REFERENCES ![]() The following short list of references refers mostly to authors cited directly in the text. The geologic literature on the Uinta Mountains is very extensive, and no attempt has been made here at completeness. A few papers of general interest or wide scope not directly cited in the text, however, have been included. All of these papers are technical or semitechnical in content. Most of them can be seen in any big city library. Some of the Government publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, although most of them are out of print. Atwood, W. W., 1909, Glaciation of the Uinta and Wasatch Mountains: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 61, 96 pages. Bradley, W. H., 1936, Geomorphology of the north flank of the Uinta Mountains [Utah]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 185I, pages 163-199. Bradley, W. H., 1948, Limnology and the Eocene lakes of the Rocky Mountain region: Geological Society of America Bulletin, volume 59, number 7, pages 635-648. Bradley, W. H., 1964, Geology of the Green River Formation and associated Eocene rocks in southwestern Wyoming and adjacent parts of Colorado and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 496A, 86 pages [1965]. Capps, S. R., 1910, Rock glaciers in Alaska: Journal of Geology, volume 18, pages 359-375. Crittenden, M. D., Jr., Wallace, C. A., and Sheridan, M. J., 1967, Mineral resources of the High Uintas Primitive area, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1230I, 27 pages. Emmons, S. F., 1877, Descriptive geology: U.S. Geological Exploration 40th Parallel (King), volume 2, 890 pages. Forrester, J. D., 1937, Structure of the Uinta Mountains: Geological Society of America Bulletin, volume 48, number 5, pages 631-666. Good, J. M., White, T. E., and Stucker, G. F., 1958, The Dinosaur Quarry, Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado Utah: Washington, D.C., [U.S.] National Park Service, 47 pages. Hansen, W. R., 1965, Geology of the Flaming Gorge area, Utah-Colorado-Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 490, 196 pages. Hayden, F. V., 1871, Preliminary report [fourth annual] of the United States Geological Survey of Wyoming and portions of contiguous Territories (being a second annual report of progress): U.S. Geological Survey Territories, 4th Annual Report, 511 pages. Kinney, D. M., 1955, Geology of the Uinta RiverBrush Creek area, Duchesne and Uintah Counties, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1007, 185 pages. Kulp, J. L., 1961, Geologic time scale: Science, volume 133, number 3459, p. 1105-1114. Marsh, O. C., 1871, On the geology of the eastern Uinta Mountains: American Journal of Science, 3d series, volume 1, pages 191-198. Merrill, G. P., 1906, Contributions to the history of American geology: Washington, D.C., U.S. National Museum, Annual report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1904, pages 189-733. Powell, J. W., 1876, Report on the geology of the eastern portion of the Uinta Mountains and a region of country adjacent thereto: U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey Territories (Powell), 218 p. Richmond, G. M., 1965, Glaciation of the Rocky Mountains in Wright, H. E., Jr., and Frey, D. G., eds., The Quaternary of the United States: Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, pages 217-230. Ritzma, H. R., 1959, Geologic atlas of Utah, Dagget County: Salt Lake City, Utah, Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Bulletin 66, 111 pages. Sears, J. D., 1924, Relations of the Browns Park formation and the Bishop conglomerate and their role in the origin of the Green and Yampa Rivers: Geological Society of America Bulletin, volume 35, pages 279-304. Sears, J. D., 1962, Yampa Canyon in the Uinta Mountains, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 374I, 33 pages. Stokes, W. L., and Madsen, J. H., Jr., compilers, 1961, Geologic map of Utahnortheast quarter: Salt Lake City, Utah, Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey, scale 1: 250,000. Untermann, G. E., and Untermann, B. R., 1954, Geology of Dinosaur National Monument and vicinity, Utah-Colorado: Salt Lake City, Utah, Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Bulletin 42, 228 pages. Van Hise, C. R., 1892, Correlation Papers; Archean and Algonkian: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 86, 549 pages. Wahrhaftig, Clyde, and Cox, Allan, 1959, Rock glaciers in the Alaska Range: Geological Society of America Bulletin, volume 70, pages 383-436. Walton, P. T., 1944, Geology of the Cretaceous of the Uinta Basin, Utah: Geological Society of America Bulletin, volume 55, number 1, pages 91-130. White, C. A., 1889, On the geology and physiography of a portion of northwestern Colorado and adjacent parts of Utah and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey 9th Annual Report, pages 677-712. Woolley, R. R., 1930, The Green River and its utilization: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 618, 456 pages.
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