USGS Logo Geological Survey Professional Paper 58
The Guadalupian Fauna



POLYPORA sp. a (p. 145).

FIGS. 1 and 1a.

Part of a silicified frond.


Nonporiferous side, X 5. The sculpture is for the most part the result of chalcedonic replacement, partly concealing the longitudinal striae.


Poriferous side, X 5. The zoarium is of course deeply decorticated.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

POLYPORA sp. b (p. 145).

FIG. 2.

Part of a silicified frond.

Nonporiferous side, X 5. The nodular surface is due to silicification.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

POLYPORA sp. c (p. 146).

FIG. 3.

A small silicified fragment.

Nonporiferous side, X 5. In this case also the striated sculpture has been more or less masked by chalcedonic replacement.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

POLYPORA Sp. d (p. 147).

FIG. 4.

A small silicified fragment.

Nonporiferous side, X 5.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

FENESTELLA sp. e (p. 141).

FIGS. 5 and 5a.

A silicified fragment.


Poriferous side, X 8, showing the high keel with its two alternating rows These are possibly exaggerated by silicification of large nodes.


Nonporiferous side, X 8.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

FENESTELLA sp. a (p. 139).

FIG. 6.

A fragment of a silicified frond.

Nonporiferous side, X 8.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

FENESTELLA sp. c (p. 140).

FIG. 7.

Fragment of a silicified frond.

Nonporiferous side, X 8.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

FENESTELLA sp. f (p. 141).

FIG. 8.

Fragment of a silicified frond.

Nonporiferous side, X 8.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

FENESTELLA TEXANA n. sp. (p. 138).

FIGS. 9 and 9a.

A small silicified fragment.


Nonporiferous side, X 8.


Poriferous side (the position being accidentally inverted in the illustration), X 8.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

FENESTELLA sp. b (p. 139).

FIG. 10.

Fragment of a silicified frond.

Nonporiferous side, X 8. By an oversight the specimen was posed upside down.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

ACTINOTRYPA? SERA n. sp. (p. 155).

FIGS. 11 to 11b.

Thin section of the only fragment found.


Transverse section, X 20.


Portion of same, X 35.


Another portion of same, X 35. The single cell shown in this figure more nearly resembles typical Actinotrypa, but it is of unusual construction; the others are as represented by the other drawings.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2962).

ARGILLOECIA sp. (p. 510).

FIGS. 12 and 12a.

A silicified specimen.


Side view, X 10.


Outline of transverse curvature, X 10.

Delaware Mountain formation, southern Delaware Mountains (station 2969).

Plate XXVIII. (click on image for a PDF version)

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Last Updated: 05-Dec-2008