Gates of the Arctic
Gaunt Beauty ... Tenuous Life
Historic Resource Study for Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve
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Obviously, much is owed to many after a work of this kind—to the members of the history, HABS, and archeological crews, whose work is identified in the pages that follow; to the park, regional office, and Washington office staffs for continuing support and patience; to the archivists of many institutions who helped me dredge up the old documents and photos and maps; to the people of the study region who gave both hospitality and knowledge unstintingly, most of them named as integral parts of the history. I thank all of these and hope that the work that follows requites their trust and efforts.

Lois Hull typed and retyped and word-processed the narrative, a monstrous job. Suzy Page pitched in to do the final typing on the site reports. And my wife, Carolyn Elder, with only moderate sighings and gnashings, derived the bibliography from my attribution notes, and other notes and scraps.


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Last Updated: 28-Nov-2016