Fort Laramie
Park History, 1834-1977
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Sutlers Store
Figure 17. The large 1883 addition to the Sutlers store was built onto the rear of the original building as shown in this photograph of a crowded day in the park. Officers quarters row is seen in the background and restoration-in-progress on Old Bedlam.

Officers Quarters E
Figure 18. Officers Quarters E survived abandonment and intermittent occupation by ranchers in remarkably good structural condition. Restoration posed no serious problems. Quarters F can be seen in the background.

Quarters E
Figure 19. Quarters E was built for double occupancy according to standard Army plans for married officers quarters.

interior of Quarters E
Figure 20. Following restoration, Quarters E was furnished to represent occupancy in 1880 by a hypothetical post surgeon who collected animal specimens in addition to his medical duties.

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Last Updated: 01-Mar-2003