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The waters of Glacier National Park abound in fish. All popular species of trout have been planted. They have thrived owing to the abundant natural fish foods and the nearly constant temperature of the waters the year around. Cutthroat, eastern brook, and rainbow, are the most abundant. Fly fishing is the greatest sport, but spinners and the ever-abundant grasshopper may be used successfully by those not skilled in the use of the fly in the larger lakes a Mackinaw or Dolly Varden weighing 40 pounds is a possibility. All fishing must be in conformity with the park regulations.

Two Medicine Chalets.—Two Medicine Lake has become well known for its eastern brook and rainbow trout. Good fishing is also found in the Two Medicine River below Trick Falls. This lake and stream are probably better stocked than any in the park, because of the proximity to the hatchery at the eastern entrance.

Cut Bank Chalets.—This Camp is located on the banks of the North Fork of Cut Bank Creek, which may be fished both ways from the camp for a distance of from 3 to 5 miles. Cutthroat and eastern brook inhabit this section, and the fisherman who takes the center of the stream and fishes with skill is sure of a well-filled creel. The South Fork at Cut Bank Creek is a wild little steam, well stocked, but little known.

St. Mary Chalets.—St. Mary Lake is the home of the Mackinaw trout, as well as cutthroat and rainbow trout. Numerous streams empty into this lake from which a goodly toll may be taken with fly or spinner. Red Eagle Lake, easily reached by trail from St. Mary Chalets, is one of the best fishing spots in the park. There is also good fishing in Red Eagle Creek.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets.—The lakes in Rose Creek Basin will furnish excellent sport. For the large Mackinaw trout the upper end of St. Mary Lake is a good place. Gunsight Lake, 9 miles distant, is well stocked with rainbow trout.

Many Glacier Hotel.—Lake Sherburne contains pike, Lake Superior whitefish, and rainbow and cutthroat trout. Pike, and often a cuthroat, are readily taken with the troll. Swiftcurrent River affords good stream fishing for the fly caster. Swiftcurrent, Grinnell, Josephine, and Ptarmigan Lakes are famous for cutthroat, eastern brook, and rainbow trout. The small lakes along the Swiftcurrent Pass Trail abound in eastern brook and rainbow trout. Cracker Lake is always ready to fill the creel with a small black-spotted trout.

The North and South Forks of Kennedy Creek are excellent for fishing. Cutthroats are abundant in them and in Slide Lake. Lower Kennedy Lake on the South Fork abounds in grayling.

Lake McDonald Hotel.—Fishing in Lake McDonald is good but there is unusually good trout fishing in Fish Lake (3 miles), Avalanche Lake (9 miles), Snyder Lake (5 miles), and Lincoln Lake (11 miles).

Trout Lake (7 miles) and Arrow Lake (11 miles), as well as McDonald Creek, also furnish a good day's sport.

There is a good automobile road to within 3 miles of Avalanche Lake.

Red Eagle Tent Camp.—Red Eagle Lake and Red Eagle Creek, both above and below the lake, abound in large cutthroat trout, some attaining the weight of 7 pounds.

Crossley Lake Tent Camp.—Crossley and other lakes on the Middle Fork of the Belly River furnish excellent sport. Cutthroat and Mackinaw trout are found here. Large rainbow trout and grayling abound in Elizabeth Lake. In the Belly River proper, rainbow and cutthroat trout and grayling are plentiful.

Goathaunt Tent Camp.—Large Mackinaw and cutthroat trout are found in Waterton Lake; eastern brook trout are numerous in Waterton River; Lake Francis on Olson Creek abounds in rainbow trout.

Fishing the Rapids. Hileman photo.


The park is a paradise for hikers and mountain climbers. There are numerous places of interest near all hotels and chalets which can be visited by easy walks. Or trips can be made to occupy one or more days, stops being planned at various hostelries or camping sites en route.

Space does not permit giving detailed information regarding points of interest along the trails, but this can be secured from Elrod's Guidebook and the United States topographic map. Directional signs are posted at all trail junctions. There is not the slightest danger of hikers getting lost if they stay on the trails. It is safe to travel any of these trails alone. Unless wild animals in the park are molested or are protecting their young they never attack human beings.

Hikers should secure a topographic map of the park which shows all streams, lakes, glaciers, mountains, and other principal features in their proper positions. With a little practice it can be read easily. The official map can be purchased for 25 cents at the superintendent's office at Belton, the administration office at Glacier Park Station, the hotels, all registration stations at the park entrances, and from all ranger naturalists.

The trip should not be ruined by attempting too much. An average of 2 or 3 miles per hour is good hiking time in the rough park country. One thousand feet of climb per hour is satisfactory progress over average trails. In this rugged country, hikes of 15 miles or more should be attempted only by those who are accustomed to long, hard trips. An attempt at mountain climbing or "stunts" should not be made alone unless one is thoroughly acquainted with the nature of Glacier's mountains and weather. Too often "stunts" result in serious body injuries, or even death, as well as much arduous work for rangers and others. Hikers should consult a ranger naturalist or information ranger before venturing on a hazardous, novel, or new undertaking. No one but an experienced mountaineer should attempt to spend a night away from shelter. Shelter cabins have been erected by the Government on Indian, Piegan, and Gunsight Passes. They are equipped with flagstone floors, stoves, and a limited supply of fuel wood. They are for the free use of parties overtaken by storm. Mountain etiquette demands that they not be left in a disorderly state, that no more fuel be consumed than is absolutely necessary, and that their privileges and advantages not be abused.

Shelter is not available in some of the most beautiful sections of the park. To those who are sufficiently sturdy to pack blankets, cooking utensils, and provisions, and are sufficiently versed in woodcraft to take care of themselves overnight, Glacier presents wonderful opportunities. Provisions can be purchased at Glacier Park Station, Belton, and at any hotel or chalet in the park. For fire prevention, it is unlawful to build camp fires (or fires of any kind) except at designated places. The location of these sites can be ascertained from park rangers.

Unless one is an experienced mountaineer and thoroughly familiar with the park, it is unwise to go far from the regular trails alone. He should not scorn the services of a guide on such trips.

Above all, he should not attempt to hike across country from one trail to another. The many sheer cliffs make this extremely dangerous.

If one is a veteran mountaineer and plans to climb peaks or explore trackless country, he should take the precaution to leave an outline of his plans at his hotel, chalet, or camp, giving especially the time he expects to return or reach his next stopping place.

At each ranger station, hotel, chalet, and permanent camp in the park will be found a "Hiker's Register" book. Everyone is urged for his own protection to make use of these registers, entering briefly his name, home address, time of departure, plans, and probability of taking side trips or of changing plans. The hotel clerk should be informed of these at the time of departure. If a ranger is not there, this information should be entered in the register which will be found near the door outside the building, so that when the ranger returns he can report it to the next station or to headquarters. These precautions are to protect the park visitor. In case of injury or loss, rangers will immediately investigate.

In planning hiking trips, the following should also be taken into consideration: At higher elevations one sunburns easily and painfully because of the rarity of the atmosphere and intense brightness of the sun. Hikers should include in their kits amber goggles and cold cream for glacier and high mountain trips.

Footwear is most important. A hike should not be started with shoes or boots that have not been thoroughly broken in. Because feet swell greatly on a long trip, hiking shoes should be at least a half size larger than street shoes. They need not be heavy, awkward shoes—in fact, light shoes are much easier on the feet. Most people are made uncomfortable by high-top boots or shoes which retard the circulation of the calves. Six- or eight-inch tops are sufficient. Soles should be flexible, preferably of some composition which is not slippery when wet. Crepe soles are excellent for mountain climbing and for fishing. Hobnailed shoes are necessary only for grassy slopes or cross-country work. Hungarian nails are much to be preferred to hobs, and only a light studding of soles and heels is most effective. White silk socks should be worn next to the feet, a pair of heavy wool (German) socks over them. Soaking the feet daily in salt or alum solution toughens them. On a hike the feet should be bathed in cold water whenever possible.

Hiking trips with ranger naturalists are described under that service. There are many interesting short side trips from all hotels, chalets, and camps. Short self-guiding trails upon which interesting objects of natural history are fittingly labeled have been established at the following places:

1. Around Swiftcurrent Lake (2 miles).

2. From Lake McDonald Hotel to Fish Lake (2 miles).

3. From Lake McDonald Hotel to Johns Lake (2 miles).

4. From Avalanche Camp Ground to Avalanche Lake (2 miles).

5. From Granite Park to the summit of the Garden Wall (2 miles).

Lunches may be ordered from hotels and chalets the night before a trip. If an early departure is planned, it should be so stated upon ordering the lunch.


(Figures indicate altitude in feet above sea level)

Glacier Park Hotel (4,796) to Two Medicine Chalets (5,175) via Mount Henry Trail (7,500). Distance, 11 miles.

Two Medicine Chalets to Cut Bank Chalets (5,100) via Cut Bank Pass (7,600), 17 miles.

Cut Bank Chalets via Triple Divide Pass (7,400) and Triple Divide Peak (8,001) to Red Eagle Camp on Red Eagle Lake (4,702), 16 miles.

Red Eagle Camp to St. Mary Chalets (4,500), 9 miles.

The Many Falls Trail: Red Eagle Camp via the south shore of St. Mary Lake and Virginia Falls to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets (4,500), 11-1/2 miles

The 2-day trip, St. Mary Chalets to Red Eagle Camp (7 miles) and thence over Many Falls Trail to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, is excellent.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets via Sunrift Gorge (4,800), Siyeh (8,100), and Piegan (7,800) Passes to Many Glacier Hotel (4,861), 17-1/2 miles.

Dinner time in camp. Grant photo.

Going-to-the-Sun Chalets via Reynolds Creek, Preston Park, and Piegan Pass to Many Glacier Hotel, 19 miles.

Many Glacier Hotel to Granite Park Chalets (6,600) via Swiftcurrent Pass (7,176), 9 miles.

Granite Park Chalets to Lake McDonald Hotel (3,167) via McDonald Creek, 18 miles.

Granite Park Chalets (6,600) via Logan Pass (6,654) to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets (4,500), 18 miles.

Granite Park Chalets to the Going-to-the-Sun Highway (5,200), meeting it 2 miles above the switchback, 4 miles.

Granite Park Chalets to Goathaunt Camp at Waterton Lake (4,200) via Flattop Mountain (6,500), 20 miles. A short side trail leads to Ahern Pass, from which is obtained a splendid view of the valley of the South Fork of Belly River. Another from Flattop Mountain to the Summit of the Continental Divide overlooks Sue Lake and the Middle Fork of the Belly River. Fifty Mountain Camp is midway between Granite Park and Goathaunt Camp.

Goathaunt Camp to Browns Pass (6,450), Boulder Pass (8,200), and Hole-in-the-Wall Falls, 15 miles. One of the most scenic trips in the park. From Boulder Pass a trail leads to Kintla Lake; from Browns Pass a trail to Bowman Lake. A secondary road leads from Kintla to Bowman Lakes, 20 miles.

Goathaunt Camp via Indian Pass (7,400) to Crossley Lake Camp (4,855), 18 miles.

Crossley Lake Camp to Many Glacier Hotel (4,861) via the celebrated Ptarmigan Trail which includes a 183-foot tunnel through Ptarmigan Wall, 17 miles.

Lake McDonald Hotel to Avalanche Camp (3,400), 6-1/2 miles.

Avalanche Camp to Avalanche Lake (3,885), 2 miles.

Lake McDonald Hotel to Sperry Chalets (6,500), 6 miles. From Sperry Chalets to Sperry Glacier, 2-1/2 miles.

Sperry Chalets to Going-to-the-Sun Chalets (4,500) via Lincoln (7,000) and Gunsight (6,900) Passes, 13 miles.


While it is possible for visitors to indulge in lake bathing, it will be found that the water of the lakes, usually just from the melting glaciers, is uncomfortably cold, and for this reason is not enjoyed except by the most hardy. Swimming pools and plunges with warmed water are provided at Glacier Park Hotel and Many Glacier Hotel.


The traveler who is not in a hurry may camp out in the magnificent wilderness of the park, carrying equipment in his automobile and staying as long as he wishes in any of the free Government camp grounds, or he may carry his bed and provisions on his back. With a competent guide and a complete camping outfit the park visitor may set forth upon the trails to wander at will. On such trips one may venture far afield, explore glaciers, climb divides for extraordinary views, linger for the best fishing, or spend idle days in spots of inspirational beauty.

The Glacier Park Saddle Horse Co. provides excellent small sleeping tents and a complete outfitting of comforts for pack trips.

There are several important points to be remembered on such trips:

A Government topographic map should be procured and consulted frequently.

Extreme care should be taken about fires. No fire should be left even for a few minutes unless it is entirely extinguished. It should be drenched completely with water.


Glacier offers exceptional views to delight the photographer. While the scenic attractions are most commonly photographed, the animals, the flowers, and the picturesque Blackfeet Indians provide interesting subjects. Photographic laboratories are maintained at Many Glacier, Lake McDonald, and Glacier Park Hotels, and at Belton village. Expert information regarding exposures and settings is also available at these places.


Improved highways lead from Blackfeet Highway, just east of the park, to Two Medicine Lake, the Cutbank Chalets, Swiftcurrent Lake, and Many Glacier Hotel. The Blackfeet Highway is an improved highway leading from Glacier Park to Cardston, Waterton Lake, and Canadian points.

The new Kennedy Creek Road will be open to travel during the 1936 season. It is a direct route to Waterton Lakes Park in Canada.

The Theodore Roosevelt Highway (U. S. 2) follows the southern boundary of the park from Glacier Park Station to Belton, a distance of 54 miles, and a trip over this highway affords views of excellent scenery.

The spectacular Going-to-the-Sun Highway, well known as one of the outstanding scenic roadways of the world, connects the east and west sides of the park, crossing the Continental Divide through Logan Pass at an altitude of 6,654 feet. This road, begun in 1921 and completed in 1933, makes available to thousands of travelers, who would not have time, funds, or the strength for pack trips, some of the finest alpine scenery in the world. It is now possible for a transcontinental traveler to leave his train at the eastern or western gateway of Glacier National Park, cross the park in a motor bus by its most spectacular route, and resume his train travel the next day at the opposite gateway from which he entered.

As an engineering and landscaping achievement, the Going-to-the-Sun Highway is an outstanding accomplishment. No expense or effort was spared to locate this road so that it would afford the finest scenic vistas, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles to be encountered in such a wild and mountainous region. Both the east and west sections have tunnels through overhanging rock cliffs constructed under the most difficult and hazardous circumstances. Two great rough-hewn windows, or galleries, have been cut through the outside wall of the west tunnel. Here are resting places far up the slopes of the Continental Divide where the traveler may stop as long as he pleases and enjoy the beauty of the scenery from vantage points hitherto available only to the birds. Glaciers gleam on the slopes of the great mountain peaks, everywhere there are gemlike lakes, and in summer the wild flowers offer a color display that is forever a cherished memory of those fortunate enough to see it.

About 50 miles long, and starting at the foot of beautiful Lake McDonald, the Going-to-the-Sun Highway follows the eastern shore to the head of the lake, then up McDonald Creek, to Logan Pass. Flanking Pollock, Piegan, and Going-to-the-Sun Mountains, it continues through one of the park's loveliest sections to famous St. Mary Lake. Skirting the north shore and foot of St. Mary, it joins the Blackfeet Highway on the east side of the park.


As a rule tourists are inclined to carry too much. There are no unnecessary formalities and no need for formal clothes in Glacier Park, where guests are expected to relax from everyday affairs of living. An inexpensive and simple outfit is required—old clothes and stout shoes are the rule. These, together with toilet articles, can be wrapped into a compact bundle and put into a haversack or bag. For saddle trips, hiking, or idling, both men and women wear riding breeches for greater comfort and freedom. Golf knickers are also satisfactory. "Shorts", such as are worn by Boy Scouts, are not generally feasible in this park. Ordinary cotton khaki breeches will do, although woolen ones are preferable; lightweight woolen underwear and overshirt are advised because of rapid changes of temperature. A sweater or woolen mackinaw jacket, 1 or 2 pairs of cotton gloves, and a raincoat are generally serviceable. Waterproof slickers are furnished free with saddle horses.

Supplies and essential articles of clothing of good quality, including boots, shoes, leggings, socks, haversacks, shirts, slickers, blankets, camping equipment, and provisions, may be purchased at well-stocked commissaries at Glacier Park, Many Glacier, and Lake McDonald Hotels and at the camp store at Many Glacier camp ground. The Glacier Park Hotel Co., which operates these commissaries, also makes a practice of renting, at a nominal figure, riding outfits, mackinaw coats, and other overgarments. Stores carrying a similar general line of articles most useful in making park trips are located at Belton, and at Glacier Park village. There is a store carrying provisions, cigars, tobacco, and fishermen's supplies at the foot of Lake McDonald.


The Glacier Park Hotel Co., under franchise from the Department of the Interior, operates the hotel and chalet system in the park and the Belton Chalets. This system includes the Glacier Park Hotel at Glacier Park Station, an imposing structure built of massive logs, nearly as long as the Capitol at Washington, accommodating 400 guests; the Many Glacier Hotel on Swiftcurrent Lake, accommodating over 500 guests; and the Lake McDonald Hotel on Lake McDonald, with capacity for 100 guests.

The chalet groups are from 10 to 18 miles apart, but within hiking distance of one another or of the hotels, and provide excellent accommodations for trail tourists. They are located at Two Medicine, Cutbank, St. Mary, Sun Camp, Many Glacier, Granite Park, Sperry, and Belton. Many Glacier and Cutbank Chalets will not be open during the 1936 season. In addition to these, the Glacier Park Saddle Horse Co. maintains tent camps at Red Eagle Lake, Crossley Lake, Goathaunt, and Fifty Mountain.

Housekeeping cabins at Many Glacier camp grounds. Hileman photo.

There are also a few hotels and camps located on the west side, in or adjacent to the park, on private lands. The National Park Service exercises no control over their rates and operations. Private tourist cabins and hotels are operated outside the park at Glacier Park Station, Belton, St. Mary, Babb, and Browning Junction.


The Glacier Park, Many Glacier, and Lake McDonald Hotels are open from June 15 to September 15. The American-plan rates range from $6.50 a day for a room, without bath, to $14 a day for de luxe accommodations for one. Rooms may also be obtained on the European plan. Breakfast and lunch cost $1 each; dinner, $1.50. Children under 8 are charged half rates, and a discount of 10 percent is allowed for stays of a week or longer at any one hotel. Cabins are obtainable at Lake McDonald Hotel at a rate of $5 each, American plan, for 3 persons in 1 room; 2 persons in room, $5.50 each; 1 person, $6.50.

Chalets operated during 1936 will be open from June 15 to September 15, except Sperry and Granite Park, which will open July 1 and close September 1. Minimum rates are computed on a basis of $4.50 a day per person, special accommodations ranging as high as $7.50. A 10 percent discount is allowed for stays of a week or more at any one chalet group. Tent camp rates are $5 per day, per person, American plan.

The Swiftcurrent auto cabins are located a little more than a mile from Many Glacier Hotel. Here a 2-room cabin for 1 or 2 persons costs $2.50 a day; 3 or 4 persons in a 3-room cabin, $4 a day. Blankets and linen may be rented by the day. The 10 percent discount given at the hotels and chalets also applies to the housekeeping cabins.


Glacier National Park has the distinction of being the foremost trail park. More saddle horses are used than in any other park or like recreational region in this country. The Glacier Park Saddle Horse Co. has available during the season about 800 saddle animals. There are nearly 900 miles of trails in this park.

At Glacier Park, Many Glacier, and Lake McDonald Hotels, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, and Goathaunt Tent Camp, horses may be engaged or released for trips in the park, including camping trips. At Two Medicine Chalets horses may be engaged or released for local rides only.

A wonderful 3-day excursion is afforded by the Logan Pass Triangle trip. This trip may be started at either the Many Glacier Hotel and Chalets or Going-to-the-Sun Chalets. Beginning at Many Glacier Hotel, the first day's route follows up Swiftcurrent Pass to Granite Park Chalets, where luncheon is served and the overnight stop made. The second day the Garden Wall Trail to Logan Pass is followed, with a box luncheon on the way, and Going-to-the Sun Chalets is reached in late afternoon in time for dinner. The return to Many Glacier Hotel is made the third day via Piegan Pass, Grinnell Lake, and Josephine Lake.

The South Circle trip requires 5 days to complete and may be started either from Many Glacier, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, or Lake McDonald Hotel on Lake McDonald. Three of the principal passes are traversed—Swiftcurrent, Gunsight, and Piegan. The North Circle trip is also a 5-day tour via tent camps, crossing Swiftcurrent Pass, Indian Pass, and Ptarmigan Wall. The trip starts from Many Glacier Hotel, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, or Lake McDonald Hotel.

Many delightful specially scheduled trips of 1 and 2 days' duration are also available.

Resting at the east portal of the tunnel on Ptarmigan Wall Trail. Grant photo.

Information about saddle-horse trips may be obtained at any of the hotels or other points of concentration. Practically any type of trip desired can be arranged, from short excursions to special points of interest, such as the half-day trip from Glacier Park Hotel to Forty-Mile Creek for $3.50, to pack trips of unlimited duration; the larger the party, the cheaper the rates. For minimum parties of 3 persons, the average rate for 1-day trips is $5 or $6. For parties of 3 or more, the all-expense Fifty Mountain Trail trip of 3 days is $28.50; the 5-day North Circle trip, $50.50. These are specifically mentioned merely to give an idea of the cost; many other fine trips are available at rates computed on a similar basis.

Special arrangements can be made for private camping parties making a trip of 10 days or more at rates amounting to $11 a day each for groups of 7 or more; $12 a day each for 6 persons; $13 for 5; $15 for 4; $16 for 3; $18 for 2; and $27 for 1 person. A guide and cook are furnished for a party of one or more persons, and extra helpers are added, if the number of persons require it. Private trips of less than 10 days may also be arranged.

Experienced riders may rent horses for use on the floor of the valleys at $1 an hour, $3 for 4 hours, and $5 for 8 hours.


The Glacier Park Transport Co. and the Glacier Park Hotel Co. have jointly arranged some very attractive all-expense tours of 1, 2, 3, and 4 days' duration. These trips are priced reasonably and include auto fare, meals, and hotel lodgings. The trips begin at Glacier Park Station for west bound passengers and at Belton for east-bound passengers and are made daily during the season.

Trip No. 1.—Logan Pass Detour. Glacier Park Hotel to Going-to-the Sun Chalets, Lake McDonald Hotel, and Belton, Mont. Leave Glacier Park Hotel at 2:30 p. m.; arrive Belton the next day, 2:05 p. m. All-expense rate, $15.50.

Trip No. 2.—Glacier Park Hotel to Many Glacier Hotel, Going-to-the Sun Chalets, Lake McDonald Hotel, and Belton. Leave Glacier Park Hotel 2:30 p. m.; arrive Belton on third day, 2:05 p. m. All-expense rate, $27.75.

Trip No. 3.—Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medicine Lake, Many Glacier Hotel, Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, Lake McDonald, and Belton. Leave Glacier Park Hotel 2 p. m.; arrive Belton on fourth day, 2:05 p. m. All-expense rate, $38.

Trip No. 4.—Same as Trip No. 3, except an extra day at Many Glacier Hotel, and the all-expense rate is $44.50.

All west-bound trips are scheduled to arrive at Belton at 2:05 p. m., in time for the Empire Builder, west. The trips east bound all begin at Belton and close at Glacier Park Station, in time for the Empire Builder, east. The rates for these trips are:

No. 1—$16.50 No. 2—$30.25 No. 3—$36.75 No. 4—$45.00

All trips, both east and west, are routed over the spectacular Going-to-the-Sun Highway and Logan Pass.


The Glacier Park Transport Co. is operated in the park under franchise from the Department of the Interior. Daily stage service in each direction is maintained between Glacier Park Hotel and St. Mary Chalets, Many Glacier Hotel and Chalets, Waterton, and Going-to-the-Sun Chalets, Lake McDonald Hotel, and Belton Station. A daily bus trip is made from Glacier Park Hotel to Two Medicine Chalets on Two Medicine Lake, allowing sufficient time at the lake to fish or make the launch trip. Regular motorbus service is maintained between Glacier Park Hotel and Belton. On the west side daily bus service is maintained between Belton, the foot of Lake McDonald, and the Lake McDonald Hotel at the head of Lake McDonald, and between this hotel and Logan Pass on the Continental Divide.

The transportation company and launch companies allow each passenger to carry with him 25 pounds of hand baggage without extra charge, which is usually sufficient for shorter trips. Trunks are forwarded at extra expense. Arrangements can be made for caring for trunks left at entrances during tour of park or rechecking them for passengers who enter at one side and leave by the other. Storage charges on baggage at Glacier Park Station and at Belton are waived while tourists are making park trips.


The Glacier Park Hotel Co. operates launch service on Waterton Lake between Goathaunt Camp in Glacier Park, and the Waterton Lake town-site in Alberta, Canada, crossing the international boundary line about half-way up the lake. One-way, the fare is 75 cents; round trip, $1.50.

Twilight launch rides on St. Mary and McDonald Lakes are featured during fair weather.

The J. W. Swanson Boat Co. operates launch service on beautiful Two Medicine Lake, at a charge of 75 cents each for four or more passengers. For a smaller number the minimum charge for the trip around the lake is $3. Trips around Josephine and Swiftcurrent Lakes may be made for $1 each. The Swanson Co. also rents rowboats for 50 cents an hour; 2.50 a day, or $15 a week for use on the following lakes: Two Medicine, St. Mary, Swiftcurrent, Josephine, and McDonald. Outboard motors may also be rented.

This booklet is issued once a year and the rates mentioned herein may have changed slightly since issuance, but the latest rates approved by the Secretary of the Interior are on file with the superintendent and the park operators.

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Last Updated: 20-Jun-2010