lodge: Additional Notes on its Architectural Significance and About the Architect, by Architect Alfred Staehli, AIA, 8 January 1988, p. 1, HF, Lodge Pre-1930 folder.

14. SS 36:4, p. 100, Klamath Chronicle, 5/21/11.

15. SS 36:4, p. 87, Portland Oregonian, 6/11/11.

16. SS 36:4, p. 99, Klamath Chronicle, 8/31/11, and p. 100, Klamath Express, 8/31/11; Cook, Truman B., 1980, "Crater Lake, 1915," Oregon Historical Quarterly 81 (Spring), p. 45; Parkhurst to Steel, 1/18/12, HF, Lodge Pre-1930 folder.

17. Parkhurst to Steel, op. cit.; SS 36:4, p. 105, Portland Oregonian 2/23/12.

18. Edward S. Dixon to the Hon. Secretary of the Interior [Franklin Lane], 2/15/13, pp. 11-13, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 204-01, Part 1, Crater Lake Inspections by Field Officers, NA.

19. SAR, 1913, p.7, HF; Steel to Franklin Lane, Secretary of the Interior, 9/14/13, cited in notes taken Alfred Staehli, AIA, "Background on Crater Lake Lodge," May 1987, p. 3, HF.

20. Remarks of Seely Hall, oral history interview, 1/22/75, tape 36, no. 3, side 1, transcription p. 66, Southern Oregon Historical Society, Jacksonville; HSR, p. 39.

21. SS 38:6, p. 15, Medford Mail Tribune, 5/18/14; "Hotel Area," 1926, MDF.

22. SS 38:6, p. 26, Medford Mail Tribune, 7/31/14.

23. "Report of the Superintendent of Crater Lake National Park," [by William G. Steel], Medford, Oregon, 10/1/14, p. 815, in Annual Report of the Department of Interior, 1914, (Washington, 1915).

24. SS 38:6, p. 30, Medford Mail Tribune, 10/23/14.

25. Parkhurst to the Secretary of the Interior [Franklin Lane], 2/10/15, HF, Lodge Pre-1934) folder.

26. SS 38:6, p. 52.

27. SS 38:6, p. 58, Portland Oregonian, 6/28/15.

28. Cook, op. cit., p. 43.

29. Staehli, "Background on the Crater Lake Lodge," op. cit., p. 4, HF, Lodge Pre-1930 folder. Daniels' plans for a road and trail system in the park are mentioned in Improvement and Management of National Parks (U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations), 64th Congress, 1st Session, 1916, H. Doc. 515, p. 19.

30. SS 38:6, p. 82, Portland Oregonian, 12/19/15.

31. SS 38:6, p. 87, Medford Mail Tribune, 6/19/16.

32. SS 38:6, p. 91, Medford Mail Tribune, 8/7/16.

33. Staehli, "Background on the Crater Lake Lodge," op. cit., p. 4, HF, Lodge Pre-1930 folder; Remarks of Larry Hunter, oral history interview, 8/17/89, given at Crater Lake National Park.

34. Roscoe Howard to Hon. NJ. Sinnott, House of Representatives, 9/5/16, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 12-3-13, Part 4, Parks, Reservations and Antiquities, Crater Lake National Park, Roads, Trails and Bridges, NA.

35. "Crater Lake Lodge Study of Preservation and Rehabilitation," by Alfred Staehli, AIA, November 1985, pp.250-318 in BOOR/A's "Technical Analysis for Rehabilitation, Crater Lake Lodge, Crater Lake National Park," (1986), Files, TIC, DSC.

36. SS 39:7, p. 5, Portland Oregonian, 4/15/17.

37. E.R. Bush to R.M. Brown, Assistant Park Naturalist, 8/4/53, HF, Lady of the Woods folder.

38. SS 39:7, p. 11, Portland Oregonian, 8/19/17.

39. George E. Goodwin, Civil Engineer, to Horace Albright, Assistant Director, 5/22/18, HF, Lodge Pre 1930 folder.

40. SS 39:7, p. 17, Medford Mail Tribune, 10/3/18.

41. SS 39:7, p. 33, Portland Oregonian 8/16/19, and p. 31, Oregonian, 8/28/19.

42. Corvallis Times, 8/29/19, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 900-05, Part 3, Crater Lake Public Utility Operators, Crater Lake National Park Company Miscellaneous Correspondence, NA.

43. Stephen T. Mather, Director, to Alex Sparrow [Superintendent], 9/25/19, HF, Lodge Pre-1930 folder.

44. DAR, 1920, p. 281; Staehli, "Background on the Crater Lake Lodge, p. 5, HF, Lodge Pre-1930 folder.

45. SS 39:7, p. 53, Eugene Guard, 7/12/20.

46. DAR, 1920, p.279 and 336.

47. Alexander T. Vogelsang, First Assistant to the Secretary of Interior, to the Crater Lake Company, Crater Lake, Oregon, 9/14/20, RG 48, CCF 1907-36, File 12-3, Part 1 Parks, Reservations and Antiquities, Crater Lake, NA.

48. SS 39:7, pp. 70-71, Medford Sun, 12/19/20.

49. SS 39:7, p.81, Medford Mail Tribune, 4/18/21.

50. SS 39:7, p. 83, Portland Oregonian, 4/27/21; Albright to Mather, 4/27/21, HF, Lodge Pre-1930 folder.

51. SS 39:7, p. 83, Medford Mail Tribune, 4/30/21.

52. Albright to Dohrman, 5/17/21, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 900-05, Part 1, Crater Lake Public Utility Operators, Crater Lake National Company Miscellaneous Correspondence, NA.

53. SS 39:7, p. 85, Medford Mail Tribune, 6/9/21.

54. SS 39:7, p.88, Medford Mail Tribune, 7/22/21.

55. SS 39:7, p. 89, Klamath Falls Record, 7/24/21. Photos appear in SS 39:7, p. 81, 83, and 85.

56. SS 39:7, p. 89, Medford Mail Tribune, 8/2/21.

57. SS 39:7, p. 94, Medford Mail Tribune, 8/24/21.

58. DAR, 1921, p.82 and 225.

59. SS 39:7, pp. 97-98, Medford Mail Tribune, 9/1/21.

60. SS 39:7, p. 96, Medford Sun, 9/18/21.

61. SS 39:7, p. 103, Medford Mail Tribune, 9/26/21.

62. SS 39:7, p. 103, Medford Mail Tribune, 10/1/21.

63. SS 40:8, p. 3, Portland Oregonian, 11/17/21.

64. SS 40:8, p.9, Medford Mail Tribune, 2/27/22.

65. Affidavit, James W. Good, 5/20/22, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 900-05, Part 3, Crater Lake Public Utility Operators, Crater Lake National Park Company Miscellaneous Correspondence, NA.

66. SS 40:8, p. 12, Portland Oregonian, 6/27/22.

67. SS 40:8, p. 12, Portland Oregonian, 7/1/22.

68. D.R. Hull, Landscape Engineer, to Mather, 9/27/22, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 900-01 Crater Lake National Park Company, NA.

69. SS 40:8, p. 15, Portland Oregonian, 9/30/22.

70. SS 40:8, p. 15, Portland Oregonian, 12/7/22; Contract No. I-1p-80, 1/1/22 to 12/31/41, RG 79, CCF 1933-49, File 900-02, Part 1, Crater Lake National Park Concessions, Crater Lake National Park Company, NA.

71. SS 40:8, p. 20, Portland Oregon Journal, 4/7/23.

72. Medford Mail Tribune, 3/13/88, pp. 12-13, HF, Lodge folder; DAR, 1923, p. 143.

73. SS 40:8, p. 28, Portland Oregonian, 10/1/23.

74. SS 40:8, p. 29, Portland Oregonian, 11/3/23.

75. SS 40:8, pp.29-30, Portland Oregonian, 12/9/23.

76. SS 40:8, p.36, Portland Oregonian, 7/13/24.

77. DAR, 1924, pp. 51, 118-119.

78. SS 40:8, p. 60, Portland Oregonian, 8/2/25.

79. C.G. Thomson to Mather, 8/4/25, HF, U.S. Public Health Inspections folder.

80. SS 40:8, pp. 61-62, Portland Oregonian, 8/9/25.

81. DAR, 1925, p. 105.

82. SS 40:8, p. 63, Portland Oregonian, 4/26/26.

83. SS 40:8, pp. 80-81.

84. SS 40:8, p. 64, Portland Oregonian, 1/27/27.

85. SS 40:8, p. 69; SS 40:8, p. 77, Eugene Guard, September 1926.

86. SAR, 1928, CRLA 16%, MC; SMN, 10/2/28, pp. 3-4, HF, Construction Reports and Estimates folder; Remarks of Howard Arant, oral history interview, 11/30/88, given at Medford, Oregon.

87. SS 40:8, p. 87, Portland Oregonian, 9/16/28.

88. "Report on Construction Activities in Crater Lake National Park, Season 1928," Ward P. Webber, Resident Engineer, 1/25/29, pp. 10-12, HF, Construction Reports and Estimates folder.

89. Albright to Price, 3/29/29, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 900-05, Part 4, Crater Lake National Park Company Miscellaneous Correspondence, NA.

90. SS 40:8, p. 97, Portland Oregonian, 6/17/29.

91. SS 40:8, pp. 99-100, Portland Oregonian, 7/14/29.

92. "Report of Inspection Trip to Crater Lake National Park, Oregon," by H.B. Hommon, Sanitary Engineer, U.S. Public Health Service, 7/21/29, p.2, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 201-006 Crater Lake Ad ministration, NA.

93. "Report to the Chief Landscape Architect, through the Superintendent of Crater Lake National Park, Medford, Oregon," by Ernest A. Davidson, 7/21-25/29, pp. 1-2, HF, Landscape Architects Reports folder.

94. E.C. Solinsky, Superintendent, to Albright, 7/29/29, p. 1, HF, U.S. Public Health Inspections folder.

95. SS 40:8, p. 103, Medford Mail Tribune, 8/7/29.

96. SS 41:9, p.5, Medford Mail Tribune, 8/27/29.

97. SAR, 1929, CRLA 16%, MC; Rudolph F. Lueck to S.R. Mark, 11/10/89, HF, Oral history folder.

98. SMN, 9/13/29, p. 3, CRLA 1696, MC.

99. SS 41:9, p. 10, Medford Mail Tribune, 1/7/30.

100. Arno B. Cammerer, Acting Director, to Solinsky, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 900-01, Part 1, Crater Lake Public Utility Operators, Crater Lake National Park Company Correspondence, NA.

101. SS 41:9, p. 19, Medford Mail Tribune, 4/13/30.

102. Staehli, "Background on the Crater Lake Lodge," op. cit., p. 8, HF, Lodge Pre-1930 folder.

103. SS 41:9, p. 24, Portland Oregonian, 7/6/30.

104. SS 41:9, p. 26, Medford Mail Tribune, 7/29/30.

105. "Report to the Chief Landscape Architect," by Merel S. Sager, 9/16 to 10/6/30, HF, Landscape Architects Reports folder.

106. SS 41:9, p. 34, Portland Oregonian, 9/23/30.

107. Yaquina Bay News, 9/19/30, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 900-05, Part 4, Crater Lake National Park Company Miscellaneous Correspondence, NA.

108. Steel to the Hon. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior, 5/1/31, SS 41:9, p. 46.

109. SS 41:9, p.48, Medford Mail Tribune, 5/24/31.

110. SS 41:9, p. 49, Medford Mail Tribune, 6/22/31.

111. SS 41:9, p. 49, Medford Mail Tribune, 6/25/31.

112. SMN, 9/5/31, p. 5, CRLA 1698, MC.

113. SS 41:9, p.55, Medford Mail Tribune, 9/14/31.

114. Memorandum, G.F. Chapne, Electrical and Telephone Engineer, to E.C. Solinsky, Superintendent, 9/22/31, RG 79, 67A618, Box 4499, File 661 Electrical System, FRC Seattle.

115. "Report of 1931 Construction Activities, As of November 1, 1931," by William E. Robertson, Associate Engineer, 11/1/31, RG 79, CCF 1907-39, File 207, NA; "Report on Operations and Approved Construction Projects, Season of 1932," n.a., p. 22 and 33, HF, Construction Reports and Estimates folder.

116. SS 41:9, pp. 58-59, Medford Mail Tribune, 1/1/32.

117. SMN, 9/2/32, p.2, loc. cit.; SAR, 1932, p.4, CRLA 16%, MC.

118. "Report to the Chief Landscape Architect," by Merel S. Sager, 10/29/32, p.36, HF, Landscape Architects Reports folder.

119. "Report on Naturalization of the Rim Area, Crater Lake National Park," by Merel S. Sager, 11/18/32, pp. 5-6, HF, Landscaping Rim and Headquarters folder.

120. "Final Construction Report on Parapet at Rim, Account No.556, Season of 1932," by William E. Robertson, Associate Engineer, 12/14/32, HF, Rim Village Construction Reports folder.

121. Price to Solinsky, 2/6/33, RG 79, 67A618, Box 4499, File 630 Roads (General), FRC Seattle.

122. "Fire Inspection Report," by David H. Canfield, June 1933, pp. 4-6, HF, Lodge folder.

123. SS 41:9, p. 93, Portland Oregonian, 6/11/33.

124. Solinsky to Albright, 7/14/33, p. 3, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 618, Part 1, Crater Lake Lands, Buildings, Roads and Trails, Public Works, NA.

125. SMN, 10/9/33, p. 4, CRLA 1699, MC; SAR, 1933, p.4, CRLA 1696, MC.

126. "Report to the Chief Architect," by M.S. Sager, 10/13/33, RG 79, CCF 1933-49, File 207, NA.

127. "Report to the Chief Architect," by Merel S. Sager, 10/16/33, p. 4, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 621, NA.

128. "Report for the Months of June and July, 1934, to the Chief, Western Division," by Francis G. Lange, 7/1/34, p.4, HF, ECW Landscape Architects Reports folder.

129. SMN, 9/6/34, n.p., CRLA 1699, MC.

130. SS 41:9, p. 100, Medford Mail Tribune, 10/26/34; "Report to the Chief Architect, Season of 1934," by Armin M. Doerner, 10/20/34, p.11, RG 79, CCF 1933-49, File 618, Part 2, Crater Lake Lands, Buildings, Roads, and Trails, Public Works, NA.; "Final Construction Report on Rim Area, Public Campgrounds, and Parking Areas, Surfacing and Paving, Account No. FP-138.8," by William E. Robertson, Engineer, 12/17/37, p.2, HF, Rim Village Construction Reports folder.

131. Memorandum for the Director, n.a., 9/26/34, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 900-05, Part 4, Crater Lake National Park Company Miscellaneous Correspondence, NA, and HSR, p. 97.

132. "Report to the Chief Architect," by Francis G. Lange, 10/22/34, pp. 10-11, HF, Landscape Architects Reports folder.

133. SS 41:9, p. 106, Medford Mail Tribune, 6/15/35.

134. Ira Lantz, Special Agent, to Director of Investigations, Department of Interior, 8/19/35, p. 7,9, RG 79, CCF 1933-49, File 204, Part 1, Crater Lake Inspections and Investigations, Division of Investigation, NA.

135. "Report to the Chief Architect, Emergency Conservation Work-5th Period," by Francis G. Lange, 11/1/35, HF, Landscape Architects Reports folder.

136. SMN, 11/6/35, p.5,9, CRLA 1700, MC.

137. "Monthly Narrative Report to the Chief Architect on Major and Minor Roads and Trails, and Projects other than Emergency Conservation Work for Crater Lake National Park, Period June 25 to July 25, 1936," by Francis G. Lange, 8/1/36, pp. 2-3, HF, ECW Landscape Architects Reports folder.

138. "Monthly Narrative Report to the Chief Architect," by Francis G. Lange, 9/1/36, p.2, HF, ECW Landscape Architects Reports folder.

139. "Monthly Narrative Report to the Regional Landscape Architect - Region IV, Period August 24 to September 24, 1936," by Francis G. Lange, RG 79, Region IV, Resident Landscape Architect's Reports to Chief Architect (1927-1940), Box 2, Monthly Narrative Reports, ECW, FRC San Bruno.

140. "Monthly Narrative Report to the Chief Architect," by Francis G. Lange, 10/1/36, p. 3, HF, ECW Landscape Architects Reports folder.

141. "Monthly Narrative Report to the Chief Architect," by Francis G. Lange, 8/24/37, p.2, HF, ECW Landscape Architects Reports folder.

142. SAR, 1937, n.p., CRLA 1695, MC.

143. "Final Narrative Report to the Chief Architect, Civilian Conservation Corps, Minor Roads and Trails, Major Roads, Park Operator," by Francis G. Lange, 10/25/37, p.6, HF, ECW Landscape Architects Reports folder.

144. "Final Construction Report on Rim Area, Public Campgrounds and Parking Areas," by Robertson, op. cit., p. 2, HF, Rim Village Construction Reports folder.

145. Price to Leavitt, 5/17/38, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01.2 New Construction, Transformer Room, FRC Seattle.

146. Price to Leavitt, 6/23/38, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 900-01, Crater Lake National Park Company Miscellaneous Correspondence, NA. 147. "Monthly Narrative Report to the Chief Architect," by Francis G. Lange, 8/25/38, p.4, HF, ECW Landscape Architects Reports folder.

148. Memorandum to Superintendent Leavitt, Francis G. Lange, Resident Landscape Architect, 9/19/38, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01.2 New Construction, Transformer Room, FRC Seattle.

149. Memorandum for the Regional Director, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 10/21/38, RG 79, CCF 1933-49, File 900-01, Part 1, Crater Lake Public Utility Operators, Crater Lake National Park Company Buildings, NA.

150. Leavitt to Price, 11/18/38, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 900-01, Crater Lake National Park Company Miscellaneous Correspondence, NA.

151. Memorandum for the Director, Charles L. Gable, Chief, Park Operators Division, Branch of Operations, 4/24/39, p.3, RG 48, CCF 1937-53, File 12-3 Privileges, Crater Lake National Park Company, NA.

152. C.W. Fyock to Leavitt, 7/22/39, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-11 Fire Protection and Safety, FRC Seattle.

153. "Final Construction Report on Extension and Improvement of Water System, Account No. O.P. 752-05-250(a)," by JA. Madden, Assistant Engineer, HF, Rim Village Construction Reports folder; SAR, 1940, p. 16, CRLA 1695, MC.

154. "Monthly Narrative Report to the Chief of Planning," by Francis G. Lange, 9/25/39, RG 79, Region IV, Resident Landscape Architect's Reports to Chief Architect (1927-40), Box 2, Crater Lake Monthly Narrative Report 1939, FRC San Bruno.

155. "Report of Inspections at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon," by H.B. Hommon, Senior Sanitary Engineer, U.S. Public Health Service, July 1940, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 204-20 Crater Lake Inspections and Investigations (Hommon), NA.

156. Memorandum for the Director, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 9/19/40, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 900-02, NA.

157. "Landscape Architecture Field Notes, Visit to Crater Lake National Park, October 1940," Memorandum for the Regional Director, E.A. Davidson, Regional Landscape Architect, 11/1/40, p.4, RG 79, Region IV, CCF, Box 11, File 600, Part 3, FRC San Bruno.

158. Memorandum for the Director, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 1/9/41, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01 Buildings and Improvements, FRC Seattle.

159. Contract No. i-1P-80, 1/1/41 to 12/31/60, RG 79, Region IV, CCF, Box 22, Folder 900, Part 1, Crater Lake National Park Company, NA.

160. SMN, 9/8/41, p.3, CRLA 1702, MC.

161. Memorandum for the Regional Director, Scofield DeLong, Regional Architect, 9/17/41, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-11 Fire Protection and Safety, FRC Seattle.

162. Memorandum for the Superintendent, Crater Lake, Scofield DeLong, Architect, 11/5/41, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-11 Fire Protection and Safety, FRC Seattle.

163. H.B. Hommon, Senior Sanitary Engineer, to Leavitt, 11/14/41, RG 79, CCF, File 204-20 Crater Lake Inspections and Investigations (Hommon), NA.

164. Leavitt to Hommon, 2/19/42, loc. cit.

165. Memorandum for the Director, [O.A. Tomlinson], Regional Director, 6/8/42, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-11 Fire Protection and Safety, FRC Seattle.

166. SMN, 7/8/42, p.3, loc. cit.

167. SMN, 8/5/42, p. 3, loc. cit.

168. SAR, 10/28/42, p.4, CRLA 1695, MC.

169. HSR, p. 103.

170. Memorandum for the Regional Director, R.D. Waterhouse, Associate Engineer, 8/6/43, p. 1, RG 79, 67A618, Box 4499, File 642 Tunnel, FRC Seattle.

171. "Crater Lake National Park Development Outline, Rim Area," March 1944, p. 5, 10, RG 79, CCF 1933-49, File 600-01, Part 1, Master Plans Crater Lake, NA.

172. "Crater Lake Notes," by Thomas C. Vint, Chief Landscape Architect, 7/18/44, pp. 3-4, RG 79, 67A614, Box 8936, File 600-10 Post War Planning, FRC Seattle.

173. Memorandum for the Superintendent, Thomas C. Parker, Assistant Superintendent, 12/14/44, RG 79, 67A16, Box 4318, File 661, Electric Light Plants and Systems, Part 2, FRC Seattle.

174. Memorandum for the Regional Director, Region Four, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 10/31/45, p. 1, RG 79, Region IV, CCF 1923-65, Box 16, Folder 660-03.3 Sanitation, Part 1, FRC San Bruno.

175. No title, 11/29/45, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-11 Buildings and Improvements, FRC Seattle.

176. Leavitt to Price, 12/14/45, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01.2 New Construction, Transformer Room, FRC Seattle.

177. Leavitt to R.L. Kron, 8/5/48, p.3, HF, Lodge folder.

178. Memorandum for the Director, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 2/10/47, p.6, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 207-02.3, Part 2, NPS Superintendents Monthly Reports, NA.

179. SMN, 5/7/47, p.4, CRLA 1702, MC.

180. "A Statement of the Concession Problems of Crater Lake National Park," by E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 6/11/47, RG 79, 67A612, Box 4418, File 204-00 Inspections and investigations (General), FRC Seattle.

181. R.E. Click, Chief, Food Sanitation Section, Division of Sanitary Engineering, to Leavitt, 8/1/47, RG 79, CCF 1933-49, File 900-08, NA.

182. Memorandum for Superintendent Leavitt, Clyde E. Gilbert, Acting Chief Ranger, 8/15/47, RG 79, 67A772, File 900-11 Fire Protection and Safety, FRC Seattle.

183. "Report on the Sanitary Inspections at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon," by A.L. Dopmeyer, Sanitary Engineer, U.S. Public Health Service, September 1947, p. 1, RG 79, CCF 1933-49, File 900-05.1 Wages and Hours Crater Lake, NA.

184. "Crater Lake National Park Operations Prospectus," 3/11/47, pp. 6-7, RG 79, Region IV, CCF 1923-65, Box 12, Folder 600-01 Crater Lake Master Plans, Part 2, FRC San Bruno.

185. Memorandum for the Director, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 4/13/48, p. 3, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 207-02.3, Part 2, NPS Superintendents Monthly Report, NA.

186. Memorandum for the Regional Director, Region Four, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 4/27/48, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-11 Fire Protection and Safety, FRC Seattle.

187. SMN, 5/7/48, p. 4, loc. cit.

188. Leavitt to Fyock, 5/10/48, HF, Lodge folder.

189. Vern Schortgen [building contractor] to Leavitt, 6/3/48, HF, Lodge folder.

190. Joe P. Price to Drury, 6/4/48, p.2, HF, Lodge folder.

191. SMN, 6/14/48, p. 4, loc. cit.

192. "Report on Fire Safety, Crater Lake Lodge, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon," by Frank L. Ahern, Chief, NPS Safety Office, June 22 to 25,1948, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 900-01, Crater Lake Lodge, NA.

193. SMN, 9/10/48, p. 6, loc. cit.

194. Edwin C. Kenner to Mr. [Thomas C.] Vint, 12/31/48, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 900-01, NA.

195. Kron to Leavitt, 4/23/49, RG 79, CCF 1907-49, File 900-02, Part 3, NPS Crater Lake Park Company Contract, NA.

196. SMN, 7/12/49, pp.3-4, loc. cit.

197. D.D. Crumley, Acting Superintendent, to E.B. Morrison, Electrical Engineer, 10/14/49, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01.2 New Construction, Transformer Room, FRC Seattle.

198. Memorandum, Regional Director, Region Four, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 12/21/49, p. 1, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01 Buildings and Improvements, FRC Seattle.

199. Leavitt to Price, 3/23/50, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01.2 New Construction, Transformer Room, FRC Seattle.

200. "Engineers Report, Structural Survey and Physical Condition, Crater Lake Lodge and Annex, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon," [Haner Report], by S.A. Ross, Consulting Engineer, and H.V. Tunks, Assistant Engineer, June 1953, p. 11, Files, TIC, DSC. This is reiterated in the Haner, Ross, and Sporseen Report of February 1982, p.6.

201. Memorandum, Superintendent, Crater Lake, Herbert Maier, Acting Regional Director, 5/15/50, RG 79, 67A16, Box 4318, File 664-05 West Coast Telephone Co. Corresp., FRC Seattle.

202. Drury to Kron, 6/29/50, RG 79, 67A772, File 900-11 Fire Protection and Safety, FRC Seattle.

203. Memorandum, Regional Director, Region Four, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 10/4/50, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01 Buildings and Improvements, FRC Seattle.

204. SMN, 11/14/50, p.2, loc. cit.

205. [Memorandum to] Supt. Leavitt, [from Assistant Superintendent] Been, 12/5/50, RG 79, 67A16, Box 4318, File 661 Electric Light Plants and Systems, Part 3, FRC Seattle.

206. Leavitt to Price, 12/6/50, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01.2, New Construction, Transformer Room, FRC Seattle.

207. SMN, 7/10/51, p. 5, CRLA 1703, MC.

208. Sanford Hill, Assistant Regional Director, to P. Mosterdyke, 8/15/51, RG 79, 67A614, Box 8936, File 600 Lands, Buildings, Roads and Trails, FRC Seattle.

209. Memorandum, Regional Architect, Charles G. Lundgren, Architect, 9/27/51, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01 Buildings and Improvements, FRC Seattle.

210. Memorandum, Regional Director, Region Four, E.P. Leavitt, Superintendent, 10/15/51, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01 Buildings and Improvements, FRC Seattle.

211. Memorandum, Director, Leonard L. Hohl, Acting Assistant Regional Director, 1/29/52, RG 79, 67A16, Box 4318, File 665, Part 2, Water Systems, FRC Seattle.

212. "Report of Sanitary Inspection, Crater Lake National Park," by Karl L. Zander, Senior Sanitary Engineer (R), Public Health Service, FSA, Region 10,8/19/52, RG 79, 67A16, Box 4318, File 663 Sanitary Systems and Sanitation, FRC Seattle.

213. Joe P. Price to Director, NPS, through John B. Wosky, Superintendent, 2/27/53, p. 2, RG 79, 67A612, Box 4418, File 200-7 Complaints, FRC Seattle.

214. H.L. Crowley, Acting Assistant Regional Director, to William B. Johnston, School of Architecture, University of Oregon, 4/2/53, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01 Buildings and Improvements, FRC Seattle.

215. "Engineers Report, Structural Survey and Physical Condition, Crater Lake Lodge," [Haner Report], op. cit.

216. Wosky to Price, 9/28/53, RG 79, 67A772, Box 24723, File 900-01 Buildings and Improvements, FRC Seattle.

217. Portland Oregon Journal, 3/29/54, p. 7; Portland Oregonian, 3/30/54, p.8.

218. SMN, 4/9/54, p.2, CRLA 1704, MC.

219. SMN, 12/13/54, p.3, loc. cit.

220. SMN, 6/13/55, p. 3, loc. cit.

221. SMN, 8/10/55, p. 4, loc. cit.

222. SMN, 2/13/56, p. 3, loc. cit.

223. "Rim Area, Part of the Master Plan for Crater Lake National Park," March 1956, drawing no.2014-D, MDF.

224. SMN, 5/11/56, p. 4, loc. cit.

225. SMN, 6/12/56, p.4, loc. cit.

226. SMN, 6/11/57, p. 5, loc. cit.

227. "Naturalist talk at Rim Lodge," by C. Warren Fairbanks, Park Photograph Files, Naturalist Services section.

228. Medford Mail Tribune, 8/25/57, cited in Administrative History, Crater Lake National Park, by Har lan D. Unrau, 1988, p. 602.

229. SMN, 11/7/57, p. 3, loc. cit.

230. SMN, 12/12/57, p. 3, loc. cit.

231. SMN, 2/11/58, p.3, loc. cit.

232. SMN, 5/9/58, p.4, loc. cit.

233. SMN, 10/9/59, p. 6, CRLA 1715, MC.

234. SMN, 7/8/60, p.3, HF, File A2615, SMN-1961.

235. SMN, 12/7/60, p.3, loc. cit.

236. SMN, 9/11/61, p. 2, loc. cit.

237. Monthly Progress Report, September 1961, HF, File A2615, SMN- 1961; Monthly Progress Report, October 1961, loc. cit.

238. SMN, 12/11/61, p.2, loc. cit.

239. Memorandum, Regional Director, Region Four, John Wosky, Regional Chief of Operations, Region Four, 2/13/62, RG 79,46953, Box 13, File A40 Conferences and Meetings (General), FRC San Bruno.

240. SMN, 2/7/63, p. 3, HF, File A2615, SMN-1963.

241. SMN, 9/9/63, pp. 3-4, loc. cit.

242. Remarks of TJ. "Jeff" Adams, oral history interview, 5/12/89, given at Klamath Falls, Oregon.

243. SMN, 6/11/65, p. 4, HF, File A2615, SMN-1965.

244. Monthly Progress Report, August 1965, loc. cit.

245. HSR, p. 126.

246. Memorandum, Regional Director, Western Region, J. Leonard Volz, Superintendent, 12/20/65, p.2, HF, Lodge folder.

247. Memorandum, Regional Director, Western Region, J. Leonard Volz, Superintendent, 1/21/66, loc. cit.

248. SMN, 6/7/66, p.4, HF, File A2615, SMN-1966.

249. Remarks of Paul Fritz, oral history interview, 6/28/89, given at Crater Lake National Park; Memorandum, Regional Director, Western Region, J. Leonard Volz, Superintendent, 9/8/66, p.2, HF, Master Plans (General) folder.

250. "Evaluation of Certain Properties Lying Within and Adjacent to Crater Lake National Park for Crater Lake Lodge, Inc.," by Jeffrey Holbrook, 11/15/66, HF, Crater Lake Concession Companies folder.

251. Memorandum to the Regional Director, Western Region, J. Leonard Volz, Superintendent, 3/3/67, p. 1, HF, "Location of a new Headquarters Site" notebook.

252. Memorandum, Regional Director, Western Region, J. Leonard Volz, Superintendent, 9/26/67, p. 1, HF, Crater Lake Concession Companies folder.

253. "Daily Diary," 10/19/67, HF, File H14 Area History, Daily Diary '66-'69.

254. Memorandum, Director, Luis A. Gastellum, Deputy Assistant Director, 10/14/68, pp. 2-3, HF, Rim Redevelopment folder; Memorandum, Regional Director, Western Region, Paul A. Larson, Acting Superintendent, 1/16/68, HF, Master Plans (General) folder; Contract No. 14-10-9-900-69, 11/1/67 to 10/31/97, Central Files, Crater Lake National Park.

255. "Daily Diary, 5/23/68, loc. cit.

256. "Daily Diary, 5/31/68, loc. cit.

257. "Daily Diary, 7/29/68, loc. cit.

258. Remarks of TJ. "Jeff" Adams, oral history interview, op. cit.

259. Remarks of R.M. Brown, oral history interview, 9/14/88, given at Novato, California.

260. SAR, 1972, p.5, HF, File A2621 Annual Reports (Misc.).

261. Portland Oregon Journal, 12/7/73, HF, Employee Dorm folder.

262. SAR, 1974, p. 11, HF, File A2621 Annual Reports (Misc.).

263. "Environmental Assessment for Crater Lake Master Plan, Crater Lake National Park," prepared by DSC, March 1975, p.2, Files, TIC, DSC.

264. "NPS Closes Crater Lake National Park, Oregon," USDI news release, 7/11/75, HF, Water Crisis folder.

265. Memorandum, General Superintendent, Klamath Falls Group, Robert S. Luntey, Associate Regional Director, Professional Services, Pacific Northwest Region, 8/14/75, HF, Water Crisis folder.

266. Hearing before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, 94th Congress, 1st Session on Oversight to Clarify Circumstances Which Led to Closure of Crater Lake National Park, Medford, Oreg., September 6, 1975, (Washington, 1975).

267. Smith, Larry and Lloyd, comps., "The Smith Brothers' Chronological History: Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, 1832 to 1985," 1985, n.p., Crater Lake National Park Library.

268. "Classified Structure Field Inventory Report, Crater Lake National Park, March 1976," by Alan C. Reynolds, 3/2/76, n.p., HF.

269. Peyton to Russell Dickenson, [Regional] Director, 3/10/76, p.4, HF, 1970s Planning folder.

270. Memorandum, Assistant Manager, Pacific Northwest/Western Team, DSC, Douglas B. Cornell, Jr., Architect/Planner, Pacific Northwest/Western Team, 8/18/76, pp. 2-4, HF, 1970s Planning folder.

271. "The Smith Brothers' Chronological History," op. cit.

272. "Emergency Survey of Concession Facilities, Crater Lake National Park," May 1981, pp.28-30, Crater Lake National Park Library.

273. Ibid., pp. 29, 54-63.

274. Ibid., pp. 1-5.

275. Portland Oregon Journal, 11/26/80, p.1.

276. Portland Oregon Journal, 12/11/80, p. 28.

277. "Oregon Legislative Assembly - 1981 Regular Session, House Joint Memorial 11," sponsored by the Committee on State and Federal Affairs, 4/3/81, HF, Lodge Demolition - News Articles folder.

278. "The Smith Brothers' Chronological History," op. cit.

279. David G. Talbot, State Historic Preservation Officer, to Daniel J. Tobin, Regional Director, 5/14/81, HF, Lodge folder.

280. Memorandum, Superintendent, Crater Lake, Dan Babbitt, Chief, [Pacific Northwest Region] Division of Design, 5/19/81, HF, Lodge folder.

281. Paul H. Wallwork, Building Official, Jackson County [Oregon] Department of Planning and Development, to Jeff Adams, Maintenance [Division], Crater Lake, 7/14/82, HF, Lodge folder.

282. Memorandum, Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Region, James S. Rouse, Superintendent, 10/7/81, HF, Lodge folder.

283. Memorandum, Superintendent, Crater Lake, Daniel J. Tobin, Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Region, 12/16/81, HF, Rim Redevelopment folder.

284. "Engineers Report, Structural Survey and Physical Condition, Crater Lake Lodge and Annex, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon," by Haner, Ross and Sporseen, Inc., Portland, revised February 1982, p.6, 11, Files, TIC, DSC.

285. Remarks of TJ. "Jeff' Adams, op. cit.; Jerry Brady, former concession employee, 11/18/89, Ashland, Oregon, personal communication.

286. Memorandum, Assistant Superintendent, Jonathon B. Jarvis, Resource Management Trainee, n.d., HF, Rim Redevelopment folder; Environmental Assessment, Development Concept Plan, Amendment to the General Management Plan, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, [March 1984], Denver: USDI, NPS.

287. Portland Oregonian, 8/1/84, p. B8; Weaver to Dickenson, 8/27/84, HF, Rim Redevelopment folder.

288. "Technical Analysis Report for Rehabilitation, Crater Lake Lodge, Crater Lake National Park,' [BOOR/A Report], 1986, p.12, Volume One, Files, TIC, DSC.

289. "Crater Lake Lodge Study of Preservation and Rehabilitation," by Alfred Staehli, AIA, November 1985, pp.250-318, in BOOR/A, op. cit.

290. Staehli, "Crater Lake Lodge: Additional Notes on its Architectural Significance and About the Architect," p. 6, loc. cit.

291. "Proposed Action and Finding of No Significant Impact," Development Concept Plan, Environmental Assessment. Amendment to the General Management Plan, Mazama Campground / Rim Village Corridor, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, May 1988, pp. 2-3, Files, TIC, DSC.

292. Memorandum, Division Chiefs, Robert E. Benton, Superintendent, Crater Lake National Park and Oregon Caves National Monument, 2/10/89, HF, Concession Companies folder.

293. Memorandum, Director, NPS, Charles H. Odegaard, Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Region, 5/25/89, HF, Lodge folder; Medford Mail Tribune, 5/26/89, p. 1; "Technical Memorandum, Crater Lake Lodge, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon," by CH2M Hill, Corvallis, Oregon, June 1989, HF, Lodge folder.

294. Memorandum, Assistant Manager, Western Team, DSC, Craig Frazier, Project Team Captain, Western Team, DSC, 9/20/89, HF, Lodge folder.


South Elevation (Great Hall, Kitchen & Dining Room)

Crater Lake Loge under construction, view from southeast, ca. 1913. Stone walls are finished and roof framing of Kitchen Wing is underway. Courtesy, Southern Oregon Historical Society.

Crater Lake Lodge under construction, view from west, ca. 1914. Great Hall framing is almost complete and exterior fireplace chimney is unfinished. Courtesy, Klamath County Museum.

Crater Lake Lodge, view from southwest, June 13, 1915.

Crater Lake Lodge, view from northeast, ca. 1915-1917. Note the unfinished condition of the upper walls, clad with building paper and wood battens. Courtesy, Oregon Historical Society.

Great Hall (Lounge) of Crater Lake Lodge, ca. 1917. Note the glass light fixtures, unfinished fireplace mantel, covered windows at stair landing, and the temporary stair handrail. Crater Lake National Park files.

Great Hall (Lounge) of Crater Lake Loddge, ca. 1917. Note the Dining Room beyond. Crater Lake National Park files.

Dining Room of Crater Lake Lodge, ca. 1917. Crater Lake National Park files.

Great Hall (Lounge) of Crater Lake Lodge, ca. 1917. Note the new light fixtures, stone fireplace mantel, new log handrail, and windows in the stair landing. Crater Lake Nastional Park files.

Dining Room of Crater Lake Lodge, ca. 1917. Note the new light fixtures. Crater Lake National Park files.

Crater Lake Lodge, view from northeast, ca. 1917. The Lodge walls are still clad with building paper and wood battens.

Lodge Annex under construction, view from southwest, ca. 1922. Crater Lake National Park files.

Crater Lake Lodge, with new Annex Wing, view from northeast, ca. July 1925. Crater Lake National Park files.

Crater Lake Lodge with Annex near comopletion, view from southwest, ca. late 1920's. A circular drive and parking area have been established in front of the lodge. Note the Great Hall chimney is not yet capped with a metal flue. Courtesy, Southern Oregon Historical Society.

Crater Lake Lodge with Annex, view from the southwest, ca. early 1930's. Note the development of the circulr drive and the addition of log rails to define the drives.

Crater Lake Lodge with Annex, view from the northeast, ca. early 1930's. New veranda, rim promenande, and parapeet wall are evident. Note the metal flue from the Great Hall chimney extending behind the Great Hall.

North side of Lodge before new veranda, ca. early 1930's.

New veranda on the north side of Crater Lake Lodge, ca. early 1930's. Courtesy, Oregon Historical Society.

New veranda on north side of Crater Lake Lodge, looking northwest, ca. early 1930's. Note the fire exit ladder from guest rooms above the Great Hall.

Dining Room being used to sort mail, ca. 1930's. Note the Great Hall in background. Crater Lake National Park files.

Crater Lake Lodge, view from south, ca. 1934. Construction of the circular drive, parking area, and new entrance steps has begun. The existing log rails have not yet been removed.

View from southwest, ca. 1933-1934. Construction of new parking area and circular drive including stone curbing and stone steps.

Ceiling of Great Hall, ca. June 1953. Note the wood columns that were added ca. 1947.

Great Hall of Crater Lake Lodge with a drop ceiling, ca. 1980. Note the glass doors and divided lite wall leading to the dining room.

Great Hall of Crater Lake Lodge, ca. 1980. Note the closed stair landing.

Great Hall of Crater Lake Lodge, ca. 1980. Gift shop is set-up in the northwest area of Great Hall.

Dining Room of Crater Lake Lodge, ca. 1980. Drop ceiling has been installed and a column has been covered to create a plumbing chase.

Last Updated: 16-Sep-2016