USGS home Scientific Investigations Map 2940 

Kpv-2. View northeast from Midnight Mountain [Tne]. We include redbeds of the Ventura Member of the Midnight Peak Formation of Barksdale (1975) in the volcanic rocks of the Late Cretaceous Pasayten Group of Kiessling and Mahoney (1997) (Kpv). Virginian Ridge is the type area of the Virginian Ridge Formation of Barksdale (1975), a unit included in the sedimentary rocks of the Pasayten Group (Kps). Big Craggy Peak [RMne] is eroded from volcanic rocks of the Pasayten Group at the northeast margin of the Pasayten block. North Twentymile Peak [RMne] is in the Okanogan block, on the far side of the Pasayten fault. View image without annotation
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