Recreation Area. Easton, Pennsylvania. Easton Area Public Library. Easton, Pennsylvania. Northampton County Government
Center. Easton, Pennsylvania. Northampton County Historical
and Genealogical Society. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. County of Philadelphia.
City Hall. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Historical Society of
Pennsylvania. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Monroe County
Courthouse. Winterthur, Delaware. Henry Francis du Pont
Winterthur Museum. The records kept in these repositories provided much of the data on the Pipher family and the slate business activities of James Madison Porter. Wills, estate inventories, sheriff's records, deeds of land purchases, tax records and church records helped to piece together at least a skeletal framework of the Piphers' land purchases, genealogy and personal property. The original Penn grant and Scull survey were located in Harrisburg. The Pipher family history is still somewhat sparse because of the lack of diaries, letters or other personal papers, but at least the official county records marked their passing. Church records proved to be a big help because in Northampton County marriage records were only kept in 1852-1854 and from 1885 on, and the earliest death records date only from 1874. PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS BOOKS Bowen, Eli. The Pictorial Sketch-book of Pennsylvania Or, its scenery, internal improvements, resources, and agriculture, popularly described by Eli Bowen. Philadelphia: W. W. Smith, 1954. Brodhead, L. W. The Delaware Water Gap Its Scenery, Its Legends and Early History. Philadelphia: Sherman & Co., Printers, 1870. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790 Pennsylvania. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1908. Burrell, A. B. Reminiscences of George LaBar: The Centurian of Monroe County, Pa., Who is Still Living in His 107th Year. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remser and Haffelfinger, 1870. Ellis, Capt. F. History of Northampton County, Pennsylvania with Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery. Philadelphia: n.p., 1877. Ferris Bros' Northampton County Directory 1885. Wilmington, Delaware: Ferris Bros, Printers and Book Binders, 1885. Filby, P. William ed. with Mary K. Meyer. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index. Supplement. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1982. Hazard, Samuel. "Early History of Pennsylvania." The Register of Pennsylvania. vol. II Philadelphia: n.p. July 1828 to January. _____. The Register of Pennsylvania. vol. IV Philadelphia: n.p. July 1829 to January. _____. The Register of Pennsylvania. vol. IX Philadelphia: n.p. January to July 1832 Hinke, William John, ed. Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia From 1727 to 1808. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1966. vol. I 1727-1775 by Ralph Beaver Strassburger. Kieffer, The Rev. Henry Martyn, translator. Some of the First Settlers of "The Forks of the Delaware" and Their Descendants Being a Translation From the German of The Record Books of The First Reformed Church of Easton, Penna. From 1760 to 1852 Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1973. Lesley, J. P.; Sanders, R. H.; Chance, H. M.; Prime, F.; and Hall, C. E. The Geology of Lehigh and Northampton Counties. Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. vol. I. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Board of Commissioners, 1883. Myers, Albert Cook. Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia 1682-1750. Philadelphia: Ferris & Leach, 1902. Rupp, Israel Daniel. History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon and Schuylkill Counties. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Hickok and Cantine, 1845. reprint ed., New York: Arno Press & the New York Times, 1971. Trow's New York City Directory. vol. ciii, New York: The Trow City Directory Company, for the Year Ending May 1, 1890. ______. vol civ, New York: The Trow City Directory Company, for the Year Ending May 1, 1891. These published primary sources provided information on Northampton County history and on the Pipher family activities. The Broadhead, Ellis and Rupp texts provided contemporary descriptions of the county. George LaBar's reminiscences contained a brief description of Samuel Pipher and recollections of life in the late 1700s and the 1800s in the Delaware Water Gap area. Hazard's Register offered a contemporary description of James Madison Porter's slate business as well as census information on slavery in Northampton County. The Filby, Myers, Kieffer and Hinke texts provided information on the Strettell family immigration and the origins of the Pipher (Pfeiffer) name. Geological information and data concerning Upper Mount Bethel Township slate quarrying was obtained from the geological surveys of Lesley, et al., and Rogers. The New York City directories provided limited data about John A. Morison. UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS Agricultural Schedules. Pennsylvania, Federal Decennial Censuses, 1850-1880, Roll 7, 1850, Microcopy T-1138, National Archives. ______. Roll 17, 1860, Microcopy T-1138, National Archives. ______. Roll 28, 1870, Microcopy T-1138, National Archives. ______. Roll 51, 1880, Microcopy T-1138, National Archives. Henry, Matthew S. "Manuscript History of Northampton County, Pennsylvania" 1851 . Typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. Original handwritten copy at Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Hinke, Dr. Wm. J., translator. "Church Record of the Reformed and Lutheran Congregations in Nazareth Township Northampton County, Pennsylvania formerly The Dryland Church now the Trinity Lutheran and Dryland Reformed Hecktown, Pennsylvania" 1929. Typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. _____. copier. "Church Record of the Lutheran and Reformed Congregations in Upper Mount Bethel Township Northampton County 1774-1833." August-October 1934. Typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. Leiby, Rev. A. S., translator. "Tax Lists in Northampton County Court House 1774-1806." Typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. Marx, Henry F[orster], ed. "Abstracts of Wills Northampton County 1752-1840" vol. 10 in 16 volumes. Easton Public Library, Easton, Pennsylvania, 1935. Bound typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. ______, ed. "Oaths of Allegience of Northampton County, Pennsylvania 1777-1784 . . . from Original Lists of John Arndt, Recorder of Deeds 1777-1800" Easton Public Library, Easton, Pennsylvania, 1932. "Northampton County Tax List For the Year 1761" Copied by the Personnel of the Works Progress Administration. Easton, Pennsylvania, 1938. Typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. "Provencial Tax Assessment 1782 Northampton County." Original located in Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. "United States Direct Tax of 1798: Tax Lists for the State of Pennsylvania" Microcopy No. 372 Roll 12 Fifth Direct Tax Division vols 360-373 First Through Fourth Assessment Districts. Microfilm located at Federal Archives and Records Center, Philadelphia. Weaver, Ethan Allen, collector. "Local Historical and Biographical Notes." Germantown, Pennsylvania, 1906. Typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. Williams, Richard T. and Mildred C. "Proprietary Tax Northampton County, Pennsylvania 1772" Danboro, Pennsylvania. Typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. ______. "Soldiers of the American Revolution Northampton County, Pennsylvania" Danboro, Pennsylvania. Typescript located in Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society. These unpublished primary source documents also provided data on Northampton County and Upper Mount Bethel Township history, as well as the scarce information known about the Pipher family. The Matthew S. Henry manuscript is an excellent source for the county and township history. The Hinke church records, the Marx will abstracts and oath of allegiance records, and the Williams records all provided data on the Pipher family. ARTICLES Clunn, John Hugg. "March on Pittsburgh, 1794." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography LXXI no. 1 (January 1947): 44-76. Gilpin, Joshua. "Journey to Bethlehem." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography XLVI no. 1 (1922): 15-38, 122-153. "Journal of William Black." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography I no. 4 (1877): 404-419. All three of these articles provided contemporary observations and descriptions of the Morris brothers and their wives, the Strettell sisters. NEWSPAPERS Jeffersonian. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. March 19, 1896. New York Times. May 18, 1937. Stroudsburg Daily Times. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. April 18, 1896. These newspaper articles provided data on Samuel Pipher, the last Pipher owner of Slateford Farm, and on Charles Munsch. SECONDARY SOURCES. BOOKS. Alderfer, E. Gordon. Northampton Heritage. Easton, Pennsylvania: The Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1953. Behre, Charles H. Jr. Slate in Northampton County Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Topographic and Geologic Survey. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: The Telegraph Press, 1927. ______. Slate in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Topographic and Geologic Survey, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: The Telegraph Press, 1933. Bidwell, Percy Wells, and Falconer, John. History of Agriculture in the Northern United States 1620-1860. New York: Peter Smith, 1941. Brown, Ira V. The Negro in Pennsylvania History. Pennsylvania History Studies No. 11. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania Historical Association, 1970. Brumbaugh, G. Edwin. "Pennsylvania German Colonial Architecture." Part II Pennsylvania German Society Proceedings at Harrisburg, Pa. October 17, 1930 and Papers Prepared for the Society, XLI pp. 5-60. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Published by the Society, 1933. The Centennial Book Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Bangor's Incorporation. Bangor, Pennsylvania: n.p., 1975. Chidsey, A[ndrew] D[wight] Jr. A Frontier Village Pre-Revolutionary Easton. Easton, Pennsylvania: The Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1940. ______. The Penn Patents in the Forks of the Delaware. Easton, Pennsylvania: The Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1937. Dale, T. Nelson et al. Slate in the United States. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 586. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1914. Danhof, Clarence. Change in Agriculture The Northern United States 1820-70. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1969. Dornbusch, Charles H. and Heyl, John K. Pennsylvania German Barns. The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society vol. 21. Allentown, Pennsylvania: Schlechter's, 1956. Dunaway, Wayland Fuller. A History of Pennsylvania. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1935. Epstein, Jack B. Geology of the Stroudsburg Quadrangle and Adjacent Areas Pennsylvania-New Jersey. U. S. Geological Survey, open-file report. 1971. _____. Miscellaneous Field Studies. U. S. Geological Survey, Map MF 578 A, 1974. Federal Writers' Project. Northampton County Guide. Works Projects Administration, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Times Publishing Co., 1939. Fletcher, Stevenson Whitcomb. Pennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life vol. I 1640-1840. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1950; reprint ed., 1971. _____. Pennsylvania Agriculture and Country Life. vol. II 1840-1940. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1955. Geiser, Karl Frederick. Redemptioners and Indentured Servants in the Colony and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. New Haven, Connecticut: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1901. Gilbert, Russell Wieder. A Picture of the Pennsylvania Germans. Pennsylvania History Studies No. 1. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania Historical Association, 1971. Glassie, Henry. Pattern in the Material Folk Culture of the Eastern United States. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1968. Goddard, Ives. "Delaware." Trigger, Bruce G., vol. ed. Northeast vol. 15. Sturtevant, William C., gen. ed. Handbook of North American Indians. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1978. Heller, William J. History of Northampton County and the Grand Valley of the Lehigh. vols. I & II. Boston: The American Historical Society, 1920. Herrick, Cheesman A. White Servitude in Pennsylvania. Freeport, New York: Books for Libraries Press, 1926, reprint ed., 1970. Keller, Robert Brown. History of Monroe County Pennsylvania. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 1927. Kline, Eileen T.; Emery, Walter C.; and Emery, Edith May. "An Early History of the Portland Area." Toth, Albert M., coordinator. Slate Belt Bicentennial Heritage. n.p.: (1975?) Lemon, James T. The Best Poor Man's Country A Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1972. Laury, Preston A. Index to the Scotch-Irish of Northampton County. vol. 1 supplement. Easton, Pennsylvania: The Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1939. Long, Amos Jr. Farmsteads and Their Buildings. Lebanon, Pennsylvania: Applied Art Publishers, 1972. Lloyd, JoAn., and Kline, Eileen, eds. Portland Area Centennial 1876-1976. Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania: Slate Belt Printers, Inc., 1976. Malone, Dumas, ed. Dictionary of American Biography. vols. VII and VIII. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1934, 1935. Miller, Benjamin Leroy. Northampton County Pennsylvania Geology and Geography. Topographic and Geologic Survey. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: n.p., 1939. Mineral Resources of the Appalachian Region. Professional Paper 580, U. S. Geological Survey. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1968. Moon, Robert C., The Morris Family of Philadelphia. 5 vols. Philadephia: By the Author, 1898. (vol. II) Schlebecker, John T. Living Historical Farms A Walk Into the Past. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1968. ______. Whereby We Thrive A History of American Farming, 1607-1972. Ames, Iowa: The Iowa State University Press, 1975. Schenk, Hiram H., ed. Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: National Historical Association, Inc., 1932. Schmidt, Hubert G. Rural Hunterdon: An Agricultural History. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1972. Skillman, David Bishop. The Biography of a College Being the History of the First Century of the Life of Lafayette College. vol. I Easton, Pennsylvania: Lafayette College, 1932. Two Hundred Years of Life in Northampton County, Pa. A Bicentennial Review. vol. 8 Easton, Pennsylvania: Northampton County Bicentennial Commission, 1976. part III "Agriculture" by Samuel Lewis. _____ part II "Business and Industry" by Dr. Alfred Pierce. Turner, Edward Raymond. The Negro in Pennsylvania: Slavery-Servitude-Freedom 1639-1861. New York: Negro Universities Press, 1911, reprint ed., 1969. Wood, Ralph, ed. The Pennsylvania Germans. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1942. II. "The Pennsylvania German Farmer" by Walter M. Kollmorgen. Several of these secondary source books provided the bulk of the information found in the agriculture chapter. The Bidwell and Falconer text is an excellent study of agricultural change, as is the Danhof text. Fletcher's two volume text is a lengthy, general narrative of Pennsylvania agriculture and is cited in numerous bibliographies. The Lemon text is excellent reading on Southeastern Pennsylvania geography and agriculture. Schmidt's study of Hunterdon, New Jersey provided valuable comparative data on agricultural practices across the Delaware River from Slateford Farm. The Smithsonian Institution's John T. Schlebecker has written very readable texts on the history of American agriculture and the philosophy behind the "living" historical farm movement. Henry Glassie's viewpoint as a folklorist provided some insight into the architectural practices of Pennsylvania Germans. Brumbaugh, Dornbusch, Heyl, Kollmorgen and Lewis provided very useful information on German farming practices, farming lifestyles and Northampton County agricultural information. Long's text on farming homesteads is an excellent general introduction to that type of architecture. Data on the slate industry in Northampton County was obtained from Pierce's text and the geological survey work of Miller and especially of Behre Jr. Epstein's geological data and descriptions of the Slateford area quarries aided greatly in the attempt to identify quarries and their histories. Dale's text and Mineral Resources provided further information on the slate industry. Biographical information on the Penn family and Nicholas Scull was found in Dumas Malone's invaluable Dictionary of American Biography, in Schenk's encyclopedia and in Dunaway's general history. Data on James Madison Porter was found also in Malone, and in Skillman's history of Lafayette College. Biographical information on the Morris brothers, Amos Strettell and Ann and Frances Strettell Morris was located in Moon's history of the Morris family. The history of slavery and indentured servitude can be found in the Brown, Geiser, Herrick and Turner texts. Turner's book, in particular, is an excellent source for the history of Blacks in Pennsylvania. Bicentennial fervor resulted in the research and writing of many local histories and Northampton County benefitted from these efforts. Local county and township history was obtained from the Kline, Emery and Emery text as well as from the Lloyd and Kline history and the Bangor centennial book. Local historian Andrew Dwight Chidsey Jr. provided data on Penn activities in Easton. Alderfer and Heller also provided valuable data on Northampton County. The WPA guide to the county was very useful because of its synthesis of information. Laury's index to the county's Scotch-Irish included census information which mentioned Samuel Pipher. Ives Goddard's scholarly article on the Delaware Indians aided in establishing tribal names and history. ARTICLES Bressler, Leo A. "Agriculture Among the Germans in Pennsylvania During the Eighteenth Century." Pennsylvania History XXII no. 2 (April 1955): 103-133. Brunhouse, R. L. "The Effect of the Townshend Acts in Pennsylvania." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography LIV no. 4 (1930): 355-373. Bucher, Robert C. "The Cultural Backgrounds of Our Pennsylvania Homesteads." Bulletin of the Historical Society of Montgomery County, Pa. XV no. 3 (Fall 1966): 22-26. Carling, William W. "Early Northampton County." Historical Bulletin of the Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society Easton, Pennsylvania. no. 1 (May 1946): 1-6. Clement, John. "A Sketch of William Biddle and Thomas Biddle." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 14 (1890): 363-386. Embury, Aymar II. "Pennsylvania Farmhouses Examples of Rural Dwellings of a Hundred Years Ago." Architectural Record XXX (November 1911): 475-485. Gillespie, George Cuthbert. "Early Fire Protection and the Use of Fire Marks." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography XLVI no. 3 (1922): 232-261. Johnson, George Fiske. "Agriculture in Pennsylvania A Study of Trends, County and State, since 1840." The Pennsylvania State College School of Agriculture and Experiment Station, State College, Pennsylvania Bulletin #484 (November 1, 1929): 3-94. Lemon, James T. "The Agricultural Practices of National Groups in Eighteenth-Century Southeastern Pennsylvania." The Geographical Review LVI no. 4 (October 1966): 467-496. Long, Amos Jr. "Fences in Rural Pennsylvania." Pennsylvania Folklife 12 no. 2 (Summer 1961): 30-35. _____. "Springs and Springhouses." Pennsylvania Folklife 11 no. 1 (Spring 1960): 40-43. Merriman, Mansfield. "The Slate Regions of Pennsylvania." Stone XVII no. 2 (July 1898): 77-90. Montgomery, Morton L. "Early Furnaces and Forges of Berks County, Penna." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography VIII no. 1 (1884): 56-81. "Notes and Queries." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 2 no. 1(1878): 114-115. "Porter, Founder of Lafayette, a Distinguished American." The Lafayette Alumnus XVII no. 15 (April 1948): 3-4. Wykoff, George S. "Notes and Documents." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography LXVI no. 1 (January 1942): 94-105. Wrigley, P. I. "Farm Tenancy in Pennsylvania." The Pennsylvania State College School of Agriculture and Experiment Station, State College, Pennsylvania Bulletin #383 (September 1939): 1-37. These secondary source articles provided a great deal of the information included in the chapter on building characteristics, farming techniques and the Strettell-Morris families. The Clement, Brunhouse, Gillespie, Montgomery, Wykoff and "Notes and Queries" all contained passing references to Amos Strettell's activities in Philadelphia, his family background, and to the business dealings of the Morris brothers. The Bressler, Bucher and Lemon articles provided much useful data on German farming techniques in Pennsylvania. Amos Long Jr.'s articles, as well as the Aymar Embury III text, all contain descriptions of rural architecture. The Johnson article contained useful agricultural statistics and the Wrigley article was the only title found on the subject of tenancy. The "Porter" article provided biographical information on James Madison Porter. REPORTS U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. "Classified Structure Field Inventory Report," Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, "Cabin at Slateford Farmhouse," by John B. Dodd. 1976. On file at DEWA. U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. "Classified Structure Field Inventory Report," Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Slateford Farmhouse," by John B. Dodd. 1976. On file at DEWA. U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. "Classified Structure Field Inventory Report," Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, "Spring House at Slateford Farm," by John B. Dodd. 1976. On file at DEWA. U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. "Historic Structures Report, Architectural Data, Slateford Farm, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area," by Penelope Hartshorne Batcheler. Denver, Colorado, 1982. On file at DEWA. U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, "Historic Structures Report, Part I, Architectural Data Section on Historic Buildings," Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, by Norman M. Souder. July 1967. On file at DEWA. U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service and U. S. Department of the Army, United States Army Corps of Engineers. "Delaware Water Gap, National Recreation Area, Historical Architectural Survey," vol., by John B. Dodd. 1974. On file at DEWA. Batcheler's text provides much of the known data on the extant structures located at Slateford Farm in terms of construction data, probable year of construction and probable builder. The Dodd and Souder texts provided data on the Slateford Farm buildings, including the Munsch and Keifaber structures. MAP Beers, D. G. Atlas of Northampton County Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: A. Pomeroy & Co., 1874. This atlas revealed where several Piphers were living in 1874 and cited the New York and Delaware River Slate Company as the owners of Slateford Farm. UNPUBLISHED SOURCES Chidsey, Andrew Dwight Jr. "Easton and Northampton County Under the Penns" Easton, Pennsylvania 1936. Typescript in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. "Historical Notes From the Writings of Asa K. McIlhaney" vol. I, Easton Public Library, 1956. Typescript in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. Hoffman, John N. "History of Slate in Pennsylvania." Address Before the Northampton Historical Society at Weona Park, Pen Argyl, Pa., Northampton Historical and Genealogical Society, September 14, 1940. Typescript at Northampton Historical and Genealogical Society. Marx, Henry Forster. "Northampton county, evolution of townships, bibliography of tax and assessment lists 1762-1812" 1936. Typescript in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. Moyer, Jane S., and Christine Wroblewski. "Bicentennial Sketches For the Celebration of the Bicentennial Year in Easton, Pa." Easton Area Public Library, Easton, Pennsylvania, 1976. Typescript in Easton Public Library. Myers, Elizabeth L. "Newspaper Articles on Local History" March 1931-February 1932. Article #6 "Slavery in Northampton County." Typescript located in Marx Collection, Easton Public Library. These secondary unpublished sources contained data on Northampton County history. Chidsey's text discussed the 1737 Walking Purchase and Penn land grants. Hoffman's text mentioned James Madison Porter's slate dealings. Moyer and Wroblewski researched and wrote short vignettes of county history for the Bicentennial, and two of these were biographical sketches of James Madison Porter. Marx's text contained useful information on the formation of Northampton County and Upper Mount Bethel Township. Marx's text also contained maps of the county in the 1770s. PAMPHLET "A Chronology of Events in Pennsylvania Forestry Showing Things as They Happened to Penn's Woods" Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Resources, Office of Resources Management, Bureau of Forestry, 1975, 34 pages. PERSONAL INTERVIEWS Jewell, Charlotte Cyr. Portland, Pennsylvania. Interviews, August 29, 1984 and May 1, 1985. McMillen, Matilda and E. Lee. Easton, Pennsylvania. Interview, September 26, 1984. Pittinger, Mary. Portland, Pennsylvania. Interview, September 30, 1970 by Albert Dillahunty. Typescript copy in DEWA files. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE Letter, Jim Ashton, The New York Historical Society to Sharon A. Brown, September 26, 1984. Letter, Bette Barker, Division of Archives and Records Management, Department of State, State of New Jersey, to Sharon A. Brown, October 3, 1984. Letter, Clark Beck, Special Collections and Archives, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey to Sharon A. Brown, September 26, 1984.
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