WA DNR Logo Washington Department of Natural Resources
Geology and Earth Resources Division Bulletin No. 72

Washington Coastal Geology between the Hoh and Quillayute Rivers
Weldon W. Rau


The assistance and advice of, and discussions with, numerous professional colleagues have been invaluable to the writing of this report. Many published works have served either directly or indirectly as a source of background material, but due to the nature of this report, not all have been cited specifically. Acknowledgments are here extended to these contributors.

Unpublished studies by the late S. L. Glover, formerly of the Washington Division of Mines and Geology, and a Ph. D. dissertation by R. J. Stewart have been particularly useful sources of basic geologic data. Discussions with, and suggestions from, W. M. Cady, P. D. Snavely, Jr., and R. W. Tabor of the U.S. Geological Survey have been stimulating and helpful. Contributions on macrofossil paleontology by W. O. Addicott of the U.S. Geological Survey are gratefully acknowledged.

The assistance and cooperation of many individuals of the communities of Forks, La Push, and the Hoh River valley have contributed much to this report. Particular thanks for general and historical information is given to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barlow and Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher of the Hoh River valley.

Gratitude is extended for the cooperation and assistance of many staff members of the Department of Natural Resources Olympic Area Office at Forks, the U.S. Coast Guard Station at La Push, the Olympic National Park Service offices at Port Angeles, Forks, and Mora, and the Quileute Tribal Council at La Push. Helicopter support by the Washington State National Guard for aerial photography is gratefully acknowledged.

Thanks are due to all staff members of the Division of Geology and Earth Resources who assisted in the preparation of this report, particularly Laura Bray for her editorial assistance, and K. G. Ikerd, G. C. Johnson, and M. D. Macleod for their graphic skills. The capable assistance of J. W. Lindberg, J. B. Hall, J. J. Janson, and T. M. Vogel during the summer months at various times throughout the course of this study is gratefully acknowledged.

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Last Updated: 28-Mar-2006