CHAPTER 6: Notes 1Biographical information and quotations from Robert Marshall (edited and with introductions by George Marshall), Alaska Wilderness, Exploring the Central Brooks Range (second edition, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1970), xxiv-xxv. 2Robert Marshall, ArcticVillage, 3. 3From Marshall's original 1939 journal and field notebooks, "North Doonerak, Amawk and Apoon" (information on sample plots assembled by USGS, Menlo Park), 16. 4Marshall, Alaska Wilderness, 123, 154. 5Robert Marshall, "Reconnaissance of the Northern Koyukuk Valley," USGS Bull. 844-E (Washington, GPO, 1934), addendum to Philip S. Smith, et al., Mineral Resources of Alaska...1931, 247-256. 10Marshall, Alaska Wilderness, 5. 11Ibid., 8. As indicated by early Wiseman store and commissioner's records the old-country spelling of Yale was Yehle. By Bob Marshall's time, Yale was standard usage for man and cabin. 13Robert Marshall's Journal, North Fork of the Koyukuk trip, Alaska--July 22-Aug. 16, 1929 (unpaginated), Robert Marshall Collection, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. 14Marshall, Alaska Wilderness, 12-14. 15Marshall, Journal, North Fork. 16Marshall, Alaska Wilderness, 16. 20Journal, August 16, 1929, entry. 21Marshall, Alaska Wilderness, 36. 24Marshall Collection, Outgoing Letter Files, ltr. of 9/23/30, 6-7. 25Michael L. Kunz, et al., "Cultural Resource Survey & Inventory of the North Fork Koyukuk, Middle Fork Koyukuk, Glacier, and Upper Itkillik River Drainages" (draft National Park Service report, Fairbanks, 1985), I, 24-25, 160-61. 26Richard Nelson, et al., "Preliminary Report: Subsistence Activities in proposed Alaskan Parklands" (NPS typescript report, Anchorage, 1977), 13-14. 27Marshall, Alaska Wilderness, 59. 35Marshall, Alaska Wilderness, 95. 40In addition to Alaska Wilderness, see Robert Marshall, "The Problem of Wilderness," Scientific Monthly, 30(2), February, 1930, 141-48: anon., "The Wilderness Society," a 1935 prospectus defining reasons for and objectives of such a society, in Marshall Collection: and various letters in the Marshall Collection, including especially Marshall to Ickes, 2/14/35, Marshall to Oberholtzer, 2/28/35, Marshall to Grosvenor, 3/1/35, Marshall. to Yard, 6/27/38: memorandum to Ickes, 4/25/35: report to Society members, 2/24/37. 41Wilderness Society resolutions draft attached to 6/27/38 Itr to Yard; Itr to Strauss, 11/1/38, both in Marshall Collection. 42Quoted in George Marshall's introduction to Alaska Wilderness, xxxiii-xxxiv. 44Family Itr of 10/6/30, quotations on 6 and 7. 46Family Itr of 10/31/30, passim. 50Family ltr. of 11/5/30, 1-2. 52Marshall, ArcticVillage, 371-72. 55Ltr. to Jesse Allen, 4/4/34, includes 100-name census of royalty recipients. 56George Marshall, in Postscript to Alaska Wilderness, 2d ed., 167. 57Marshall, Alaska Wilderness, 113-14. 58Reed, Upper Koyukuk Region, 165. 59Marshall, unpaginated notebook in file 79/94 P, Marshall Collection. 60Wiseman Store Ledger, 1925-27, 1932-36, used by permission of owner, Walter Johnson, Anchorage. 61Interview of George Rayburn, 2/1/85, in Fairbanks; ltrs of period 1935-39 in Wiseman School District file, Alaska State Archives, Juneau. 62Compiled from Irving Mck. Reed, "Report on the Placer Deposits of the Upper Kobuk Goldfields", Territory of Alaska Department of Mines, typescript (Juneau, 1931), in U.S. Bureau of Mines microfilm records (BuMines Library, Juneau, MR37-1); various Alaska Weekly issues, period 5/22/25 through 8/28/31. 63Naske, Paving Alaska's Trails, 317-18; Foote, the Upper Kobuk River Project, 35-37; the Army's Role in the Building of Alaska, Chap. XVII. 64"History of Wiseman," as related by Oliver Chappell, in notes recorded by H.N. Reiser, USGS, in 1959 (provided by W.P. Brosge, USGS, Menlo Park). 65Walter Johnson, "Wiseman Then and Now," Alaska Geographic, 10(4), 1983, 106. 66Tishu Ulen, "Tishu's World," Ibid., 84, 87. 67Marshall, Arctic Village, 162; Interview of Harry Leonard, conducted 7/16/82 by Walter Johnson of Anchorage, who retains transcript.
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