Maintaining A Legacy
An Administrative History of George Rogers Clark National Historical Park
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Memorial building. George Rogers Clark National Historical Park. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)

George Rogers Clark memorial under construction, 1932. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)

George Rogers Clark statue, sculpted by Hermon A. MacNeil. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)

Fort Sackville — Britain Yields Possession. Mural by Erza Winter. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)

Detail from front of memorial, George Rogers Clark National Historical Park. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)

(Top) Visitor center, George Rogers Clark National Historical Park. (Bottom) Mannequin exhibit in visitor center, George Rogers Clark National Historical Park (Photos courtesy of National Park Service)

Park Superintendent Robert Lagemann (left) and seasonal ranger Jerry Erny giving a firearms demonstration. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)

(Top) Members of the North West Territory Alliance during Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous. (Bottom) French Commons area during the Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous. (Photos courtesy of National Park Service)

Robert Lagemann, first park management assistant and later the first superintendent. George Rogers Clark National Historical Park. (Photo courtesy of National Park Service)

(Top) Wabash River during high water in January 1991. (Bottom) View of George Rogers Clark National Historical Park looking south from Lincoln Memorial Bridge, showing memorial and railroad spur. (Photos courtesy of National Park Service)

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Last Updated: 28-Jul-2006