The following visual bibliography is just a
sampling of the handbooks and books which have been published for this park. does not endorse these, but are merely presenting them for
informational purposes only. As most are copyrighted, we are only able
to provide the covers, and not contents, of these publications.
Devils Tower National Monument: A History Ray H. Mattison c1956
 cover only
Handbook #111 Devils Tower: Devils Tower National Monument 1981
History of Devils Tower: The First National Monument Ray H. Mattison 1984
Geology of Devils Tower: The First National Monument Charles Robinson 1956, reprint c1984
 cover only
Devils Tower: Stories in Stone Mary Alice Gunderson 1988
 cover only
Devils Tower: The Story Behind the Scenery Stephen L. Norton 1991
 cover only
Geology of Devils Tower National Monument Charles S. Robinson and Robert E. Davis 1995
 cover only
Devils Tower National Monument Climbing Handbook Richard Guilmette, Renee Carrier and Steve Gardiner 1995
 cover only
Devils Tower: A Pictorial History 2003
 cover only
Standing Witness: Devils Tower National Monument, A History Jeanne Rogers 2009
 cover only
Devils Tower Climbing Zach Orenczak and Rachael Lynn 2019