Fort Union
Historic Resource Study
NPS Logo


AAAG: Acting Assistant Adjutant General

AAG: Assistant Adjutant General

ACP: Appointments, Commissions & Promotions

AC: Arrott Collection, New Mexico Highlands University

AG: Adjutant General

AGO: Adjutant General's Office

MG: Assistant Inspector General

AR: Annual Report

CCF: Consolidated Correspondence File

CIA: Commissioner of Indian Affairs

C-M: Court-Martial

CO: Commanding Officer

CCS: Chief Commissary of Subsistence

COM: Chief Quartermaster

CS: Commissary of Subsistence

DNM: Department of New Mexico until September 12, 1865, and District of New Mexico thereafter

FU: Fort Union

FUNMA: Fort Union National Monument Archives

HQ: Headquarters

IG: Inspector General

JAG: Judge Advocate General

LR: Letters Received

LS: Letters Sent

MHS: Missouri Historical Society

MS: Manuscript

MSS: Manuscripts

NA: National Archives

NM: New Mexico

NMHR: New Mexico Historical Review

NMSRCA: New Mexico State Records Center and Archives

9MD: Ninth Military Department

NS: New Series

OIA: Office of Indian Affairs

OIG: Office of Inspector General

OR: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies

ORD: Ordnance Department

PMG: Postmaster General

QM: Quartermaster

QMG: Quartermaster General

RG: Record Group

RMR: Regiment of Mounted Riflemen

SF: Santa Fe

SG: Surgeon General

SOW: Secretary of War

TE: Topographical Engineers

TR: Telegrams Received

TS: Telegrams Sent

USA: United States Army

USAC: United States Army Commands

UT: University of Texas

WD: War Department

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Last Updated: 09-Jul-2005