USGS Logo Geological Survey Professional Paper 132—A
Rock Formations in the Colorado Plateau of Southeastern Utah and Northern Arizona



General section of rocks near Lees Ferry, Ariz.
[Measured by Kirk Bryan.]

Brown thin-bedded sandstone and shale, which are probably the equivalent of the beds of marine Jurassic farther north(?)
Navajo and Wingate sandstones: Massive tangentially cross-bedded red to buff sandstone. No parting visible at the center, but upper half has lenses of dense gray limestone 6 inches to 3 feet thick at intervals, and near the top nodules of limonite the size of peas are common. In the Vermilion Cliffs the upper half is distinctly lighter in color. The Todilto (?) formation is apparently absent1,100-1,200
Chinle formation: Blue, green, and red shale; white, gray, purple, and red sandstone; and cherty limestone. Upper part consists of heavy-bedded sandstone and red shale; lower part contains fossil wood1,000±
Shinarump conglomerate: Gray conglomerate with lenses of sandstone and shale; much fossil wood0-40
Moenkopi formation: Red sandy shale and thin-bedded sandstone with seams of gypsum. In places has beds of red and gray sandstone 2 to 6 feet thick, and in one locality 12 feet of gypsiferous limestone at the top. Base, generally, 1 to 10 feet of chert conglomerate500±
Kaibab limestone: Yellow limestone with numerous more or less rounded nodules of chert250
Coconino sandstone: Gray cross-bedded massive sandstone300
Unconformity (?).
Hermit (?) shale: Red shale and sandstone(observed)
Unconformity (?) (not observed).
Supai formation: Red shale with beds of blue limestone.

Section about 3 miles southeast of Piute Farms on San Juan River.
[Measured by R. D. Miser.]

Wingate sandstone:
Massive cross-bedded tan sandstone forming sheer cliff; cut by numerous vertical joints; face of cliff is stained dark brown270
Coarse brown sandstone with pebbles of shale and sandstone up to 2 inches in diameter4
Chinle formation: Green and pink marly clay with beds of mottled pink and gray compact limestone as much as 4 feet thick in upper part. Some of the limestone is conglomerate. Pebbles in conglomerate are limestone. Pink and gray flint on slope may have been derived from weathering of limestone. Some parts of clay contain irregular concretions of calcareous earthy material830
Shinarump conglomerate: Massive gray sandstone10
Moenkopi formation:
Chocolate-colored shale with some green shale in upper half; light chocolate-colored shale with some thick beds of brown fine-grained sandstone in lower half340
Brick-red sandy shale and earthy sandstone in beds of uniform thickness. The De Chelly (?) sandstone is absent at this place but wedges in farther south near the top of this part of the formation500
Moenkopi or Coconino: a a Transition beds" like those described in section at Zahns Camp.
Coconino sandstone.

Section at Zahns Camp on San Juan River.
[Measured by H. D. Miser.]

Chinle formation: Variegated marly shale.
Shinarump conglomerate: Massive gray pebbly sandstone; forms cliff
Moenkopi formation:
Chocolate-brown sandy shale with a smaller amount of brown shaly and platy sandstone; forms steep slope325
Brick-red sandy shale and earthy sandstone in even-bedded layers55
Cream-colored cross-bedded massive sandstone; De Chelly (?) sandstone lentil90
Brick-red sandy shale and a smaller amount of red earthy sandstone in even-bedded layers450
Total thickness of Moenkopi formation920
Moenkopi or Coconino ("transition beds"):
Heavy gray sandstone5
Brown sandy shale and brown shaly sandstone. A bed of gray limestone 1 foot or more thick near top45
Massive gray sandstone6
Brown sandy shale5
Massive gray sandstone4
Brown sandy shale and brown earthy sandstone. Contains one or two thin beds of gray limestone24
Total thickness of "transition beds"89
Coconino sandstone: Massive cross-bedded cream-colored sandstone. Two beds of brown sandy shale aggregating 3 feet near the top. Exposure of sandstone extends down to San Juan River55

Section on San Juan River north of Spencer Camp.
[Measured by H. D. Miser.]

Navajo sandstone: Cream-colored to yellow massive cross-bedded sandstone200+
Todilto (?) formation:
Brown fine-grained shaly sandstone with lavender cast170
Lenses of conglomerate as much as several feet thick; conglomerate composed of sandstone pebbles in sandy matrix
Lavender, brown, and buff fine-grained sandstone in comparatively thin layers50
Total thickness of Todilto (?) formation220
Wingate sandstone. Buff fine-grained cross-bedded sandstone; no conglomerate at base330
Chinle formation: Variegated marly shale; concealed almost everywhere by landslides. Formation extends to river, and base is not exposed510

Section on north side of San Juan River just above its junction with the Colorado.
[Measured by H. D. Miser.]

Navajo sandstone:
Gray thin-bedded very fine grained limestone; forms flat top of small mesa4-1/2
Buff massive cross-bedded sandstone310
Todilto (?) formation: Dark and light brown sandstone in comparatively thin beds200
Wingate sandstone: Buff sandstone to water's edge of San Juan River10+

Section on Colorado River near the mouth of Fremont River.
[Measured by C. R. Longwell. The canyons of Colorado and Fremont rivers are cut in the Coconino sandstone. Above the canyons there is a wide stripped bench on the Coconino, with scattered buttes of the Moenkopi formation.]

Moenkopi formation:
Conglomerate at base of upper member of formation. Contains angular pebbles of chert, with maximum length of 2 inches, also a few fragments of silicified wood. Firmly cemented by calcium carbonate15
Gray sandstone, medium to coarse, strongly cross-bedded throughout. Conspicuous by contrast with red sandstone below. De Chelly (?) lentil40
Regular beds (a few with cross laminae) of red to maroon sandstone, averaging several feet in thickness, of fine, uniform grain. A few shaly layers, forming narrow benches in cliff158
Heavy bed of cross-bedded pink to tan sandstone; persistent, good horizon marker; fine uniform grain28
Heavy bed of reddish-brown sandstone, grading into gray at the base6
Fine-grained maroon and red sandstone and sandy shale in regular beds from 6 to 30 inches thick; form steep interrupted slope115
Red sandy shale, with some layers of cross-bedded fine-grained sandstone; forms slope; muscovite abundant45
Massive white to gray sandstone, with medium grain2
Gritty shale and fine-grained sandstone, red to light brown22
Incomplete thickness of Moenkopi formation431
Coconino sandstone: Gray and tan sandstone, of fine to medium grain, in massive beds and with cross-bedding on large scale. Forms walls of Narrow Canyon and Dirty Devil Canyon. Base not exposed.

Section on Colorado River near mouth of Crescent Creek (""North Wash").
[Measured by C. R. Longwell.]

Wingate sandstone forms a sheer cliff at least 300 feet high, at top of the steep slope on which the Chinle formation is exposed300+
Chinle formation:
Regular beds of pink sandstone, 6 inches to 2 feet thick12
Coarse sandstone, pink to tan, cross-bedded25
Gritty shale and fine-grained sandstone, in thin layers10
Gray calcareous sandstone1
Pink sandstone in thin beds27
Massive layer of gray to buff sandstone6
Calcareous shale in massive layers, containing more or less grit, with a few intercalated thin layers of fine-grained sandstone155
Heavy bed of dense gray limestone, with chert lenses and nodules4
Pink calcareous shale24
Alternating layers of gray limestone and pinkish shale. Limestone layers average 2 feet in thickness and are dense, with abundance of chert27
Gray, lavender, and yellow shale, banded, with a few thin sandy layers102
Total thickness of Chinle formation393
Shinarump conglomerate: Massive coarse-grained, cross-bedded sandstone, with lenses of conglomerate; contains abundance of silicified wood35
Moenkopi formation:
Lavender, pink, and greenish shale, with a few sandstone layers; green layers prominent near top72
Gray and yellow sandy shale and fine-grained sandstone6
Bright-red clay shale22
Gray, lavender, and yellow shale, with a few bands of dense gray limestone60
Red and pink sandy shale and fine-grained sandstone70
Fine-grained cross-bedded red to pink sandstone2
Alternating layers of gray sandstone and red shale; shale papery, sandstone ripple marked17
Alternating layers of red and brown sandstone and sandy shale; sandstone layers have current and ripple marks, also a few rain prints; partings of brown paper shale55
Single bed of massive cross-bedded light-brown sandstone22
Alternating layers of red and brown sandstone and sandy shale; sandstone layers have current and ripple marks, also a few rain prints65
Alternating thin beds of gray sandstone, with very thin partings of brown shale6
Light-brown conglomeratic sandstone2
Alternating thin beds of gray sandstone, with very thin partings of brown shale2
Light-brown conglomeratic sandstone2
Alternating thin beds of gray sandstone, with very thin partings of brown shale4
Light-brown conglomeratic sandstone3
Alternating thin beds of gray sandstone, with very thin partings of brown shale9
Massive gray cross-bedded sandstone3
Alternating thin beds of sandstone and shale, yellow, red, brown, and lavender9
Firmly cemented conglomerate with angular pebbles of chert and hard sandstone; fragments of lustrous coal and of silicified wood also occur as pebbles10
Total thickness of upper member of Moenkopi formation441
Massive gray sandstone, with marked cross bedding, loosely cemented with calcium carbonate. De Chelly (?) sandstone lentil35
Typical red and maroon beds of lower member.

Section on Colorado River below mouth of Crescent Creek.
[Measured by C. R. Longwell.]

Navajo sandstone: Tan and buff sandstone, cross bedded on large scale. The sandstone of this locality is an isolated remnant capping a high point300
Todilto (?) formation:
Alternating regular beds of calcareous sandstone and gritty shale, with a few layers of limestone conglomerate. Two of the sandstone layers are cross-bedded and tan. Other beds are pink, gray, and lavender. Form long slope77
Thin layers of red and maroon sandstone, cross-bedded60
Light-brown and gray cross-bedded sandstone; friable, forming slope; contains hard, concretionary nodules22
Total thickness of Todilto (?) formation159
Unconformity (?)
Wingate sandstone:
Tan and light-brown cross-bedded sandstone, forming cliff85
Conglomerate, with pebbles and, boulders of sandstone as much as 2 feet in diameter, also pebbles of red clay; calcareous cement0-4
Massive cross-bedded sandstone, forming almost unbroken cliff. Tan on fresh surfaces, reddish brown on weathered face280
Total thickness of Wingate sandstone369
Chinle formation: Forms a long slope below the cliff of the Wingate sandstone.

Section on Colorado River near mouth of Trachyte Creek.
[Measured by C. R. Longwell.]

Shinarump conglomerate: Coarse-grained gray conglomeratic sandstone, with abundance of silicified wood. Forms low cliff, with shelf above5-15
Moenkopi formation:
Alternating layers of gray sandstone and greenish shale5
Lavender, gray, and pink calcareous shale25
Fine-grained brown sandstone3
Gray "marl," sandy near base55
Gray cross-bedded sandstone3
Greenish-gray and pink shale, paper-thin4
Bright-red clay shale5
Yellow, lavender, pink, and gray "marly" shale, in thick beds60
Alternating chocolate-colored shale and gray to brown sandstone, in thin layers. Ripple marks abundant60
Massive brown sandstone with strong current marks2
Alternating chocolate-colored shale and gray to brown sandstone8
Massive sandstone2
Chocolate-colored sandy shale6
Massive cross-bedded sandstone2
Gray sandstone and chocolate-colored shale, in alternating thin layers4
Massive gray to brown cross-bedded sandstone8
Alternating chocolate-colored shale and gray to brown sandstone, with strong ripple marks22
Light-brown cross-bedded sandstone5
Chocolate-colored sandy shale10
Thick layers of sandstone, with thin partings of chocolate-colored shale11
Alternating gray sandstone and chocolate-colored shale18
Heavy layers of cross-bedded current-marked sandstone, with thin shale partings; sandstone gray to brown, shale dark chocolate-colored12
Brown fine-grained sandstone, with thin lamination6
Heavy layers of pink cross-bedded sandstone, with shale partings16
Alternating gray sandstone and brown shale; abundant ripple and current marks22
Fine-grained sandstone with shaly lamination9
Firmly cemented conglomerate containing angular pebbles of chert and hard sandstone2
Total thickness of upper member of Moenkopi formation385
De Chelly (?) sandstone lentil (gray to pink cross-bedded sandstone20
Typical red beds of the lower member.

Section on north side of Twomile Canyon, directly east of Mount Holmes, in the Henry Mountains.
[Measured by C. R. Longwell.]

Navajo sandstone: Massive tan sandstone, capping a rounded hill250
Todilto (?) formation:
Massive fine-grained cross-bedded lavender and gray sandstone18
Purple and gray shale; forms slope10
Massive cross-bedded brown sandstone, medium to coarse9
Red and brown sandy calcareous shale with thin layers of dense gray limestone; forms slope40
Brown and gray heavy-bedded sandstone with calcareous cement27
Pink sandy shale; forms slope14
Gray sandstone and pink sandy shale in alternating beds11
Reddish-brown and gray medium to fine grained sandstone in heavy layers, some with cross-bedding. Calcareous cement. Layers of unequal resistance, forming steep slope. All beds lenticular; a few lenses conglomeratic120
Total thickness of Todilto (?) formation.249
Wingate sandstone: Tan to reddish-brown sandstone, chiefly in unbroken cliff. Large-scale cross-bedding366
Unconformity (?).
Chinle formation:
Alternating layers of hard fine-grained sandstone and pink sandy shale14
Pink shale, with a few layers of gray sandstone.22
Gray conglomeratic sandstone, with small pebbles of chert and hard sandstone2
Heavy bed of fine-grained pink sandstone, loosely cemented8
Varicolored calcareous shale, with a few sandstone layers40
Cross-bedded gray sandstone, conglomeratic at base; contains silicified logs6
Pink and yellow calcareous shale, sandy near top17
Hard gray limestone, containing chert nodules2
Lenticular layers of gray sandstone with partings of shale10
Pink and yellow gritty shale20
Gray and lavender "marls" beds, jointed34
Cross-bedded gray and lavender sandstone15
Massive fine-grained sandstone, rich with calcium carbonate and containing cherty nodules6
Brick-red gritty shale, with layers of gray sandstone28
Pink and gray calcareous shale or "marl," appearing massive80
Gray and purplish sandy shale in thin beds16
Total thickness of Chinle formation320
Shinarump conglomerate: Coarse conglomeratic massive and cross-bedded sandstone with lenses of conglomerate; abundance of silicified logs; plain impressions of plants on bedding surfaces. Forms vertical cliff60-120
Moenkopi formation: Greenish shale immediately below unconformity. Forms slope.

Section of Chinle formation at north end of prominent Wingate-capped outlier west of South Fork of Silver Falls Creek, in the Circle Cliffs.
[Measured by R. C. Moore.]

Wingate sandstone: Reddish-brown fine-grained cross-bedded, very massive sandstone, forming single vertical wall; prominently jointed; basal few feet horizontally bedded in thin layers, with ripple marks measuring about 6 inches from crest to crest; thickness estimated250
Chinle formation:
Soft limestone, lavender mottled with light greenish blue, weathering in very irregular fragments; partly covered with debris; upper part oxidized and stained to dark purple beneath Wingate sandstone and along joints5
Light-bluish conglomerate, mostly rather fine grained; pebbles consist almost entirely of limestone like the associated limestones of the Chinle formation, but there are some flint, quartz, and ironstone pebbles as much as 1-1/2 inches in diameter; upper part grades into very coarse limestone grit, with lines and lenses of fine conglomerate; very massive; crops out in prominent bench28
Soft shaly limestone, light greenish blue and lavender, mottled; contains locally harder limestone in beds 6 to 10 inches thick which project; this division weathers in a slope70
Very hard dense fine-grained limestone, light bluish in lower part with mottling of lavender, massive and uniform; locally contains calcite crystals; except for lower part, which is somewhat softer, this bed forms prominent cliff, which in places overhangs5
Light-blue hard calcareous shale; forms land slide slope15
Argillaceous limestone, impure, mottled light greenish blue and lavender; weathers in small angular fragments but forms at outcrop a massive vertical ledge; grades upward and downward into hard calcareous shale3
Light-blue hard calcareous shale; forms slope14-1/2
Hard dense nodular limestone, mottled light greenish blue and lavender; weathers in small irregular-shaped fragments; grades imperceptibly into shale above and below; forms bench8
Hard calcareous light-blue shale, forming slope38
Light-bluish shaly soft, very micaceous sandstone, grading into sandy shale59-1/2
Light-bluish to brown limestone conglomerate, containing pebbles of limestone and chert 3 inches or less in diameter; grades into coarse limy sandstone2-1/2
Yellowish-brown hard sandy shale grading to ash-gray and lavender shale53
Grayish-blue to lavender calcareous, highly micaceous sandstone, grading upward into soft massive cross-bedded sandstone; lower part weathers in thin platy fragments35-1/2
Purple shale, grading upward into yellow and blue shale; sandy, especially in lower part; contains abundant mica; weathers in rounded slopes13
Brownish-gray thinly laminated to platy sandstone, weathering dark brown; lower part locally conglomerate, containing pebbles of ironstone and jasper as much as 1 inch in diameter5-6
Sandy shale; upper part weathers to shades of lavender and purple; lower part darker; the proportion of sand increases toward the top; contains satin spar, crystals of gypsum, and mammillary concretions of ironstone with crystalline calcite; weathers in rounded slopes91-1/2
Brown thin-bedded flaggy sandstone, grading laterally to burnt sienna slaggy ironstone, containing nodules of limonite; this bed forms a bench that weathers irregularly in crumbly fragments2
Hard calcareous sandy shale, light greenish blue predominant in variegated coloring; weathers in rounded badland slopes25
Total thickness of Chinle formatiom474
Shinarump conglomerate: Grayish-brown irregularly bedded massive sandstone, showing thin cross lamination; some of the weathered surfaces are dark brown or black on account of a surface deposit of iron oxide; contains bluish sandy shale in middle part85
Moenkopi formation.

Section of Kaibab limestone west of The Peaks, in the Circle Cliffs.
[Measured by R. C. Moore.]

Moenkopi formation.
Kaibab limestone:
Yellow dolomitic limestone in massive evenly bedded ledges; weathers in large angular blocks pitted by solution; part contains numerous dendrites of manganese oxide and concretions of a mineral resembling wad; contains fossils; forms resistant cap of prominent bench37
Light-yellow soft dolomitic massive limestone, filled with angular fragments of chert; weathers in smooth slope; exposed15
Soft light creamy-yellow thin to medium bedded limestone; weathers in slope; partly concealed37
White very sandy limestone, rounded sand grains scattered rather evenly; more lime than sand; weathers in thick ledges34
White medium to coarse grained massive sandstone; rounded quartz grains in a lime matrix19
White very sandy limestone, rounded sand grains scattered rather evenly; more lime than sand; weathers in thick ledges; forms bench21
Total thickness of Kaibab limestone163
Coconino (?) sandstone: White medium to coarse grained moderately soft massive sandstone; rounded quartz grains in a lime matrix; breaks into irregular blocks on weathering; exposed73

Section of lower beds in front of Kaiparowits Plateau, south of Tenmile Spring, about 15 miles southeast of Escalante, in middle part of sec. 4, T. 37 S., R. 4 E.
[Measured by R. C. Moore.]

"Tununk shale": Bluish sandy shale, grading downward into soft fossiliferous sandstone400+
Dakota (?) sandstone: Conglomeratic buff to almost white coarse to medium grained sandstone, containing lenses of conglomerate with pebbles as much as 3 inches in diameter; irregularly cross bedded; forms cliff and prominent bench90
McElmo formation:
Red and light-brown sandy shale, interbedded with sandstone of similar color; forms slope partly concealed55
Light-brown and yellow fine-grained sandstone, cross-bedded in part; occurs in massive layers and forms bench70
Total thickness of McElmo formation125
"Varicolored shales and sandstones"
Red and gray shale and sandstone, interbedded; mostly covered12
Red, gray, and drab sandstone and shale, in thin alternating beds; considerable variation in color and texture60
Yellow and buff soft, very massive sandstone; weathers in smooth round slopes, locally with caves and shallow depressions at outcrop300+
Partial thickness of "varicolored shales and sandstones"372

Section on Halls Creek about 8 miles above its mouth.
[Measured by R. C. Moore.]

McElmo formation: Reddish-brown and light greenish-gray massive hard, irregularly bedded conglomeratic sandstone; forms prominent escarpment; thickness reduced by erosion76
"Varicolored shales and sandstones"
Thin-bedded red sandstone123
Tan-brown massive soft cross-bedded sandstone, weathering in smooth rounded slopes, partly covered850
Total thickness of "varicolored shales and sandstones973
Gypsiferous shales and sandstones.
Light-red and greenish sandy shale; contains beds of white sandstone and gypsum90
Maroon shale and hard fine-grained quartzitic sandstone; forms escarpment50
Total thickness of "gypsiferous shales and sandstones"140
Navajo sandstone: White medium-grained very massive cross-bedded sandstone; forms prominent ridge600+

Section across Waterpocket Fold near southwest corner of T. 32 S., R. 8 E., at Bitter Creek divide, head of Halls Creek.
[Measured by R. C. Moore.]

Masuk sandstone: Light-yellow massive sandstone, weathering yellowish brown; forms very prominent escarpment; in lower part grades into medium-bedded sandstone297
"Masuk shale": Yellowish-brown to drab sandy shale; upper part contains beds and lenses of soft sandstone; forms slope beneath escarpment of sandstone above700
Blue Gate sandstone: Yellow to light-brown medium to massively bedded sandstone forming precipitous cliff; locally contains lignite230
"Blue Gate shale": Bluish-drab sandy shale, very uniform in color and texture; upper part grades into soft shaly sandstone1,200
Tununk sandstone: Yellowish-brown medium to massively bedded sandstone50-75
"Tununk shale": Bluish-drab sandy shale, uniform in color and texture; includes very fossiliferous thin yellow sandstone at base975
Dakota (?) sandstone: Light-yellow soft irregularly bedded sandstone, grading upward into sandy shale; contains two thin beds of impure lignite 9 and 20 inches thick15
McElmo formation:
Grayish-blue, maroon, and purple banded soft sandy shale, weathering in valleys and badlands415
Grayish-white to light bluish-green conglomerate and sandstone; contains pebbles as much as 2 inches in diameter; consists in part of thick beds and lenses of coarse conglomerate and in part of coarse gritty very irregularly bedded sandstone150
Total thickness of McElmo formation563
"Varicolored shales and sandstones":
Red and gray banded sandy shale grading to soft thin-bedded sandstone90
Tan-brown massive soft cross-bedded sandstone, weathering in smooth rounded surfaces260
Reddish-brown and bluish-gray very soft shaly sandstone, weathering readily, forming valley; partly covered470
Tan-brown massive soft cross-bedded fine-grained sandstone, weathering in smooth rounded surfaces340
Total thickness of "varicolored shales and sandstones"1,160
"Gypsiferous shales and sandstones:"
Light-red and bluish-gray shale and sandstone; gray to white sandstone in alternating beds; contains several beds of bluish to white gypsum as much as 3 feet thick; the gypsum occurs also in numerous thin veins400
Dark to light red sandy shale, containing two beds of very hard reddish and light green mottled dense siliceous massive and flaggy limestone that forms escarpments50
Total thickness of "gypsiferous shales and sandstones"450
Navajo sandstone: White to very light cream-colored sandstone, locally stained light orange red in middle and lower parts; capped by bed of coffee-brown sandstone, 10 feet, and light tan, highly cross-bedded sandstone, 8 feet. Very massive, highly cross-bedded on large scale; the cross-beds are etched in relief by weathering; crops out in high, prominent "reef" whose surface is marked by numerous conical tepees, mosques, and rounded domes1,400
Todilto (?) formation: Dark-red to maroon cross-bedded sandstone, medium to coarse grained, thin to medium bedded; some beds hard, others soft; bedding very irregular; locally contains soft maroon sandy shale; thickness in part estimated.160
Wingate sandstone: Red very massive hard fine-grained sandstone, of uniform color and texture, cross-bedded but bedding not prominent, much jointed; crops out as single ledge making a vertical cliff or palisade340
Chinle formation:
Light-bluish hard calcareous shale, mottled with lavender; upper part stained purple; weathers in rough angular blocks; forms slope48
Massive light greenish-blue limestone conglomerate, composed of pebbles of limestone, quartz, jasper, and sand in a lime matrix2
Alternating beds of light bluish-green limestone and shale, mottled with lavender; the shale is hard and calcareous, forms slopes, and grades without demarcation into limestones that are nodular, hard, and massive and form projecting ledges146
Sandy shale and sandstone, yellowish brown, yellow, dark brown, blue, purple, and ash gray, dark tones predominating; sandstone in part soft and massive, in part hard, dense, cross-bedded, and forming projecting ledges, locally conglomeratic304
Total thickness of Chinle formation500
Shinarump conglomerate: Hard very massive, irregularly bedded light bluish-gray to white sandstone, weathering yellowish white locally; forms prominent escarpment; at this place thickness ranges from 40 to 110 feet within a short distance, average60
Moenkopi formation: Thin to medium-bedded ripple-marked micaceous sandstone; weathers in slopes and projecting ledges; base not exposed250+

Section of Shinarump conglomerate and upper part of Moenkopi formation on west side of Circle Cliffs between Horse Creek and the Peaks.
[Measured by R. C. Moore.]

Shinarump conglomerate:
Light-gray coarse-grained very massive sandstone, forming almost unbroken vertical faced escarpment; weathers in large angular blocks30-60
Massive cross-bedded light bluish-gray sandstone, mottled and streaked along irregular joints with purple; grades upward without demarcation into sandy limestone; weathers in single massive bed softer than overlying sandstone and therefore forming a reentrant in the cliff; upper surface uneven16
Moenkopi formation:
Chocolate-brown very sandy shale, grading into shaly sandstone; more calcareous above7
Chocolate-brown thin-bedded ripple-marked and cross-laminated sandstone3
Chocolate-brown very micaceous sandy shale, grading into thin shaly sandstone5
Chocolate-brown hard shaly to platy sandstone; forms slight projecting ledge1
Brown sandy shale, grading into thin shaly sandstone; weathers as slope8
Chocolate-brown hard platy sandstone, forming a ledge1
Chocolate-brown sandy shale, grading into shaly sandstone22-1/2
Chocolate-brown thin-bedded ripple-marked laminated sandstone, locally weathering massive and forming a prominent projecting ledge5
Chocolate-brown sandy micaceous shale with thin seams and beds of soft sandstone; in upper part contains thin beds of shaly sandstone46-1/2
Light greenish-gray platy fine-grained micaceous sandstone, with large asymmetrical ripple marks; produces a slight bench1/3
Chocolate-brown sandy micaceous shale, containing abundant thin beds of shaly sandstone which weathers in thin chips and platy slabs; weathers in gentle rounded slope27
Brown very micaceous ripple-marked sandstone, with thin light-gray bands, platy with thin shale beds between harder layers; top layer very hard and slabby2-1/2
Chocolate-brown sandy shale, with thin yellow and brown sandstone beds that make slight benches56
Light-yellow very massive hard sandstone; forms projecting wall50
Light-yellow massive sandstone, weathering in thin plates; grades into shaly sandstone; forms bench12
Chocolate-brown sandy micaceous shale40
Light-yellow massive sandstone; locally stained red on outcrop; grades locally into shaly or thin-bedded sandstone; forms prominent bench160
Yellow very shaly sandstone, grading to sandy shale5
Yellow calcareous micaceous sandstone, massive but thinly laminated, with ripple bedding; grades to shaly sandstone4
Partial thickness of Moenkopi formation456
(Top of Kaibab limestone 25 to 40 feet below.)

Section of Moenkopi formation in canyon north of The Peaks, northwest of Wagonbox Mesa, in the Circle Cliffs.
[Measured by R. C. Moore.]

Shinarump conglomerate: Gray medium to fine grained massive sandstone, weathering yellowish in part, locally conglomeratic; weathers in large angular blocks; outcrop forms prominent cliff50-150
Moenkopi formation:
Maroon sandy shale grading into yellow shale in upper 15 feet, with many paper-thin sandstone layers50
Yellow fine-grained soft sandstone; weathers rather shaly3
Maroon shale with thin shaly sandstone39
Buff, brown, and gray fine-grained sandstone, in layers 1 to 4 inches thick8
Yellowish-brown sandy shale26
Pink to maroon sandstone, thin bedded, with a few massive layers as thick as 16 inches at intervals; interbedded with very sandy shale; upper part yellow-brown48
Fine-grained hard gray and light-pink sandstone, weathering brown and light gray; weathers in beds 2 to 12 inches thick, but in fresh exposures beds appear very massive; upper part more reddish than lower; ordinarily well exposed42
Red sandstone, with thin sandy shale interbedded, medium to massive bedding31
Very thin bedded platy light-brown and yellow to pink sandstone, weathering reddish brown; abundant ripple marks; grades locally into shale; forms slopes36
Pink to red sandy shale, containing thin beds of platy sandstone; weathers in slopes21
Total thickness of Moenkopi formation304
Kaibab limestone: Deep-yellow to buff very hard fine-grained dense dolomitic limestone, in massive beds 3 to 6 feet thick; weathers in large angular blocks; forms prominent bench; exposed thickness20

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Last Updated: 08-Aug-2008