Spanning the Gap

Spanning the Gap

Mission Statement
Spanning the Gap is a multi-page park newsletter produced and distributed through the Division of Visitor Services, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. The goal of Spanning the Gap is to educate visitors and neighbors about the recreation area's resources, events, and issues.

History of Spanning the Gap
Spanning the Gap has been published continuously since 1983. Through 1995, it was printed in black-and-white folded newspaper format, with 4 to 8 pages and as many as a half-dozen features, some long and some very brief. Since 1996 it has been printed in its current two-color 8 1/2-by-11 newsletter format, with 8 to 12 pages, one in-depth feature article, and one to four briefer articles.

Features from Spanning the Gap on line

  • Features from 1983 to 2004 inclusive have been converted to pdf files and placed on line. During conversion, these features were updated and amplified with additional and color images that were not included with the original printed version of the text.
  • Features from 2005 to the present appear on-line as pdf files created directly from the two-color print copy. Additonal material for these features may contain color images.

Quick Index to the Archive of Back Issues

1983 (Volume 6): Wildflowers, Climbing, Van Campen Inn, Eagle Watching
1984 (Volume 7): Wild Turkey, Egypt Mills, Place Names, Foster Armstrong House, Resort Point PA, Mountain laurel or rhododendron?
1985 (Volume 8): (Feature articles were reprints of earlier articles)
1986 (Volume 8, continued): Why leaves change color
1987 (Volume 9): Fall leaves
1988 (Volume 10): Acid Rain, Clean River water, Copper Mines, Hawk Migration
1989 (Volume 11): Spring Flowers, Walpack Center, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Winter Survival, Shad
1990 (Volumes 11 & 12): Wildflowers, Gypsy Moths, Trees in Winter, Aspinall Waterwheel
1991 (Volume 13): Barns, Zimmermann Farm, Greek Revival
1992 (Volume 14): Lime kilns, Turkey Vultures, Millbrook Village mill, hemlock woolly adelgid
1993 (Volume 15): Black Bears, Scenic River Protection, Wildflowers, Walpack's Parsonage, Dingmans Bridge, National Register, Fall Webworm
1994 (Volume 16): Warblers, Walpack Church, Raymondskill, Artist Penny Ross, Smokey Bear
1995 (Volume 17): Garris House, Loch Lomond Accessible Fishing Pier
1996 (Volume 18): 1996 Flood, Dutch Reformed Church/Phoenix Antiques
1997 (Volume 19): A Volunteer Experience, Warren County (Millbrook) Map, Salamovka/Delaware View House, Balance of Nature
1998 (Volume 20): Alien plant species
1999 (Volume 21): Prescribed Fire, Boy Scouts, Fort John, Garis House, Park Trails Plan, Eagles
2000 (Volume 22): Farming, Corn, Old Mine Road, Charles Peirce, Delaware Valley Railroad
2001 (Volume 23): Herbert Kraft, Delaware River, a colonial stoveplate, Fall Leaves, River Clean-up, Grey Towers, Kittatinny Hotel
2002 (Volume 24): Marie Zimmermann, McDade Trail I: Hialeah to Turn Farm
2003 (Volume 25): Amphibian Migration, Minisink Archeology, DL&W Railroad, McDade Trail II: Milford Beach to Pitman Orchard
2004 (Volume 26): Millbrook General Store, Appalachian Trail, Ruth Jones, River Clean-up, Cell Towers, Cliff Park Inn, Hurricane Ivan
2005 (Volume 27): Nancy Shukaitis, The Flood of 1955, River Road Rehab, Spring Flood of 2005, Dingmans Campground, Employee Spotlight: Sue Grove
2006 (Volume 28): Clyde & Nikki Butcher, The Flood of June 2006, Park Project Updates, Employee Spotlight: Doyle Nelson
2007 (Volume 29): Volunteer Len Peck, electric transmission lines (NIETCs), New Kittatinny Point Visitor Center, New Jersey Swim Beach, maintenance worker Warren Dean, In Depth on the Web

Archive of Back Issues

1983 (Volume 6)

Wandering through Wildflowers (STG Spring 1983 Vol. 6 No. 1) A brief guide. By Chuck Robbins and Paula Jones. KEYWORDS: wildflowers, skunk cabbage, symplocarpus foetidus, spadix, spathe, jack-in-the-pulpit, Jack in the pulpit, arisaema atrorubens, bluet, houstonia caerulea, Indian pipe, monotropa uniflora, trout lily, adder's tongue, erythronium americanum, bloodroot, sanguinaria canadensis, pink lady's slipper, mocassin flower, stemless lady's slipper, cypripedium acaule, yellow lady's slipper, cypripedium calceolus, lady slipper, columbine, aquilegia canadensis, Dutchman's breeches, dicentra cucullaria, fiddlehead, fiddleheads.

Climbing the Gap (STG Spring 1983 Vol. 6 No. 1) Locations and cautions. By Hugh Dougher. KEYWORDS: climbing, technical climbing, talus, climbing routes, Shawangunk Grit, Shawangunk Cliffs NY, Seneca Rocks WV, rappelling, rappeling, rappel, belaying, belay, bouldering, boulder climbing, chock, carabiner, crampon, ice ax, ice screw.

Isaac Van Campen Inn (STG Summer 1983 Vol. 6 No. 2) The house and its restoration. By park architect Tom Solon. KEYWORDS: Van Campen Inn, Van Campen House, Isaac Van Campen, John Adams, Continental Congress, Walpack Historical Society.

Eagles Along the Delaware (STG Winter 1983 Vol. 6 No. 3) A brief guide to eagle watching. KEYWORDS: eagles, loafing, perch-tree, flight profile, flight silhouette.

1984 (Volume 7)

The Elusive Wild Turkey (STG Spring 1984 Vol. 7 No. 1) Re-introduction of the species and hunting a wild turkey. KEYWORDS: wild turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, reintroduction, Tom turkey, gobbler, turkey beard, wattle.

Egypt Mills (STG Spring 1984 Vol. 7 No. 1) Brief history of the site that is now Toms Creek Picnic Area. KEYWORDS: William Nyce, James E. Nyce, Jacob Nyce, John Nyce, Egypt Mills PA, Toms Creek, Egypt Mills Club, reciprocating saw mill.

Foster Armstrong House (STG Spring 1984 Vol. 7 No. 1) Historic home open to visitors. KEYWORDS: Foster Armstrong House, Westbrook Family, Julius Foster, Mary Foster, Mary D. Foster, Mary Foster Armstrong, James B. Armstrong, Dutch kick, Dutch door, gambrel roof, beehive oven, Dutch door, Dutch Colonial Architecture, M.A.R.C.H.

Mountain Laurel or Rhododendron (STG Summer 1984 Vol. 7 No. 2) How to tell them apart. KEYWORDS: rhododendron, mountain laurel, calicobush, calico bush.

Resort Era to Recreation Area (STG Summer 1984 Vol. 7 No. 2) History of Kittatinny Hotel and Resort Point Overlook PA. KEYWORDS: Water Gap House, Anthony Dutot, Antoine Dutot, stagecoach routes, Mt. Minsi, Resort Point Overlook, Rt. 611.

What's in a Name? (STG Summer 1984 Vol. 7 No. 2) Some common Native American place names in the area. KEYWORDS: place names, geographic names, Kittatinny, Minisink, Minsi, Munsee, Lenape, Tammany, Tamanend, Pocono, Poco-hanne, Wallpack, Pahaquarry, Pahaquarra, Pechoquealin, Pec-ku-wes, Shawnee, Shawnu, Shawaneu, Totamy, Tatamy, Totts Gap.

1985 (None)

1986 (Volume 8)

Why Leaves Change Color (STG Fall-Winter 1986 (-1987) Vol. 8 No. 3) Explaining the colors of various trees in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: fall colors, fall foliage, chlorophyll, carotenoid, anthocyanins.

1987 (Volume 9)

Fall Colors (STG Fall 1987 Vol. 9 No. 3) Where to see the colors. KEYWORDS: fall colors, fall foliage.

1988 (Volume 10)

Acid Rain (STG Summer 1988 Vol. 10 No. 2) What acid rain is and what it does. KEYWORDS: acid rain, pollutants, pH scale, Van Campens Brook NJ, Vancampens Brook NJ.

Clean Water (STG Summer 1988 Vol. 10 No. 2) How water quality is measured for the river. KEYWORDS: fecal coliform, fecal streptococci, pH scale, aquatic insects, Delaware River Basin Commission, National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

The Dutch Mines: Fact or Myth (STG Summer 1988 Vol. 10 No. 2) The legend and the evidence. Updated in 2005 by park historian Susan Kopczynski. KEYWORDS: Dutch mining, Esopus NY, malachite, chalcocite, copper sulfide, Preston, Hazard, Hazard's Register, Thomas Penn, Claus de Ruyter, Stuvesant, Dutch West India Company, Minisink, Neversink, Pahaquarry Mining Company, Montgomery Gold Leaf Mining Company, Pahaquarry Copper Company, adits, General Gates, Battle of Trenton.

Hawk Migration (STG Fall 1988 Vol. 10 No. 3) Watching the migration in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: hawks, hawk migration, raptors, buteos, accipters, harriers, falcons, kettles.

1989 (Volume 11)

Spring Flowering Trees and Shrubs (STG Spring 1989 Vol. 11 No. 1) The most conspicuous blooming trees in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: shadbush, shad blow, serviceberry, service-berry, Sarvis, servis, Juneberry, June-berry, dogwood, azalea, pink azalea, Pinxter flower, mountain laurel, rhododendron.

Shad Run (STG Spring 1989 Vol. 11 No. 1) The comeback life of this Delaware River fish. KEYWORDS: shad, shad run, shad spawning, anadramous, alosa sapidissima, herring, shad roe, shad dart.

Historic Wallpack Center (STG Summer 1989 Vol. 11 No. 2) The town past and present. KEYWORDS: Peters Valley (Bevans), Walpack Mountain, Flat Brook, Shapanack Flats, Shapnack,Walpack Center Post Office, Walpack Center Historical Society, Flat Brook Bridge, Walpack Center Bridge, Groton Bridge & Mfg. Co. Groton N.Y.

Agriculture in the Park (STG Summer 1989 Vol. 11 No. 2) Farming in the park. KEYWORDS: agricultural leasing (agricultural permits), agricultural landscapes, hedgerows, row crops, overstory, Soil Conservation Service.

Biological Diversity (STG Summer 1989 Vol. 11 No. 2) Its importance worldwide. KEYWORDS: bio-diversity, biodiversity, extinction, species extinction, ecosystem extinction, bog turtle, timber rattlesnakes.

Winter Survival (STG Fall & Winter 1989 Vol. 11 No. 3) How animals survive the winter. KEYWORDS: hibernation, deep sleep, migration.

1990 (Volumes 11 and 12)

More Than Just a Pretty Face (STG Spring 1990 Vol. 11, No. 4) A look at common spring wildflowers in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: skunk cabbage, symplocarpus foetidus, spadix, spathe, purple trillium, wet dog trillium, stinking Benjamin, trillium erectum, white trillium, large-flowered trillium, trillium grandiflora, hepatica, round-lobed hepatica, hepatica americana, sharp-lobed hepatica, hepatica acutiloba, anemone, wood anemone, anemone quinqufolia, thimbleweed, anemone virginia, Solomon's seal, polygonatum biflorum, false Solomon's Seal, smiacina racemosa, violet, blue violet, common blue violet, viola cucullata, downy yellow violet, viola pubescens.

The Gypsy Moths Are Here (STG Spring 1990 Vol. 11, No. 4) On the arrival of gypsy moth infestation in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: Etienne Leopold Trouvelot, gypsy moth, Porthetria dispar L., Lymantris dispar L., instar, instars, larvae, pupae, natural control agents.

Tree I.D. (STG Fall & Winter 1990 Vol. 12, No. 3) Identifying trees in winter. KEYWORDS: Apple tree, sugar maple, gray birch.

Art and Architecture: Architectural Preservation (The Aspinall Waterwheel) (STG Fall & Winter 1990 Vol. 12, No. 3) Historic waterwheel located within the recreation area in Dingmans Ferry PA. KEYWORDS: Aspinall Water Wheel, Sproul Hydroelectric Generating Plant, Songbird Camp, Governor William C. Sproul.

1991 (Volume 13)

Art & Architecture: Barns: Survival of the Fittest (STG Spring 1991 Vol. 13, No. 1) Style and structure of barns found in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: barns, Dutch barn, English barn, Pennsylvania bank barn, bank barn, banked barn, gambrel roof, gable, bay, Dutch Colonial Revival, post and beam, vertical board siding, horizontal board siding, Millbrook Village, Blacksmith Shop, Dimmick Barn, Van Campen Barn, Welter Barn, Silvie Barn, Knight Barn, woodworking shop, Wagon Shop, Boehme Barn, Black Farm, Garis Barn, Eshback Farm, Marie Zimmermann Farm, Zimmermann House, Peters Valley barn, Chado Barn, Frank Chapot, U.S. Olympic Equestrian Team, Van Auken Barn, inholding, fieldstones, glazed tile, "Big Boehme" Barn, Trauger Barn, James Van Campen Farmstead, B.B. Van Campen Farmstead, Layton House, "1812" House, wooden silo, Hilltop Farm, Firebay barn, Warner Barn, House Family Farmstead, Silver Spray Farm, Birchenough Barn, Wheat Plains Barn, Broadhead-Heller Barn, Michael Farm Barn, Schoonover Mountain House Barn, Totts Gap Barn.

Art & Architecture: Designed with Nature, the Zimmermann Estate (STG Summer 1991 Vol. 13, No. 2) The Zimmermann estate and Marie Zimmermann House in Milford PA. KEYWORDS: John Zimmermann, Marie Zimmermann Commemoration Day, Gramercy Park, allee, Dutch Colonial Revival, French Chateau, Richardsonian Romanesque, Arts & Crafts, female Cellini.

Art & Architecture: Greece on the Delaware, the "Greek Revival" Style in the Park (STG Fall & Winter 1991 Vol. 13, No. 3) Greek Revival style and its effects on architecture in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: Greek Revival architecture, Dutch Reformed Church, historic leasing, Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church, Zion Church, Bushkill General Store, Turn and Cook Store, tinsmith's wing, Greek Revival House, Peters Valley.

1992 (Volume 14)

Art & Architecture: A Twist of Lime (STG Spring 1992 Vol. 14, No. 1) A look at lime kilns in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: lime, CaO, calcined lime, quick lime, calcium carbonate, slaked lime, calcium hydrate, lime-kiln, lime kiln, kiln, draw-kiln, draw kiln, set-kiln, set kiln, stacking and capping, lime burner, slaking, limelight, whitewash, John Turn Farm PA, Michael Road PA, Mosiers Knob Road PA, Zion Church Road PA, Hialeah PA.

Watching T.V. (STG Summer 1992 Vol. 14, No. 2) Turkey vultures and their presence in the recreation area. By park ranger Brian Hardiman. KEYWORDS: turkey vultures, cathartes, scavenger, dihedral.

Art & Architecture: A Village Mill (STG Summer 1992 Vol. 14, No. 2 and Fall & Winter 1992 Vol. 14, No. 3) The recreated mill at Millbrook Village and its structural elements. Initial phases and update of the mill construction project. By Park Ranger Rab Cika. KEYWORDS: Millbrook Village grist mill, Abraham Garis, Abram Garis, Abraham Garris, Abraham Garris, Bartonsville mill, post and beam, mortise, tenon, mortise and tenon, trennel, tree nail, treenail, adze, broad axe.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (STG Fall & Winter 1992 Vol. 14, No. 3) The arrival of HWA hemlock woolly adelgid in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: hemlock wooly adelgid, HWA, Eastern Hemlock, Western hemlock.

1993 (Volume 15)

Scenic River Protection Continues (STG Spring 1993 Vol. 15, No. 1) and Scenic River Protection: An Update (STG Summer 1993 Vol. 15, No. 2) The new water quality standards for the Delaware River, among the nation's highest. KEYWORDS: Delaware River Basin Commission, Special Protection Waters, Best Management Practices, GIS, point source pollution, non-point source pollution.

The Black Bear (STG Spring, Summer and Fall 1993 Vol. 15, Nos. 1, 2 and 3) A three-part account of the black bear's activities through the seasons by Park Ranger Jim Becker. KEYWORDS: black bear, ursus americanus, fall shuffle, denning, hibernation, torpor.

Wildflower Wanderings (STG Spring 1993 Vol. 15, No. 1) Springtime wildflowers. KEYWORDS: wild geranium, geranium maculatum, bloodroot, sanguinaria canadensis, purple trillium, erect trillium, trillium, wake-robin, trillium erectum, large-flowered trillium, white trillium, trillium grandiflora. pink lady's slipper, lady's slipper, moccasin flower, cypripedium acaule, yellow lady's slipper, cypripedium calceolus, jack in the pulpit, jack-in-the-pulpit, arisaema atrorubens, spadix, spathe, trout lily, adder's tongue, dogtooth violet, fawn lily, erythronium americanum.

Art & Architecture: Preserving Walpack's Parsonage (STG Spring 1993 Vol. 15, No. 1) Renovation and re-use of a historic building in Walpack Center NJ. KEYWORDS: Walpack Center's Methodist-Episcopal Church, Walpack Historical Society, parsonage, Leonard Peck, Gordon Castimore.

Art & Architecture: Dingmans Bridge (STG Summer 1993 Vol. 15, No. 2) Historic privately-owned toll bridge crossing the Delaware River at Dingmans Ferry PA. KEYWORDS: Dingmans Choice and Delaware Bridge Company. Dingmans Choice, Bridge Manager Elsie Bensley, Alfred S. Dingman, Andreas Dingman, Andrew Dingman, Judge Daniel W. Dingman, Old Mine Road, Bethany Turnpike (Route 739), Flood of 1847, Dr. J.N. Miller.

What's in that Tree? (STG Fall/Winter 1993/1994 Vol. 15, No. 3) Fall webworms and their effect on the recreation area. KEYWORDS: fall webworm, fall web worm, tiger moth, Arctiidae, Hypantria cunea Drury, eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum Fabricius.

Art & Architecture: Designated Historic (STG Fall/Winter 1993/1994 Vol. 15, No. 3) How a structure earns listing on the National Register of Historic Places, including a list of National Register properties within the recreation area. KEYWORDS: historic designation, historic criteria, level of significance, Cold Spring Farm Springhouse, Broadhead Farm, Heller Farm, Wheat Plains Farm, Jacob Shoemaker House, Richard Layton House, 1812 House, Houck Farm, Silver Spray Farm.

1994 (Volume 16)

Smokey Bear: 50 Years of Fire Prevention (STG Spring 1994 Vol. 16, No. 1) A look at Smokey on the 50th anniversary of his creation. By fire management officer Doug Riley. KEYWORDS: Smokey Bear, Smokey the Bear, Albert Staehle, Rudy Wendelin, Jackson Weaver, Game Warden Ray Bell, Lincoln National Forest, Smokey Bear State Park.

Catch a Wave (STG Spring 1994 Vol. 16, No. 1) The springtime migration of warblers in the recreation area. By park ranger Brian Hardiman. KEYWORDS: yellow warbler, common yellowthroat, American redstart, hooded warbler, black-throated green warbler, black and white warbler, Louisiana water thrush, ovenbird, prairie warbler, chestnut-sided warbler, blue-winged warbler.

Art & Architecture: Walpack and its Church (STG Spring 1994 Vol. 16, No. 1) History of Walpack Center's 1872 church. By architecture intern Drew Eisinger. KEYWORDS: Walpack Methodist-Episcopal Church, J.H. Williamson, Jacob S. Roe, Walpack Historical Society.

Art & Architecture: Designing with Nature (STG Summer 1994 Vol. 16, No. 2) Architectural design at Raymondskill Falls. KEYWORDS: Raymondskill Falls, Raymondskill Creek, sustainable design.

Art & Architecture: Artist's Perspective. (STG Fall/Winter: 1994-1995 Vol. 16, No. 3) An artist's appreciation of natural and historical subjects in the recreation area. By Stroudsburg PA watercolorist Penny Ross. KEYWORDS: Penny Ross, watercolors, Slateford Farmhouse, painting.

1995 (Volume 17)

Art & Architecture: Loch Lomond Accessible Fishing Pier (STG Spring: 1995 Vol. 17, No. 1) By architecture intern Polly Ryan. KEYWORDS: accessible fishing pier, Jason Cichy.

Art & Architecture: The Garris House, a Preservation Investigation (STG Summer: 1995 Vol. 17, No. 2) Preliminaries of restoration of 1859 Garris (Garis) House at Millbrook Village NJ. KEYWORDS: Elias Garris House, Elias Garis House, sill beam.

1996 (Volume 18)

Flooding and Funding (STG Spring 1996 Vol. 18, No. 1) The effect of the January 1996 flood upon the recreation area. KEYWORDS: Smithfield Beach.

iver Basin (on the website of the Delaware River Basin Commission)

Photo Gallery: The Flood of January 1996 KEYWORDS: Kittatinny Beach NJ, Smithfield Beach PA, Hialeah Air Park PA, Dingmans Access PA, Milford Beach PA.

Separation of the church from the state of decay (Phoenix Antiques/Dutch Reformed Church) (STG Spring 1996 Vol. 18, No. 1) A successful historic leasing venture. By park architect Tom Solon. KEYWORDS: Doug Cosh, Dutch Reformed Church of Dingmans Ferry PA, Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation.

Cultural Connections (STG: Summer 1998 Vol. 18 No. 2) Archeological evidence of human settlement within the park's boundaries in prehistoric and colonial times. Includes drawings of Native American artifacts and lifeways. By park archeologist John R. Wright. KEYWORDS: Pleistocene glaciation, Wisconsin glaciation, land bridge, fluted projectile points, Archaic Period ( 6000-1000 B.C.), Algonkian natives, Late Woodland Period (900-1550 A.D.), Owasco culture, domesticated cultigens, Contact Period, sketches of Native American life.

1997 (Volume 19)

Art and Architecture: VIP treatment (STG Spring 1997 Vol. 19, No. 1) A summer as a park volunteer in historic preservation. By volunteer-in-parks David Tipson. KEYWORDS: David Tipson, Volunteers in the parks, internships, interns.

A Map of Millbrook's Past (STG Spring 1997 Vol. 19, No. 1) Preservation of an 1852 map of Warren County for MillbrookVillage. By park historian Susan Kopczynski. KEYWORDS: Millbrook Village, map of Millbrook Village, Warren County 1852, 1852 Warren County map, map conservation, Daniel McCarty, Wagner and McGuigan's Steam Litho Press Philadelphia, Garis House, Hill House, Garis Grist Mill, Abram Garis, Van Campens Mill Brook, Van Campens Brook.

Art and Architecture: View...tiful (STG Summer 1997 Vol. 19, No. 2) Salamovka/Delaware View House on Old Mine Road near FlatbrookvilleNJ. By park historian Susan Kopczynski. KEYWORDS: Salamovka, Andrew Salamov, Andrew Salama, Charles Yetter, Flatbrook Hotel, Losey Boarding House, Delaware View House, Flatbrookville NJ.

A Balancing Act (STG Summer 1997 Vol. 19, No. 2) The role of resource management in the balance of nature. By park volunteer Nicole Voigt. KEYWORDS: balance of nature, exotic plants, hemlock woolly adelgid, oriental bittersweet, ailanthus altissima, tree of heaven, tree-of-heaven, purple loosestrife, phragmites.

1998 (Volume 20)

Aliens Invade Park! (STG Fall/Winter 1998 Vol. 20, No. 3) An overview of the exotic plant situation in the recreation area. KEYWORDS: alien plants, exotic plants, non-native plants, purple loosestrife, Japanese knotweed, autumn olive, tartarian honeysuckle, multi-flora rose, Tree of heaven, ailanthus altissima.

1999 (Volume 21)

Rx Fire (STG Spring 1999 Vol. 21, No. 1) The prescribed fire policy explained by fire management officer Doug Riley. KEYWORDS: fire, wildland fire, fire regime, prescribed fire, prescribed burn.

Boy Scout Camps along the Delaware (STG: Summer 1999 Vol 21 No. 2) A reminiscence of the five boy scouts camps that have disappeared from the river's shores. By park ranger and former camper Albert B. Zusman. KEYWORDS: boy scout camps, paddlerama, Camp Weygadt, Camp Minsi, Camp Cowaw, Camp Pahaquarra, Camp Ken-Etiwa-Pec, Camp Mohican, Camp Calno, Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco, Camp Nobebosco, Kittatinny Mountain Scout Reservation, Abegg Lodge, Liddle Cabin, Mohican Lodge, Wildcat Lake, Catfish Pond NJ, Weygadt mess hall, ridgerunner, Urban League, Passaic NJ schools, Trexler Scout Reservation.

Twenty years a Weygadt Scout: a Photo Gallery of the Robert Noll Collection (STG: Summer 1999 Vol 21 No. 2) Photo collection of a Camp Weygadt scout. KEYWORDS: Bethlehem Council BSA, Camp Mini, Camp Weygadt, Robert Unangst Noll, Robert Noll, Camp Weygadt, camporee, campaign hats, Weygadt pond, Weygadt dining hall.

The French and Indian War in the Delaware Valley (STG Summer 1999 Vol. 21, No. 2) The French and Indian (Seven Years) from 1753 to 1760 was the occasioned the building of a string of fortifications in the Delaware Valley. By park archeologist John R. Wright.

Who is buried in the "Slave" Cemetery? (STG Summer 1999 Vol. 21, No. 2) Documentary evidence of African American slaves and free citizens in the area. Additional Material to the Military Trail Guide. KEYWORDS: Rosencrans family, Van Campen Family, Dewitt family, De Witt family, abolition of slavery in New Jersey, Absolom Reamer, Cesar Soults, Enos John, Johnson Losey House, Mary Stackhouse, Milton Stackhouse.

Restoration at Millbrook Village: Garis House (STG Fall 1999 Vol. 21, No. 3) An appreciation of this 1800s house by historic preservation specialist Ken Sandri. KEYWORDS: Elias Garis House, Elias Garris House, Upper Delaware Valley House, plank construction, sliding window.

Photo Gallery: Restoration at Garis House (STG Fall 1999 Vol. 21, No. 3)

Wintering Eagles at the Gap (STG Spring 1999 Vol. 21, No. 4) A condensation of a report by the recreation area's Division of Research and Resource Management. KEYWORDS: eagles, wintering eagles, eagle-watching.

2000 (Volume 22)

Farming the Park (STG Spring 2000 Vol. 22, No.1) An assessment of the park's agricultural permit program by wildlife biologist Larry Hilaire. KEYWORDS: farming, agricultural leasing (agricultural permits), kahesana Xaskwim, manitowouk, hedgerows, no-till, minimum-tilled, disking, wheat, rye, oats, barley.

Corn: An American Native (STG Spring 2000 Vol. 22, No. 1) By wildlife biologist Larry Hilaire. KEYWORDS: corn, maize, Three Sisters Garden.

A Ride Down Old Mine Road Part I: Worthington State Forest to Watergate (revised Oct. 2012), Part II: Millbrook Village to Flatbrookville, NJ, Part III, Part IV: Peters Valley, NJ (revised Oct. 2012) (STG Summer 2000 Vol. 22, No. 2) An auto tour guide. By park historian Susan Kopczynski. KEYWORDS: Old Mine Road, King's Highway, Road to Esopus, Kittatinny Point, Coppermine Hiking Area, Copper Mines, Pahaquarry Copper Mines, adits, Calno School, Pahaquarry Township, Hardwick Township, Depew Recreation Site, Van Campens Glen, Van Campen Brook, Watergate Recreation Site, Abraham Garis, Abram Garis, Abraham Garris, Abraham Garris, Salamovka, Andrew Salama, Nelda Salama, Flat Brook, Flatbrookville, Peters Valley, Bevans, Wallpack Center, First Rosencrans House, Isaac Rundle, Jasper Rundle House, Buttermilk Falls, Chado Farm, Frank Chapot, U.S. Olympic Equestrian Team, Jacob Roe House, Deep Spring Farm, Walpack Valley Environmental Education Center, Walpack Bend, Walpack Mountain, Walpack Cemetery, Walpack Post Office, Wallpack Post Office, Van Scoder Knight House, Peters Valley, Peter Van Neste, Bevans, Hensfoot Corners, Mrs. Victor Bevans, Daniel Rosencrans, Dutch Reformed Church of Peters Valley, Greek Revival House, Valley Brook Farm, Hilltop Farm, bank barns, Nelden-Roberts Stone House.

On the Frontier of New Jersey: An Introduction to Military Trail (STG: Summer 2000 Vol. 22, No. 2) Narrative and views of Military Trail, a one-mile trail dating from the 1700s. KEYWORDS: Lenape (delaware) natives, Captain Jonathan Hampton, John Rosencrans, Newton (Sussex Court House) NJ, Balesville NJ, Myrtle Grove NJ, Mecca Lake, Pompey Ridge, General Horatio Gates, Benedict Arnold, Battle of Trenton, Count Casimir Pulaski, Colonel Philip Van Cortlandt, General John Sullivan, Sullivan Trail.

A Biography of Charles S. Peirce (STG Fall 2000 Vol. 22 No. 3) By Keri A. Jean. Park Profiles: Philosopher Charles Peirce (1839-1914) Mathematician and pragmatist philosopher Charles Peirce lived at Arisbe, a historic home now within the recreation area. By park ranger Megan O'Malley. KEYWORDS: Charles Peirce, Juliette Froissy, Arisbe, pragmatism, pragmatists, USC&GS, NOAA.

Railway Avenue and the Delaware Valley Railroad (DVRR) (STG Winter 2000 Vol. 22, No. 4) Railway Avenue, once a street in the village of Bushkill, is now a flat trail through the woods and along an old railroad bed. KEYWORDS: Village of Bushkill PA, Bushkill Railroad station, Turn Store BUshkill PA, Railway Avenue Trail, Maple Grove PA, Lawrence Butz.

2001 (Volume 23)

Park Profiles: Archeologist Herbert Kraft (1927-2000) (STG Spring 2001 Vol. 23 No. 1) Two remembrances of Professor Kraft, a specialist in Lenape (Delaware) culture, by park archeologist John R. Wright and by David Orr, Mid-Atlantic Region's Archeologist for the National Park Service. KEYWORDS: Herbert Kraft (1927-2000), Seton Hall University, John Cotter, University of Pennsylvania Department of American Civilization, James Deetz, Paul Kinsey, Franklin & Marshall College, Lenape Natives, Minisink longhouses, Miller Field NJ, Fort John NJ, Fort Johns NJ, Fort Shapnack NJ, Fort Shapanack NJ, French & Indian War.

A Drop to Drink (STG Summer 2001 Vol. 23, No. 2) By water resources specialist DeNise Cooke. KEYWORDS: water quality, water resources, Delaware River watershed, Delaware River, Middle Delaware National Scenic River, Special Protection Waters Regulations, STORET, dissolved oxygen (DO).

Peace and War: a Find in the Park (STG Summer 2001 Vol. 23, No. 2) A colonial stoveplate discovered and identified in the park. By park historian Susan Kopczynski. KEYWORDS: stoveplate, stove plate, jamp stove, Christopher Decker Jr., Decker House, Bible in Iron, Henry C. Mercer, colonial iron works. grenadiers, Frederic William I of Prussia, cranetir, Quakers.

Trees at Rest (STG Fall 2001 Vol. 23, No. 3) Why trees change color. By park ranger Jeanine Ferrence. KEYWORDS: fall colors, tree colors, trees changing colors, foliage.

Down by the Riverside (STG Fall 2001 Vol. 23, No. 3) A day with Kittatinny Canoes' River Clean-up. By Jeanelia Domond. KEYWORDS: Delaware River Clean-up, Kittatinny Canoes Clean Up, Ruth Jones, Dave Jones.

Welcome to Grey Towers (STG Fall 2001 Vol. 23, No. 3) The nearby home of Gifford Pinchot reopens after restoration. KEYWORDS: Governor Gifford Pinchot (1865-1946), James Pinchot, Richard Morris Hunt, Cornelia Bryce, Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, Fiddlin' Foresters.

Life at the Kittatinny (STG Winter 2001 Vol. 23, No. 4) The hotel that once stood at Resort Point at the Water Gap. KEYWORDS: Kittatinny Point, Kittatinny Hotel, steamboat Kittatinny, Delaware Water Gap resorts, Water Gap House, Resort Point PA, Beers Atlas of Monroe County.

2002 (Volume 24)

Park Profile: Marie Zimmermann at her Farm (1879-1972) (STG Spring 2002 Vol. 24 No. 1) The artist in her retirement years at her farm near Milford PA. KEYWORDS: Marie Zimmermann, metal crafts, Crafts Movement, Ruth Allen, Hotel Fauchere, Chol Family, Zimmermann Farm, Whip-poor-will, Whippoorwill, Dutch Colonial Revival.

Photo Gallery: Works of Marie Zimmermann KEYWORDS: Marie Zimmermann Maker, Marie Zimmermann Commemoration Day, G. L. Pew, Montgomery Ward Family.

Photo Gallery: Marie Zimmermann Farm

History along McDade Trail I: Hialeah Picnic Area to Turn Farm (on River Road) (STG Fall 2002 Vol. 24 No. 3) Sketches of history along the initial 5-mile segment of McDade Recreational Trail. KEYWORDS: McDade Recreational Trail, McDade Trail, Walpack Bend, River Road, Kautz, Hialeah, Newcomb House, Robacher House, Roebacher House, summer kitchen, historic Smithfield Township Schoolhouses, Smithfield Beach, Tocks Island Dam, 1955 flood, Zion Church, Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church, Delaware Valley Conservation Association, Office of Historic Preservation and Design, Michaels House, Michael House, Theune Dairy Farm, Mosier's Knob PA, John Turn Farm, Weave House, Weaver's House, Camp Ministerium, Freeman Tract Road.

2003 (Volume 25)

Cover Me! "Nights of Migrating Dangerously" end as the park closes River Road to protect amphibians (STG: Spring 2003 Vol. 25 No. 1) The closing of River Road during amphibian migration season. KEYWORDS: amphibians, amphibian breeding, conservation closures, spotted salamander, Jefferson salamander, peeper frog, wood frog, red-spotted newt.

Archeology in the Minisink Today (STG Summer 2003 Vol. 25 No. 2) Over 100 years of archeological activity in what is now a national landmark area. KEYWORDS: Minisink Historic District, Minisink National Landmark, Minisink archeological site, Edward Dalrymple, Museum of the American Indian NY, Charles Philhower, Ales Hrdlicka, fortress of t'Schickte-wacki, Temple University, Raymondskill Creek, creek migration, Manna Site, transit, kaolin.

Pocono Mainline Rail Excursion: Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad (STG: Summer 2003 Vol. 25 No. 2) Historic rail link between Steamtown National Historic Site and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is revived for an excursion train. KEYWORDS: DL&W RR, Pocono Mainline, Summit Lake land bridge PA, Engine 759, East Stroudsburg Railroad Tower, Delaware & Hudson Railway, Dansbury Depot (former restaurant, now closed).

Photo Gallery: Water Gap Station Photographs from the station's Open House on July 12, 2003 (STG: Summer 2003 Vol. 25 No. 2) KEYWORDS: DL&W Water Gap Railroad Station, Delaware House.

Photo Gallery: Railroad Structures in the Stroudsburgs Photographs of structures related to the Pocono Mainline Excursion. (STG: Summer 2003 Vol. 25 No. 2) KEYWORDS: Lackawanna Limited, Phoebe Snow, Crystal Street East Stroudsburg, Analomink Street East Stroudsburg, Dansbury Station, Dansbury Manor PA, railroad switching stations, railroad water towers, East Stroudsburg Railroad Tower Society, Liberty Bell Tour 1914, Engine 699 in 1916, Driebe Freight Station, New York Susquehanna & Western Railroad.

Milepost itinerary and Excursion Photos (STG: Summer 2003 Vol. 25 No. 2) KEYWORDS: Hoboken NJ, Scranton PA, Bush-style train shed, Nay Aug Tunnel PA, Erie & Wyoming Valley Railroad, Reservoir No. 7, Roaring Brook, Scranton-Springbrook Water Service Company, Pennsylvania Gas and Water, Pennsylvania American Water Company, Winton Branch, Jessup Branch, Nay Aug Yard, Throop's Tank, Dr. Benjamin H. Throop, Elmhurst Station, Dunnings PA, Elmhurst PA, Moscow PA, Elmhurst Reservoir, accommodation trains, Moscow Freight Depot, Lehigh PA, Lehigh wye, ice harvest industry, Lackawanna County Railroad Authority, Sand Cut, Gouldsboro PA, Jay Gould, Tobyhanna PA, Tobyhanna Army Depot, U.S. Army Signal Corps, Haughey's Pond PA, Pocono Summit PA, Pocono Summit land bridge, Wilkes-Barre and Eastern Railroad (subsidiary of New York Susquehanna and Western Railoroad), Lackawanna Valley Heritage Society, Monroe County Railroad Authority, Mt. Pocono PA, Cresco Pa, Oakland PA, Barrett Township Historical Society, Bestway Lumber Company, Henryville PA, Analomink PA, Paradise Creek, Broadhead Creek, Armstrong levers, East Stroudsburg Railroad Tower, Santa Fe style Water Tower, Dansbury Manor PA, Dansbury Depot Restaurant (now closed), Point of Gap Overlook PA, Indian Head NJ, Mt. Minsi PA, Mt. Tammany NJ, Cold Air Cave PA, Slateford Juncton PA, New Jersey cut-off, Pocono Mainline.

History along Karamac Trail: New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad and the Karamac Hotel (STG: Summer 2003 Vol. 25 No. 2) KEYWORDS: NYS&W, "mixed trains", truss bridge, railroad piers, New Jersey Midland Railway, Sussex Mine Railroad, Paulins Kill Valley, Paulinskill Valley, Paulinskill River, LaBar Island, Columbia NJ, Dunnfield NJ, Browning NJ, Brotzmanville NJ, Howeys NJ, Karamac Trail, Camp Karamac, Fairview House, Farview House, Karamac Hotel, Columbia-Dunnfield Road.

History along McDade Trail II: Milford Beach to Pittman Orchard (near Raymondskill Road) (STG Fall 2003 Vol. 25 No. 3) An additional 2.7 miles of the planned 32-mile recreational trail. KEYWORDS: Milford-Montague Bridge, Rt. 206 Bridge, Robert Blood, Blood House, Bob's Beach, Old Bridge Road Montague NJ, Milford Cliff PA, Tom Mix, Walter Miller, Mary Pickford, D.W. Griffith's "The Informer" (film), Harry Buchanan, Minisink Island, Snyder Farm PA, Snyder Silo, Flying Hawks Airfield PA, hedgerows, Pittman Orchard PA, Model Farm PA, Ebenezer Warner, Emily Buchanan, Model Orchard program, Oregon apples.

2004 (Volume 26)

Grocer, storekeeper (STG: Spring/Summer 2004 Vol. 26, No. 1) A new look at the Daily Ledger for Millbrook's General Store and its part in the village's and the nation's economy. KEYWORDS: Millbrook store, Millbrook general store, Millbrook store register, Millbrook day book, Philip J.S. Garis, Philip J.S. Garris, barter, self-order, self order, consumer culture, consumerism, credit, loss leader, scarcity of cash, scarce cash, cash shortage, financial panic, collar stays, machine-made glassware, imported cigars, Jacob Cole, Millbrook Village Post Office, postmaster.

Cash, Credit, and Convenience: Reinterpreting Millbrook Village's Economy 1860-1880 Complete text of the presentation made at the 30th Anniversary Symposium of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area on November 18, 1995. By museum technician Kathyrn A. Clippinger. KEYWORDS: Columbia & Walpack Turnpike, Belvidere Apollo, New Jersey Herald, Sussex County Democrat, Millbrook Diary, John Kinney, Abram V. Shoemaker, Philip S, Garis, Hannah Garis, Abram Garis, Daniel Hunterdon, Uzal B. Labar, Kentucky jean, Trauger Family, George A. Trauger, Ryerson Trauger, Rilda Trauger, Cyrus Trauger, Coonrod Welter, Conrad Welter, Henry Berk. Jacob Cole, Henry Westfall, Mary Crown, Elias Garis, John S, Van Gorden, Angeline Smith Van Campen Ribble, James Van Campen, Samuel Ribble, Lizzie Van Campen Ribble, Wycoffe Cooke & Bell, New York stores, J.N. Roof, Gilbert Mfg. mail order catalogs, Aaron Montgomery Ward, Grange Supply House, Grange stores, Panic of 1873, greenbacks, self-orders, paregoric, Balmoral skirt, laudanum, Law's Liniment, yellow-ware.

The "AT" Experience (STG Spring/Summer 2004 Vol. 26, No. 1) A brief background of the Appalachian Trail and its path through the recreation area. By district park ranger Brad Clawson. KEYWORDS: Appalachian Trail, Springer Mt. GA, Mt. Katahdin ME, thru-hiker, through-hiker, through hiker, ridgerunner, Wilmington Trail Club, Totts Gap PA, Poplar Valley, Water Gap, Delaware Water Gap, Fred Waring, Mt. Minsi PA, Mt. Tammany NJ, Brink Road NJ, Brinks Road NJ, Mt. Tammany Trail, Blue-blaze trail, Blue-blazed trail, Dunnfield Creek Trail, Sunfish Pond (National Natural Landmark), Crater Lake NJ, Buttermilk Falls NJ, Raccoon Ridge NJ, Depew Island, Poxono Island, Blairstown NJ, Hardwick NJ, Catfish Fire Tower NJ.

Living Treasure Interview: A Life along the River Ruth Jones (STG Winter 2004/2005 Vol. 26, No. 2) A conversation with the owner of Kittatinny Canoes. KEYWORDS: Ruth Jones, Ruth Olschewsky, Ernie Olschewsky, Edna Olschewsky, Edna Koutz, Karamac, Kittatinny Point, Kittatinny Pool, Kittatinny Beach, The Endless Mountains, Nix on Tocks, Frank Jones, Dave Jones.

On and Under the Delaware: 15 Years of the River Clean-up (STG Winter 2004/2005 Vol. 26, No. 2) The annual event sponsored by Kittatinny Canoes. KEYWORDS: River Clean-up, Delaware River Clean-Up, On and Under the Delaware, Take Pride in America, Ruth Jones, Dave Jones, David Jones, Port Jervis NY.

Photo Gallery: The River Clean-up KEYWORDS: Matamoras Base (STG Winter 2004/2005 Vol. 26, No. 2)

Using Cell Phones Means Needing Cell Towers (STG Winter 2004/2005 Vol. 26, No. 2) A report on cell-tower applications to the recreation area. By ranger activities assistant Michele Kuna. KEYWORDS: Rt. 209 corridor, cell phone, cell towers, cell phone towers, monopoles, co-location, collocation.

Cliff Park Reopens (STG Winter 2004/2005 Vol. 26, No. 2) The historic property that is now part of the recreation area. KEYWORDS: Milford Cliffs, Pocono Plateau, Cliff Park, Cliff Park Inn, Cliff Park Golf Course, Harry Buchanan, Buchanan Family, Jamie Klausman, Yvonne Klausman.

Ivan Causes Region's Third Worst Flood (STG Winter 2004/2005 Vol. 26, No. 2) A condensation of the flood briefing statement. By park ranger Kathleen Sandt. KEYWORDS: Ivan, Hurricane Ivan, Tropical Storm Ivan, Montague NJ gauge, cfs, Kittatinny Point Visitor Center NJ, Kittatinny Point NJ, Manna Site PA. Depew Recreation Site NJ, Dingmans Fall Boardwalk PA, Bushkill Access PA.

Photo Gallery: Ivan Passes Through Photos by park staff of the September 2004 flood (STG Winter 2004/2005 Vol. 26, No. 2) KEYWORDS: Smithfield Beach PA, Millbrook VillageNJ, Van Campens Brook NJ, Dingmans Falls PA, Raymondskill Falls PA, Route 209 PA, Delaware Water Gap PA, Garis Barn NJ, Millbrook pedestrian bridge NJ.

2005 (Volume 27)

Living Treasure Interview: A Life in this Valley Nancy Shukaitis (STG: Summer/Fall 2005 Vol. 27 No. 1) The founder of the Delaware Valley Conservation Association, a local activist group against the Tocks Island Dam project. KEYWORDS: Nancy Shukaitis, Nancy Michael, water reservoir, "Nix on Tocks", Sandy Beach, collecting arrowheads, HARSCO Industrial Patterson-Kelley (East Stroudsburg PA), Manhattan Project, LST (Landing Ship Tank), 1936 Flood, fisheries, county commissioner, Depue Island.

Photo Gallery: In her own words ... Nancy Shukaitis Landscapes from her life and her part in the struggle against the Tocks Island Dam.

Photo Gallery: The Flood of 1955 Snapshots from the park's collection.

River Road Rehab: An Update (STG: Summer/Fall 2005 Vol. 27 No. 1) A report by park engineer Bill Leonard. KEYWORDS: Environmental Assessment, Preferred Alternative, road footprint, bicycle/pedestrian lane, cultural landscape.

Historical Narrative of River Road (with additional material on Freeman Tract Road) By park Historian Susan Kopczynski.

A Chronology of River Road (with additional material on river ferries)

More Terrible than Ivan: The Spring Flood of 2005 (STG: Summer/Fall 2005 Vol. 27 No. 1) By Management Assistant Bill Halainen. KEYWORDS: Montague NJ gauge, peak flow, Hurricane Ivan, Mrs. Aun, Ranger Mark Hnat, Ranger Mike Croll.

Photo Gallery: The Spring Flood of 2005

Dingmans Campground: Welcome (back)! (STG: Summer/Fall 2005 Vol. 27 No. 1) The concession campground within the recreation area reopens after a three-year hiatus. By Ranger Activities Assistant Michele Kuna. KEYWORDS: Walter Toomer, Terry Toomer, John Lonergan, Noele Lonergan.

Employee Spotlight: Sue Grove (STG: Summer/Fall 2005 Vol. 27 No. 1) Park ranger and interpreter at many Millbrook Days. KEYWORDS: Sue Grove, Newton NJ, Stillwater NJ, Layton NJ, Wayne Grove, Watergate Environmental Education Center, Walpack Environmental Education Center, children as interpreters, children as demonstrators.

Photo Gallery: Children (and Adults) as Demonstrators at an early Millbrook Days (STG: Summer/Fall 2005 Vol. 27 No. 1)

2006 (Volume 28)

Visiting Treasures: Clyde and Nikki Butcher (STG: Summer/Fall 2006 Vol. 28 No. 1) The professional photographer and his wife visit the park. By Superintendent John Donahue. KEYWORDS: Clyde Butcher, Nikki Butcher.

Flood ... Again, June 2006 (STG: Summer/Fall 2006 Vol. 28 No. 1) Heavy rainstorms bring the park its third major flood in 22 months. KEYWORDS: June Flood, 2006 Flood, Montague gauge.

Photo Gallery: The June 2006 Flood Pictures taken by park staff throughout the park, including aerial views. KEYWORDS: June Flood, 2006 Flood, Milford Beach PA, Manna Archeological Site PA, Raymondskill Creek PA, Dingmans Creek PA, Route 209 PA, Bushkill Access PA, Bushkill Creek PA, Kittatinny Point NJ, Arrow Island, Schellenberger Island, mudslide, Golf Course Bridge, Shawnee PA, Minisink Hills PA.

Update on Park Projects (STG: Summer/Fall 2006 Vol. 28 No. 1) Childs Park PA, Valley View Group Campground, and other ongoing park projects. A report from the park's civil engineer. By Bill Leonard, P.E. KEYWORDS: Childs Park, George W. Childs Recreation Site, Civilian Conservation Corps, CCC, Copper Mine Inn, Coppermine, Coppermine Swim Beach, New Jersey Swim Beach, Shoemaker's Union Hotel, Henry Shoemaker, Valley View Group Campsites, Valley View Group Campground.

Employee Spotlight: An "Enviable Career": Deputy Superintendent Doyle Nelson Retires (STG: Summer/Fall 2006 Vol. 28 No. 1) Ranger closes out a federal career of more than 30 years. By Mgt. Assistant Bill Halainen. KEYWORDS: Doyle Nelson, ranger intake program, Gettysburg Tower, Badger Pass.

2007 (Volume 29)

Living Treasures: A Life in History Len Peck (STG: Summer 2007 Vol. 29 No. 1) The 97-year-old preservationist and park volunteer. By Superintendent John Donahue. KEYWORDS: Peck's Slip NY, Pecks Slip NJ, Lake Hopatcong NJ, Issac Wendall, Isaac Wendall, Walpack Post Office NJ, Silver Spray Farm NJ.

Electric Transmission Lines (STG: Summer 2007 Vol. 29 No. 1) A look at proposed NIETC's and their potential impact on the park. By Natural Resources Specialist Kara Deutsch and GIS Specialist Leslie Morlock. KEYWORDS: NIETCs National Interest Energy Transmission Corridors, Energy Policy Act 2005, New York Regional Interconnect, Delaware River Valley Corridor.

New Kittatinny Point Visitor Center is Open (STG: Summer 2007 Vol. 29 No. 1) New structure replaces 50-year-old facility damaged by floods. KEYWORDS: log siding.

New Jersey Swim Beach (Turtle Beach NJ) (STG: Summer 2007 Vol. 29 No. 1) A report on the planned facility by the park's civil engineer. By Bill Leonard, P.E.

Employee Spotlight: Warren Dean (STG: Summer 2007 Vol. 29 No. 1) A talk with the 30-year veteran of the park. KEYWORDS: Save the Delaware Coalition (sign), PEEC/Honeymoon Haven (Sign), FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center).

National Parks In Depth on the Web (STG: Summer 2007 Vol. 29 No. 1) Notice of the NPS transfer to the a new web system and tips for researching a park topic on the web.

Date: 22-Dec-2017