PANORAMIC VIEW. A panoramic view of Glacier National Park, 18-1/2 by 21 inches, scale 3 miles to the inch, may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Price, 25 cents, postage prepaid.1
A topographic map of Glacier National Park (size 32 by 28-1/2 inches) on the scale of 2 miles to the inch may be purchased from the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., for 25 cents, postage prepaid.1
GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Government publications on Glacier National Park may be obtained as indicated below. Separate communications should be addressed to the officers mentioned. DISTRIBUTED FREE BY THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE. The following publications may be obtained free on written application to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C., or by personal application at the registration offices of the park at Glacier Park Hotel (eastern entrance) and at the superintendent's office at Belton (western entrance): Glimpses of our National Parks, 48 pages. Glacier National Park on pp. 34-37. Contains descriptions of the most important features of the principal national parks. Automobile road map of Glacier National Park. Shows the park road system, trail system, hotels, chalets, garages, superintendent's office, routes to the park, etc. Also contains suggestions for motorists. Printed in three colors. Map of National Parks and National Monuments, Shows location of all the national parks and monuments administered by the National Park Service, and all railroad routes to these reservations. SOLD BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. The following publications may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at the prices given. Remittances should be made by money order or in cash. No additional charge for postage: National Parks Portfolio, by Robert Sterling Yard. 260 pages, including 270 illustrations. Pamphlet edition, loose in flexible cover, 35 cents; book edition, containing same material securely bound in cloth, 55 cents. Contains nine sections. each descriptive of a national park, and one larger section devoted to other national parks and monuments. Origin of the Scenic Features of Glacier National Park, by M. R. Campbell, 42 pages, including 25 illustrations, 15 cents. This pamphlet contains a general account of the forces that have caused the development of the mountain ranges, the valleys, and lakes of Glacier National Park. Glaciers of Glacier National Park, by W. C. Alden, 48 pages, including 30 illustrations, 15 cents. This publication contains descriptions of the principal features of the larger glaciers in the park. Some Lakes of Glacier National Park, by M. J. Elrod, 32 pages, including 19 illustrations, 10 cents. This pamphlet contains a description of some of the principal lakes, with special reference to the possibility of stocking the lakes with fish. Glacier National Parka popular guide to its geology and scenery, by M. R. Campbell (Bulletin 600, U. S. Geological Survey), 54 pages, 13 plates, including map, 30 cents. Wild Animals of Glacier National Park; The Mammals, by Vernon Bailey; The Birds, by Florence Merriam Bailey; 210 pages, 94 text figures, 37 plates, including map, 50 cents. Describes the birds and animals both popularly and scientifically; tells how the visitor may identify them. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ALLEN, E. F. A Guide to the National Parks of America, 1918. 338 pages. BOWMAN, I. Forest Physiography, New York, 1911. Ill. Maps. BRYCE, JAMES. University and historical addresses. 1913. 433 pp. National Parksthe need of the future on pp. 389-406. COLEMAN, A. P. Glacier National Park, in "Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks," Ottawa, Gov. Print, 1915. Ill. Maps. DUMBELL, K. E. M. California and the Far West, 1914. 198 pp. Glacier on pp. 23-36. HOLTZ, MATHILDE EDITH, and BEMIS, KATHERINE ISABEL. Glacier National Park, Its Trails and Treasures. 1917. 262 pp., illustrated. JAMES, G. W. "Our American Wonderlands," Chicago, 1915. Ill. Glacier National Park Chap. XXII. JOHNSON, C. "Highways of Rocky Mountains," Mountains and Valleys in Montana, pp. 194-215. Ill. MARSHALL, L. Seeing America. Philadelphia, 1916. Ill. Map. (Chap. XXIII; Among the American Alps. Glacier National Park, pp. 193-200.) McCLINTOCK, W. The Old North Trail, 539 pages, illustrations, maps. Macmillan Co., 1910. MILLS, ENOS A. Your National Parks. 532 pp, illustrated. Price $2.50. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1917. Glacier National Park on pp. 148-160, 475-487. RINEHART, MARY ROBERTS. Through Glacier Park. The Log of a Trip with Howard Eaton. 1916. 92 pp., illustrated. ______. My Country 'Tish of Thee. SANDERS, H. F. Trails through Western Woods. 1910. 310 pp., illustrated. ______. History of Montana, vol. 1, 1913. 847 pp. Glacier National Park on pp. 685-689. ______. The White Quiver. Illustrated, 344 pages. Duffield & Co., New York, 1913. SCHULTZ, JAMES WILLARD. Blackfeet Tales of Glacier National Park. 1916. 242 pp., illustrated. STEELE, DAVID M. Going Abroad Overland. 1917. 198 pp., illustrated. Glacier National Park on pp. 92-101. STIMSON, HENRY L. The Ascent of Chief Mountain. In "Hunting in Many Lands," edited by Theodore Roosevelt and George B. Grinnell, pp. 220-237, 1895. WOOD, R. K. Glacier National Park in "The Tourist's Northwest," New York, 1916. Ill.; map; pp. 367-387. YARD, ROBERT STERLING. The Top of the Continent. 1917. 244 pp., illustrated. Glacier National Park on pp. 87-115. ______ The Book of the National Parks. Scribners, 1919. 420 pp., 76 illustrations, 16 maps and diagrams. Price $3.00. Chapter on Glacier National Park on pp. 251-283.
Rules and regulations similar to this for other national parks listed below may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C.
The following publication relating to the national monuments may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C.: Casa Grande National Monument.
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