The stratigraphic sections measured or otherwise
described and calculated during this survey are listed in the following
tabulation. Sections of the San Rafael Group at Bitter Spring in Hall
Creek Valley, sec. 29, T. 33 S., R. 8 E., and of the Morrison Formation
at "The Post," lat 37°50' N., long 110°58' W., are not included, as
they are available in the report by Craig, Holmes, Freeman, Mullens,
and others (1959).
SECTION 1Kaibab Limestone and Cutler
Formation [In White Canyon, 2 miles northwest of Stud Horse
Peaks, north-central Circle Cliffs area, Garfield County;
lat 37°53'00" long 111°9'10". Measured by E. S.
Davidson] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Moenkopi Formation (incomplete): |
| Base of Sinbad Limestone Member of Moenkopi Formation. |
| Erosional unconformity. |
| Basal unit of Moenkopi Formation: |
| Sandstone, white, dolomitic, fine-grained; contains abundant
bedded white to gray chert in 1- to 2-in.-thick bands | 9.3 |
| Sandstone, white, fine-grained; contains as much as 30 percent
fragments of white to gray chert | 3.0 |
| Sandstone, white, fine-grained; contains as much as 50 percent
bedded white to gray chert | 5.0
| Total basal unit of Moenkopi Formation | 17.3
Erosional unconformity. |
Kaibab Limestone: |
| Dolomite, light-yellow, dense; beds 1-2 ft thick; contains
moderately abundant gastropod fragments, sponge spicules, specks of
glauconite and collophane, some chert nodules and quartz geodes and a
few 1- to 2-in.-thick layers of light-green glauconitic dolomitic
fine-grained sandstone | 33.4 |
| Dolomite, light-yellow; contains abundant fine quartz grains and bedded
and fragmental gray and white chert, some fine-grained glauconitic
sandstone. Unit is poorly exposed | 4.8 |
| Dolomite, light-yellow; beds 2 ft thick; contains few scattered specks
of glauconite quartz geodes in some beds; 2-ft-thick bed at base is a
coquina of pelecypod, gastropod, and bryozoan fragments and sponge
spicules, some replaced by collophane | 21.6 |
| Dolomite, light-yellow; contains as much as 20 percent fine to coarse
grains of quartz, some pebbles of fine-grained sandstone, and some
specks of glauconite | .8
| Total Kaibab Limestone | 60.6
Cutler Formation: |
| White Rim Sandstone Memberupper unit: |
| Sandstone, light-yellow to light-brown, beds 1-2 ft thick, poorly
sorted, fine- to medium-grained; dolomite cement | 6.4 |
| Dolomite, light-yellow, thick-bedded; contains fragments of gastropods
and pelecypods and some fine to medium quartz grains | 7.0 |
| Sandstone, white, horizontally stratified, thin- to thick-bedded, fine-
to medium-grained; some dolomite cement | 21.6 |
| Sandstone, light-yellow, dolomitic, horizontally stratified, thin-bedded,
poorly sorted, medium-grained | 10.8 |
| Sandstone, white to gray, horizontally stratified, thin-bedded, friable,
fine- to medium-grained | 41.6 |
| Dolomite, light-yellow; contains as much as 25 percent fine grains of
quartz, moderate amounts of pelecypod and gastropod fragments, and few
subrounded to angular pebbles of black chert | 2.0 |
| Sandstone, light-yellow to white, horizontally stratified, thin-bedded,
poorly sorted, fine- to coarse-grained; some dolomite cement | 5.4 |
| Sandstone, white, thick-bedded, small- to large-scale trough-type
crossbedded, friable, fine-grained; contains some medium to coarse
grains of quartz; gradational with underlying unit | 32.4 |
| Sandstone, white, horizontally stratified, thick-bedded, friable,
fine-grained; gradational with underlying unit | 16.2 |
| Sandstone, white, medium- and large-scale crossbedded in beds as much as
15 ft long, friable, fine-grained | 10.8
| Total exposed upper unit of White Rim Sandstone Member of Cutler
Formation | 154.2 |
SECTION 2Kaibab Limestone and Cutler Formation
[In NW cor. sec. 23 (unsurveyed), T. 35 S., R. 8 E., east-central Circle
Cliffs area, Garfield County; lat 37°45' long 110°00' Measured by E.
S. Davidson and Gilbert Thomas] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Moenkopi Formation (incomplete): |
| Conglomerate; consists of 1/4- to 2-in., fragments of chert in a
matrix of brown fine-grained sandstone containing as much as 5 percent
medium sand; very thin bedded to thin bedded, probably equivalent to
Sinbad Limestone Member | 3.0 |
Erosional unconformity. |
Kaibab Limestone: |
| Dolomite, cherty, dark-yellow-brown; contains sponge spicules, as much
as 5 percent chert fragments, 1-2 percent quartz geodes, as much as
5 percent specks of green apatite, and less than 1 percent hematite
nodules; unit is moderately porous | 7.1 |
| Dolomite, pale-yellow; contains as much as 10 percent fine quartz sand
and 20 percent small chert nodules, abundant quartz-geodes, and less
than 1 percent specks of green apatite | 10.2 |
| Dolomite, pale-yellow to white, fine- to medium-grained; contains sponge
spicules; beds 1-2 ft thick | 23.9 |
| Dolomite, pale-yellow-white, fine-grained; contains less than 1 percent
medium to coarse grains of quartz and quartz-filled geodes, abundant
specks of green apatite; fossiliferous (gastropods) |
| Total Kaibab Limestone | 43.2
Cutler Formation: |
| White Rim Sandstone Memberupper unit: |
| Sandstone, dolomitic, fine-grained to very coarse grained, poorly
sorted; contains less than 1 percent 3/4- to 2-in., quartz-filled
geodes | 2.6 |
| Sandstone, gray to white, fine-grained, friable, slightly dolomitic
at top | 3.0 |
| Dolomite, pale-yellow to yellow-brown, fine-grained, porous;
beds 4 ft thick; locally composed of as much as 80 percent
quartz grains | 20.0 |
| Covered, probably dolomite | 2.0 |
| Sandstone, fine-grained, well-sorted, friable; blocky beds 2-4
ft thick; contact covered | 12.7 |
| Sandstone, gray-white, fine- to coarse-grained, poorly sorted,
slightly dolomitic, thick-bedded | 8.3 |
| Sandstone, dolomitic, pale-yellow, fine- to medium-grained;
contains as much as 50 percent carbonate and less than 1
percent hematite nodules | 6.0 |
| Sandstone, white, fine- to medium-grained, poorly sorted;
slightly dolomitic | 2.5 |
| Dolomite, sandy, pale-yellow, fine-grained; contains as much as
30 percent fine to coarse quartz sand and less than 1 percent
hematite nodules and traces of petroliferous material | 2.5 |
| Sandstone, dolomitic, yellow-brown, fine- to medium-grained;
contains quartz-filled geodes at base | 0.5 |
| Sandstone, gray-white, fine- to medium-grained, poorly sorted,
friable; horizontally stratified beds 0.5-1 ft thick | 6.3
| Total upper unit | 66.4
| White Rim Sandstone Memberlower unit: |
| Sandstone, white, fine-grained, friable; composed of clean quartz sand,
in planar and trough cross-stratified beds as much as 30 ft long,
generally dipping southeast; individual cross-strata 3/4-1 in.
thick, sets of cross-strata 8-10 ft thick |
| Base of exposure, not base of unit. |
| Total exposed White Rim Sandstone Member of Cutler
Formation | 174.4 |
SECTION 3.Kaibab Limestone and Cutler Formation
[SW1/4 sec. 14, T. 35 S. (unsurveyed), R. 8 E., east-central Circle
Cliffs area, Garfield County; lat 37°47'30"
long 110°01'00". Measured by E. S. Davidson and Gilbert Thomas] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Moenkopi Formation (incomplete section): |
| Conglomerate, poorly sorted; 1/4- to 3/8-in.
fragments of white chert in matrix of medium-grained to very coarse
grained quartz sandstone with yellowish-orange dolomite cement;
petroliferous; probable Sinbad Limestone Member |
8.2 |
Erosional unconformity. |
Kaibab Limestone: |
| Dolomite, light-brown to pale-yellow; contains spicules, less than 1
percent hematite nodules, and a few specks of green apatite |
8.4 |
| Dolomite, medium-grained; contains as much as 20 percent fine grains of
quartz, abundant nodules of chert, and specks of green apatite;
scattered thin parting-plane laminae consist of fine-grained sandstone
and green apatite | 5.2 |
| Dolomite, dense; contains numerous small cavities, abundant sponge
spicules, as much as 2 percent specks of green collophane; local layers
as much as 1 ft thick contain 1-5 percent quartz geodes; fossiliferous
(gastropods) | 15.6 |
| Sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained, discontinuous; contains abundant
specks of green glauconite and collophane |
| Total Kaibab Limestone | 29.4
Cutler Formation: |
| White Rim Sandstone Memberupper unit: |
| Sandstone, white, fine-grained to very fine grained, grades upward into
poorly sorted fine- to coarse-grained dolomitic sandstone; unit contains
a few quartz geodes | 5.6 |
| Dolomite, sandy; contains 30-50 percent quartz grains | 20.5 |
| Sandstone, dolomitic, fine- to coarse-grained; contains as much as 30 percent
dolomite; thick-bedded | 4.6 |
| Sandstone, dolomitic, pale-yellow to gray-white, generally fine grained;
contains a few coarse quartz grains; friable; beds 1-4 ft thick;
contains as much as 20 percent dolomite | 19.7 |
| Sandstone, dolomitic, fine-grained to very fine grained; dolomite forms
20-50 percent of unit; contains a few molds of sponge spicules | 14.2 |
| Sandstone, dolomitic, fine-grained to very coarse grained, poorly
sorted, planar cross-stratified in beds 2 ft long | 1.0 |
| Dolomite, sandy, yellow, thick-bedded; contains as much as 10 percent
quartz grains, and specks and globules of petroliferous
material | 4.0 |
| Sandstone, fine- and medium-grained, very thick bedded; contains some
sets of planar cross-strata 6 ft long |
| Total thickness upper unit | 87.7
| White Rim Sandstone Memberlower unit: |
| Sandstone, white, fine-grained, friable, in planar sets of southeast
dipping cross-strata, individual cross-strata 1-2 in. thick; sets
of cross-strata as much as 60 ft long | 20.0
| Base of exposure, not base of unit. |
| Total exposed White Rim Sandstone Member of Cutler
Formation | 107.7 |
SECTION 4.Kaibab Limestone and Cutler Formation
[At North Fork Creak, a tributary of Silver Falls Creek, central Circle
Cliffs area, Garfield County; lat 37°47' long 111°05'30". Measured
by E. S. Davidson] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Moenkopi Formation (incomplete section): |
| Basal unit: |
| Sandstone, gray to light-yellow, fine-grained, white dolomite cement;
contains 25-60 percent gray chert nodules and angular fragments of
gray chert, some chert is in beds 2 in. thick and averaging 2 ft in
width; contains few quartz geodes with calcite crystals in center, some
glauconitic sandy layers, especially near base of unit | 17.9 |
Unconformitysharp erosional contact. |
Kaibab Limestone: |
| Dolomite, light-yellow; horizontally stratified in beds 1-3 ft
thick; contains very fine grains of quartz, abundant specks of
glauconite and collophane, moderately abundant thin layers of
glauconitic sandstone, chert, and quartz geodes; unit is highly
fossiliferous (fragments of gastropods, pelecypods, and sponge spicules) | 23.8 |
| Dolomite, light-yellow, horizontally stratified in beds 1 to 2 ft thick;
locally oolitic (1 mm or less); contains some layered budded chert in
upper 3 in.; fossiliferous (gastropod, bryozoan stems, sponge spicules);
abundant specks of collophane and glauconite | 16.6 |
| Dolomite, light-yellow; contains as much as 5 percent medium grains of
well-rounded quartz, 1 percent specks of collophane, trace quartz
crystal lined geodes averaging 1 in. in diameter; fossiliferous
(gastropods, bryozoan stems, sponge spicules) | 2.5
| Total Kaibab Limestone | 42.9
Cutler Formation: |
| White Rim Sandstone Memberupper unit: |
| Sandstone, white to light-yellow, fine- to medium-grained, friable;
some dolomite cement | 0.2 |
| Sandstone, dolomitic, light-yellow, fine- and medium-grained,
crossbedded; beds in sets 1-2 ft long and 1-2 ft thick; individual beds
6 in. thick; rounded quartz grains well cemented with dolomite;
weathered surface is spiny | 4.5 |
| Dolomite, sandy, light-yellow, oolitic; horizontally stratified in beds
2-4 ft thick; contains 20-30 percent fine and medium
well-rounded grains of quartz and locally more quartz grains than
dolomite; spiny surface on outcrop | 18.4 |
| Sandstone, light-yellow, poorly sorted fine- and medium-grained; heavily
cemented with yellow dolomite; sharp lower contact; transitional with
overlying bed | 2.5 |
| Sandstone, light-gray, fine- and medium-grained, friable; horizontally
stratified in beds 1 in.-2 ft thick; splits every 2 or 3 ft, giving
a thick-bedded appearance; local stringers of light-yellow heavily
dolomite-cemented sandstone; one 2-ft thick yellow dolomite bed 3 ft
above base | 19.0 |
| Dolomite, sandy, very light yellow; weathers gray; contains 20-30
percent fine to medium grains of quartz and a few 6-in.-thick beds of
fine-grained white sandstone; spiny surface on weathered outcrop |
24.0 |
| Sandstone, white to light-yellow, horizontally stratified, friable,
fine- to medium-grained; contains abundant quartz crystal lined geodes
in upper 2.5 ft | 5.0
| Total upper unit | 73.6
White Rim Sandstone Memberlower unit: |
| Sandstone, white to very light brown; friable, fine-grained with few
medium grains of quartz; planar crossbedded laminae 10 ft long; upper
contact is sharp erosional break at section locality |
| Total exposed White Rim Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation | 76.6 |
SECTION 5.Moenkopi Formation, Kaibab Limestone, and White Rim
Sandstone Member of Cutler Formation
[In NE cor. sec. 20 and NW cor. sec. 21, T. 34 S., R. 8 E.
(unsurveyed), east-central Circle Cliffs area, Garfield County (near
Burr Trail); lat 37°50'20", long 111°02'30". Measured by E. S.
Davidson and Gilbert Thomas] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Chinle Formation (incomplete): |
| Mottled-siltstone unit: |
| Lower 3 ft moderate-brown mudstone; contains abundant scattered coarse
to very coarse grains of quartz. Next 4 ft mottled white and
purple-white fine-grained to very fine grained sandstone containing
scattered coarse to very coarse grains of quartz. Upper 2 ft mudstone;
weathers yellow brown; contains abundant hematite nodules | 9.7 |
Moenkopi Formation: |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown to reddish-brown, laminated to very thin
bedded, shaly; contains local 1-in.-thick lenses of gray very fine
grained micaceous sandstones. (This unit locally removed by
pre-Chinle erosion). | 21.6 |
| Siltstone to very fine grained sandstone, reddish-brown to greenish
yellow, cuspate ripple marked, in beds 1/2- to 1 in. thick; very
micaceous; slightly calcareous | 2.6 |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown to reddish-brown, shaly, slightly
ripple-laminated to horizontally stratified; laminae 1/16-1/8 in.
thick; micaceous; contains a resistant ledge of rippled red siltstone
18.9 ft above base of unit | 32.1 |
| Sandstone, greenish-gray, very fine grained to silty,
ripple-laminated; small-scale cross-stratified in beds 1/4-3 in. thick; slightly
calcareous | 4.5 |
| Silty mudstone and mudstone, reddish-brown; upper 2 ft bleached
gray white; contains local lenses of shaly greenish-gray micaceous
siltstone and very fine grained sandstone; 6-in.-thick beds of
greenish-gray calcareous very fine grained sandstone 40.8-45 ft above
base; ripple cross-stratification common throughout unit | 116.2 |
| Mudstone, gray to greenish-gray; weathers light yellow; contains
discontinuous lenses of very fine grained sandstone at 5- to 6-ft
intervals; petroliferous | 29.9 |
| Sandstone, greenish-gray, very fine
grained, micaceous; yellowish-brown on surface; contains specks of
hematite altered from pyrite | 1.5 |
| Mudstone and siltstone, gray to
yellow-brown; weathers pale green to yellow gray; shaly; very thin
bedded; unit contains local discontinuous thin lenses of very fine
grained sandstone; petroliferous | 23.0 |
| Sandstone, brown to black;
weathers yellow to gray, fine grained to very fine grained; ripple marks
in beds 1/8-1/4 in. thick; contains abundant gypsum on bedding
and fracture planes; highly petroliferous; forms ledge | 30.0 |
| Mudstone,
gray, shaly; weathers light yellow; contains local very thin to thin
beds of fine-grained sandstone; locally contains gypsum along bedding
planes and fractures; poorly exposed; contact with
unit below gradational | 17.2 |
| Sandstone, light-yellow to reddish-brown; slabby to
shaly; beds as much as 1 ft thick; ripple marks and small-scale
cross-stratification; petroliferous; locally contains limonite and
hematite nodules and concretions | 153.2 |
| Sandstone, very pale yellow to white; unit contains
as much as 30 percent chert nodules, and abundant quartz geodes. Upper
part of unit is fine-grained sandstone containing as much as 10 percent
dolomite cement and abundant 1/4-3/8-in. thick beds of
chert; locally upper 5 ft contains more than 50 percent bedded chert;
petroliferous | 18.2
| Total Moenkopi Formation | 450.0
Kaibab Limestone: |
| Dolomite, pale-yellow; beds 1-2 ft thick; contains quartz geodes,
sponge spicules, as much as 5 percent green specks of apatite, and 1-to
2-in.-thick beds of chert | 22.7 |
| Sandstone, gray to white, fine-grained, friable; contains as much as 5
percent quartz geodes and chert nodules | 1.7 |
| Dolomite, very thick bedded; contains abundant quartz geodes |
5.8 |
| Dolomite, pale-yellow to white; contains as much as 5 percent
quartz geodes, a moderate number of specks of green apatite, and, in
lower 2-3 ft, as much as 5 percent fine quartz sand; petroliferous;
contains gastropods and sponge spicules |
| Total Kaibab Limestone | 44.9
Cutler Formation: |
| White Rim Sandstone Memberupper unit: |
| Sandstone, yellowish-gray, fine-grained, well-sorted; friable except in
upper 2 ft, which is poorly sorted fine-grained dolomitic sandstone
containing as much as 20 percent dolomite; locally petroliferous;
fossiliferous (gastropods, pelecypods, and brachiopods) |
9.3 |
| Dolomitic sandstone, medium- to coarse-grained, poorly sorted |
1.4 |
| Sandstone, gray and white, fine-grained, friable, thin- to thick-bedded |
6.9 |
| Sandstone, light-yellow, fine-grained, thick-bedded; cemented with
dolomite; base of exposure not base of unit |
| Total exposed upper unit of White Rim Sandstone Member
of Cutler Formation | 22.3 |
SECTION 6.Moenkopi Formation
[In east-central part of sec. 15, T. 35 S., R. 8 E. (unsurveyed),
east-central Circle Cliffs area, Garfield County; lat 37°46' long
111°01' Measured by E. S. Davidson and Gilbert Thomas] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Chinle Formation: |
| Mottled-siltstone unit: |
| Mudstone, mottled light-gray, white, and purplish-brown;
contains abundant medium to coarse grains of quartz sand; firmly
cemented | 7.0 |
Moenkopi Formation: |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown, micaceous, interbedded with greenish-gray
micaceous siltstone to fine-grained sandstone; upper 5 ft purplish brown | 10.4 |
| Siltstone to very fine grained sandstone, light-greenish-gray, blocky
splitting; contains ripple-laminated layers about 1 in. thick | 2.5 |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown; beds 1/8 in. thick; interbedded with
1/4-in.-thick beds of yellow to greenish-gray very fine grained
micaceous sandstone | 22.8 |
| Sandstone, greenish-gray to yellowish-gray, very fine grained, thin
bedded | .8 |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown, very thin bedded | 6.1 |
| Sandstone, light-yellow to greenish-gray, very fine grained, micaceous | 1.0 |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown, very thin bedded; contains a few
interbeds of yellow micaceous very fine grained sandstone | 2.1 |
| Sandstone to siltstone, yellow to greenish-gray; fine sand to silt;
very micaceous; ripple-laminated beds 1/32-4 in. thick | 4.5 |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown; beds 1/16-1/8 in. thick; contains
layers of greenish-gray micaceous very fine grained sandstone about every
3 ft | 76.4 |
| Siltstone to sandstone, brown, silty to very fine grained,
micaceous, probably feldspathic | 1.6 |
| Mudstone, light-yellowish-gray; upper 8 ft dark reddish brown to
brownish red; beds less than 1/16 in. thick; forms slope | 49.8 |
| Siltstone and fine-grained sandstone, light-greenish-gray, very thin
bedded; abundant cuspate ripples; micaceous | 1.0 |
| Siltstone and mudstone, light-greenish-gray, shaly, pyritic, ripple
laminated; beds 1/16-1/8 in. thick | 15.5 |
| Siltstone, yellowish-gray, ripple laminated; contains less than 0.5
percent pyrite; forms massive ledge | 2.0 |
| Siltstone, gray; weathers light yellow; shaly; ripple laminated;
very thin bedded; contains a few layers of mudstone and less than 0.5
percent pyrite | 9.0 |
| Siltstone, light-greenish-gray; weathers pale light yellow; contains
less than 0.5 percent pyrite cubes | 1.5 |
| Mudstone, light-gray, slightly micaceous; contains less than 5
percent brownish-red beds; forms slope | 24.0 |
| Sandstone, brownish-black to black; weathers gray; fine grained;
cross stratified; highly pertroliferous; pyritic | 10.4 |
| Sandstone, dark-gray; weathers light gray; medium grained to very
fine grained; contains ripple marks, small-scale cross-strata, and
local 1- to 3-ft-thick layers of very thin bedded shaly siltstone; highly
petroliferous | 66.1 |
| Sandstone, dark-gray, very fine grained, thin-bedded, petroliferous;
ripple-laminated beds 1/8-1/2 in. thick; ledge former | 57.2 |
| Siltstone and mudstone, red, thin-bedded to very thick bedded,
micaceous | 10.8 |
| Siltstone, red, ripple-laminated | 19.1 |
| Sandstone, very fine grained, petroliferous; beds 1-8 ft thick |
46.8 |
| Conglomerate, pebbles of chert in a matrix of medium-grained sandstone;
cemented by yellowish-orange carbonate; locally petroliferous;
probably Sinbad Limestone Member | 5.2
| Total Moenkopi Formation | 446.6
Kaibab Limestone: |
| Dolomite, cherty, dark-yellow-brown (not measured). |
SECTION 7.Lampstand Draw section A
[Sec. 13, T. 33 S., E. 6 E. (unsurveyed), northwest
Circle Cliffs area. Lat 37°56'00" long 111°12' Section begins 1-1/4
mile up the creek from place where the Long CanyonThe Peaks road
crosses Horse Canyon, then transfers 1/2 mile up creek and continues to
promontory to west. Measured by J. H. Stewart and G. A. Williams] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Shinarump Member of Chinle Formation: |
| Sandstone, pale-greenish-yellow; weathers moderate
reddish orange; very coarse grained; poorly sorted (not measured). |
Moenkopi Formation: |
| Claystone and siltstone, grayish-red and
pale-reddish-brown; weathers moderate reddish orange and pale reddish
brown; upper 3 ft bleached to dark yellowish orange; micaceous;
firmly cemented; calcareous; very thinly laminated to thin bedded;
papery to slabby splitting; weathers to form steep frothy slope; upper
73 ft forms vertical cliff in which ripple-laminated and
pseudo-cross-laminated siltstone is common; thin laminae of siltstone
are pale greenish yellow and form conspicuous color bands | 295.0 |
| Siltstone and
claystone, pale-reddish-brown and grayish-orange; weathers pale reddish brown; firmly cemented;
calcareous; predominantly shaly splitting with minor flaggy and slabby
splitting; abundant ripple marks; weathers to ledges and slopes;
contains many lenticular siltstones which form benches and which are
current-ripple-laminated with common pseudo-cross-laminations;
ledges smaller than in underlying unit | 158.6 |
| Siltstone and claystone. Siltstone is pale yellowish
orange and pale reddish brown (weathers same) and very fine grained, has
limonite spots, is firmly cemented (calcareous), forms lenticular
ledges, is current-ripple-laminated with common pseudo-crosslamination,
is shaly to blocky splitting, and weathers to discontinuous ledges.
Claystone is grayish red (weathers same) and micaceous, has very thin
current-ripple laminae, is papery to shaly splitting, and weathers to
steep rubbly slope. Basal 5-10 ft of entire unit altered to
moderate yellow; color change crosses stratification. Unit forms
steep ledgy slope | 91.8 |
| Sinbad Limestone Member: |
| Dolomite, pale-olive, grayish-yellow, and
grayish-olive; weathers dusky yellow; dense to fine grained; contains
sparse medium sized crystals; well-cemented; thin parallel laminae to
thin parallel beds; sparse thin medium-scale trough and planar sets of
high-angle cross-laminations; platy to blocky weathering; weathers to
form steep ledgy slope or vertical cliff; abundant poorly preserved
fossils, mostly pelecypods; sparse thin to thick sets of laminae of
moderate-yellow interbedded siltstone. Section transferred 1/2 mile
north on top of this unit | 44.3 |
| Siltstone and dolomite in lenticular units. Siltstone
is moderate yellow and dark yellowish orange (weathers same), is firmly
cemented, argillaceous, and thinly laminated to parallel-laminated, and
has shaly splitting. Dolomite is grayish yellow (weathers grayish-orange)
dense, very thin to thin parallel bedded, and flaggy to blocky
splitting. Units weather to form a reentrant or steep rubble-covered
slope. Locally the units are absent. They are separated from Kaibab
dolomite by an erosion surface which locally shows 5-10 ft of
relief | 7.9
| Total Moenkopi Formation | 597.6
Unconformity. |
Kaibab Limestone: |
| Dolomite, pale-greenish-yellow (not measured). |
SECTION 8.Lampstand Draw section B
[Sec. 3, T. 33 S., R. 6 E. (unsurveyed), northwest Circle Cliffs
area, Garfield County; lat 37°57' long 111°13' Section is on
promontory about 1-5/8 mile N. 65° W. of top of Lampstand
Draw section A. Measured by J. H. Stewart and G. A. Williams] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Wingate Sandstone (incomplete): |
| Top of section, not top of outcrop. |
| Sandstone, very pale orange; weathers pale yellowish
orange; very fine grained; well sorted (not measured). |
Chinle Formation: |
| Owl Rock Member: |
| Claystone and siltstone, pale-reddish-brown and minor
pale-olive; weathers pale reddish brown; firmly cemented, slightly
calcareous; bedding concealed; tabular; weathers to form steep loose
slope; limy siltstone or limestone ledges 9 and 14 ft above base;
siltstone ledges 27 and 14 ft below top that do not persist
laterally; contains no pure limestone | 84.7 |
| Sandstone, pale-reddish-brown with blotches of
light-greenish gray; weathers pale reddish brown; fine grained;
moderately sorted; composed of angular clear quartz and abundant orange
accessory minerals; firmly cemented, slightly calcareous; tabular;
contains small-scale planar sets of cross-laminae and parallel laminae;
platy splitting; weathers to form inconspicuous ledge in steep slope |
10.1 |
| Siltstone and claystone, pale-reddish-brown and minor
light-greenish-gray; weathers pale reddish brown; firmly cemented,
calcareous and argillaceous; bedding concealed; weathers to form steep
loose slope; limy siltstone in 3-ft-thick bed at 65.8 ft above base, and
in 2-ft-thick bed at 73.2 ft |
| Total Owl Rock Member | 181.2
| Petrified Forest Member: |
| Sandstone, grayish-purple, light-greenish-gray, and
grayish-red; weathers pale red purple and very pale orange; medium
grained, moderately sorted; composed of subangular clear quartz and
abundant orange and black accessory minerals; weakly cemented,
calcareous; tabular; small- to medium-scale trough sets of
cross-laminae; shaly to slabby splitting; weathers to form steep
vertical cliff with steep rubbly slope below |
39.2 |
| Siltstone, predominantly pale-reddish-brown with
minor greenish-gray mostly confined to lower part; weathers moderate
red; contains sparse to abundant medium to coarse sand grains;
composed of clear quartz and black and orange accessory minerals;
firmly cemented, calcareous; bedding concealed; weathers to form steep
rubbly slope; variegated in color; medium- to fine-grained sandstone
beds as much as 4 in. thick at several levels; near base of unit, a
very thin bed of granule conglomerate contains sparse pebbles |
83.4 |
| Sandstone, predominantly dusky red, minor light
greenish-gray; weathers moderate yellowish brown; medium grained;
moderately sorted; composed of subangular clear quartz and abundant orange
and black accessory minerals; poorly cemented, calcareous; tabular;
large-scale planar and trough sets of cross-laminae; minor ripple
laminae; splitting obscure; weathers to form steep bare-rock slope;
light greenish gray confined to very thin beds at 3-ft intervals between
sets of cross-laminae and occasionally in cross-laminations. |
12.8 |
| Claystone, pale-reddish-brown, dusky-red, and
grayish-red-purple; weathers same; firmly cemented, argillaceous;
stratification concealed; weathers to form steep frothy slope; white
bleached spots and nodules contain fragments of the surrounding clay |
| Total Petrified Forest Member | 186.6
| Monitor Butte Member: |
| Claystone, predominantly greenish-gray; some
variegated brownish gray and dark reddish brown with greater amount of
dark reddish brown near top; weathers to light greenish gray; firmly
cemented, calcareous and argillaceous; contains sparse siltstone,
sandstone, and conglomerate beds which extend only short distances and
are grayish red, very dusky red purple, and pale green. Conglomerate
beds composed of limestone pebbles. Siltstones and sandstones highly
micaceous, current ripple-laminated, commonly pseudo-cross-laminated,
and shaly to slabby splitting. Entire unit weathers to form
steep frothy slope and minor ledges | 129.6 |
| Siltstone and sandstone interbedded, pale-reddish-brown; very
pale green in sandy ledges; weathers pale reddish
brown. Sandstone is very fine grained, is composed of clear quartz, and
contains common mica flakes and abundant limonite spots. Unit firmly
cemented, calcareous, lenticular; bedding mostly concealed, but ledges
current ripple-laminated and sparsely pseudo-cross-laminated. Shaly to
blocky; weathers to form steep rubbly slope | 32.4 |
| Claystone and siltstone, light-bluish-gray and
medium-bluish-gray; lower 5 ft pale yellowish orange; weathers light
bluish gray; commonly contains mica flakes; firmly cemented,
calcareous and argillaceous; lenticular; bedding in claystone concealed;
siltstone forms lenticular beds as much as 4 ft thick throughout unit;
shows current ripple lamination and common pseudo-cross-lamination; at
many places beds dip at gentle angles from regional dip; shaly to
blocky splitting; entire unit weathers to a steep frothy and rubbly
slope; sandstones of the Shinarump Member interfinger with this
unit laterally | 37.8
| Total Monitor Butte Member | 199.8
| Mottled-siltstone unit: |
| Claystone and siltstone, grayish-red and
pale-reddish-brown; weathers pale reddish brown; firmly cemented,
calcareous; bedding in claystone concealed, siltstone current ripple-laminated;
common pseudo-cross-lamination, shaly to flaggy splitting;
weathers to form steep slope and minor ledges. Siltstone from 7.4 ft to
12.3 ft, pale yellowish orange in lower part and grayish purple in upper
part; contains very coarse grains of subrounded clear quartz and orange
accessory minerals; manganese nodules | 19.2
| Total Chinle Formation | 586.8
Moenkopi Formation: |
| Claystone and siltstone, grayish-red and
pale-reddish-brown (not measured). |
SECTION 9.Silver Falls section B
[Secs. 25 and 26, T. 35 S., R. 7 E. (unsurveyed), lat
37°44' long 111°07' at southwest side of the farthest outlying mesa
between Dry Fork and South Fork of Silver Falls Creek. Measured by L. C.
Craig, G. A. Williams, H. F. Albee, and J. H. Stewart] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Wingate Sandstone (incomplete): |
| Conglomeratic sandstone, grayish-red to
pale-greenish-yellow; weathers to pale reddish brown; very coarse
grained to fine grained; poorly sorted; well rounded abundant white and
black accessory minerals, also yellow and clear quartz; well cemented,
argillaceous, very weakly calcareous; tabular to irregular;
structureless to faintly parallel structured with small cross-laminated
lenses; slabby weathering; contains granules and pebbles as much as
1-in. in diameter, mostly angular and composed of gray chert; basal
contact bevels Owl Rock Member disconformably, cutting out as much
as 5 ft of beds in 15 ft along contact | 1.8 |
Unconformity. |
Chinle Formation: |
| Owl Rock Member: |
| Same as below but locally weathers to vertical slopes with hoodoo shapes;
tabular with medium-scale trough sets of cross-laminae, subparallel
laminae, or ripple laminae; common light-greenish-gray circular spots
appear to have black, carbonaceous center | 16.9 |
| Siltstone, pale-red, firmly cemented, highly
calcareous; hackly weathering; forms steep rubbly slope broken by
1.5-ft ledge at 45 ft and 3.5-ft ledge at top of unit. Ledges are
conglomeratic sandstone that is pale red mottled with light greenish
gray and that weathers light brown; composed of reddish and greenish
calcareous siltstone pebbles as much as 1-in. in diameter and minor
clear quartz, pinkish to white chert granules, and sparse interstitial
clear quartz. Unit is tabular, parallel to subparallel bedded, slightly calcareous |
66.9 |
| Limestone and siltstone, alternating. Limestone is moderate orange
pink and very light gray, weathers pale red with very
light gray mottling, is very finely crystalline, has black to red
silica-filled stringers, and is tabular; it is thick bedded to very
thick bedded and hackly splitting, and weathers into ledges. Siltstone
is pale red, light olive gray, and very light gray; weathers pale red;
is well sorted; is composed of sparse clear quartz and white mineral;
is firmly cemented, calcareous; forms a tabular unit with
parallel-laminated sets; is platy to papery and in part hackly; and
weathers to steep slope. In ascending order, this unit consists of
siltstone, 12.1 ft; limestone, 2.8 ft; siltstone, 15.9 ft; limestone,
5.0 ft; siltstone, 12.6 ft; limestone, 6.0 ft; siltstone, 7.9 ft;
limestone, 5.3 ft; siltstone, 4.5 ft; and limestone, 5.9 ft | 78.0
| Total Owl Rock Member | 161.8
| Petrified Forest Member: |
| Claystone, pale-reddish-brown, pale-red, and
light-brown, silty; hackly weathering; forms steep earthy to
fine-rubble-covered slope; contains light-gray granule nodules about 20
ft above base; entire unit forms pinkish faintly banded interval on
distant cliffs | 60.6 |
| Sandstone and siltstone, pale-red, pale-brown,
pale-reddish-brown, and very dusky red purple; where sand is coarse,
very light gray; well sorted; composed of rounded clear quartz grains
and common pink and black accessory minerals; firmly to weakly cemented,
calcareous; sandstone is tabular with lenticles of medium-scale trough
crossbed sets; most cross-strata alternately light gray and very dusky
red purple; hackly fracture; weathers to a steep slope | 42.4 |
| Claystone, pale-reddish-brown to light-brown to pale-red; middle
mottled light greenish gray to moderate yellowish brown, highly silty to
very fine grained sandy; hackly fracture; weathers to shallow frothy
surface; entire unit poorly exposed | 74.2 |
| Claystone; pale red purple to grayish red purple in
lower third, pale reddish brown in middle third, and pale red in upper
third; slightly silty lower third and upper third, highly silty middle
third; hackly fracture when fresh; weathers to a deep frothy surface; at
top is 6-in. layer of white fine- to medium-grained poorly sorted
sandstone composed of clear quartz with abundant red, green, and black
accessory minerals and sparse biotite flakes; tabular; small-scale
trough sets of cross-laminae; sandstone forms indistinct ledge capping
steep badland slope on claystone; unit forms prominent brightly colored
band above gray Monitor Butte Member; lower half of unit contains
abundant granule- to boulder-sized limestone nodules |
| Total Petrified Forest Member | 354.6
| Monitor Butte Member: |
| Alternating sandstone and siltstone. Sandstone is
light brown to grayish yellow, weathers light brownish gray, is fine
grained to very fine grained, and moderately sorted, is composed of
clear quartz, common black minerals, sparse to common biotite flakes,
and interstitial limonite(?), is firmly cemented and calcareous;
sandstone units are lenticular and have thin to very thin sets of ripple
laminae and cross-laminae. Siltstone is light olive gray, weathers light
gray, is poorly cemented and calcareous; it is thinly laminated and
irregular splitting; weathers to gentle slope. At the base of the
unit, a thin lenticular conglomerate contains pebbles as much as 3/4-in.
in diameter and composed predominantly of limestone; sandstone lenses
are at 7.3 ft, 21.2 ft, 27.5 ft, and 31.8 ft; between 33.8 ft and 37.1
ft, sandstone lenses predominate; each sandstone lens has a different
attitude, possibly representing contorted bedding | 37.1 |
| Silty claystone, pale-green to medium-light-gray;
weathers light gray; well-sorted; composition masked; poorly cemented,
calcareous; tabular; shaly; weathers to a steep slope; expands
slightly when wet (bentonitic?); contains rounded limonite concretions
as much as 4-in. in diameter; unit contains several prominent steeply
dipping sandstone beds in lower 20 ft (foresets?) | 157.2
| Total Monitor Butte Member | 194.3
| Shinarump Member: |
| Sandstone, grayish-yellow to moderate-yellow;
weathers to brownish black; predominantly coarse grained with minor
very coarse grains; poorly sorted; composed of subangular clear quartz
and rare black grains; brown-stained interstitial clay; clay binding,
slightly calcareous; lenticular unit of medium-scale trough sets of
cross-laminae, slabby to platy, forms thin capping ledge that pinches
out 25 ft southwest but swells to 40
ft thick 1/4 mi northeast | 1.8
| Total Chinle Formation | 712.5 HR> |
Unconformity: Sharp scour contact. |
Moenkopi Formation (not measured). |
SECTION 10.Chinle Formation
[In south-central part of sec. 16, T. 34 S., R. 8 E.
(unsurveyed), in east-central Circle Cliffs area, Garfield County; on
southeast side of Burr Trail; lat 37°50'10" long 111°02'10" Measured
by E. S. Davidson and Gilbert Thomas] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Wingate Sandstone (incomplete): |
| Sandstone, fine-grained, slightly friable, subrounded
to subangular grains, well-sorted; contains local layers of
well-rounded medium to coarse grains of quartz; lower 4 ft
contains abundant medium to coarse grains of quartz and lower 0.6 ft
contains thin beds of coarse grained sandstone |
80.6 |
Chinle Formation: |
| Owl Rock Member: |
| Sandstone, grayish-purple with local greenish-gray
streaks and splotches, fine-grained, ripple-laminated, massive
splitting; contains abundant mica and an unidentified green mineral
that may be chlorite or epidote, interstitial white clay (may be what is
referred to locally as the so-called Hite Bed of Church Rock Member) |
6.6 |
| Mudstone, reddish-brown, slickensided; contains
scattered chert pebbles | .9 |
| Sandstone, light-reddish-brown, very fine grained
with a few scattered medium grains of quartz, slightly dolomitic; lower
1 ft is conglomerate composed of gray chert pebbles in poorly
sorted fine-grained sandstone matrix | 4.3 |
| Siltstone to sandstone, pale-red-purple; composed of
silt to very fine sand, crossbedded | 2.2 |
| Conglomerate; small pebbles of chert and siltstone
in a matrix of moderate-brown mudstone | .4 |
| Mudstone, moderate-brown with a few greenish spots,
very thinly bedded | 38.6 |
| Conglomerate, reddish-brown mottled greenish-gray;
contains well-rounded fragments of reddish-brown mudstone and gray
siltstone as much as 1 in. in diameter; matrix of dolomitic fine- to
medium-grained sandstone | 1.1 |
| Mudstone, moderate-brown with a few greenish-gray
specks | 9.9 |
| Dolomite, greenish-gray; contains a few gray chert
nodules | 1.9 |
| Sandstone and siltstone, mottled reddish-brown and
greenish-gray; consists of silt to very fine sand; slightly dolomitic
in lower 6 ft, grading upward into moderate-brown thinly laminated mudstone |
17.8 |
| Limestone, mottled reddish-brown and greenish-gray;
contains as much as 50 percent fragments of greenish-gray dolomite in
lower 3 ft; a few rounded nodules of greenish-gray and gray chert;
fracture surfaces are coated with finely crystalline dolomite |
5.2 |
| Mudstone, mottled greenish-gray and brown; weathers
light yellowish brown; contains local lenses of limy mudstone |
44.0 |
| Limestone (dolomite?) mottled greenish-gray and red;
contains a few chert pebbles and abundant resistant limy nodules;
massive; hackly fractures | 7.1 |
| Mudstone, reddish-brown mottled greenish-gray;
contains a 3-ft bed of siltstone 7.4 ft above base |
48.6 |
| Limestone, light-brownish-gray mottled greenish-gray,
fine-grained, blocky, probably dolomitic |
2.8 |
| Mudstone, mottled green and reddish-brown; displays
slickensided surfaces | 2.3 |
| Limestone, greenish-gray, dense, thick-bedded;
contains as much as 10 percent white chert nodules 1/16- to 1/2-in. in
diameter and a few limy concretions with hematite borders |
2.1 |
| Sandstone, light-brown; weathers lighter; fine
grained and very fine grained; contains much silt; slightly bentonitic;
grades upward into light-brown mudstone which is mottled bluish-green
in upper loft of unit | 60.9
| Total Owl Rock Member | 256.7
| Petrified Forest Member: |
| Sandstone, fine-grained, lenticular, blocky
fracturing; contains as much as 10 percent interstitial white clay and a
trace of green chlorite(?), abundant muscovite on parting planes, and
brownish-black biotite(?) | 0.8 |
| Sandstone, moderate-brown with abundant greenish-gray
splotches, very fine grained, silty, thinly laminated to slightly ripple
laminated; contains local lenses a few inches thick of thinly laminated
greenish-gray sandstone; unit is bentonitic, feldspathic; contains
moderate amounts of green chlorite(?) and brown biotite | 28.7 |
| Sandstone, gray-white to grayish-purple and white,
medium grained, well-sorted, planar and trough crossbedded;
contains local layers of variegated bentonitic sandstone; kaolinitic;
contains abundant greenish flakes of chlorite(?) and greenish-brown
flakes of biotite(?); weathers to rounded forms | 20.7 |
| Conglomerate; contains banded grayish-purple and
gray-white medium- to coarse-grained quartz sandstone, fragments of
purplish- and greenish-gray mudstone and pebbles of reddish brown
siltstone, in matrix of bentonitic grayish-purple and white
siltstone | 3.4 |
| Mudstone, pink to pale-red-purple, bentonitic | 35.0 |
| Mudstone, light-brown, bentonitic; poorly exposed | 17.7 |
| Mudstone, grayish-purple to grayish-purple and white;
contains abundant flakes of gypsum and dense nodules of limestone;
bentonitic | 9.8 |
| Covered interval, probably same as overlying unit | 4.0 |
| Mudstone, reddish-brown; bentonitic; contains local lenses of poorly
sorted medium-grained kaolinitic sandstone, scattered nodules of chert,
fragments of petrified wood, and gypsum flakes on slope |
| Total Petrified Forest Member | 152.5
| Monitor Butte Member: |
| Mudstone, gray, bentonitic, micaceous | 5.2 |
| Covered; probably medium-grained gray kaolinitic sandstone containing
abundant micas, and traces of malachite as coating on fractures and
bedding planes, conglomeratic at base | 5.4 |
| Mudstone, grayish-purple, bentonitic; contains 1-ft layer of gray
calcareous chert nodules | 37.8 |
| Mudstone, variegated reddish-brown, brown and grayish-purple, bentonitic | 108.0
| Total Monitor Butte Member | 156.4 |
| Mottled-siltstone unit: |
| Sandstone, mottled grayish-purple and white, fine-grained to very fine
grained; contains scattered coarse quartz grains | 6.0
| Total Chinle Formation | 571.6 |
Moenkopi Formation: |
| Mudstone and siltstone, reddish-brown thin-bedded (not measured). |
SECTION 11.Chinle Formation
[Southeast Circle Cliffs area, east of Deer Point; lat 37°42'00"
long 110°57'00", Measured by E. S. Davidson and Albert Specht] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Wingate Sandstone: |
| Sandstone, light-brown, fine-grained with abundant well-rounded coarse
grains of quartz; large-scale planar and trough cross-stratified (not
measured). |
Chinle Formation: |
| Owl Rock Member: |
| Limestone, light-purple; increasing amount of claystone toward
base of unit | 2.5 |
| Siltstone and mudstone, purple-brown, thinly laminated | 22.5 |
| Sandstone,
light-greenish-gray; weathers brown; rippled and
small planar type crossbeds; very fine grained; contains local
lenses of brown siltstone; ledge forming | 15.5 |
| Siltstone, brown; contains local lenticles of greenish-gray silty
limestone | 38.7 |
| Limestone, greenish-gray, thin-bedded, silty, slope forming | 12.9 |
| Siltstone to sandstone, light-gray; weathers light brown; blocky
splitting; ripple-laminated; composed of silt to very fine sand;
ledge-forming | 10.5 |
| Mudstone and siltstone, reddish-brown and greenish-gray,
poorly exposed, slope-forming | 16.2 |
| Limestone, greenish-gray, ledge-forming | 5.0 |
| Mudstone and siltstone, reddish-brown and greenish-gray,
slope-forming | 11.9 |
| Pebble conglomerate, light-greenish-gray; consists of medium- to
coarse-grained sandstone matrix and pebbles of greenish-gray
limestone; grades into underlying unit | 1.0 |
| Mudstone and siltstone, reddish-brown and greenish-gray, very
calcareous in upper 6 ft, poorly exposed, slope-forming | 70.8 |
| Limestone, greenish-gray with red streaks, medium crystalline;
contains some interbeds of greenish-gray mudstone in lower
4 ft | 12.9 |
| Mudstone, light-brown to light-grayish-purple, calcareous;
contains local lenses of purplish and light-greenish-gray limestone | 15.7 |
| Limestone, light-greenish-gray, finely crystalline with abundant
coarse crystals of calcite and coarse grains of quartz | 4.0 |
| Mudstone, light-brownish-red, very slightly bentonitic | 28.2
| Total Owl Rock Member | 268.3
| Petrified Forest Member: |
| Mudstone, variegated hues of purple, brownish-red,
and yellow, bentonitic | 56.4 |
| Sandstone and pebble conglomerate, reddish-brown,
medium- to coarse-grained arkosic sandstone; contains pebbles of brown
limestone | 7.0 |
| Mudstone, variegated purple and reddish-brown,
bentonitic; sandy at top | 29.2 |
| Mudstone, brownish-orange, bentonitic | 38.6 |
| Mudstone,
variegated purple, pale-red-purple, yellow, bluish-gray, bentonitic,
lenses of brown sandstone in upper 10-ft | 32.9 |
| Claystone to mudstone, reddish-brown, bentonitic;
contains abundant masses of nodular calcareous concretions in upper
15-ft and lenses of purplish-gray medium-grained calcareous sandstone in
upper 10-ft; abundant chips and flakes of fibrous limy gypsum on surface
of outcrop | 56.4
| Total Petrified Forest Member | 220.5 |
| Monitor Butte Member: |
| Sandstone, gray to dark-brown, thick-bedded,
ripple-laminated and small-scale crossbedded, fine- and medium-grained;
few thin beds of interlaminated brown mudstone and brown fine grained
sandstone; 100-ft to south this unit interfingers with overlying
bentonitic mudstone | 6.6 |
| Conglomerate, gray; medium- to coarse-grained matrix
of quartz and limestone; pebbles of limestone and siltstone average 1/2
in. in diameter; maximum size 3 in.; calcite cement; some
interstitial white clay | 2.0 |
| Mudstone and claystone, variegated blue-green,
bluish-gray and purple; local beds of limestone in globular masses; some
lenses of gray to white sandstone; some fissures flied with calcite
crystals | 89.4 |
| Sandstone and mudstone, brown, thin-bedded and
ripple-laminated, fine- and medium-grained, feldspathic. Mudstone is
gray and finely laminated | 4.8 |
| Sandstone, grayish-white, thick-bedded,
ripple-laminated and small-scale crossbedded, fine- and medium-grained;
contains some greenish-gray clay partings, a few greenish-gray clay
balls | 9.5 |
| Sandstone and shale, black and white; interbedded
medium grained kaolinitic sandstone and very carbonaceous gray to black
shale | .3
| Total Monitor Butte Member | 112.6
| Total Chinle Formation | 601.4 |
Moenkopi Formation (incomplete): |
| Siltstone, brown, ripple laminated, ledge-forming | 6.0 |
| Base of section, not base of exposure. |
SECTION 12.Glen Canyon Group
[In east-central Circle Cliffs area; lat 37°44'30", long
110°57'30". Measured by E. S. Davidson and Albert Specht] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Carmel Formation (incomplete): |
| Silt and shale, moderate red to moderate
reddish-brown (not measured). Sandstone, brown, flat-bedded, poorly
sorted, fine grained to very coarse grained | 5.0 |
Navajo Sandstone
(measured by planetable and graphic methods): |
| Sandstone, white, fine-grained, friable, quartzose
with a few scattered dark minerals; large-scale crossbedded; beds as
much as 200 ft long and in sets 50 ft thick; smaller in upper 100 ft of
unit; numerous carbonate-cemented fissures in upper part of unit,
increasing in quantity upward; a few calcareous sandstone beds separate
the sets of cross-strata 150-600 ft below top; average spacing of
parting planes in middle 800 ft of unit is almost 100 ft; spacing of
parting planes in lowest 100 ft is 5-25 ft; some parting planes in
lowest 100 ft marked by brown calcareous
sandstone | 1,036.0 |
Kayenta Formation: |
| Sandstone, reddish-brown, massive; small-scale trough crossbedded;
fine-grained; some gray and greenish-gray mudstone chips |
6.6 |
| Sandstone, light-gray; weathers light brownish red; very thick bedded;
flaggy-splitting; medium and coarse grained; abundant gray and brown
mudstone chips; small-scale trough crossbedded
insets 6-8 ft long | 83.6 |
| Sandstone, white, massive, friable, very large scale planar and trough
cross-stratified with local beds of small-scale trough cross-strata sets;
sharp erosional contact with overlying unit | 30.8 |
| Sandstone, brown, thin- to thick-bedded, medium-grained, small-scale
trough crossbedded; abundant brown mudstone chips, lenses of very
coarse sandstone with abundant mudstone chips; sandstone is
feldspathic and slightly micaceous | 22.0 |
| Sandstone, white, very thick bedded, friable, fine- and medium-grained,
quartzose; small- and medium-scale planar and trough crossbedded |
41.6 |
| Sandstone, brown to brownish-red, arkosic, thick-bedded, flaggy
splitting, horizontally stratified and small-scale trough
cross-stratified; medium grained, local concentrations of coarse and very
coarse quartz grains at base |
| Total Kayenta Formation | 277.0
Wingate Sandstone (measured by planetable and graphic
methods): |
| Sandstone, light-brownish-orange, very large scale
planar and trough crossbedded, well-sorted, very fine-grained to
fine-grained with a few coarse grains of quartz; sharp contact with
overlying Kayenta Formation; few lenticles of calcareous sandstone
that weather into lacy structures, especially in upper half of
unit | 225.0 |
| Sandstone, white, small-scale trough and planar
crossbedded, fine-grained, friable; sharp contact with underlying
Chinle Formation | 8.0
| Total Wingate Sandstone | 233.0 |
Chinle Formation (incomplete): |
| Owl Rock Member (incomplete): |
| Limestone, purplish-gray | 3.0 |
| Mudstone, reddish-brown (not measured). |
| Base of section, not base of exposure. |
SECTION 13.Glen Canyon Group
[At Burr Trail, midwestern part of sec. 15, T. 34 S., R. 8 E.,
Circle Cliffs area, Garfield County; lat 37°51', long 111°02' Navajo
and Wingate Sandstone measured by planetable method; Kayenta Formation
measured on ridge 1,000 ft southeast of Burr Trail in Muley Twist
Canyon. Measured by E. S. Davidson and Gilbert Thomas] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Carmel Formation (incomplete): |
| Sandstone, brown, coarse-grained | 6-8
Navajo Sandstone: |
| Sandstone, white, poorly sorted | 1.0 |
| Sandstone, white, very fine grained to fine-grained, well-sorted,
cross-stratified; cemented by calcium carbonate; in upper 100 ft
cross-stratified trough sets are 40-50 ft long; throughout rest of unit
cross-stratified planar and trough sets are as much as 200 ft long |
966.0 |
| Sandstone, white, fine-grained, well-sorted; crossbedded in planar
sets 4-8 ft thick | 10.0 |
| Sandstone, greenish-gray, fine-grained; contains abundant coarse
quartz grains, some interstitial green clay | 1.0
| Total Navajo Sandstone | 978.0
Kayenta Formation: |
| Siltstone and mudstone, grayish-red and purple with
green streaks perpendicular to the bedding, irregular masses of bleached
green rock extending down into unit; contains a few medium-sized quartz
grains and a few iron-oxide cemented nodules of siltstone with limonitic
centers | 1.7 |
| Sandstone, reddish-brown, fine-grained; interbedded
ripple-stratified micaceous fine-grained silty sandstone in lenticular
units about 1 in. thick | 12.4 |
| Sandstone, pale-red to pale-red-purple,
fine-grained; trough and high-angle planar cross-stratification;
trough cross-stratified in sets 10 ft long and 3 ft thick; high-angle
planar cross-stratified in sets 0.5-1 ft thick; unit forms ledges
and slopes | 45.0 |
| Sandstone, white, medium-grained, well-sorted;
trough cross-stratified in sets 4-5 ft long and 2-3 ft
thick | 10.0 |
| Sandstone, purplish-red, fine-grained, thin-bedded;
contains a few ledge-forming beds; upper 6 ft similar to overlying
unit | 10.0 |
| Sandstone, gray, fine-grained; calcareous; rippled
and contorted laminar beds; forms small ledges |
3.8 |
| Sandstone, pale-red-purple, fine-grained, friable,
massive | 1.3 |
| Sandstone, light-purplish-red; weathers light yellow;
fine-grained; well-sorted; planar cross-stratified in sets 4-5 ft
thick and 25 ft long | 17.8 |
| Covered, probably same as underlying unit |
5.0 |
| Sandstone, pale-red-purple; weathers yellowish-brown;
fine-grained with abundant scattered grains of medium-sized clear and
reddish quartz, poorly sorted; planar cross-stratified in sets
10-15 ft long and 3-5 ft thick | 20.2 |
| Covered. Float indicates siltstone and fine-grained
sandstone with local lenses of medium-grained sandstone cemented by
carbonate; unit as a whole reddish brown to purplish red, in beds
1/8-1/4 in. thick | 20.0 |
| Sandstone, fine-grained with some scattered medium
grains, poorly sorted, calcareous; high-angle planar cross-stratified;
some penecontemporaneous slump bedding |
8.5 |
| Sandstone, pale-red-purple, fine-grained; micaceous;
beds form ledges 2-6 ft high; unit is ripple cross-stratified
and planar cross-stratified in sets as much as 20 ft long; thin bedded;
contains discontinuous lenses of calcareous fine-grained white
sandstone | 39.0 |
| Sandstone, white to
pale-red-purple, medium- to coarse-grained,
abundant 1/2- to 2-in. pebbles of greenish-gray siltstone and mudstone;
poorly sorted; trough cross-stratified in sets 2-3 ft long,
1 ft thick; cemented by calcium carbonate | 1.6 |
| Sandstone, pale-red-purple; weathers brown, fine-grained; planar
cross-stratification in sets 30 ft long and 5-6 ft thick; unit
forms ledge | 13.5 |
| Sandstone, pale-red-purple to pale-red, fine-grained, friable, beds 1/8
to 3/8 in. thick; local planar cross-stratified in sets 3 ft
long; unit mostly slope forming except for one ledge-forming calcareous
sandstone near top | 47.1 |
| Sandstone, white, fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted;
cross-stratified in sets 1 ft thick; lower 2 ft contains abundant green
and dark-red dish-brown mudstone chips; carbonate cement |
25.0 |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown | .7 |
| Sandstone, very light orange, fine-grained,
well-sorted, slabby to massive, ripple-stratified and horizontally
stratified; beds 1/8 to 1 in. thick forming massive ledges
2-5 ft thick; local trough cross-stratified in sets 1-2 ft
thick and 1 ft long; few high-angle planar cross-stratified sets 4 in.
thick | 24.6
| Total Kayenta Formation | 307.2
Wingate Sandstone: |
| Sandstone, very light brown to brown, very fine grained to fine grained,
well-sorted; trough type cross-stratified in sets 40-60 ft
thick and 100 ft long; cliff forming; weathers into rounded forms;
contains abundant round solution cavities on weathered surfaces | 232.0 |
Chinle Formation (reported in section 10). |
SECTION 14.Kayenta Formation
[In SE cor. sec. 1, T. 33 S., R. 5 E., northwest part of Circle Cliffs
area, Garfield County Measured by G. A. Miller] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Navajo Sandstone: |
| Sandstone, white, large-scale trough and planar cross-stratified, well
sorted, very fine grained (not measured). |
Kayenta Formation: |
| Limestone, gray to dusky-red, thin-bedded, sandy | 3.0 |
| Sandstone, light-gray
to moderate-reddish-orange, horizontally stratified, silty, very fine
grained, limonite speckled; abundant dark heavy minerals | 5.0 |
| Covered, float of gray slabby sandy limestone | 10.0 |
| Sandstone, red and very dark red, very thin bedded to thick-bedded, very
fine grained to fine-grained | 32.0 |
| Sandstone, white, small-scale trough crossbedded, well-sorted, fine-grained to very fine grained |
12.0 |
| Mudstone, dusky-red, thinly bedded; contains grains ranging in size from
silt to coarse sand, mudstone pebbles | 1.0 |
| Sandstone, white, large-scale crossbedded, fine-grained to very fine
grained; few red mud splits less than 1 ft thick | 64.0 |
| Sandstone, red to very dark red, very thin bedded, calcareous;
fills lows in underlying sandstone unit | 4.0 |
| Sandstone, white to light-gray, large- and small-scale trough
and planar crossbedded, well-sorted, very fine grained | 36.0 |
| Sandstone, yellow-brown to light-red, thin-bedded to very thin
bedded, poorly sorted, silty to fine-grained | 26.0 |
| Sandstone, orange-red to very dark red, very thick bedded to
thick-bedded, poorly sorted, very fine grained to fine-grained | 38.0 |
| Sandstone, light-red to orange-red, very thin bedded to thin-bedded,
silty, very fine grained to fine-grained | 42.0 |
| Sandstone, light-red to pink-red, massive to trough crossbedded,
fine-grained to very fine grained | 67.0
| Total Kayenta Formation | 340.0 |
Wingate Sandstone: |
| Sandstone, light-red to orange, large-scale planar and trough cross
bedded, very fine grained to fine-grained (not measured). |
SECTION 15.Kayenta Formation
[Southeast side of Silver Falls Creek Canyon about 1 mile northeast
of junction with Escalante River;
lat 37°40'30" N., long 111°12' W. Measured by R. F. Wilson and J. R.
Gigone] |
| Thickness (ft) |
| Top of section, not top of exposure. |
Navajo Sandstone (incomplete): |
| Sandstone, very light gray and pinkish-gray in
basal few feet and moderate-reddish-orange above; weathers same colors;
fine grained to very fine grained; sparse scattered medium
grains; well sorted; base sharp and even; unit contains a thick set
of pale-red limy sandstone containing nodules of white chert 10 ft above
base | 30.0 |
Kayenta Formation: |
| Siltstone, pale-reddish-brown in lower two-thirds and
greenish-gray in upper third; weathers same colors; medium silt;
micaceous firmly cemented; stratification concealed; weathers
to form covered slope; base sharp and even |
18.1 |
| Sandstone, pale-reddish-brown - weathers pale red;
fine-grained, locally very fine grained and medium grained; well to
moderately sorted; composed of reddish-stained quartz, light and dark
accessory minerals, and mica; firmly cemented; trough and some planar
sets of low-angle to very low angle medium- to large-scale cross-laminae
and some horizontal laminae; weathers to form ledgy cliff; base sharp
and irregular; unit contains scattered clay pellets in lenticular zones |
89.2 |
| Sandstone, moderate-orange-pink; weathers light
brown, very fine grained to fine grained, well-sorted; composed of
frosted pinkish-stained quartz and sparse dark accessory mineral;
firmly to poorly cemented; planar sets of medium-scale high-angle
cross-laminae; weathers to form vertical cliff; base sharp
and even | 16.2 |
| Silty sandstone to sandy siltstone, pale-reddish-brown
to pale-red; weathers same colors; grades from very fine grained
sandy siltstone to very fine grained silty sandstone, well-sorted;
composed of reddish-stained quartz, a common dark accessory mineral, and
mica; poorly to well-cemented; horizontal and wavy laminae;
weathers to form slope | 18.9 |
| Sandstone,
grayish-orange-pink, light-brown, pale-red, pale-reddish-brown,
and minor moderate-reddish-orange; weathers
same colors; fine grained to very fine grained; well sorted; composed
of reddish-stained quartz, dark and sparse light accessory minerals,
light and dark mica, and common scattered clay pellets; firmly cemented;
horizontal laminae and small to large trough sets of small- to
large-scale low-angle to very low angle cross-laminae; weathers
to form ledgy cliff; base sharp and irregular and marked by
scour surfaces; unit contains several clay pellet conglomerate lenses |
| Total Kayenta Formation | 315.8
Wingate Sandstone (incomplete): |
| Lukachukai Member (incomplete): |
| Sandstone, light-brown to moderate-reddish-orange;
weathers same colors and pale yellowish orange; very fine grained,
locally very fine grained to fine grained; well sorted | 74.8 |
SECTION 16.San Rafael Group
[2 miles northwest of Bitter Creek Divide, sec. 25,
T. 32 S., R. 7 E., lat. 37°59'30" long. 111°05' Measured
by J. C. Wright and D. D. Dickey] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Morrison Formation (incomplete): |
| Sandstone, crossbedded; fills channels; abundant chert pebbles
in lower 1 foot and in some other layers | 10.0
NOTE.The Summerville-Morrison contact is placed
at the base of the lowest crossbedded sandstone. The upper 14 ft of the
underlying unit is light greenish gray and may be part of Morrison
Formation. |
Summerville Formation: |
| Covered, probably red shale and siltstone, upper 14
ft is light greenish gray | 44.0 |
| Limestone, very light gray, dense, massive; has red cherty blebs | 1.0 |
| Covered, probably red shale and siltstone | 17.0 |
| Limestone, very light gray, dense, massive; has red
cherty blebs; similar to top of Summerville Formation as defined at
Summerville point; forms ledge; appears to be fairly continuous for
several hundred yards | 2.0 |
| Covered, probably red shale and siltstone | 3.5 |
| Sandstone, very limy, white, very thin to thin, even beds | 2.5 |
| Covered, probably red shale and siltstone | 3.0 |
| Sandstone, very limy, white, very thin to thin even beds, ripple
laminated at the top of each bed; many layers have conspicuous
coarse grains and granules of colored and black chert; forms ledge | 3.0 |
| Mostly concealed by red wash, probably shale and siltstone; forms
slope | 81.0
| Total Summerville Formation | 157.0
NOTE.The Summerville-Curtis (?) contact is
concealed, probably conformable. |
Curtis(?) Formation: |
| Limestone, very sandy, light-greenish-gray, cherty
cement and nodules, thin bedding with reworked appearance; forms
small ledge | 3.0
| Total Curtis(?) Formation | 3.0
NOTE.The Entrada-Curtis(?) contact shows gentle
scours about 6 in. deep in the top of the Entrada; the Curtis(?) appears
to contain reworked Entrada Sandstone. |
Entrada Sandstone: |
| Upper sandy member: |
| Sandstone, light-brown, top 2-12 ft bleached
greenish-gray, like Curtis(?) Formation, very fine grained, well-sorted,
indistinctly very thin bedded to massive, some irregular flat bedding in
unit; 150 yds north of the section a white slickrim sandstone with
large-scale crossbedding occupies part of this interval; slickrim
thickens northward from 25 ft to 60 ft in 100 yds by addition to the
base of the sandstone; the top contact maintains
an even interval of 38 ft below the base of the
Curtis(?) | 55.0 |
| Siltstone, reddish-orange, earthy, poorly exposed; much
of it in beds 5-15 ft thick; purple clay partings; lower
15 ft shows some light-greenish-gray mottling | 153.0 |
| Sandstone,
light-greenish-gray, fine-grained, poorly to moderately
cemented; composed of white well-rounded quartz
grains and some light-red grains; indistinct thin crossbedding;
several thin purple shale beds at bottom of unit | 40.0
| Total upper sandy member | 248.0
| Medial silty member: |
| Covered; soil suggests earthy red siltstone; there
may be small ledges of slickrim sandstone but none crop out; earthy
siltstone, in beds less than 5 ft thick, probably is interbedded with
subordinate thin shale; thickness computed from measured width
and dip | 359.0 |
| Lower sandy member: |
| Covered, probably sandstone, dark-pinkish-gray, very limy, very
fine grained to medium-grained | 15.5 |
| Purple clay parting | 1.0 |
| Covered, probably reddish-brown earthy
siltstone and fine-grained sandstone | 18.5 |
| Sandstone, pinkish-gray, very fine-grained to
medium-grained, thin, even beds, some sets of medium-scale crossbeds,
poorly exposed | 25.0 |
| Siltstone, reddish-brown, poorly exposed | 8.0 |
| Sandstone, very limy, dark-pinkish-gray; weathers same; very
fine grained to medium grained; moderately sorted; permeable; contains
pink, black, and white quartz grains; very thin to thin even beds; 83
ft above base, 6-in.-thick purple siltstone with 6 in. of white
siltstone on either side | 109.0 |
| Covered, probably reddish-brown, earthy siltstone | 4.0 |
| Covered, probably red shale | 6.0 |
| Covered, probably reddish-brown earthy siltstone | 5.5 |
| Shale, moderate-red with light-greenish-gray mottling, thinly
laminated | 5.0 |
| Siltstone, reddish-brown; composed of earthy siltstone and fine-grained sandstone |
14.0 |
| Sandstone, pinkish-white, well-sorted, fine-grained, bedding in
distinct | 23.0 |
| Covered; soil suggests reddish-brown earthy siltstone and fine-grained
sandstone | 11.0 |
| Sandstone, pinkish-white, very fine grained,
well-sorted; contains some pinkish quartz and some black grains; no
"Entrada berries" (coarse well-rounded quartz grains) noted;
medium-scale crossbedding; forms soft rounded slickrim; concealed in many
places; small covered zone in center probably is reddish-brown
siltstone | 15.5
| Total lower sandy member | 261.0
| Total Entrada Sandstone | 868.0
NOTE.The Carmel-Entrada contact is placed between the highest
gypsum and lowest slickrim sandstone. |
Carmel Formation: |
| Gypsiferous unit: |
| Siltstone, reddish and green, some gypsum seams | 59.0 |
| Gypsum, white | 3.0 |
| Siltstone, reddish, some gypsum beds and seams | 11.0 |
| Siltstone, greenish, some red, some gypsum beds and seams | 30.0 |
| Covered, mostly siltstone, reddish and greenish with red predominating,
some gypsum seams and thin beds; some gypsum beds seem persistent but
others are lenticular | 42.0 |
| Gypsum, white | 2.5 |
| Siltstone, reddish-brown | 2.5 |
| Siltstone, light-greenish-gray, laminated, moderately cemented |
4.5 |
| Siltstone and gypsum; siltstone is moderate reddish brown and contains
gypsum seams; gypsum in beds 1-4 ft thick forms one-third of
unit | 34.0 |
| Siltstone, mostly concealed, light-greenish-gray, laminated,
moderately cemented | 23.0 |
| Siltstone, very limy, orange-pink,
small-scale crossbeds, abundant ripple marks; forms dip slope; thickness
estimated | 4.0
| Total gypsiferous unit | 215.5
| Limestone unit: |
| Limestone, orange-pink, slightly silty; becomes siltier upwards | 3.0 |
| Limestone, yellowish-gray, dense, thin beds, ripple marked |
1.0 |
| Conglomerate
or breccia; more than half is matrix of siltstone that is reddish
brown, limy, massive, contorted in places. Fragments range from pebbles
to pieces more than 8 ft long, some angular, some rounded; most are
limestone from underlying unit, but some large blocks are even-bedded
siltstone and fine-grained sandstones; poorly exposed;
probably formed by slump on depositional surface | 19.5 |
| Limestone, yellowish-gray, dense, very pure, thin beds, ripple-marked | 6.0 |
| Limestone, orange-pink, slightly silty; occurs as irregular flat
very thin beds, a few thin interbeds of yellowish-gray limestone, and a
few thin beds of limestone mud-chip conglomerate | 5.0 |
| Interbedded siltstone (two-thirds) and limestone (one-third); siltstone
is reddish brown, thin to thick bedded; limestone is
orange pink, slightly silty | 10.0 |
| Limestone, orange-pink, slightly silty, clayey | .5 |
| Siltstone, reddish-brown, clayey, very limy; thin to thick
irregularly flat bedded | 5.0 |
| Siltstone, reddish-brown, poorly sorted, slumped | .5 |
| Siltstone, moderate-reddish-brown; contains some clay and very
fine sand; very thin to thin even beds with some interlaminae
of shale of same color; ripple marks; some beds limy | 7.0 |
| Siltstone, moderate-reddish-brown, poorly sorted with some clay
and very fine sand; in slumped contorted units with fairly
flat upper and lower surfaces | 14.0 |
| Sandstone, dark-grayish-orange, medium-grained | 4.0 |
| Sandstone, light-grayish-orange; weathers white; fine to very
fine grained; thin to thick flat beds; reworked Navajo Sandstone | 16.0 |
| Sandstone, dark-grayish-orange, medium-grained, abundant medium
to coarse gray frosted quartz grains; bedding
indistinct; part is low-angle, small-scale crossbedded, and part is
irregularly flat bedded; weathers to form conspicuous grayish-brown ledge | 6.0
| Total limestone unit | 97.5
| Total Carmel Formation | 313.0 |
Navajo Sandstone (incomplete): |
| Sandstone, light-grayish-orange, somewhat paler toward base,
fine-grained, moderately sorted, porous | 43.0 |
SECTION 17.San Rafael Group
[At Red Slide, Hall Creek, sec. 9, T. 36 S., R. 9 E. (unsurveyed); lat
37°42' long 110°56'30". Measured by J. C. Wright and D. D.
Dickey] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Morrison Formation (incomplete): |
| Salt Wash Sandstone Member (incomplete): |
| Top of measured section, not top of exposure. |
| Chert and calcite, white; weathers to show colored clastic(?)
chert granules; some pyrite | 1.5
Summerville Formation: |
| Shale and siltstone, moderate-red, 1-in. to 1-ft thick interbeds of
pale-red siltstone | 18.0 |
| Shale, greenish-gray and dark-grayish-red, a few greenish-white
silty fine-grained sandstone beds | 12.0 |
| Shale (65 percent), moderate-red, interbedded greenish-white silty
fine-grained sandstone (35 percent) in beds 3-9 in. thick | 11.0 |
| Sandstone, silty, greenish-white, very fine grained; contains some
gray frosted rounded medium grains ("Entrada berries"); thin
to very thin even beds | 6.0 |
| Shale, with minor siltstone beds less than 1 in. thick; much of
shale is silty | 17.0 |
| Shale, moderate-red, subordinate light-greenish-gray shale; about
one-fourth light-greenish-gray siltstone in beds 6-12 in. thick | 11.0 |
| Shale, moderate-red; about one-fourth pale-red siltstone in beds
1-12 in. thick | 16.5
| Total Summerville Formation | 91.5
NOTE.The Summerville-Entrada contact is mostly concealed; it
appears conformable from a distance. |
Entrada Sandstone: |
| Upper sandy member: |
| Sandstone, reddish-orange; weathers same; very fine grained, well
sorted; "Entrada berries" conspicuous about 20 ft above base and also
about 15 ft below top, sparse elsewhere; forms rounded slickrim-type
cliff. Bedding as follows:
| Feet above base |
Top. Irregular flat thin beds | 171.0-177.0 |
Small- to medium-scale cross-strata | 142.5-171.0 |
Irregular flat thin beds | 141.0-142.5 |
Small- to medium-scale cross-strata | 138.0-141.0 |
Irregular flat thin beds | 134.0-138.0 |
Medium- to large-scale cross-strata | 95.5-134.0 |
Irregular flat thin beds | 92.5-95.5 |
Large-scale cross-strata in sets as much as 15 ft thick | 68.5-92.5 |
Irregular flat thin beds | 66.0-68.5 |
Similar to unit at base | 30.0-66.0 |
Irregular flat thin beds | 26.5-30.0 |
Base. Large-scale cross-strata in sets 3-6 ft thick. | 0-26.5 |
| Total thickness | 177.0 |
| Sandstone, silty, light-reddish-brown, very small
scale to medium-scale cross-strata | 12.0
| Total upper sandy member | 189.0
| Medial silty member: |
| Covered by valley alluvium; presumably soft earthly
siltstone with subordinate interbeds of slickrim sandstone;
thickness computed from outcrop width | 337.0 |
| Lower sandy member: |
| Sandstone, brown, very fine grained, some silt,
moderately sorted; composed of rounded quartz grains, some of which are
frosted; indistinct bedding, mostly irregular flat beds; a few
medium-scale crossbeds in sets about 3 ft thick; weathers to
rounded slickrim; middle part appears coarser and more
distinctly crossbedded than the rest. Approximate thickness
(precise dip determination impossible) | 332.0 |
| Covered except for a few small exposures of red siltstone, dusky-red
clayey material in the upper few feet, and
several massive beds, probably contorted; forms recess | 19.5 |
| Sandstone, white, fine-grained, well-sorted; composed of rounded
quartz and a few reddish chert grains; well-cemented;
probably medium-to large-scale planar sets of cross-strata, much
jointed; forms ridge | 12.0
| Total lower sandy member | 363.5
| Total Entrada Sandstone | 889.5
Carmel Formation: |
| Gypsiferous unit: |
| Shale and shaly siltstone, soft-weathering, mostly concealed, pale-red,
pale-purple, and yellowish-gray | 74.0 |
| Limestone unit: |
| Covered, probably reddish-brown siltstone | 47.0 |
| Shale, very limy, light-brown,
some white bleached spots; weathers same | 8.0 |
| Shale, silty, and reddish-orange siltstone, partly concealed | 11.0 |
| Mostly
covered; probably moderate-reddish-brown siltstone and minor
sandstone | 7.0 |
| Siltstone, sandy, white, moderately sorted, very calcareous,
well-cemented; massive with casts of channels at base; forms ledge |
2.0 |
| Covered, probably reddish-brown siltstone as indicated by
abundant float | 10.0 |
| Sandstone, moderate-reddish-orange; weathers moderate brown; very fine
grained; silty; well-cemented, calcareous | 2.0 |
| Breccia; siltstone matrix (85 percent) with angular silty limestone
fragments a fraction of inch to 6 in. across; probably formed by
slumping | 12.0 |
| Siltstone, moderate-reddish-brown, partly thin-bedded, partly
massive; includes a few beds of massive very fine grained
sandstone, same color | 16.0 |
| Covered, probably similar to overlying unit | 3.0 |
| Sandstone, pale-reddish-brown, very fine grained, massive beds
0.5-2 ft thick, separated by siltstone partings; uppermost bed
is limy and capped by 2 in. of very limy ripple-marked sandstone | 8.0 |
| Sandstone, moderate-orange-pink, fine- to medium-grained well-sorted;
composed of rounded quartz grains; thin even beds; very thin bedded at top;
appears to be reworked Navajo Sandstone | 8.0
| Total limestone unit | 134.0
| Total Carmel Formation | 208.0 |
NOTE.The Navajo-Carmel contact truncates cross bedding in the
Navajo and is overlain by reworked sand from the Navajo. |
Navajo Sandstone: |
| Sandstone, white, medium-grained, large-scale trough and planar
sets of crossbeds | 300.0 |
SECTION 18.The Morrison Formation in Long Canyon
[Lat 37°40', long 110°53'. Measured by G. A. Miller and B. L.
Long] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Dakota Sandstone (incomplete): |
| Conglomerate, light-brown, crossbedded; contains light brown, white,
gray, and sparse black rounded chert pebbles (average diameter 3/4 in.,
maximum 1-1/2 in.) in matrix of coarse-grained cherty sandstone |
15.0 |
Morrison Formation: |
| Brushy Basin Shale Member: |
| Mudstone, light-olive-green to gray, bentonitic; largely covered by
landslide blocks of Dakota Sandstone | 50.0 |
| Mudstone, light-olive-green to light-gray, very bentonitic, massive,
slightly sandy; weathers to light gray "popcorn" surface | 82.0 |
| Mudstone and sandstone. Mudstone is olive green, bentonitic, and very
sandy; it weathers to a "popcorn surface." Sandstone is light olive
brown to light gray and very fine grained; it contains sparse grains of
red and green chert | 9.0 |
| Conglomerate, greenish-gray, crossbedded, lenticular; 1/4 in. red and
green chert pebbles in very coarse grained mudstone matrix containing
red and green chert and sparse clear quartz grains; a few partings of
green mudstone | 2.0 |
| Mudstone, bentonitic, light-olive-green to gray, massive; weathers to
light gray "popcorn" surface | 3.5 |
| Sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate,
light-olive-green; sandstone is very fine grained to fine grained and
contains sparse grains of red chert; mudstone is light green;
conglomerate is olive green, lenticular, and contains abundant
silicified wood fragments and pebbles of green mudstone unit poorly
exposed | 8.0 |
| Mudstone, light-purple to light-olive-green; contains
sparse 2-in. beds of very fine grained to medium-grained poorly sorted
light-gray sandstone | 6.0 |
| Sandstone and conglomerate, light-gray; weathers
dark brown; sandstone poorly sorted, fine to coarse grained, and very
well cemented; conglomerate is mainly red and green chert pebbles
averaging 1/4 in. in diameter. Unit is bench and ledge forming |
2.5 |
| Conglomerate, greenish-gray, well-cemented; contains
3/8-in. red and green chert pebbles in matrix of very coarse sandstone
and sparse interstitial green clay | 1.0 |
| Mudstone, light-gray-yellow grading downward to
light-purple, bentonitic; contains well-cemented lenses of conglomerate
containing 3/85/8-in. pebbles of red, green, and gray chert |
33.0 |
| Sandstone, light-gray; weathers to dark gray and
dark brown; horizontally stratified; tightly cemented; well-sorted
fine-grained sand with white interstitial kaolinite(?); locally
cemented by carbonate | 3.0 |
| Mudstone, light-purple to light-green, bentonitic,
sparse 2-in. beds of gray very fine grained sandstone |
14.5 |
| Sandstone, light-gray to white, crossbedded, fine- to
medium-grained, well-cemented at base, friable at top; upper 5 ft
slightly conglomeratic; contains 1-in. white and gray chert pebbles. To
north of this section unit contains abundant red and green chert
pebbles | 14.0 |
| Sandstone, light-gray, medium- to fine-grained,
calcareous cement locally | 1.5
| Total Brushy Basin Shale Member | 230.0
| Salt Wash Sandstone Member: |
| Mudstone, dark-reddish-brown, slightly silty | 8.6 |
| Sandstone, yellow-gray to light-brown, crossbedded, medium-grained,
slightly conglomeratic; gray chert pebbles predominate over red and
green chert | 43.2 |
| Sandstone, very light brown to light-yellow-brown, very fine
grained, horizontally stratified in 1-ft beds; some red mudstone at top
of unit; tongues with red mudstone to west | 5.5 |
| Sandstone, white to light-gray, trough crossbedded, medium- to
coarse-grained; sparse conglomerate layers contain 1/2-in. pebbles of
light-gray chert; lower 3 ft locally contains some red mudstone | 19.8 |
| Mudstone, red-brown, silty; contains local 1-ft beds of light-brown
very fine grained sandstone | 12.0 |
| Sandstone, conglomeratic, light-brown to very light gray, cross bedded
to horizontally stratified near top; sandstone very fine grained,
limonite speckled; conglomerate contains pebbles of gray-white chert and
sparse red chert and reddish quartz | 32.5 |
| Sandstone, light-brown to brown, horizontally stratified in beds
1-2 ft thick, fine-grained to very fine grained, local layers of
reddish mudstone | 6.0 |
| Sandstone and conglomerate, light-gray to light-brown, medium-
to fine-grained; few beds of reddish mudstone in basal 15 ft | 123.0 |
| Mudstone, red; contains few thin beds of very fine grained silty
reddish-brown sandstone | 6.5 |
| Sandstone, light-brown to very light gray, horizontally stratified,
fine-grained to very fine grained; few interbeds of dark-reddish
mudstone | 11.5 |
| Sandstone, very light gray, crossbedded, fine- to coarse-grained,
locally conglomeratic, local beds of red mudstone as much as
6 in. thick | 34.0 |
| Mudstone and sandstone; mudstone reddish; sandstone light
gray to light olive green and very fine grained | 10.5 |
| Sandstone, light-gray to white, crossbedded, very fine grained
to coarse-grained, local conglomerate in beds as much as 2 ft
thick | 8.0 |
| Sandstone, light-gray to light-brown, in beds as much as 1 ft
thick with interbeds of reddish mudstone | 16.0 |
| Sandstone, conglomeratic, light-gray to white, medium- to
fine-grained; conglomerate layers contain gray chert and quartz
pebbles as much as 1/2 in. in diameter | 10.0 |
| Sandstone, light-pinkish-brown, horizontally stratified in beds
1 in. to 1 ft thick, fine-grained; few 2-in. beds of green
siltstone near top of unit | 4.0 |
| Mudstone, reddish, silty and sandy, few local 3-in.-thick beds of
very fine grained silty sandstone | 8.5 |
| Sandstone, very light gray to white, crossbedded, medium-grained
to very fine grained with abundant grains of pink
chert; locally conglomeratic near base, with chert and quartz
pebbles as much as 1/2 in. in diameter | 18.0 |
| Sandstone, light-pinkish-brown, flat bedded in beds 3-5 ft thick | 15.8 |
| Sandstone, light-pinkish-brown to light-gray; weathers tan and
dark brown, horizontally stratified in beds 1-3 in. thick, fine
grained to very fine grained | 4.6 |
| Sandstone, light-gray to light-bluish-gray, horizontally stratified,
very fine grained | 4.0 |
| Mudstone, dusky-red, interbeds of red sandy and silty mudstone | 11.0 |
| Limestone, light-blue; contains as much as 50 percent medium sized
quartz grains | 3.0
| Total Salt Wash Sandstone Member | 416.0
| Total Morrison Formation | 646.0 |
Summerville Formation: |
| Siltstone and sandstone, not measured in detail | 129.0 |
SECTION 19.Morrison Formation on northwest side of Big Thomson
[Salt Wash Sandstone Member section begins at lat 37°43', long
110°56'; Brushy Basin Shale Member section
begins 2,000 ft to the north. Measured by G. A. Miller and B. L.
Long] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Dakota Sandstone (incomplete): |
| Conglomerate, gray; pebbles of gray and black chert
in medium-grained sandstone matrix; well cemented; limonitic (not
measured). |
| Mudstone, gray, shaly, carbonaceous | 5.0 |
Morrison Formation: |
| Brushy Basin Shale Member: |
| Mudstone, olive-green, poorly exposed, slightly
sandy; contains a few 6-in.-thick beds of dark-green very fine grained
well-cemented sandstone | 75.0 |
| Mudstone, light-olive-brown, bentonitic, very sandy,
poorly exposed; sparse interbeds of olive-brown very fine grained to
fine-grained sandstone 4-6 in. thick | 18.0 |
| Sandstone and conglomerate; sandstone is alternating
olive green and light gray in bands 1-3 in. thick, crossbedded,
fine to medium grained; conglomerate in lower part of unit is
greenish gray, lenticular; contains pebbles of red and green chert,
greenish-gray mudstone, and sparse gray chert | 15.0 |
| Mudstone, light-olive-brown to light-olive-green,
some red especially near base, silty, bentonitic, poorly exposed |
91.0 |
| Conglomerate, light-gray, crossbedded; average
diameter of pebbles 1/2 in., maximum 2-1/2 in.; contains red and green
chert, sparse red quartzite and gray chert, and some limestone
fragments containing crinoids; matrix is coarse-grained to very coarse
grained sandstone | 19.5 |
| Mudstone, dark-red, silty, poorly exposed | 25.0 |
| Sandstone, light-yellow-brown; weathers dark brown
and dark gray; crossbedded; thick bedded; blocky; fine to very fine
grained; calcareous cement | 2.5 |
| Mudstone, red with some gray, silty, slightly
bentonitic; few lenticles of massive-light-brown very fine grained
calcareous cemented sandstone 7 ft below top | 22.5 |
| Sandstone, light-gray; weathers dark brown; massive;
very fine grained to medium grained; interstitial white clay
(kaolinite?); calcareous cement | 1.5 |
| Conglomerate; not present at location of Brushy Basin
section, largely covered at location of Salt Wash section;
variegated red, green, and gray, crossbedded, abundant pebbles of red,
green, yellow, and minor gray chert in matrix of gray coarse-grained
sandstone | 0-20
Total Brushy Basin Shale Member | 270.0-290.0
| Salt Wash Sandstone Member: |
| Covered; float and outcrops several hundred feet away
are red mudstone | 10.0 |
| Sandstone, pale-grayish-yellow to light-gray with
small irregular patches of yellow, very fine grained, thick-bedded;
contains sparse limonite specks and sparse granules and pebbles
of chert | 12.0 |
| Sandstone and conglomerate, very light gray,
yellowish-gray, pale-orange, and light-greenish-gray; contains abundant
limonite specks and stained areas; sandstone in beds as much as 3 ft
thick is medium coarse grained to medium grained, cross bedded, and has
conglomeratic layers along bedding planes; conglomerate, yellowish gray;
consists of pink quartzite and chert, light-gray chert, and sparse
clear quartz; average diameter of subrounded to rounded pebbles
is 1/4 in., maximum 1 in. Upper 10 ft of unit is yellow gray to
pale orange and is less conglomeratic than lower part | 31.5 |
| Sandstone, silty, moderate-yellow-brown to
dark-brown, very fine grained, horizontally stratified | 1.8 |
| Sandstone and conglomerate; sandstone is dark
yellowish orange to pale yellowish orange, medium fine grained,
crossbedded in beds 1-3 ft thick; conglomerate interbeds are
3-5 ft thick, crossbedded, moderate yellow to pale yellowish-orange;
pebbles average about 0.4 in. in diameter and are composed of yellow
and gray chert and sparse red chert | 7.0 |
| Conglomerate, brown to dark-gray, subangular to
rounded pebbles of white, gray, and brown chert and sparse milky and
rose quartz; average diameter of pebbles is about 3/4 in., maximum 2
in. | 15.0 |
| Sandstone, light-brown to grayish-orange
medium-grained; principally quartz and abundant grains of white altered
chert(?); abundant limonite specks | 14.0 |
| Conglomerate, light-gray; basal 1 ft contains sparse
blocks of sandstone 3 in. thick and 12 in. long and pebbles of
light-gray chert, green mudstone, clear quartz, and sparse red chert;
abundant granule-sized grains; grades upward into overlying unit |
3.0 |
| Sandstone and conglomerate, light-gray to
pale-orange-brown, fine- to coarse-grained, calcite cement, crossbedded;
pebbles average about 0.4 in. in diameter, mostly dark-gray silicified
limestone, quartzite, and gray chert; sparse red chert; sand grains and
chert pebbles rounded to subrounded, other pebbles
subangular | 30.0 |
| Sandstone, pinkish- to yellowish-gray and very light
gray; weathers white to light gray; very fine grained; well sorted;
sparse granules and pebbles of dark-gray chert | 5.0 |
| Covered (talus and landslide); sparse outcrops in this interval
within a few hundred feet of section are red mudstone
and thin lenticular sandstone similar to underlying unit | 143.5 |
| Sandstone: lower 4 ft light gray, fine grained; upper 3 ft medium
to coarse grained. Unit contains abundant
grains of red chert, sparse granules of red and gray chert along some
bedding planes; it is horizontally stratified and crossbedded, very
lenticular, and appears to pinch out 20 ft north of section | 7.0 |
| Sandstone, light-grayish-yellow, fine-grained to very fine grained,
laminated; laminae about 0.1 in. thick, conspicuous on weathered surface | 5.5 |
| Sandstone, light-reddish-brown to light-gray, medium- to medium-coarse-grained,
crossbedded, abundant limonite specks; sparse
pebbles of light-gray chert along bedding planes; forms cliff | 22.0 |
| Mudstone, reddish, poorly exposed | 2.0 |
| Conglomerate, light-gray to grayish-pink; average diameter of
pebbles is about 1/2 in., maximum 2 in.; mostly white and red
chert, some green chert, quartzite, sandstone, and clear quartz | 5.0 |
| Sandstone, conglomeratic, light-gray to pale-reddish-brown;
weathers dark reddish brown. Average diameter of pebbles is
about 1/2 in., maximum 1-3/4 in.; consist of chert, clear quartz,
dark-gray quartz, quartzite, and sparse sandstone and silicified
limestone; limestone pebbles contain impressions of crinoid
stems. Unit is crossbedded, has numerous scour and fill
structures; cliff former | 28.0 |
| Sandstone, very light gray, very fine grained; contains abundant
black opaque minerals and green chert(?) grains; horizontally
stratified; tightly cemented by calcium carbonate(?) | 4.0 |
| Mudstone, silty, dark-red | 4.0 |
| Sandstone, conglomeratic in lower 3 ft, light-gray, speckled with
limonite, very fine grained to coarse-grained; pebbles angular
to subangular, gray to grayish-red chert and sparse clear quartz,
average about 1/2 in. in diameter; sparse coarse grains of white
chert(?) in sandstone; unit forms cliff, fills scour in underlying
unit | 32.5 |
| Sandstone, very silty, reddish-brown to light-red;
very fine grained, poorly exposed | 1.0 |
| Sandstone, light-reddish-brown, very fine grained to fine-grained;
contains sparse flakes of green claystone; abundant limonite;
horizontally stratified in beds as much as 1.5 ft thick; weathers
pale red | 5.5 |
| Sandstone, white to very light gray, fine-grained with
sparse pebbles of light-gray chert as much as 1/2 in. in diameter scattered
along bedding planes; crossbedded; abundant limonite specks; sparse
black opaque mineral grains; weathers pale yellowish brown; unit
contains numerous scour structures; top of unit
is horizontally stratified | 11.7 |
| Sandstone, very silty, light-yellowish-brown, very fine grained;
abundant limonite stains on outcrop; occurs in beds about 6 in.
thick | 2.4 |
| Sandstone, very light gray, very fine grained to fine-grained; sparse
grains of red chert and flakes of olive-green mudstone locally;
horizontally stratified in beds as much as 1.5 ft thick | 3.3 |
| Sandstone and mudstone; alternating pale-green mudstone and
light-pinkish-red, very fine grained, well-sorted sandstone in
beds 1-4 in. thick | 3.0 |
| Sandstone, silty, reddish-brown, very fine
grained, tightly cemented, horizontally stratified | 3.0 |
| Sandstone,
slightly conglomeratic, light-gray, fine- to medium-grained;
pebbles rounded to angular light-red quartz and gray chert as
much as 1 in. in diameter; pebbles scattered along bedding planes
throughout unit; sparse black opaque mineral grains and sparse grains of
weathered chert(?). Unit is the stratigraphically lowest scouring
sandstone in the Salt Wash in this area | 19.0 |
| Sandstone, light-gray to pinkish-gray, very fine- to coarse-grained;
horizontally stratified to crossbedded; crossbedded portions are poorly
sorted | 3.8 |
| Sandstone, very light gray, very fine grained; locally yellow brown due
to limonite specks; horizontally stratified in beds 1-1.5 ft thick | 2.7 |
| Sandstone, very silty, slightly calcareous, pale-reddish-brown, very
fine grained to fine-grained, poorly sorted | 1.0 |
| Sandstone, light-gray, very fine grained, horizontally stratified;
weathers yellowish brown | 1.7 |
| Sandstone, light-gray to olive-brown, very fine grained; contains
abundant limonite specks, sparse black opaque minerals; laminated in
beds about 0.6 in. thick; upper 2 in. of unit contains medium-grained
sand and is poorly sorted; forms ledge | 2.4 |
| Mudstone, silty, very dusky red to dark-reddish-brown; sparse beds of
light-grayish-green mudstone near top; upper 3 ft contains lenses of
light-yellowish-gray very fine grained sandstone that contains sparse
flakes of carbonaceous material | 6.7 |
| Sandstone, very tightly cemented with silica, yellowish-gray to
light-olive-gray, very fine grained; weathers light olive gray; local
blebs of green mudstone in lower 2 in.; forms conspicuous ledge |
1.6 |
| Mudstone, sandy, grayish-olive to grayish-green to pale-red along
outcrop | 1.0 |
| Sandstone, yellowish-gray to greenish-gray, very fine grained,
crossbedded, small flakes of carbonaceous material locally, very
lenticular, grades into greenish-gray mudstone in nearby outcrops |
2.2 |
| Mudstone, silty, reddish-brown; contains 6-in.-thick beds of
light-yellowish-green siltstone locally; upper 1 foot contains sparse
light-pinkish-red nodules of calcareous siltstone | 8.5 |
| Sandstone, light-yellowish-gray, very fine grained, horizontally
stratified, well-sorted; poorly exposed | .8 |
| Limestone, cherty, light-yellowish-gray to bluish-gray; sugary to
medium-crystalline; chert is red, in irregular beds near top of unit;
weathers light olive gray; taken as base of Salt Wash Sandstone Member
of Morrison Formation | 2.5
| Total Salt Wash Sandstone Member | 466.6
| Total Morrison Formation | 736.6-756.6 |
Summerville Formation: |
| Siltstone and sandstone, red, ribbed, thin-bedded (not measured). |
SECTION 20Dakota Sandstone at "The Post"
[East-central Circle Cliffs area, Garfield County; lat 37°50' long
110°58'20". Measured by G. A. Miller] |
| Thickness (ft) |
Mancos Shale: |
| Tununk Shale Member: |
| Mudstone, dark-gray, thinly laminated to very thin bedded, bentonitic,
highly weathered, poorly exposed (not measured). |
Dakota Sandstone: |
| Sandstone, light-brown to dark-gray, ripple-laminated, medium- to
coarse-grained; contains granules of quartzite and tan chert;
fossiliferous (Ostrea) | 2.5 |
| Sandstone, light-yellow, horizontally stratified and crossbedded,
fine- to medium-grained; very coarse grains and granules of gray chert
and quartz in upper 3 ft | 7.0 |
| Sandstone, brown to dark-gray, horizontally stratified in ledgy beds
1-2 in. thick, carbonaceous, fine-grained to very fine grained |
1.5 |
| Shale and coal | 1.5 |
| Sandstone, gray, massive, carbonaceous, very poorly sorted fine- to
coarse-grained | 1.0 |
| Shale and coal | 2.5 |
| Siltstone, gray; weathers to light gray; massive;
sandy | 2.5 |
| Shale, light-gray, very sandy, some ledges of fine-grained sandstone |
3.0 |
| Sandstone, brown to white, horizontally stratified to crossbedded,
limonitic, fine-grained to very fine grained, beds near top are ripple
laminated | 7.0 |
| Shale, gray to light-olive-gray, sandy, few thin beds of fine-grained
sandstone | 12.0 |
| Sandstone, white to pale-yellow, red near top; weathers light brown;
crossbedded; well sorted; fine to very fine grained | 26.0 |
| Sandstone, largely covered, float similar to overlying unit |
8.6 |
| Conglomerate and sandstone, light-yellow to gray; conglomerate weathers
dark gray to black, crossbedded; pebbles as much as 2 in. in diameter
of dark-gray to black chert, gray chert, and sparse quartzite |
| Total Dakota Sandstone | 86.1 |
Morrison Formation (not measured). |