PREFACE FIELD-TRIP GUIDE TO THE GEOCHRONOLOGY OF EL MALPAIS NATIONAL MONUMENT AND THE ZUNI-BANDERA VOLCANIC FIELD, NEW MEXICO By A. WILLIAM LAUGHLIN, ROBERT W. CHARLES, KEVIN REID, and CAROL WHITE Much of the land that you will be crossing for the next two days is owned by the Ramah Navajo, Zuni, Laguna, and Acoma tribes, or is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. National Park Service or the Bureau of Land Management. Their permits are required for sample collection. In this field-trip guide, two abbreviations are used that may not be familiar to the non-geologist: ka represents thousands of years and Ma represents millions of years. Both abbreviations refer to the number of years before the present, which is arbitrarily taken to be 1950 A.D. Word processing and illustrations were done by Carol White, John Tubb, Eric Montoya, and Anthony Garcia.
state/nm/1993-149/preface.htm Last Updated: 28-Mar-2006 |