Fort Union
Historic Resource Study
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Excerpts from Report of Major Andrew E. Evans [1]

Fort Union, N.M., June 16, 1868

Acting Assistant Adjutant General
Headquarters District of New Mexico


I have the honor to report that the Depot of Clothing & Equipage at Fort Union, under charge of Capt. Hamilton Lieber, M.S.K. U.S.A. [Military Storekeeper United States Army] was inspected by me on the 1st inst., and the books & papers of the office, the Storehouse & Stores, the general condition of the property, the amount on hand, and the care taken of it, examined into as closely as circumstances would admit.

Capt. Lieber entered upon the duties of this place on 16th of July 1867. He employes three citizens; one clerk, one packer, and one laborer, and five enlisted men, upon extra-duty. The latter are paid by the Dept. Qr. Mr., who is furnished with a copy of the Rolls for that purpose.

The Storeroom is one of the warehouses of the Depot, having two rooms; fitted and arranged as the other buildings of the sort at the Depot. The office is in the same house with the Commissary Office, and has also two rooms; of which the front one alone appears to be used as an office. It is furnished with desks, safe, &c.

The principal books were found as follows:

Book of transportation of all Articles:

Invoice Book: Copies of Invoices:

Packers Book: being lists of Stores sent:

A small Endorsement Book: received & sent:

Letter Received Book: alphabetically arranged

Property Book; in form of a separate Dt. & Cr. Account of each article with the M.S.K.

Letter Book: press copies; from which it would appear that all required papers had been forwarded, including the Returns &c. for April.

Cash Book: Cash accruing from Sales of clothing. All monies are sent to Santa Fe for deposit, or rather transferred to the Chief Qr. Master; and no funds were on hand. Beside clothing sold to officers, it appears that, by authority, it is also sold to Qr. Master employees; such sales being at present limited to the single article of bedsacks. All Invoices are made in quadruplicate; one sent direct to Washington, and one to Dist. Hd. Qrs.

By letter of the Auditor it was shown that Capt. Lieber's papers have been settled to include February 1868, with the single error, many months back, of dropping 4 blank-books, which was afterwards taken up & accounted for.

The Returns, with vouchers for March & April were examined & found correct. Also those for May, which were completed, but not then forwarded. . . . All books & papers found to be well & neatly kept. Files of orders were on hand, generally complete, but none from District Hd. Qrs. for this year. . . .

Statement of Clothing, Camp & Garrison Equipage, at Fort Union Depot, on hand June 1st, 1867

Caps, Forage3,01859 condemned
Cap, Covers13,8572,597 condemnedCaps, Art. Unif100
Caps Art. Ornaments120
Hat OrnamentsLarge quantity
Letters & NumbersLarge quant.
Coats, Uniform, Inf6,496
Coats, Mus11
Coats., Uniform, Ord65
Jackets, Cav. Pvt & Mus.7,931& 293 Rifle patternJackets, St. Art. Pvt & Mus.337
ChevronsLarge quantity
Lacing Cord4,488 yards.
Trousers, Cav.5,055278 condemnedTrousers, Inf9,75408 condemned
Drawers12,231804 condemnedShirts17,568674 condemned
Boots, Cav.1,612
Bootees, Inf24,715
Stockings2,527 pairs2 condemnedLeather, Stocks8,398
Great Coats, Cav.2,275203 condemnedGreat Coats, Inf4,020315 condemned
Great Coat Straps1,037
Flannel Sack Coats, lined1596
Poncho, painted96
Poncho, rubber1,990
Blankets, wool5,619
Blankets, rubber1,889
Knapsacks & Straps3,774
Knapsack Straps1,357
Stable Frocks2,31339 condemned
Buttons100 gross
Buckles95 gross
ThreadLarge quantity on hand
LaceLarge quantity on hand
Bedsacks, double3,137
Bedsacks, single4,8232 condemnedAxe Slings75
Hatchets, Camp921
Hatchet, handles2,106
Hatchet slings99
Camp Kettles5496 condemnedMess Pans1,5039 condemned
Flags, Garrison16
Iron Pots40
Flags, Storm9
Trumpetsnot counted
Flag, Halliards94
Buglesnot counted
Flags, Recruiting29
Cords & Tasselsnot counted
Wall Tents1532 condemned
Camp Colours9
Wall Tent Flies1792 condemned
Wall Tent Poles125
Common Tents1,714& Poles for them
Drum cases57
Hospital Tents63
Drum headsnot counted
Hospital Tent Flies66
Drum Sticksnot counted
Shelter Tents7,059& Poles
Drum Cordsnot counted
Sibley Tents52 condemned
Sibley Tent tripods23
Pick Axes932
Sibley Tent Stoves911 condemned
Pick Axe handles1,748
Sibley Tent Stovepipe3101 condemned
Tent Pins32,988
Tent Cords8,490
Blank Record Booksnot counted

It is believed that Capt. Lieber has on hand all property for which he is accountable. . . . Stores were generally in very good order, and well cared for. Much of the clothing here has been on hand a long time, and is much infected by the moth. If it could all be taken out & carefully brushed great damage would be prevented. Storerooms were crowded with boxes & bales nearly to the vigas; dry, well, ventilated, and walls unplastered. Buckets of water & axes are distributed throughout. Tablets are hung upon pillars intended to define the kind & quantity of articles opposite them; but are not always filled out. In addition to the warehouse there is an issue room in an adjoining building, arranged with shelves & bins, and freshly painted. Here was displayed nearly every article of Clothing & Equipage, neatly folded and placed, boxes marked &c. and the whole in admirable order. Camphor is used freely in the bins; and sometimes in the boxes, in the warehouse. Cap Covers, Knapsacks, haversacks, & ponchos, are kept in a small frame shed adjoining the wareroom; and tent poles are stacked in the yard, and apparently suffering slightly from weather. Capt. Lieber seems well fitted for his position, and a careful & correct Officer.

1. Evans to AAAG DNM, June 16, 1868, LR, OIG, RG 159, NA. The Clothing & Equipage Depot was part of the Quartermaster Depot, under charge of a military storekeeper. The table included has been edited.

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Last Updated: 09-Jul-2005