AMUSEMENTS. Throughout the park at the various hotels and chalets there are forms of indoor, as well as outdoor, recreation and amusements that may be enjoyed by the tourist. These recreations and amusements are in part as follows: ROWBOATS. At Many Glacier Hotel on Lake McDermott rowboats may be hired at 50 cents an hour with a maximum cost of $2.50 a day for fishing or for taking short trips about the lake. Boats may also be hired by the week, rate $15. A boatman may also be secured, and, with his assistance, a trip may be made up over the rapids to Lake Josephine and boating enjoyed thereon. From Lake Josephine an excellent view may be obtained of Grinnell Glacier, Mount Gould, and Feather-plume Falls. Rowboats may also be hired on St. Mary Lake, where there is excellent fishing at all times. Rowboats can be secured either at St. Mary Chalets or at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. At St. Mary Chalets, by special arrangement, a small power launch may be secured for trips to various points of interest on St. Mary Lake. On Lake McDonald rowboats, canoes, and Evinrude motor boats can be secured at the Glacier Hotel. Rowboats and air motor boats may also be obtained at the foot of the lake. Fishing boats and boatmen may be hired for fishing trips down McDonald Creek, and down the Middle Fork of Flathead River as far as Columbia Falls. Rowboats may be hired at the Two Medicine Chalets for use upon Two Medicine Lake, where fishing may be enjoyed and lake trout secured that can be caught only by fishing from boats. Special launch trips are also available on Two Medicine Lake, one way 75 cents, round trip $1.25. Around the shores of the lake are many interesting nooks and promontories, and the ever-changing scenery, as viewed from different points on the lake, make boating one of the most popular pastimes. SWIMMING. Swimming pools and plunges with warmed water are provided at Glacier Park Hotel and Many Glacier Hotel for such of the guests as care for this sport, a nominal fee being charged for the privilege of using the tanks and for bathing suits when furnished. While it is possible for tourists to indulge in lake bathing, it will be found that the water of the lakes, usually just from the melting glaciers, is uncomfortably cold, and for this reason is not enjoyed except by the most hardy. DANCING. At all of the principal hotels in the park dancing is provided each evening for the guests, good music being furnished for this purpose. At some of the chalets there is opportunity for impromptu dancing, as phonographs or pianos are provided for furnishing music. All dancing is, of course, strictly informal and usually occurs in the grill room or sometimes in amusement halls which are operated in conjunction with the hotels. HORSEBACK RIDING. The most popular amusement to be found throughout the entire park is that of horseback riding, and at hotels and chalets it is possible to hire horses for the purpose of taking short trips to the various points of interest which may be found in that vicinity; and even though the tourists may take long trail rides from one hotel or chalet group to another they never tire of horseback riding, for it is by this means better than any other that one is able to see the most interesting places in the park. FISHING. The waters of Glacier National Park abound in fish. All species of trout have been planted, in order to determine which are the more adaptable. So far all the fish have done well, owing to the abundant natural fish foods and because the waters vary scarcely a degree in temperature the year round. The varieties are cutthroat, eastern brook, steelhead, landlocked salmon, rainbow and grayling. Eastern brook and cutthroat are the most abundant. Many of these, which exceeded 6 pounds, were taken the past season by tourists, and these from waters stocked in 1915. Enough of these varieties rise to the fly to guarantee good sport. The ever-abundant grasshopper may be used successfully by those not skilled in the use of the fly. During the past season one catch of 20 fish weighed 62 pounds, all taken with a fly. In the larger lakes a Mackinaw or Dolly Varden weighing 40 pounds is a possibility. Occasionally a Mackinaw may be caught with fine rod and tackle. All fishing must be in conformity with the park regulations. Two Medicine Chalets.Two Medicine Lake has become known for its eastern brook trout, probably the most palatable and gamest fish in the park. Good fishing is also found in the Two Medicine River below Trick Falls, and in Lower Two Medicine Lake. These lakes are probably better stocked than any in the park, because of the proximity to the hatchery at the eastern entrance. Cut Bank Chalets.This camp is located on the banks of the north fork of Cut Bank Creek, which may be fished both ways from the camp for a distance of from 3 to 5 miles. Cutthroat inhabits this section, and the fisherman who takes the center of the stream and fishes with skill is sure of a well-filled creel. The south fork of Cut Bank Creek is also a wild little stream, well stocked, but little known. St. Mary Chalets.St. Mary Lake is the home of the Mackinaw trout, but also contains flat trout and cutthroat. Numerous streams empty into this lake, and with fly or spinner a goodly toll may be taken. Red Eagle Lake, easily reached from St. Mary Chalets, is one of the best fishing spots in the park. There is also good fishing in Red Eagle Creek. Going-to-the-Sun Chalets.Baring Creek, which empties into St. Mary Lake about a mile above the camp, will be found worthy of a visit. For the large Mackinaw trout the upper end of the lake is a good place. Gunsight Lake, within easy reach, has been well stocked with brook trout. Many Glacier Hotel.Sherburne Lake is literally alive with pike, Lake Superior whitefish, rainbow and cutthroat trout. Pike are readily taken with the troll, and often a cutthroat. Swiftcurrent River, emptying into this lake, affords good stream fishing for the fly caster. McDermott, Grinnell, and Josephine Lakes are becoming known for cutthroat, brook, and rainbow trout. Big catches were made last season. Cracker Lake is always ready to fill the creel with a small black spotted trout. The north and south forks of Kennedy Creek, including Slide Lake, are excellent for stream fishing, cutthroats being in abundance. Belly River is an ideal stream for the man who cares not for getting weta stream full of crooks and turns, with an eddy at every turn, and a hole that looks better than the last at every crook. With overhanging foliage and the right amount of buried snags to conceal the vigilant cutthroat, this is a paradise for the camper. Waterton Lake is another of the big lakes and home of the big fish. Many streams empty into this lake that is shadowed by the highest mountain in the park; and beneath this shadow are fish from Hudson Bay. Mackinaw, Dolly Varden, flat and cutthroat trout are innumerable. Lake McDonald, McDonald Creek, and Avalanche Lake may also be fished with good results. Fishing tackle of the best grade is always obtainable at the two general stores in Glacier Park, and also at the store at Waterton Lake. The hotel company also carries a line at Glacier Park and Many Glacier Hotels.
INFORMATION. General information with respect to the park may be obtained by inquiry at the office of the park superintendent near the Belton entrance of the park, or at the offices of the principal hotels; and a topographic map of the park may be secured at the principal hotels or from the park superintendent for 25 cents. MEDICAL SERVICE. Qualified or trained nurses are in attendance at the Many Glacier and Glacier Park Hotels, from which places emergency remedies may be secured and such first-aid treatment as may be necessary in most cases. A house physician is usually stationed at Glacier Park Hotel, and it is nearly always possible to find among the registered guests of the various hotels one or more physicians whose assistance may be secured in the case of acute illness or serious injury. LIVERY. Horse-drawn livery rigs for trips to various points on the west side of the park may be secured from Mr. John Weightman, at Belton, or at the foot of Lake McDonald.
ONE-DAY TOUR. Glacier Park Hotel to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets by automobile and launch.Daily during season. Transportation, $9.62 round trip, including war tax on launch; luncheon at Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. $1.25.
The above trip takes the tourist to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets at the head of St. Mary Lake, considered one of the finest scenic spots in the park. The ride over the 32-mile auto road and the 10-mile trip by launch on St. Mary Lake enables one to see a 90-mile panorama of Glacier Park scenery in 10 hours. TWO MEDICINE SIDE TRIP. Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medicine Chalets and return by automobile.Daily during season. Transportation, $3.50 round trip.
TWO-DAY TOUR. Glacier Park to Many Glacier Hotel and St. Mary and Going-to-the Sun Chalets, automobile and launch.Daily during season. Transportation, $16.62, including war tax on launch; meals and lodging at hotel or chalets extra at regular rates. FIRST DAY.
THREE-DAY TOUR. Glacier Park Hotel to St. Mary Chalets, Many Glacier Hotel, Iceberg Lake, and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, automobile, saddle horse, and launch.Daily, June 15 to September 15. Transportation, $20.62, including war tax on launch; meals and lodging at hotels and chalets extra at regular rates. FIRST DAY.
FOUR-DAY TOUR. Glacier Park Hotel to St. Mary Chalets, Many Glacier Hotel, Iceberg Lake, Cracker Lake, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets and return to Glacier Park Hotel; automobile, saddle horse, and launch.Daily, July 1 to September 1. Transportation, $24.62, including war tax on launch; meals and lodging at hotels or chalets, extra at regular rates. FIRST DAY.
FIVE-DAY TOUR. Glacier Park Hotel to Many Glacier Hotel, Iceberg Lake or Cracker Lake, Granite Park Chalets, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, St. Mary Chalets, and return to Glacier Park Hotel; automobile, saddle horse, and launch.Daily, July 1 to September 1. Transportation, $28.62, including war tax on launch; meals and lodging at hotels or chalets, extra at regular rates. FIRST DAY.
SIX-DAY TOUR. Glacier Park Hotel to St. Mary Chalets, Many Glacier Hotel, Iceberg Lake or Cracker Lake, Granite Park Chalets, returning via Piegan Pass and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets to Glacier Park Hotel; automobile, launch, and saddle horse.Daily, July 1 to September 1. Transportation, $29.31, including war tax on launch; meals and lodging at hotels or chalets, extra at regular prices. FIRST DAY.
SEVEN-DAY TOUR. Glacier Park Hotel to Many Glacier Hotel, Iceberg Lake, Cracker Lake, Granite Park Chalets, over Logan Pass to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, and over Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel, and returning via St. Mary Chalets to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets to Glacier Park Hotel, automobile, saddle horse, and launch.Daily, July 1 to September 1. Transportation, $37.12, including war tax on launch; meals and lodging at hotels or chalets, extra at regular rates. FIRST DAY.
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