Fort Davis
A Special Place, A Sacred Trust:
Preserving the Fort Davis Story
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Chapter 1

1. Unless otherwise cited, information in this chapter is taken from Robert Wooster, History of Fort Davis, Texas (Santa Fe, NM: National Park Service, 1990).

2. For information on the black Seminoles, see Kevin Mulroy, Freedom on the Border: The Seminole Maroons in Florida, the Indian Territory, Coahuila, and Texas (Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1993).

Chapter 2

1. Carlysle G. Raht, The Romance of Davis Mountains and Big Bend Country (Odessa, TX: The Rahtbooks Company, 1963), 313.

2. T.E. Fehrenbach, Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans (New York: MacMillan Company, 1985), 614, 622, 641.

3. Gerald D. Nash, The American West in the Twentieth Century (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1985), 1-7.

4. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.

5. Ibid.

6. Lucy Miller Jacobsen and Mildred Bloys Nored, Jeff Davis County (Fort Davis, TX: Fort Davis Historical Society, 1993), 151, 158.

7. Ibid., 158; Mary Williams, "Administrative History, Fort Davis National Historic Site," unpublished manuscript (MS), Fort Davis Library (cited as FODA Library).

8. Raht, Romance of Davis Mountains, 337; Mable Bloys, "Fort Davis Presbyterian Church," October 1948, Bloys (Chapel) (1988) File, FODA Library.

9. Anonymous, "History of the First Presbyterian Church of Fort Davis, Texas," March 1963, Bloys (Chapel) (1988) File.

10. Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.

11. Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.

12. Ibid.

13. Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.

14. Ibid

15. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.

16. Ibid.

17. Fehrenbach, Lone Star, 637, 647, 649-50.

18. Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 176-79.

19. Anonymous, "Barry Scobee," September 3,1963, FODA Library; Robert M. Utley to author, n.d. Barry Scobee later became Justice of the Peace, however, he was called "Judge" out of fond respect, but not because of the true title.

20. Raht, Romance of Davis Mountains, preface.

21. Ibid., 343-44.

22. Fehrenbach, Lone Star, 643, 688, 713.

23. Raht, Romance of Davis Mountains, 373, 376, 381.

24. Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 197, 303, 310.

25. Ibid., 309, 313; Interview with Pablo Bencomo, Fort Davis, TX, January 4, 1995.

26. Michael Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory: The Transformation of Tradition in American Culture (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991), 8, 13, 33.

27. Ibid., 300, 338, 343, 401.

28. Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 223, 234-35, 241.

29. Theodore Roosevelt, "Executive Order," December 17, 1906, Administrative History (1906) Murphy File; The Commissioner of the General Land Office (GLO) to the Secretary of the Interior, January 1907; Frank Sproul to the GLO, May 27, 1907, Administrative History (1907) File, FODA Library.

30. William B. Douglass, Examiner of Surveys, GLO, to the GLO Commissioner, December 20, 1909, Murphy Land (1909) File, FODA Library.

31. L.V. Proudfit, GLO Commissioner, "Sale of Fort Davis Abandoned Military Reservation," July 31, 1910; GLO Commissioner to the Secretary of the Interior, December 16, 1910, Administrative History (1910) File, FODA Library.

32. William Spry, GLO Commissioner, to R.S. Sproul, Fort Davis, TX, October 1, 1923, Murphy (1923) Land File, FODA Library.

33. Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 289; Williams, "Administrative History of Fort Davis;" Harry G. Hershenson, Chicago, IL, to the "National Park System," Washington, DC, May 3, 1922; Arno B. Cammerer, Acting NPS Director, to Hershenson, May 5, 1922, Record Group (RG) 79, National Park Service (NPS), Central Consolidated Files (CCF) 1907-1949, Proposed National Monuments, Box 659, Archives II, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, DC (cited as Archives II, NARA, DC).

34. William Havens, Chicago, IL, to the "United States Government Bureau of Parks," Washington, DC, February 20, 1923, RG79, NPS CCF 1907-1949, Box 659, Archives II, NARA, DC.

35. B.L. Vipond, Acting NPS Director, to Havens, February 27, 1923; House of Representatives Resolution (HR) 9193, "A Bill To establish a national park in the State of Texas," May 13, 1924, 68th Congress, 1st session, RG79, NPS CCF 1907-1949, Box 659, Archives II, NARA, DC.

36. Alfred Runte, National Parks: The American Experience (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1987 second edition), xiii, 49, 55.

37. Ibid., 81, 106, 156.

38. Barry Scobee, "The Scenic Loop," February 18, 1972, Barry Scobee Scrapbook File, FODA Library;Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 251.

39. Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 280.

40. Wllliams, "Administrative History of Fort Davis;" Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 338, 447.

41. Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 261; Interview with Gene Hendryx, Alpine, TX, January 5, 1995.

42. William K. Everson, A Pictorial History of the Western Film (Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, 1969), 83.

43. Michael Welsh, "Origins of Western Film Companies, 1887-1920," in Richard W. Etulain, ed. "Western Films: A Brief History," Journal of the West, Vol. XXVII, No. 4 (October 1983): 5-16; "Old Fort Davis Military Site To Be Developed As Resort-Movie Plant," Alpine (TX) Avalanche, April 26, 1929.

44. "Considers Davis As Movie Site," Alpine Avalanche, May 2, 1930; "Notes made from Abstracts borrowed from Dude Sproul," n.d., Dude Sproul Materials, FODA Library.

45. "Many See Rodeo At Fort Davis," Alpine Avalanche, March 28, 1930; "Jack Hoxie Rebuilding Old Fort; Ready Early," Big Bend Sentinel (Marfa, TX), March 6,1930; Scobee, "Proof of History," Alpine Avalanche, September 18, 1931.

46. Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 256-57; Everson, Western Film, 83.

47. Runte, National Parks, 73.

48. Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 450-51, 458, 460, 462.

49. Conrad L. Wirth, "Proposed Davis Mountain National Monument, Texas," January 19, 1933; Wirth, "Proposed Davis Mountains National Monument-Texas," June 1, 1934, Administrative History (1933) File, FODA Library.

50. Press Release, "Davis Mountains State Park, Texas," August 1937, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, Rocky Mountain Region, National Archives and Records Administration, Denver, CO (cited as DEN NARA).

51. Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 274-75; Harry L. Dunham, District Inspector, ECW (Emergency Conservation Works), Austin, TX, to Herbert Maier, NPS, Denver, February 12, 1934, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, DEN NARA.

52. Maier to Wirth, February 18, 1934; R.O. Whiteaker, Chief Engineer, NPS State Park Division, Austin, TX, September 28, 1934, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, DEN NARA.

53. D.E. Colp, Chairman, Texas State Parks Board, to Maier, November 16, 1934; George Nason, District Inspector, NPS State Park Division, Oklahoma City, OK, to Maier, January 5, 1935, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, DEN NARA.

54. Maier to State Park ECW, NPS, Washington, DC, January 31, 1935, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, DEN NARA.

55. Maier to Nason, February 8, 1935; Nason to Maier, February 13, March 23, 1935, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, DEN NARA.

56. Telegram of Nason to Texas State Park ECW, Austin, June 12, 1935; Maier to A.H. Good, NPS State Park ECW, September 20, 1935; William J. Lawson, Executive Secretary, Texas State Parks Board, to NPS, March 23, 1937; John H. Veale, Associate Engineer, NPS Region III, Santa Fe, NM, "Reconnaissance Report on Sewage Disposal System at Indian Village Davis Mountains, Texas," November 1937, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, DEN NARA. The SWR became in May 1995 the Southwest System Support Office (SWSSO).

57. Lawson to Region III Director, Oklahoma City, August 27, 1937; Maier to Nason, February 8, 1935, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, DEN NARA; Arthur R. Gomez, A Most Singular Country: A History of Occupation in the Big Bend (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, 1990), 176-77.

58. Don Adams, President, Brewster County Chamber of Commerce, Alpine, TX, to U.S. Representative R.E. Thomason, Washington, DC, August 20, 1937, RG79, NPS, Davis Mountains SP-4 Texas Files, DEN NARA.

59. Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 395.

60. Fehrenbach, Lone Star, 651-52, 715.

61. Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 468-71.

62. H.E. Rothrock, Geologic Supervisor, NPS State Park Division, Washington, DC, to "Seventh Regional Officer," NPS, Oklahoma City, June 29, 1935, RG79, NPS, 0-35 Fort Pena Colorado General Texas File, Box 15, DEN NARA.

63. Gomez, A Most Singular Country, 170, 176, 179, 181.

64. Ibid., 184-85, 187-88.

65. "Historic Markers To Be Erected In Jeff Davis County," Alpine Avalanche, November 29, 1935.

66. "Indian Squaw Who Betrayed Her People And Gave Her Life Out Of Love for Young Officer Is Paid Honor By Fort Davis Citizens On Memorial Day," Alpine Avalanche, May 31, 1935.

67. Rayna Green, "The Pocahontas Perplex," in Ellen Carol Dubois and Vicki L. Ruiz, eds. Unequal Sisters: A History of Multiculturalism in the United States (New York: Routledge Press, 1990); "Old Post Not To Be In Texas Centennial," Alpine Avalanche, September 13, 1935; "Purchase of Fort at Davis Favored," Alpine Avalanche, October 25, 1935; "Centennial Group to Decide on Purchase Of Old Fort Davis," Alpine Avalanche, January 31, 1936; Williams, "Administrative History of Fort Davis;" Scobee to Tom W. Hamilton, Waco, TX, October 13, 1941, Administrative History (1941) File, FODA Library.

68. Scobee, "'Forgotten Land' of Old Fort Davis To Be Sold at Auction April 10th," Alpine Avalanche, February 12, 1937; "Government Land At Ft. Davis Sold," Alpine Avalanche, April 16, 1937; H.L. Wilcox, Special Agent, Department of the Interior, Albuquerque, NM, to the GLO Commissioner, Washington, DC, April 27, 1937, Administrative History (1937) File, FODA Library.

69. Wilcox to the GLO, April 27, 1937.

70. "Old Fort Davis," Alpine Avalanche, December 2, 1936; Anonymous, "Barry Scobee," 10; "Why Not Save The Old Fort?" Fort Davis Dispatch, September 10, 1939.

71. Bill Hogan to Mr. (Everett E.) Townsend, Alpine, TX, December 14, 1937, Administrative History (1937) File, FODA Library.

72. Townsend to Hogan, February 24, 1938; Hogan to Townsend, June 1, 1938, Administrative History (1938) File, FODA Library.

73. Scobee, "Exact Location of Original Army Post at Fort Davis Is Determined Thru Search of War Department Archives," Alpine Avalanche, July 14, 1939; Scobee, "Woman Returns to Old Fort Davis," Alpine Avalanche, June 9, 1939.

74. Scobee to Hamilton, October 13, 1941.

75. A.V. Chapin, Secretary-Treasurer, Mile High Club, Fort Davis, TX, to T.W. Davidson, U.S. District Judge, Dallas, TX, March 28, 1941; Davidson to S. Engelking, San Antonio, TX, March 25, 1941; Chapin to Tom L Beauchamp and James W. McClendon, Austin, TX, and Thomas B. Love, Dallas, April 18,1941, Administrative History (1941) File, FODA Library.

76. Davidson to W.C. Graves, Texas State Senate, Austin, May 2, 1941; Davidson, Speech to Mile High Club, n.d. 1941, Administrative History (1941) File, FODA Library.

77. Chapin to Davidson, October 27, 1941; Davidson to W.A. Moller, Fort Davis, TX, October 24, 1941, Administrative History (1941) File, FODA Library; Tom Hamilton, "Wacoan Proposes That Fort Davis Get State's Care," Waco Sunday Tribune-Herald, September 14, 1941.

78. Hamilton, "Wacoan Proposes That Fort Davis Get State's Care."

79. Aubrey Neasham, Regional Supervisor of Historic Sites, Region III, NPS, Santa Fe, "Special Report on the Proposed National Historic Site of Fort Davis, Texas," August 1941, Administrative History (1941) File, FODA Library.

80. Ibid.

81. Ibid.

82. Chapin to Love, May 26, September 6, 1941; Chapin to Davidson, April 26, 1941, Administrative History (1941) File, FODA Library.

Chapter 3

1 For a discussion of the impact of World War II on the American West, as well as the nation, see Gerald D. Nash, The American West Transformed: The Impact of the Second World War (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985), and Nash, World War II and the West: Reshaping the Economy (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991).

2 Post-World War II social change m America is presented in Landon Y. Jones, Great Expectations: America and the Baby Boom Generation (New York: Ballantine Books, 1980).

3 Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 532, 537-38.

4 Pablo Bencomo interview, January 4, 1996; Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 277.

5 Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950.

6 Ibid.; Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 296.

7 Seventeenth Census, 1950; Interview with Robert M. Utley, Albuquerque, NM, October 23, 1994.

8 Scobee, "Historic Old Fort Davis Military Post, Established in 1854, Is Sold," Alpine Avalanche, June 8, 1945; Scobee, "Old Fort Davis Military Post Changes Hands Again," Alpine Avalanche, May 10, 1946; L.A. Wilke, "Fort Davis Return?" The Houston Chronicle Rotogravure Magazine, September 16, 1956; Interview of Mary Williams, FODA, with Eugene (Dude) Sproul, Fort Davis, August 20, 1987; Mrs. John Curtis Jackson to Franklin G. Smith, FODA Superintendent, October 14, 1966, Use of Buildings, Grounds Prior 1963 File, FODA Library. Mrs. Jackson was the widow of D.A. Simmons.

9 Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 344; "Old Fort Davis Being Restored," Houston Magazine, February 1947.

10 "Things to see at Old Fort Davis," n.d., 1947; Press Release, "Official Opening of the Davis Mountains State Parks Highway," June 28, 1947, Barry Scobee Scrapbook File, FODA Library; "'Old Fort Davis' Book Reviewing History of Frontier Post of Indian Days, Off the Press," Alpine Avalanche, June 27, 1947.

11 Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 344; Scobee, "Camping Education Classes Held at Fort Davis; Train for Conservation," Alpine Avalanche, July 6, 1951.

12 Jackson to Smith, October 14, 1966; Simmons to Gordon K. Shearer, Executive Secretary, Texas State Parks Board, Austin, May 30, 1949, Administrative History (1950) File, FODA Library.

13 Simmons to Shearer, May 30, 1949.

14 Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 345; Mrs. A.N. Alkire, "New Manager at Old Fort Davis," Alpine Avalanche, January 13, 1950.

15 "Judge Simmons Dies at Houston," Alpine Avalanche, March 30, 1951; Jackson to Smith, October 14, 1966; Interview with Malcolm "Bish" Tweedy, Fort Davis, January 4, 1995.

16 Bish Tweedy interview, January 4, 1995; Mary Williams to author, April 30, 1996.

17 Ibid.; "Museum at Old Fort Davis Planned By Fort Davis Historical Society," Alpine Avalanche, March 6, 1953; Fort Davis Historical Society (FDHS) Notes, February 18, 25, 1953, FODA Library.

18 FDHS Notes, March 8, April 13, May 11, 1953; Memorandum of NPS Director to Region III Director, February 28, 1952, 1940s-1950s File, FODA Library; Mrs. Malcolm (Sally) Tweedy, Fort Davis, to Allan Shivers, Governor of Texas, Austin, May 29, 1953; Scobee, et al., to Judge J.R. Wheat, Chairman, Texas Historical Survey Committee, Austin, November 16, 1953, Administrative History (1953) File, FODA Library.

19 Memorandum of M.R. Tillotson, Region III Director, to Big Bend Superintendent, May 26, 1953, Administrative History (1950) File, FODA Library.

20 FDHS Notes, June 8, 1953; Memorandum of Lemuel A. (Lon) Garrison, Big Bend Superintendent, to the Region III Director, June 11, 1953, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Federal Records Center, National Archives and Records Administration, Denver, CO (cited as DEN FRC).

21 Garrison to Region III Director, June 11, 1953.

22 Mrs. Tweedy to Garrison, June 15, 1953; Memorandum of Garrison to the Region III Director, June 17, 1953; Memorandum of Tillotson to the Big Bend Superintendent, June 24, 1953, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, DEN FRC.

23 Glenn E. Stone, Pecos, TX, to Lyndon Johnson, U.S. Senate, Washington, DC, August 10, 1953, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, DEN FRC.

24 Johnson to the NPS Director, Washington, DC, August 13, 1953; Hillory A. Tolson, Acting NPS Director, to Johnson, September 16, 1953, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, DEN FRC.

25 Tolson to Johnson, September 16, 1953.

26 Garrison to Region III Director, September 29, 1953; John O. Littleton, Region III Historian, Santa Fe, to Mrs. D.A. Simmons, September 29, 1953; Memorandum of Littleton to Big Bend Superintendent, September 29, 1953, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, DEN FRC; "Fort Davis Shrine," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, September 27, 1953; "Fort Worth Attorney Named To Historical Survey Group," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, September 25, 1953.

27 Scobee, et al., to Wheat, November 16, 1953, Administrative History (1953) File, FODA Library; Gene Hendryx interview, January 5, 1995.

28 Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 338-39; Interview with Mrs. Pansy Evans Espy, Fort Davis, January 4, 1995.

29 Memorandum of Garrison to Region III Director, February 25, 1994; Memorandum of Tillotson to the Big Bend Superintendent, March 4, 1954, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, DEN FRC; Jacobsen and Nored, Jeff Davis County, 339-40.

30 Bish Tweedy interview, January 4, 1995.

31 Callie Holt, "3rd Celebration of 'Old Fort Davis Days' Is Attended By Many Visitors," Alpine Avalanche, October 1956; Mrs. R.N. Pulliam, Alpine, to Miss Lela Weatherby, Fort Davis, November 16, 1956, Administrative History (1956) File; Pulliam to David O. Arendt, U.S. Treasury Department, San Antonio, May 13, August 8, 1857, Administrative History (1957), FODA Library.

32 Elmo Richardson, Dams, Parks and Politics: Resource Development and Preservation in the Truman-Eisenhower Era (Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky, 1973), 2, 41, 72. 89.

33 Ibid., 111-12.

34 Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 610-11, 618, 620, 624, 628.

35 Robert M. Utley, interview, October 23, 1994; NPS Acting Director to G. Martin Merrill, President, Fort Davis Historical Society, Fort Davis, TX, October 14, 1958, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

36 Gene Hendryx interview, January 5, 1995; U.S. Representative J.T. Rutherford to Scobee, May 3, 1957, Administrative History (1957) File, FODA Library.

37 U. S. Senator Ralph W. Yarborough to John Porter Bloom, Texas Western College, El Paso, February 9, 1960, John Porter Bloom File; Yarborough to Scobee, November 15, 1961, Legislative Efforts (1961) File, FODA Library.

38 Scobee to "Frank" (Temple), February 11, 1958; "Society Leases Old Army Post At Fort Davis," El Paso Herald-Post, n.d. (1957?), Fort Davis Historical Society-History File, FODA Library; Merrill to Wirth, October 1, 1958; Acting NPS Director to Merrill, October 14, 1958; "Old Fort Davis Studied As Shrine," Alpine Avalanche, May 28, 1959, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

39 Richardson, Dams, Parks and Politics, 115, 189-90, 197-98.

40 Robert M. Utley interview, October 23, 1994.

41 Utley to Bloom, December 3, 1959; Roger Ernst, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to U.S. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, March 4, 1960, John Porter Bloom File, FODA Library.

42 Scobee to Bloom, January 17,1960; Bloom to Scobee, January 30, 1960; Bloom to Lyndon Johnson, January 30, 1960; Rutherford to Bloom, February 2, 1960, John Porter Bloom File, FODA Library; Johnson to Wirth, February 15, 1960; Ernst to Johnson, March 4, 1960, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

43 "J.T." (Rutherford) to Scobee, February 10, 1960; "J.T.R." (Rutherford) to U.S. Representative Wayne N. Aspinall, Chairman, House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, February 12, 1960, Legislative Efforts (1961) File.

44 HR 10352, "A Bill Authorizing the establishment of a national historic site at Old Fort Davis . . .," February 10, 1960, 86th Congress, 1st Session; S. 3078, "A Bill Authorizing the establishment of a national historic site at Old Fort Davis . . . , " February 22, 1960, 86th Congress, 1st session; Congressional Record, March 15, 1960, A2271; Wirth to Region Three Director, March 1960, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC. The U.S. government began buying parkland in 1961 when the Kennedy administration purchased acreage for Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts.

45 Memorandum of E.T. Scoyen, Acting NPS Director, to Legislative Counsel, Office of the Solicitor, March 10, 1960; Ernst to Aspinall, April 12, 1960, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC; Rutherford to Scobee, April 19, 1960, Legislative Efforts (1961) File.

46 Memorandum of Jerome C. Miller, Acting SWR Director, to the NPS Director, May 26, 1960; "Report on Proposed Fort Davis National Historic Site," n.d. 1960, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

47 Ibid.

48 Memorandum of Kenneth M. Saunders, SWR Architect, to the SWR Chief of Operations, June 29, 1960, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

49 Erik K. Reed, SWR Chief of Interpretation, to SWR Chief of Operations, July 6, 1960; Memorandum of Roland Richert, Acting SWR Supervisory Archeologist, to the SWR Archeologist, July 11, 1960, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

50 "Nation Report," NPS Region Three, June 1960, FODA Library.

51 Ibid.

52 Ibid.

53 Memorandum of Thomas J. Allen, SWR Director, to the NPS Director, July 27, 1960, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

54 Ibid.

55 Scobee to Rutherford, August 22, 1960, Legislative Efforts (1961) File.

56 Rutherford to Fred Seaton, Secretary of the Interior, December 20, 1960, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

57 George W. Abbott, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to Rutherford, January 9, 1961, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

58 Scobee to Temple, January 2, 1961, Legislative Efforts (1961) File; "J.T. Introduces Old Fort Davis Bill," Alpine Avalanche, January 12, 1961; Memorandum of Stanley C. Joseph, Superintendent, Big Bend National Park, to Region Three Director, January 12, 1961, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

59 Scobee to Rutherford, April 21, 1961, Legislative Efforts (1961) File.

60 Ibid.; "Western History Draws Artists To Fort Davis," San Angelo (TX) Standard Times, March 12, 1961.

61 John A. Carver, Jr. , Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to U.S. Senator Clinton P. Anderson, Chairman, Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, April 10, 1961, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC; Rutherford to Scobee, April 25, 1961, Legislative Efforts (1961) File; "Interior Department Approves Old Fort," Fort Davis (TX) Post, April 20, 1961.

62 Rutherford to Scobee, May 19, 1961; Barry Scobee Notes, June 9, 1961; "Barry Scobee s Presentation on Fort Davis to the House and Senate subcommittee, [May 25-26] 1961," Legislative Efforts (1961) File.

63 Scobee to Utley, July 29, 1961; Rutherford to Scobee, September 5, 1961; Scobee to Temple, September 6, 1961, Legislative Efforts (1961) File. Temple wrote his master's thesis on Fort Davis.

64 "Artist Has Critical View Of Restoration," San Angelo Standard Times, May 26, 1961.

65 Rutherford to Scobee, August 29, 1961, Legislative Efforts (1961) File.

66 "Public Law 87-213, "An Act Authorizing the establishment of a national historic site at Fort Davis, Jeff Davis County, Texas," September 8, 1961, 87th Congress, 1st session; Kenneth Holum, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to Yarborough, November 16, 1961, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

67 Merrill to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Tweedy, Rector, PA, September 18, 1961; Scobee to Rutherford, September 14, 1961, Legislative Efforts (1961) File.

68 Scobee to Rutherford, September 14, 1961; "Historical Society To Host Rutherford At Fort Davis Barbecue, October 24," Big Bend Sentinel, October 19, 1961; "Fort Davis Function Honors Supporters Of Historic Site," Big Bend Sentinel, October 26, 1961; Scobee, "Explanation of the Plaque," n.d. , Barry Scobee Scrapbook File, FODA Library.

Chapter 4

1 Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 610.

2 Interview with Franklin G. Smith, El Paso, TX, September 9, 1994.

3 John A. Carver, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, to Yarborough, November 22, 1961, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

4 Dan Walton, State Editor, San Angelo Standard-Times, to Erik Reed, SWR Chief of Interpretation, March 19, 1962; Reed to Walton, March 30, 1962, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

5 Frank Masland, Carlisle, PA, to "Connie" (Conrad Wirth), March 21, 1962, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

6 Wirth to Masland, April 2, 1962, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

7 Fort Davis Historical Society (FDHS) Notes, October 7, 1962, FODA Library; Scobee to Wirth, December 5, 1962; Wirth to Scobee, January 14, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

8 Interview with Michael Becker, Santa Fe, NM, October 21, 1994.

9 Memorandum of Thomas Allen, SWR Director, to Chief Architect, NPS Western Office of Design and Construction (WODC), San Francisco, CA, September 7, 1962, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

10 Memorandum of James M. Carpenter, Acting SWR Director, to Chief, WODC, November 15, 1962; Memorandum of Sanford Hill, Chief, WODC, to SWR Director, November 30, 1962; Allen to Chief, WODC, December 11, 1962, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

11 Memorandum of A. Clark Stratton, Assistant NPS Director, Design and Construction, to SWR Director, February 26, 1963; Roy E. Appleman, NPS Staff Historian, to Chief, NPS Division of History and Archeology, March 12, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC. The hanging-porch design became known as a model for historic preservation within the Park Service regarding the placement of roofs on ruins.

12 Michael Becker interview, October 21, 1994; Memorandum of Allen to NPS Director, March 29, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

13 Michael Becker interview, October 21, 1994; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, February, March, April 1963.

14 Michael Becker interview, October 21, 1994; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, January 1963; Pablo Bencomo interview, January 4, 1995; John Mitchell interview, January 4, 1995.

15 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, May, August, November 1963; Memorandum of Becker to SWR Director, August 22, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

16 Memorandum of Jerry A. Riddell, Chief Architect, WODC, to FODA Superintendent, September 30, 1963, Administrative History Files, FODA Library.

17 Superintendent's Monthly Report, March, August 1963; P.E. Smith, Division of Landscape Architecture, WODC, "FODA Master Plan," November 1, 1962, FODA Library.

18 Memorandum of Becker to SWR Director, August 12, 1963; Memorandum of D.W. Geisinger, Project Supervisor, WODC, to Chief Engineer, WODC, October 31, 1963; Geisinger, "Water System Design Summary Fort Davis National Historic Site," April 1, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

19 Memorandum of Becker to Chief, WODC, March 30, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

20 "Environmental Health Survey Fort Davis National Historic Site, Fort Davis, Texas," April 2,1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, March 1964.

21 Memorandum of Thomas N. Crellin, FODA Supervisory Architect, to Supervising Architect, Historic Structures, NPS, Washington Office (WASO), May 15, 1964, Administrative History Files, FODA Library.

22 Memorandum of Daniel B. Beard, SWR Director, to Chief, WODC, June 11, 1964, Administrative History Files, FODA Library.

23 Memorandum of Becker to SWR Director. June 25, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

24 Memorandum of Becker and William E. "Bill" Brown, SWR Historian, to SWR Director, January 28, 1965, RG79, NPS, Southwest Region Office (SWRO), General Administrative (GA) Files 1965-1967, Box 53, Folder H-30 1965-1967 FODA, National Archives and Records Administration, Denver, CO (cited as Denver NARA).

25 Ibid.

26 Memorandum of Crellin to WASO Supervising Architect, May 14, 1965, Administrative History Files, FODA Library.

27 Memorandum of Beard to Chief, WODC, May 27, 1965, Administrative History Files, FODA Library.

28 Memorandum of Franklin G. Smith, FODA Superintendent, to SWR Director, June 11, 1965, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 38, Folder D32a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

29 Pablo Bencomo interview, January 4, 1995; Ralph Russell interview, January 4, 1995.

30 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, April, May, September 1963, March 1964.

31 Ibid., April 1964; Memorandum of Smith to Assistant SWR Director, Operations, July 29, 1965, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 37, Folder D30a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

32 Robert Utley interview, October 23, 1994.

33 Memorandum of Allen to Chief, Western Museum Laboratory (WML), December 6, 1962, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

34 Margaret A. Flint, Assistant State Historian, Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, IL, to Utley, December 28, 1962; Utley to Professor Ralph Smith, Texas Technological College, Lubbock, TX, April 18, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, June 1963.

35 Utley to Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, April 19, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

36 Fehrenbach, Lone Star, 675, 680, 682, 686.

37 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, June 1963. The Confederate marker was eventually placed on the Jeff Davis County courthouse lawn. (Superintendent's Monthly Reports, August 1963.)

38 Memorandum of George W. Miller, Assistant SWR Director, to FODA Superintendent, May 14,1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

39 Jackson E. Price, Assistant NPS Director, Conservation, Interpretation and Use, to the SWR Director, April 18, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

40 Memorandum of Smith to Chief, WML, June 3, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

41 Ibid.

42 Interview with Erwin N. Thompson, Denver, CO, April 5, 1995; Report of SA (Special Agent) Harrel Leon Davis, "Assaulting a Federal Officer," U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, El Paso, TX, October 14, 1963, Field Office File #EP 89-50, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

43 Ibid.; Memorandum of Bernard W. Baker, Assistant NPS Director, to the SWR Director, April 10, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

44 Memorandum of Becker to NPS Field Solicitor, Amarillo, TX, March 3,1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, October, November 1964.

45 Smith to Mitchell A. Wilder, Director, Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, Fort Worth, TX, November 15, 1963, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

46 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, January, February 1964.

47 Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994.

48 L.S. Griffin, Major General, USA, Commanding, U.S. Army Artillery and Missile Center, Fort Sill, OK, to Beard, October 25, 1963; Donald J. Erskine, Chief, NPS Branch of Audiovisual Services, to Dr. William Fulton, College of Education, University of Oklahoma, December 31, 1963; Memorandum of Beard to the NPS Director, February 24, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC; Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994.

49 Memorandum of John W. Jenkins, Chief, WML, to SWR Regional Historian, November 8, 1963; Memorandum of Becker to SWR Director, January 3, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

50 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, January, March, April, May 1964; Interview with Jerry Rogers, Director, NPS Southwest Systems Support Office (SWSSO), Santa Fe, NM, March 24, 1995.

51 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, June, July 1964; Erwin Thompson interview, April 5, 1995.

52 Floyd A. LaFayette, Acting Chief, NPS Branch of Museum Development, to Nick Eggenhofer, Cody, WY, November 6, 1964; Memorandum of Roy E. Appleman, NPS Chief Historian, to SWR Director/Frank Smith, December 16, 1964; Memorandum of Riddell to SWR Director, December 8, 1964; Memorandum of Becker to SWR Director, December 31, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

53 Memorandum of Riddell to SWR Director, July 10, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

54 Becker to Jane E. Negbaur, Assistant Home Furnishings Editor, Family Circle Magazine, New York, NY, September 21, 1964; Memorandum of Becker to the SWR Director, September 22, 1964, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

55 Becker to SWR Director, September 22, 1964.

56 Memorandum of Becker to NPS Director, January 12, 1965, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

57 Ibid.

58 Memorandum of Smith to Executive Secretary, Southwestern Monuments Association (SWMA), May 25, 1965; Smith to Earl Jackson, Executive Secretary, SWMA, July 30, 1965, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Denver FRC.

59 Memorandum of Don Rickey, Jr., Park Planner, NPS Midwest Regional Office, Omaha, NE (MWR), to Thompson, January 13, 1965, #14 Area History (1963-1967) File, FODA Library.

60 Memorandum of Becker to Rickey, January 18, April 16, 1965; Memorandum of Rickey to "Supt. Ft. Davis," January 21, 1965, #14 Area History (1963-1967) File, FODA Library.

61 Erwin Thompson interview, April 5, 1995; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, February, March 1965.

62 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, March 1965.

63 Erwin Thompson interview, April 5, 1995; Jerry Rogers interview, March 24, 1995.

64 Ibid.; Robert Utley interview, October 23, 1994.

65 Memorandum of Nan V. Carson, Historic Restorations Specialist, MWR, to the SWR Associate Regional Director, July 8, 1965, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 39, Folder D3415a, 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

66 Ibid.

67 Ibid.

68 Memorandum of George W. Miller, Acting SWR Director, to FODA Superintendent, November 23, 1965, RG79, NPS. SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 39, Folder D3415a.

69 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, November 26, 1965, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 39, Folder D3415a; Michael Becker interview, October 21, 1994; Erwin Thompson interview, April 5, 1995.

70 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, November 26, 1965.

71 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, April 1965.

72 Ibid., August 1964, November, December 1965; Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994; Memorandum of Bobby L. Crisman, Acting FODA Superintendent, to SWR Director, September 7, 1965; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, October 7, 1965, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 31, Folder A9819c Youth Opportunity Corps 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

73 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, July, September, October 1965; Memorandum of Smith to the NPS Director, February 11, 1965, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 56, NPS (aI)-2 Information and Interpretive Services 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA; Interview with Bob Crisman, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM, March 3, 1995.

74 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, October 1965; Memorandum of Smith to the NPS Director, February 11, 1966.

75 Memorandum of Smith to the NPS Director, February 11, 1966; Superintendent's Monthly Reports,January, February 1966.

76 Memorandum of Smith to the SWR Director, January 27, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder A8215a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

77 Ibid.

78 Ibid.

79 Ibid.

80 Earl Jackson to Smith, March 4, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder A8215a; Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994; Bob Crisman interview, March 4, 1995.

81 Memorandum of Cornelius W. Heine, NPS Chief of Information, to the NPS Director, March 14, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder A8215a.

82 Memorandum of Smith to the Superintendent, Carlsbad Caverns, March 15, 1966; Memorandum of Smith to the Supervisor, NPS Albright Training Center, March 15, 1966; Memorandum of Beard to the NPS Director, March 15, 1966; Heine to Col. Julian B. Cross, USAF, Directorate for Community Relations, The Pentagon, Washington, DC, March 18, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder A8215a.

83 Memorandum of Heine to the SWR Director, March 29, 1966; Dedication Program, Fort Davis National Historic Site, Fort Davis, TX, April 4, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder A8215a.

84 "Reading Copy For Dedication of Fort Davis National Historic Site, Texas, By Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson," April 4, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder A8215a; Superintendent's Monthly Reports, April 1966.

85 "Dedication Address for Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, Fort Davis National Historic Site, April 4, 1966," Folder A8215a, 1965-1967 FODA, RG79, NPS, Southwest Regional Office (SWR), General Administration File, 1965-1967, Box 26, Denver NARA.

86 Ibid.

87 Ibid.

88 Memorandum of Beard to Assistant NPS Director (Bernard) Baker, April 5, 1966; F.H. Ryan, Jr., Chairman, Program Committee, FDHS, to Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, April 14, 1966; Beard to Ryan, April 26, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder A8215a.

89 Scobee, "The Dedication Ceremony . . .," April 4, 1966, Barry Scobee Scrapbook File, FODA Library.

Chapter 5

1 Kammen, Mystic Chords of Memory, 14.

2 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, May 6, August 4, 1966, February 11, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1963-1967, Box 46, Folder: F34A FY 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

3 Superintendent's Monthly Reports, January, February, March, April, May, June 1967.

4 Memorandum of Smith to Chairman, NPS Operations Study Team, July 26, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 46, Folder: F34a FY 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

5 Smith to Walter Parr, Executive Director, Big Bend Community Action Agency, Alpine, TX, September 17, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 30, Folder: A9819u Neighborhood Youth Corps 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

6 Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, October 10, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 31, Folder: A9819u Youth Opportunity Corps 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

7 Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994.

8 Superintendent's Monthly Report, February, March 1967; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, January 27, 1970, FODA Reading Files.

9 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, October 14, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 105, Folder: A6435 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA; "Park Ranger Crisman Transferred to N.M.," The Big Bend Sentinel, October 1, 1970.

10 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, March 1, 1971, FODA Reading Files.

11 Richard C. White, U.S. House of Representatives, to Smith, October 11, 1967; Unsigned letter to White, September 20, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 7, Folder: A3615a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

12 Smith to White, October 13, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 7, Folder: A3615a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

13 Dorsey B. Hardeman, San Angelo, TX, to Yarborough, August 13, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Folder: K1817 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

14 Ibid.

15 Yarborough to Hardeman, August 22, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 55, Folder: K1817 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

16 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, September 7, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 55, Folder: K1817 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

17 Smith to Yarborough, September 7, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 55, Folder: K1817 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

18 Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994; Smith to Milton F. Perry, Museum Curator, National Archives and Records Service, Harry S Truman Library, Independence, MO, January 5, 1971; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, February 8, 1971, FODA Reading Files; Smith to Mrs. R.G. Ross, San Marino, CA, January 26, 1968, Administrative History Files, FODA Library.

19 Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, March 14, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 120, Folder: D22a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

20 Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, April 23, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 92, Folder: A4017a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, March 6, 1970; Memorandum of Smith to Superintendent, Big Bend National Park (BIBE), July 5, 1971, FODA Reading Files.

21 Interview with Mary Williams, Supervisory Park Technician, FODA, January 5, 1995; Interview with Doug McChristian, Historian, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, MT, October 5, 1994.

22 Nicholas J. Bleser, Supervisory Park Ranger, FODA, to James C. White, Flagstaff, AZ, January 5, 1972, FODA, Reading Files.

23 Bleser to Alex Olivas, Fort Davis, TX, July 24, 1972, FODA Reading Files.

24 Memorandum of Derek O. Hambly, FODA Superintendent, to SWR Director, September 21, 1972, FODA Reading Files; Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 207, Folder: A9819a 1971-1973 FODA Youth Conservation Corps, Denver NARA; Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 204, Folder: A9819c 1971-1973 FODA NYC, Denver NARA.

25 Memorandum of Utley to Special Programs Coordinator, NPS Division of Program Evaluation and Development, April 27, 1973, FODA Reading Files.

26 Barry and Katherine Scobee to Utley, July 23, 1973; Utley to Barry Scobee, August 8, 1973, Administrative History Files, FODA Library; Memorandum of Hambly to Frank Mentzer, SWR Public Affairs Officer, March 22, 1977, FODA Library.

27 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, July 22, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

28 Ibid.

29 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Personnel Officer, September 10, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

30 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, March 8, 17, 1976, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 334, Folder: F7432a 1974-1976 FODA, Denver NARA.

31 Hambly to Charles R. Barden, Executive Secretary, Texas Air Control Board, Austin, TX, September 6, 1974; Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, July 14, 1975, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 327, Folder: D5019a 1974-1976 FODA, Denver NARA.

32 Hambly to Brigadier General (BG) William L. Strand, Tactical Training Holloman, Holloman AFB, NM, March 8,1978, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, National Archives and Records Administration, Federal Records Center, Fort Worth, TX (cited as Fort Worth FRC); Welsh, Dunes and Dreams: A History of White Sands National Monument (Santa Fe: National Park Service, 1995).

33 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, March 29, 1978, FODA Reading Files.

34 Colonel Richard L. Mayer, USAF, Commander, Holloman AFB, to Wayne B. Cane, Acting SWR Director, May 15, 1979, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC; "Dick White tells group to file boom lawsuit," Alpine Avalanche, July 19, 1979.

35 Memorandum of William F. Wallace, FODA Superintendent, to SWR Director, November 23, 1979, FODA Reading Files.

36 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Division of Legislation and Regulations, July 5, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 75, Folder: W3419 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

37 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, December 7, 1971, FODA Reading Files.

38 Memorandum of Smith ta SWR Director, June 16, 1969, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 106, Folder: A7015 1968-1970 FODA: Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, May 17, 1971, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 223, Folder: F7423 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA.

39 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, November 29, 1972, January 16, 1973; Memorandum of Monte E. Fitch, Assistant SWR Director, Operations, to FODA Superintendent, December 14, 1972, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 224, Folder: Y14 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA.

40 "Emergency Operation Plan Fort Davis National Historic Site," June 1974, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 378, Folder: Y1u 1974-1976 FODA, Denver NARA; Memorandum of Wallace to SWR Director, October 2, 1978, FODA Reading Files.

41 Memorandum of Bobby L. Crisman, Acting FODA Superintendent, to SWR Director (Attn: Chief, Office of Land and Water Rights, SSC), July 30, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1961-1970, Box 143, Folder: L1425a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

42 Memorandum of Acting Chief, NPS Office of Land and Water Rights, SSC, to the FODA Superintendent, August 13, 1968; Memorandum of Crisman to the Chief, Office of Land and Water Rights, SSC, September 9, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1961-1970, Box 143, Folder: L1425a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

43 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, September 25, November 14, 1972, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 239, Folder: L1425 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA; Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, July 7, 1974, FODA Reading Files; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, October 6, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 79, Folder: N18 1965-1967 FODA; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, October 17, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 162, Folder: N16 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

44 Donald P. Graham, Director, Insect and Disease Staff Group, Region 3, U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Albuquerque, to Joseph C. Rumburg, SWR Director, July 16, 1974, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 290, Folder: N50 1974-1976 FODA; Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, July 30, 1975, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 369, Folder: N1433 1974-1976 FODA, Denver NARA.

45 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, September 11, 1970, FODA Reading Files; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, April 27, 1971, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 219, Folder: D5039a 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA.

46 Donald C. Barrett, NPS Hydrologist, Western Service Center, San Francisco (WSC), to the Acting WSC Director, May 27, 1971, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 243, Folder: L54 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA.

47 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director (Attn: Regional Chief, Property and Procurement), June 21, 1971, FODA Reading Files.

48 Memorandum of Hambly to "All Employees, Ft. Davis," November 28, 1973, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 197, Folder: A70 1971-1973 FODA Energy Conservation Program, Denver NARA.

49 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, February 5, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

50 Mem of Hambly to SWR Director, February 15, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

51 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, December 4, 1975, FODA Reading Files.

52 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, April 14, 1966, Administrative History Files, FODA Library.

53 Memorandum of Smith to Chief, D&C (Design and Construction), SSC, April 25, 1966, Administrative History Files, FODA Library.

54 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, February 6, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 40, Folder: D5015a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

55 Benjamin Levy, "Historical Research Management Plan, Fort Davis National Historic Site," May 1967, FODA Reading Files.

56 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, November 28, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder: A8215a 1865-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

57 Memorandum of Roland Richert, Chief, Ruins Stabilization Unit, NPS Southwest Archeological Center (SWAC), to Chief, SWAC, December 4, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 40, Folder: D5015a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

58 Ibid.; Memorandum of Smith to Chief, SWAC, December 8, 1967; Memorandum of Frank K. Kowski, SWR Director, to Chief, SWAC, December 18, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 40, Folder: D5015a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

59 Memorandum of Harold L. Peterson, NPS Chief Curator, to NPS Assistant Director for Interpretation, December 21, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder: A8215a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

60 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, December 28, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder: A8215a 1965-1967 FODA; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, January 5, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 102, Folder: A6423 Goals 1968-1970 FODA; Memorandum of Smith to NPS Director (Attn: Chief, Branch of Museum Operations), February 2, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 128, Folder: D6215a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

61 Memorandum of Charles B. Voll, Assistant Chief, NPS Ruins Stabilization Unit, to Chief, Ruins Stabilization Unit, May 29, 1968, Administrative History Files, FODA Library; Memorandum of Ernest Allen Connally, Chief, NPS Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, to SWR Director, June 5, 1968; Memorandum of Benjamin Levy, May 20, 1968; Memorandum of Nan Rickey, May 20, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 128, Folder: D6215a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA. Nan Rickey was the former Nan Carson, having married Don Rickey of the Midwest Regional Office of the park service.

62 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, July 16, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 128, Folder: D6215a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

63 Memorandum of Nan V. Rickey to SWR Director, August 20, 1969; Memorandum of Rickey to Chief, NPS Division of Planning and Interpretive Services, January 2, 1969, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 128, Folder: D6215a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA; Nicholas J. Bleser, FODA Historian, to Casey E. Barthelmess, Miles City, MT, December 1, 1971, FODA Reading Files.

64 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, June 26, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 128, Folder: D6215a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

65 Memorandum of Kowski to NPS Director (Attn: Assistant Director, Interpretation), July 8, 1968; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, November 21, 1969, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 128, Folder: D6215a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

66 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, May 21, 1970, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 128, Folder: D6215a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

67 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, October 11, 1972, FODA Reading Files; Mary Williams to author, April 30, 1996.

68 Memorandum of Douglas S. Ashley and Harold LaFleur, Historical Architects, NPS Historic Preservation Division, Denver Service Center (DSC), to Assistant Manager, Southeast/Southwest Team, DSC, June 16, 1977, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

69 Memorandum of F. Ross Holland, Jr., Chief, NPS Cultural Resources Management Division, to SWR Director, March 28, 1978, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

70 Memorandum of Ellsworth R. Swift, Deputy Manager, NPS Harpers Ferry Center (HFC), WV, to SWR Director, August 11, 1978, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

71 Smith to Frank Hildebrand, Executive Director, Texas Tourist Development Agency, Austin, May 17, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 8, Folder: A3815 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

72 Memorandum of Smith to NPS Director (Attn: Chief, Branch of Museum Operations), June 6, 1966; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director (Attn: Regional Chief, I&VS [Interpretation and Visitor Services]), July 6, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 26, Folder: A9027a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

73 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, June 28, 1966; Smith to Chan P. Thomas, Los Angeles, CA, June 28, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 27, Folder: A9027a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

74 Smith to Thomas, June 28, 1966.

75 Memorandum of Harthon L. Bill, NPS Acting Assistant Director, Operations, to FODA Superintendent. August 1, 1966, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 27, Folder: A9027a 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

76 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, September 4, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 232, Folder: K3015 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA; William Leckie, The Buffalo Soldiers: A Narrative of The Negro Cavalry in the West (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1967), viii-x.

77 John Flower, Special Projects Coordinator, University Television, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln, to A.J. Hoffman, Fort Davis, January 13, 1969, Administrative History Files, FODA Library; Smith to Flower, January 22, 1969, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 134, Folder: H2215 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA; Memorandum of Smith to Editor, NPS Newsletter, September 21, 1970, FODA Reading Files.

78 Smith to Harry Weed, Santa Monica, CA, September 30, 1969; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, September 30, 1969, February 26, 1970, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 112, Folder: A9021a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA.

79 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, May 25, 1970, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 112, Folder: A9021a 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA; Smith to Stanley Thorne, HJS Productions, Los Angeles, CA, February 18, 1971; Bleser to LTC Joseph P. Michl (Ret.), Decatur, IL, May I, 1972, FODA Reading Files; Frank Smith interview, September 9, 1994.

80 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, July 8, 1968; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director (Attn: Regional Coordinator, Environmental Awareness Program), October 7, 1968; Memorandum of Robert J. Holden, Acting FODA Superintendent, to SWR Director (Attn: Special Assistant to the Regional Director for Environmental Awareness), March 27, 1969; Memorandum of Kowski to FODA Superintendent, May 21, 1969, NPS FODA General File; Memorandum of William E. Brown, Special Assistant to the Regional Director for Environmental Awareness, to the Special Assistant to the NPS Director for Environmental Awareness, April 2, 1969, NPS FODA N5 File, SWR Library.

81 Memorandum of Smith to NPS Director (Attn: Assistant Director, Interpretation), October 23, 1967, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1965-1967, Box 55, Folder: K1815 1965-1967 FODA, Denver NARA.

Chapter 6

1 Earl Jackson to Smith, September 23, 1968, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1968-1970, Box 140, Folder: K3823b. 1 1968-1970 FODA, Denver NARA; Mary L. Williams, FODA Park Technician, ta Mrs. Bob Jones, WONAPAS-The Smoke Signal, Saguaro National Monument, AZ, July 8, 1970; Williams to Jackson, May 12, 1972, FODA Reading Files.

2 Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, April 15, 1971, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 231, Folder: K1815 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA.

3 Ibid.

4 Memorandum Bleser to FODA Superintendent, July 20, 1971, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 205, Folder: A8215a 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA; Memorandum of Smith to SWR Director, July 23, 1971, FODA Reading Files.

5 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, November 7, 1971, July 18, 1972, FODA Historical Society, Legislative Efforts File, FODA Library.

6 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Centennial Coordinator, November 23, 1971, February 2, 1972, FODA Reading Files; Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, November 16, 1973, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 231, Folder: K1815 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA.

7 Memorandum of Albert H. Schroeder, SWR Interpretive Specialist, to FODA Superintendent, August 14, 1973, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 231, Folder: K1815 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA.

8 Memorandum of Douglas C. McChristian, FODA Supervisory Park Ranger, to FODA Superintendent, November 23, 1973, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 231, Folder: K1815 1971-1973 FODA, Denver NARA.

9 Ibid.

10 Ibid.

11 Memorandum of Hambly to NPS Public Affairs Officer, December 1, 1973, FODA Reading Files.

12 McChristian to William Haneman, Texas State Dept. of Health, El Paso, November 28, 1973; Williams to Tribal Historian, Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, NM, January 11, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

13 Memorandum of McChristian to Fort Laramie (FOLA) Supervisory Historian, July 17, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

14 Ibid.

15 Hambly to the President, Tenth Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers, Inc., Hollywood, CA, August 30, 1974; Memorandum of McChristian to SWR Chief, Division of Interpretation, September 11, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

16 Hambly to Michael Tibbs, College Station, TX, November 16, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

17 Memorandum of Hambly to Fort Union (FOUN) Superintendent, December 3, 1974, FODA Reading Files.

18 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, October 31, 1975; Hambly to H.B. Pennell, Santa Barbara, CA, December 2, 1975, FODA Reading Files.

19 Memorandum of Hambly to SWR Director, July 6, 1976, FODA Reading Files.

20 Memorandum of David M. Brugge, Anthropologist/Curator, SWR Division of Interpretation and Visitor Services, to the Chief, SWR Division of Interpretation and visitor Services, July 20, 1976, RG79, NPS, SWRO, GA Files 1971-1973, Box 300, Folder: A5425a 1974-1976 FODA, Denver NARA.

21 Memorandum of Kenneth Hornback, Chief, DSC Statistical Section, to SWR Director (Attn: Mary Beth Gallegos, SWR Protection and Visitor Use Management), March 22, 1977, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

22 Trip Report, Robert F. Nichols, SWR Interpretive Specialist (Archeology), to Chief, SWR Division of Interpretation and Visitor Services, September 6, 1978, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

23 Trip Report, Douglas McChristian, to Chief, SWR Division of Interpretation and Visitor Services, July 18, 1979; Memorandum of Hambly to NPS Cultural Education Specialist, May 18, 1977, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

Chapter 7

1 Jerry Yarbrough interview, August 11, 1995.

2 Doug McChristian interview, October 5, 1994; "Fort head named," Alpine Avalanche, March 9, 1980.

3 For a more thorough analysis of the Sagebrush Rebellion and the Reagan era in the West, see Richard White, It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own: A Modern History of the American West (Norman: University of Olkahoma Press, 1991).

4 Memorandum of James A. Blackburn, FODA Supervisory Park Ranger, to "All I&RM Staff," January 10, 1981, FODA Reading Files.

5 Memorandum of McChristian to the Executive Director, SPMA, September 9, 1980; Memorandum of McChristian to the SWR Director, March 19, 1981, FODA Reading Files.

6 Memorandum of McChristian to Interpretive Division Staff, FODA, May 20, 1980, FODA Reading Files.

7 McChristian to Colonel Harold Dortch, Department of the Air Force, Headquarters Tactical Training, Holloman AFB, NM, February 18, 1981; Memorandum of McChristian to the SWR Director, Attn: Chief, Division of Natural Resources, March 16, 1981; Memorandum of Superintendent, FODA, to the SWR Director, November 12, 1981, FODA Reading Files.

8 Memorandum of Mary Williams to the Acting Superintendent, Mather Training Center (Harpers Ferry, WV), October 15, 1980, FODA Reading Files.

9 Memorandum of McChristian to the SWR Director, December 2, 1981, FODA Reading Files.

10 Memorandum of Acting Superintendent, FODA, to the SWR Director, March 11, 1980, FODA Reading Files; Trip Report of Joseph Sanchez, Chief, Division of Interpretation and Visitor Services, SWR, August 12-13, 1981, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

Memorandum of the Superintendent, FODA, to the SWR Director, March 20, 1981, May 18, 1982, FODA Reading Files. The March 20, 1981 memorandum constituted the "1981 Superintendent's Annual Report."

12 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1981.

13 John M. Sutton, Acting Superintendent, FODA, to Dr. Robert Newkirk, Cooperative Programs Study Unit, Department of Recreation and Parks, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, December 23, 1982, FODA Reading Files; McChristian to Newkirk, December 14, 1982; Memorandum of McChristian to the SWR Director, October 28, 1982, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

14 Trip Report of Charles H. McCurdy, Chief, Division of Interpretation & Visitor Services, SWR, July 9, 1982, RG79, NPS, FODA Files, Fort Worth FRC.

15 Sutton, "Interpretive Prospectus for Fort Davis National Historic Site," November 1, 1982, FODA Reading Files; Memorandum of Edwin C. Bearss, Chief Historian, NPS, to the Chief, Division of Interpretative Planning, NPS Harpers Ferry Center, December 8, 1982; Memorandum of Levy to Bearss, December 2, 1982, H30 Interpretive Prospectus (1982) File, FODA Library.

16 Memorandum of Sutton to Roger Waters, EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Counselor, SWR, June 11, 1982, FODA Reading Files; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1982.

17 Doug McChristian interview, October 5, 1994; Memorandum of Superintendent, FODA, to the SWR Director, January 6, 1983, FODA Reading Files.

18 McChristian to Utley, May 3, 1983; McChristian to Thomas M. Bruner, Executive Vice President & Trust Officer, Midland, TX, May 19, 1983, FODA Reading Files; "Fort organizes to restore barracks," Alpine Avalanche, October 6, 1983.

19 McChristian to "Dear [Friends of Fort Davis] Board Member," June 10, 1983, FODA Reading Files.

20 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1983; "New fort exhibit highlights chapel history," Big Bend Sentinel, June 9, 1983; Memorandum of McChristian to Craig Frazier, DSC, September 2, 1983, FODA Reading Files.

21 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1983; Memorandum of McChristian to the SWR Director, October 21, 1983; "Fort Davis Supporters Organize," Del Rio (TX) Guide, January 1984; "Fort organizes to restore barracks," Alpine Avalanche, October 6, 1983; "Man-wife archaeology team leads Fort Davis excavation," San Angelo Standard-Times, March 18, 1984; Press Release to the Council on America's Military Past-USA, Fort Myer, VA, "Restoration of Fort Davis Barracks Progresses," March 21, 1984; Press Release to Naomi L. Hunt, Editor, Courier, NPS, "Volunteers Help Restore Barracks at Fort Davis," July 11, 1984, FODA Reading Files.

22 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1983; Interview with William Gwaltney, Superintendent, Booker T. Washington National Historic Site, Roanoke, VA, September 15, 1994.

23 McChristian to Arnold Wallace, General Manager, WHNM Television, Howard University, Washington, DC, April 6, 1984; McChristian to the Special Programs Director, The National Black Programming Consortium, Columbus, OH, May 2, 1984; McChristian to the Special Programs Director, WNET, New York, NY, May 2, 1984; McChristian to Sharon A. Brown, Editor, "Gone West" Magazine. Jefferson National Expansion Historical Association, St. Louis, MO, February 17, 1985; Gwaltney to Dorothea Powell, Boston African American National Historic Site, Boston, MA, March 1, 1985, FODA Reading Files.

24 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1984; Doug McChristian interview, October 5, 1984; Pansy Espy interview, January 5, 1995; "Fort Davis to receive grant," San Angelo Standard, October 1, 1984; McChristian to The Meadows Foundation, Dallas, TX, October 2, 1984; McChristian to James H. Lazine, Ninth and Tenth Cavalry Association, Fort Worth, TX, April 26, 1984; McChristian to Dr. John Ben Shepperd, Odessa, TX, August 6, 1984, FODA Reading Files.

25 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1984; Memorandum of McChristian to the SWR Director, January 18, 1984; Memorandum of McChristian to the Superintendent, San Antonio Missions NHP, November 1, 1984, FODA Reading Files.

26 "U.S. accounting office to study flights," Alpine Avalanche, March 20, 1985. For a discussion of the awkward relationship between White Sands National Monument and the U.S. Air Force, see Michael Welsh, Dunes and Dreams: A History of White Sands National Monument (Santa Fe, NM: National Park Service, 1995), 171-90.

27 Memorandum of McChristian to the Acting SWR Director, November 7, 1984, FODA Reading Files.

28 Memorandum of McChristian to All Employees, FODA, January 16, 1985, FODA Reading Files.

29 Gwaltney to Victor Julian, Director, National Events, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis, MO, February 1, 1985, FODA Reading Files.

30 Gwaltney to Reverend Curtis Norris, Odessa, February 6, 1985; McChristian to Colonel James Revels, U.S.A. (ret.), El Paso, February 22, 1985; McChristian to K. Keith Kochenour III, Director/Creative Services, Publishers and Advertising Specialists, El Paso, April 1, 1985, FODA Reading Files.

31 Williams to Howard Wehrman, Old Navy and Army Branch, NARA, Washington, DC, June 17, 1985; McChristian to Charles Sanders, Ebony Magazine, Chicago, IL, June 20, 1985; Gwaltney to Bernie Casey, Los Angeles, CA, July 11, 1985; Gwaltney to Sidney Poitier, Verdon-Cedric Productions, Inc., Beverly Hills, CA, December 17, 1985, FODA Reading Files; Bill Gwaltney interview, September 15, 1994.

32 Gwaltney to Sanders, November 26, 1985, FODA Reading Files.

34 McChristian to Michener.

33 Bill Gwaltney interview, September 15, 1994; Doug McChristian interview, October 5, 1994; McChristian to ]James A. Michener, c/o Random House, New York, NY, October 9,1985, FODA Reading Files.

35 McChristian to Melvin Wade, President, Texas Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History, Austin, November 4, 1985; McChristian to Eddie Dixon, Lubbock, November 19, 1985; McChristian to Sam Hoyle, Director of Museums, Ft. Bliss Army Base, TX, October 11, 1985; Sutton to Robyn Alexander, Class 6-503, The General Daniel "Chappie" James Jr. School, Brooklyn, NY, December 27, 1985, FODA Reading Files.

36 Memorandum of Sutton to Chief Ranger, Wupatki/Sunset Crater National Monuments, December 27, 1985; Memorandum of Sutton to the Chief, NPS Office of Training, December 12, 1985; Memorandum of McChristian to the SWR Director, May 14, 1985; Gwaltney to G. Ray Arnett, Executive Vice-President, National Rife Association. Washington, DC, November 19, 1985, FODA Reading Files.

37 McChristian and Williams to the Honorable M. Tom Faircloth, Mayor, Thomasville, GA, February 21, 1985; McChristian to Ray 0. MacColl, Assistant Superintendent, Pelham City Public Schools, Pelham, GA, February 21, 1985, FODA Reading Files; "One-act play due Aug. 31 at Sul Ross," Alpine Avalanche, August 22, 1985.

38 "Women's History Week set," Marfa Independent/Big Bend Sentinel, February 27, 1986; Memorandum of McChristian to SWR Federal Women's Coordinator, April 2, 1986; Sutton to Utley, April 2, 1986; Sutton to Sandra Myres, University of Texas at Arlington, April 2, 1986, FODA Reading Files.

39 "Davis Mountain Quilters' Guild donates quilt to fort," Marfa Independent/Big Bend Sentinel, January 9, 1986; Memorandum of Williams to the SWR Director, April 30, 1986; Memorandum of Williams to the SWR Director, Attn: VIP Coordinator, September 10, 1985, FODA Reading Files.

40 Memorandum of McChristian to the Acting SWR Director, May 27, 1986; Memorandum of McChristian to SWR Director, January 14, 1986, FODA Reading Files; Doug McChristian interview, October 5, 1994.

41 Fort Davis Staff Meeting Minutes, September 25, 1985, March 3, 1986; McChristian to William Sandidge, Texas Camel Revival, San Antonio, TX, September 12, 1985, February 11, 1986, FODA Reading Files.

42 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1986; "McChristian leaving Fort Davis Historic Site," Alpine Avalanche, May 22, 1986.

43 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1986; Stephen T. Miller, FODA Superintendent, to Victor Morrow, Office of the President, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, TX, June 26, 1986; Miller to Larry E. Temple, Chairman, Governor's Select Committee on Higher Education, Austin, TX, July 16, 1986, FODA Reading Files, "Memorandum of Sutton to FODA Superintendent, July 7, 1986; Memorandum of Sutton to Superintendent, San Antonio Missions National Historic Park, December 17, 1986; Memorandum of Gwaltney to FODA Superintendent, July 9. 1986, FODA Reading Files; "Juneteenth grows from 'little day' of fun in 1920s," Austin (TX) American-Statesman, June 20, 1986; "Gwaltney Going to Bent's Fort," Jeff Davis County News, July 24, 1986.


45 Miller to Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, Austin, August 20, 1986; "Fort to celebrate 25th anniversary this Sunday," The Marfa Independent and the Big Bend Sentinel, September 4, 1986; "Fort Celebrated Founding," Jeff Davis County News, September 11, 1986; Memorandum of Miller to Public Affairs Office, SWR, September 26, 1986, FODA Reading Files; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1986.

46 "Williams Wins Superior Performance Award," Jeff Davis County News, November 13, 1986; Williams to T.J. Priehs, Executive Director, SPMA, November 14, 1986, FODA Reading Files.

47 Memorandum of Sutton to the FODA Superintendent, October 31, 1986; Sutton to Jay Van Orden, Arizona Pioneer's Historical Society, Tucson, November 12, 1986; Miller to Clark J. Strickland, Regional Director, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Denver, March 18, 1987; Sutton to Robert "Nobby" Evenhus, Vision Quest, Tucson, June 1, 24, 1987, FODA Reading Files.

48 Memorandum of Miller to the SWR Director, September 16, 1987; Press Release, "Fort Davis National Historic Site, Best in the Southwest," February 20, 1988, FODA Reading Files.

49 Memorandum of Miller to SWR Director, June 8,1987; Memorandum of Miller to SWR Director, Attn: Public Affairs Officer, September 24, 1987; Miller to Alex Haley, c/o Ms. Jackie Naipo, Kinte Corporation. Los Angeles, January 19, 1988, FODA Reading Files.

50 Press Release, February 20, 1988; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1988.

51 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1987; Telephone interview with Dale Scheier, Chief of Maintenance, Wind Cave National Park, SD, January 17, 1996.

52 Memorandum of Miller to the SWR Director, December 4, 1987, FODA Reading Files.

53 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1988; Memorandum of Williams to the SWR Director, November 12, 1988, FODA Reading Files.

54 Superintendent' s Annual Report, 1988.

55 Ibid.; Memorandum of Williams to the SWR Director, November 12, 1988.

56 Interview with Kevin Cheri, Assistant Superintendent, Big Bend National Park, Fort Davis, TX, September 8, 1994.

57 Ibid.; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1989.

58 Kevin Cheri interview, September 8, 1994; Memorandum of Chief, SWR Division of Land Resources, to Park Planner, SWR Division of Planning, Design, and Environmental Coordination, December 22, 1988; Memorandum of Thomas B. Carroll, SWR Park Planner, to Chief, Division of Land Resources, December 21, 1988, Davis Mountains Study, FODA Superintendent's Files.

59 Memorandum of Sutton to FODA Superintendent, December 30, 1988, Davis Mountains Study File.

60 Trip Report of Sutton, "Davis Mountains National Park Feasibility Study Scoping Meeting," to FODA Superintendent, December 30, 1988, Davis Mountains Study File.

61 Ronald D. Coleman, U.S. House of Representatives, to William Penn Mott, NPS Director, December 6, 1988, Davis Mountains Study File.

62 Coleman to Douglas D. Faris, Chief, SWR Division of Planning, January 12, 1989; SWR Director to Honorable Ann Scudday, Judge of the Court of Jeff Davis County, Fort Davis, n.d. (draft); Associate SWR Director, Planning and Resources Management, to Scudday, n.d. (draft), Davis Mountains Study File.

63 "National park feasibility study to begin in February," Alpine Avalanche, January 5, 1989.

64 Davis Mountains Reconnaissance Study, Detailed Inventory and Analysis of Resources, Davis Mountains, Texas, Scope of Work, January 31, 1989; Davis Mountains Resource Study Closeout, December 1989, Davis Mountains Study File.

65 "Fort Davis opposes land survey," San Angelo Standard-Times, n.d.; "Resolution in opposition to the acquisition of land in Jeff Davis County for a park or recreational uses," n.d., Davis Mountains Study File.

66 "Fort Davis opposes land survey;" "National Park being considered: Study getting 'sense of community' in Fort Davis," San Angelo Standard-Times, February 23, 1989.

67 Kevin Cheri interview, September 8, 1994; National Park Service Newsletter, Davis Mountains Resource Study, No. 1, March 1989; "Opposition to national park proposal growing," Alpine Avalanche, n.d., Davis Mountains Study File.

68 Telephone Record, Conversation between Mary Williams and Ben Levy, February 28, 1989, Davis Mountains Study File.

69 Telephone Record, Conversation between Mary Williams and Larry Beal, DSC, February 28, 1989; "Davis Mountains Resource Study, Itinerary for Planning Team, March 6-10. 1989," March 3, 1989, Davis Mountains Study File.

70 Davis Mountains Resource Study Closeout; Gene Hendryx interview, January 5, 1995; Interview with Neil Mangum, Chief, SWR Division of History, Santa Fe, June 9, 1995.

71 Neil Mangum interview, June 9, 1995; Trip Reports of Larry Beal to Assistant Manager, Central Team, DSC, February 21-27, March 6-10, 1989, Davis Mountains Study File.

72 Kevin Cheri interview, September 8, 1994; Dudley Harrison, Texas State Representative, Austin, to Cheri, March 15, 1989; superintendent's Annual Report, 1989; News Release, "NPS Directed to Stop Davis Mountains Resource Study," April 5, 1989; Cheri to Coleman, April 12, 1989, Davis Mountains Study File.

73 Memorandum of Cheri to the SWR Director, December 13, 1989, FODA Reading Files.

74 Ibid.; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1989.

75 Kevin Cheri interview, September 8, 1994; Memoranda of Cheri to the Associate SWR Director, Administration, January 22, February 6, 1990; Cheri to Robert F. Bluthardt, Director of Education, Fort Concho National Historic Landmark, San Angelo, March 20, 1990; Cheri to Lucinda Keister, Prints and Photographs Collection, History of Medicine, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, April 19, 1990, FODA Reading Files.

76 Cheri to Dr. Lavern Wagner, Quincy, IL, May 8, 1990; Memorandum of Cheri to Bill Sontag, 75th Anniversary Project Director, Rocky Mountain Region, NPS, July 30, 1990; Memorandum of Williams to the SWR Director, Attention: Chief Historian, August 16, 1990; Cheri to B. Butts, Lucerne Valley, CA, October 31, 1990; Williams to Ratri Banerjee, Senior Researcher, Regional Editor: Mid-Atlantic, Southwest, National Geographic Traveler, Washington, DC, November 28, 1990; Memorandum of Williams to Historian, San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, March 30, 1990, FODA Reading Files; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1990.

77 Memorandum of Cheri to the SWR Director, September 12, 1990, FODA Reading Files.

78 Superintendent's Annual Report, 1991.

79 Ibid.

80 Kevin Cheri interview, September 8, 1994; Jerry Yarbrough interview, May 13, 1994; Superintendent's Annual Report, 1992.

81 Jerry Yarbrough interview, August 11, 1995; ]Welsh, Dunes and Dreams, 182-83.

82 Jerry Yarbrough interview, August 11, 1995, January 12, 1996.

83 Superintendent's Annual Reports, 1992, 1993.

84 Scope of Work, Pedestrian Bridge, Fort Davis NHS, n.d., FODA Superintendent's Files.

85 Superintendent's Annual Reports, 1992, 1993; Allan R. Morris, Supervisory Park Ranger, FODA, to Michael B. Grossi, Houston, TX, March 26, 1994; Memorandum of Yarbrough to SWR Director, April 25, 1994, FODA Reading Files.

86 "Fort Davis National Historic Site Strategic Plan," October 1995; Jerry Yarbrough interview, November 17, 1995.

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