APPENDIX A S. 346 The following is a copy of the act under which the military reservation of Fort Larned was turned over to the the General Land Office and subsequently sold at public auction (Abandoned Military Reservation File). [Printer's No., 6883.] 47th Congress S. 346. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. AN ACT To provide for the disposition of the Fort Larned Military Reservation. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized 4 to relinquish and turn over to the Department of the Interior, 5 for restoration to the public domain, the Fort Larned Military 6 Reservation, in the State of Kansas. 1 SEC. 2. That the Commissioner of the General Land 2 Office is hereby directed to have said public lands, when 3 transferred as provided for in section one, surveyed in like 4 manner as other public lands, and shall thereupon cause the 5 same to be appraised by three disinterested competent per- 6 sons; and after such appraisement shall have been approved 7 by the Secretary of the Interior the land shall be sold to 8 actual settlers only, at the appraised price, and as nearly as 9 may be in conformity to the provisions of the pre-emption 10 laws of the United States: Provided, That no person shall 11 be permitted to purchase more than one quarter-section of 12 said land: And provided further, That the Commissoner 13 may, in his discretion, cause the section of said reservation on 14 which improvements are situated to be appraised in a body, 15 together with such improvements, and may then sell the 16 same at public or private sale, as he may deem to the best 17 advantage of the government, except that it shall not be sold 18 at less than the appraised price. Passed the Senate February 13, 1882. Attest: F. E. SHOBER,
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