USGS Logo Geological Survey Professional Paper 374—G
Foraminifera from the Northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington

[All figures X 60 except 12 and 13, X 20]

1. Alabamina kernensis Smith (p. G22). USNM 627013. USGS f11862, Twin River formation. a, ventral view; b, dorsal view; c, peripheral view.
2. Cassidulinoides sp. (p. G23). USNM 627016. USGS f11869, Twin River formation.
3. Cassidulina crassipunctata Cushman and Hobson (p. G23). USNM 627014. USGS f11796, Twin River formation, a, Side view; b, peripheral view.
4. Cassidulina globosa Hantken (p. G23). USNM 627015. USGS f11843, Twin River formation, a, Side view; b, apertural view.
5. Globegerina of. G. yeguaensis Weinzierl and Applin (p. G23). USNM 627018. USGS f11729, Aldwell formation.
6. Amphistegina californica Cushman and M. A. Hanna (p. G22). USNM 627012. USGS f11720, Crescent formation.
7. Sphaeroidina variabilis Reuss (p. G23). USNM 627017. USGS f11815, Twin River formation. a, Side view; b, apertural view.
8. Anomalina californiensis Cushman and Hobson (p. G24). USNM 627019. USGS f11876, Twin River formation, a, Side view; b, peripheral view.
9. Cibicides lobatus (d'Orbigny) (p. G24). USNM 627021. USGS f11882, Twin River formation, a, ventral view; b, dorsal view; c, peripheral view.
10. Cibicides celebrus Bandy (p. G24). USNM 627020. USGS f11874, Twin River formation, a, ventral view; b, dorsal view; c, peripheral view.
11. Cibicides martinezensis malloryi Smith (p. G24). USNM 627022. USGS f11799, Twin River formation, a, ventral view, b, dorsal view; c, peripheral view. 12, 13. Thin section of reddish argillaceous limestone from the Crescent formation showing globorotalids and globigerinids. USNM 627023. USGS f11714.

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Last Updated: 28-Mar-2006