PREFACE This historical data section is authorized by Research Study proposal FOLS-H-2. Complete Part II historic structures reports will be prepared as each structure is programmed. Instead of preparing individual historical data sections for each structure, the Division of History decided to do eight of the ten buildings in a single document. This form eliminates considerable research duplication and allowed the writer to bring out features common to all the structures. The author would like to thank all those who assisted him. Mrs. Sarah Jackson at the National Archives contributed many valuable suggestions as to possible sources. The personnel at Fort Larned, Superintendent Elbert Smith and Tom Munson, were kind enough to spend two days with me. As always, thanks are due to the westward expansion team, Erwin Thompson and Ben Levy, who answered my questions, contributed suggestions, and endured my polemics. A special debt is owed Mr. Dwight Stinson, who in 1966 wrote the Ft. Larned Historic Structures Report, Part I. The author found Mr. Stinson's report invaluable. He is also indebted to the Kansas State Historical Society for the use of their Ft. Larned photographs.
hsr/preface.htm Last Updated: 30-Nov-2009 |