ANTHRACOSYCON FICUS n. sp. (p. 72). |
FIGS. 1 and 1a. |
The type specimen. |
1. |
Side view. |
1a. |
View of the upper surface. |
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station
2920). |
FIG. 2. |
Portion of a fragmentary specimen showing the
spicular structure more clearly than the type, X 10.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station
2920). |
STENOPORA GRANULOSA n. sp.? (p. 129). |
FIGS. 3 to 3c. |
A specimen doubtfully referred to this
species. |
3. |
Transverse section, X 20. |
3a. |
Portion of same more highly magnified, showing
the concentrically constructed acanthopores, and the granular band
through the median portion of the walls, X 35. |
3b. |
Portion of same somewhat more highly magnified to
show the structure of the walls, X 40. |
3c. |
Longitudinal section, X 20.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station
2967). |
ENTELETES sp. c (p. 297). |
FIGS. 4 and 4a. |
A rather large dorsal valve in which
the plication is still indistinct. |
4. |
Seen from above. |
4a. |
Seen from the side.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station
2920). |
FIGS. 5 and 5a. |
A small dorsal valve showing
incipient plications. |
5. |
Seen from above, X 2. |
5a. |
Same, natural size.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station
2920). |
MEEKELLA MULTILIRATA n. sp. (p. 208). |
FIGS. 6 to 6b. |
A decorticated ventral valve. |
6. |
Seen from above. |
6a. |
Side view. |
6b. |
Posterior view.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station
2967). |
MEEKELLA ATTENUATA n. sp. (p. 205). |
FIG. 7. |
All imperfect dorsal valve. |
Seen from above.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station
2967). |
FIGS. 8 and 8a. |
A young ventral valve in which the
plications have just begun to develop. |
8. |
Seen from above. |
8a. |
Side view in outline.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station
2967). |
FIGS. 9 and 9a. |
A larger ventral valve with more angular plications
somewhat more early developed. |
9. |
Seen from above. |
9a. |
Side view in outline.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |
FIGS. 10 and 10a. |
A very young example referred to this species. |
10. |
Seen from below, showing the cystose structure when exfoliated, X
3. |
10a. |
Posterior view, X 3. The sinus in the outline of the shell looks
less like a break in the original than in the figure, and is probably
very nearly the actual margin, as indicated by growth lines.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |
FIGS. 11 to 11c. |
A specimen of the usual size and character. |
11. |
Dorsal view. |
11a. |
Ventral view. |
11b. |
Side view in outline. |
11c. |
Anterior view.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2920). |
FIGS. 12 to 12b. |
A small specimen similar to the last. |
12. |
Dorsal view. |
12a. |
Side view in outline. |
12b. |
Front view in outline.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2920). |
FIGS. 13 to 13b. |
A large, not very characteristic specimen. |
13. |
Dorsal view. |
13a. |
Side view in outline. |
13b. |
Front view in outline.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2920). |
HUSTEDIA MEEKANA Shumard (p. 394). |
FIGS. 14 and 14a. |
narrow variety, rather characteristic of this horizon. |
14. |
Ventral view. |
14a. |
Side view.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2920). |
PUGNAX NITIDA n. sp. (p. 313). |
FIGS. 15 to 15c. |
The type specimen. |
15. |
Dorsal view. |
15a. |
Side view in outline. |
15b. |
Ventral view. |
15c. |
Anterior view.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2920). |
PUGNAX OSAGENSIS Swallow (p. 317). |
FIGS. 16 to 16b. |
The type from the black limestone referred to this species. |
16. |
Dorsal view. |
16a. |
Anterior view. |
16b. |
Side view.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2920). |
PUGNAX BIDENTATA n. sp. (p. 318). |
FIGS. 17 to 17c. |
The typical specimen. |
17. |
Dorsal view. |
17a. |
Side view. |
17b. |
Ventral view. |
17c. |
Front view.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2920). |
PUGNAX? PUSILLA n. sp. (p. 319). |
FIGS. 18 to 18b. |
The type specimen. |
18. |
Dorsal view, X 3. |
18a. |
Side view in outline, X 3. |
18b. |
Anterior view, X 3.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |
LOXONEMA? INCONSPICUUM n. sp. (p. 486). |
FIG. 19. |
The type specimen.
Side view, X 5.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |
MACROCHEILINA? MODESTA n. sp. (p. 489). |
FIG. 20. |
The type specimen.
Side view, X 5.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |
FIGS. 21 and 21a. |
The typical specimen, the upper
portion more or less restored from a second specimen. |
21. |
Side view. |
21a. |
Lower whorl enlarged to show sculpture, X 3.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2920). |
NUCULA sp. a (p. 421). |
FIG. 22. |
A left valve whose proportional height is
above the average. Side view, X 2.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |
ANISOPYGE? ANTIQUA n. sp. (p. 509). |
FIGS. 23 and 23a. |
A large but imperfect pygidium. |
23. |
Seen from above, X 2. |
23a. |
Side view, X 2.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (Station 2967). |
FIGS. 24 and 24a. |
A medium-sized pygidium. |
24. |
Seen from above, X 2. |
24a. |
Side view, X 2.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |
FIG. 25. |
A small, imperfect pygidium.
Seen from above, X 2.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |
FIG. 26. |
Fragment of a cranidium.
Seen from above, X 2.
Basal black limestone, Guadalupe Point (station 2967). |