ENTELETES GLOBOSUS n. sp. (p. 294). |
FIGS. 1 and 1a. |
A crushed specimen retaining both
valves, which clearly show its dorsisinuate character. |
1. |
Dorsal view. |
1a. |
Side view.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
ENTELETES sp. a (p. 296). |
FIGS. 2 and 2a. |
A fragmentary ventral valve. |
2. |
Seen from above. |
2a. |
Side view in outline.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIGS. 3 to 3c. |
A large dorsal valve of moderate convexity. |
3. |
Interior view, X 4. Here are to be seen the powerful cardinal
process, median septum, and crenulated margins, all of which seem to
indicate shell thickening and advanced age. |
3a. |
View of the exterior, X 4. |
3b. |
Posterior view in outline, showing the cardinal process, X 4. |
3c. |
Side view in outline, X 4.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIGS. 4 to 4b. |
A small dorsal valve of moderate convexity. |
4. |
Interior view, X 4. |
4a. |
Exterior view, X 4. |
4b. |
Side view in outline, X 4.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIGS. 5 to 5b. |
A small dorsal valve of irregular growth and great convexity. |
5. |
View of the interior, X 4. |
5a. |
View of the exterior, X 4. |
Sb. |
Side view in outline, X4.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIGS. 6 to 6b. |
A ventral valve which very plainly shows a large scar of
attachment. |
6. |
Seen from above, X 4. |
6a. |
Posterior view, X 4. |
6b. |
Side view in outline, X 4.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). See also
fig. 11. |
STREPTORHYNCHUS? sp. a (p. 180). |
FIG. 7. |
A small
dorsal valve of undetermined species.
View of exterior, X 4.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIGS. 8 to 8c. |
The type specimen, which is smaller
than some fragments associated with it and probably belonging to the
same species. |
8. |
Side view, X 2. |
8a. |
Dorsal view, X 2. Tile plications are hardly represented as
sufficiently angular. |
8b. |
Posterior view, X 2. |
8c. |
Anterior view, X 2.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIG. 9. |
A small dorsal valve from the same station as the
foregoing, which shows the surface characters more perfectly.
View of the exterior, X 2.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
MEEKELLA DIFFICILIS n. sp. (p. 207). |
FIGS. 10 to 10g. |
The type specimen preserved in a
silicified condition |
10. |
Interior of the ventral valve, showing the two dental plates and
what look like two additional plates almost parallel to the area. |
10a. |
Front view of both valves. |
10b. |
Ventral valve, seen from above. |
10c. |
Side view of both valves. |
10d. |
Cardinal process supposed to belong to this specimen, seen from the
lower or internal side, X 3. |
10e. |
Same, seen from the upper or external side, X 3. |
10f. |
Terminal view, X 3. |
10g. |
Side view, X 3.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIGS. 11 to 11d. |
A specimen retaining both valves in
conjunction. |
11. |
Dorsal view, showing an attached ventral valve of Streptorhynchus
pygmaeum. |
11a. |
Ventral view. |
11b. |
Side view. |
11c. |
Posterior view. |
11d. |
Anterior view.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIGS. 12 to 12c. |
A ventral valve freed by etching. |
12. |
View of the interior. |
12a. |
View of the exterior. |
12b. |
Side view. |
12c. |
Posterior view.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
PRODUCTUS MEEKANUS n. sp. (p. 263). |
FIGS. 13 and 13a. |
A fragmentary but otherwise
well-preserved ventral valve. |
13. |
Seen from above. |
13a. |
Side view in outline.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station
3763). |
FIGS. 14 and 14a. |
The only specimen found, a ventral
valve, |
14. |
Seen from above. |
14a. |
A Anterior view.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
SPIRIFERINA HILLI n. sp. (p. 379). |
FIGS. 15 to 15b. |
A ventral valve. |
15. |
View of the exterior. |
15a. |
Side view in outline. |
15b. |
View of the interior.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
HUSTEDIA MEEKANA Shumard (p. 394). |
FIG. 16. |
A small, somewhat crushed specimen.
Dorsal view.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIG. 17. |
A large silicified specimen.
Dorsal view.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
HUSTEDIA PAPILLATA Shumard (p. 397). |
FIGS. 18 to 18b. |
A rather small specimen referred to this species. |
18. |
Dorsal view. |
18a. |
Ventral view. |
18b. |
Side view in outline.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
HUSTEDIA BIPARTITA n. sp. (p. 398). |
FIGS. 19 to 19c. |
The typical specimen. |
19. |
Dorsal view, X 2. |
19a. |
Side view, X 2. |
19b. |
Ventral view, X 2. |
19c. |
Anterior view, X 2.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |
FIGS. 20 and 20a. |
A dorsal valve similar to the last. |
20. |
Seen from above, X 2. |
20a. |
Same, natural Size.
Delaware Mountain formation, Glass Mountains (station 3763). |