Ecology of the Rocky Mountain Goat in Glacier National Park and the Swan Mountains, Montana
Douglas H. Chadwick
Glacier National Park
West Glacier, Montana 59936
Present address: P.O. Box 175
Polebridge, Montana 59928
Data are presented which illustrate that the nature
of the terrain and food supply in mountain goat (Oreamnos
americanus) habitat ultimately regulate mountain goat population
characteristics. Individuals in small groups apparently possess only a
slight selective advantage over solitary animals but a more substantial
advantage over members of large groups. In certain respects, mountain
goats are closer to a semi-gregarious species than a typical herd
animal. This is expected for a species with a patchy food resource and
dense cover, cover being in the form of topography rather than
vegetation. Recurrently intense resource competition and movement
patterns necessary to exploit shifting forage supplies have led to
organization of herds by a dominance hierarchy rather than a territorial
system. Aggressive intolerance, expressed through high rates of
agonistic interaction, appears to be the primary mechanism limiting
group sizes and dispersing groups within ranges. Within successionally
stable plant communities, mountain goat populations appear to be
regulated through density-related mortality in subordinate classes
commensurate with climatically induced resource shortages.
Chadwick, D. H. 1977. Ecology of the
Rocky Mountain goat in Glacier National Park and the Swan Mountains,
Montana: final report. Glacier National Park, West Glacier, Montana.
Habitat Selection
Food Habits
General Considerations
Glacier Park
Swan Mountains
Group Size
Group Composition
Distribution Within Habitats
Agonistic and Sexual Relationships
It has traditionally been said of the Rocky Mountain
goat that because of the exclusive nature of the precipitous terrain it
inhabits, it is the one native ungulate species whose populations have
not been significantly altered by the course of human development of
western North America. This statement is no longer applicable. Mountain
goat populations have experienced recent declines throughout much of
their range in the face of increased accessibility and shooting
pressures. Proper management is hindered by inadequate knowledge of the
species' biology and by difficulties in obtaining reliable population
estimates in rugged, hazardous terrain.
This paper defines ecological parameters and examines
the natural regulation of mountain goat populations. Data have been
drawn from ongoing studies of mountain goats on two native western
Montana ranges. The two sets of data are directly comparable in some
respects and complementary in others. They have been combined in order
to provide a more complete picture of the species. It was also important
to check results obtained in the Swan Mountains, where wildlife
populations were subject to exploitation and habitat alteration by
humans, with results from a relatively undisturbed ecosystem, Glacier
National Park, which is designated and managed as a natural area.
I am indebted to the National Park Service, which
supported my research while I was employed as a seasonal biologist at
Glacier Park. Particular appreciation is extended to C. J. Martinka,
Glacier Park Supervisory Research Biologist, for encouragement,
direction, and sound scientific advice, and to K. L. McArthur for
editing the manuscript. Other park personnel and Karen B. Reeves
provided valuable assistance during my work in the park. Studies in the
Swan Mountains were made possible by support from the Montana Fish and
Game Department, the National Wildlife Federation, Defenders of
Wildlife, and the University of Montana School of Forestry. I also wish
to acknowledge the assistance of Beth Chadwick, Robert R. Ream, and U.S.
Forest Service personnel during that phase of research.
The two study areas were both located in northwestern
Montana, about 125 km apart. The 310-km study area in the central region
of Glacier Park lies on both sides of the Continental Divide and
encompasses portions of 10 major drainages (Fig. 1). The
500-km2 Swan Mountains study area is situated at the
northwestern corner of the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Flathead National
Forest, west of the Continental Divide (Fig. 2), and was described in an
earlier report (Chadwick 1974).
Fig. 1. Location of Glacier National Park study area.
Fig. 2. Location of Swan Mountains study area.
The Swan Mountains and western slopes of Glacier Park
are subject to Pacific maritime weather influences which result in
moderate temperatures and high precipitation, mostly in the form of
snow. Air masses moving eastward lose most of their moisture on western
slopes and bring frequent strong, drying winds to eastern slopes.
Continental weather systems east of the Divide in the park result in
colder, drier conditions there. Light winter conditions prevailed in
1972-73 and 1975-76, and 1974-75 was moderately severe.
Precambrian Belt Series argillites and limestones
underlie both study areas in broad bedding planes which dip at moderate
angles. Exposed sedimentary layers typically form steplike ledges and
terraces. The major erosional agent has been repeated glaciation which
has sculpted landforms dominated by sharp peaks and ridges, cirque
basins, and wide U-shaped valleys. Present-day glaciers reappeared 4,000
years ago (Ross 1959) and remain active erosional agents both in the
park and, to a lesser extent, in the Swan Mountains. Recent glacial
fluctuations were described by Matthes (1942) and Dyson (1949).
Elevations in both study areas range from 1,060 m to
3,050 m. Eastern park slopes average 300 m higher than western slopes.
Just over one-third of the entire park and one-half of the study area
lie with in the alpine zone. Only about one-tenth of the Swan Mountains
and the representative study area may be characterized as alpine. The
"alpine zone" is typified by persistent snowpack, extreme low
temperatures, extensive frost action, high wind velocities, and uniquely
adapted, slow-growing plant communities.
Upper elevations in both study areas are dominated by
sparsely vegetated rock outcroppings with fellfield communities
developing at their bases. Also prominent at high elevations are tundra
communities, characterized by mat-forming forbs, and meadows dominated
by sedges (Carex spp.) or rushes (Luzula spp.). With
increasing soil establishment, krummholz subalpine fir (Abies
lasiocarpa) and whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) communities
begin at about 2,130 m and grade into typical spruce (Picea
engelmannii) subalpine fir forests near 1,520 m. Beargrass
(Xerophyllum tenax) is a prominent under-story species of both
forest types. Bunchgrass communities of Agropyron spicatum,
Calamagrostis rubescens, and Poa spp. are found on ledges
with sufficient soil development, on dry open hillsides, and on
well-drained bottomlands.
Frequent, often catastrophic, downslope movement of
snow, ice, rocks, and water maintains widespread seral vegetation on
precipitous slopes. Recent fires have disturbed some portions of goat
winter ranges but do not appear to be a major influence. Alder (Alnus
sinuata), menziesia (Menziesia ferruginea), and various
willows (Salix spp.) are the most common seral vegetation on
moist slopes, while shrubfields of mountain maple (Acer glabrum),
serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia), and mountain ash (Sorbus
americanus) dominate seral vegetation on drier slopes. More detailed
descriptions of vegetation of the Swan Mountains and Glacier Park can be
found in Chadwick (1974) and Habeck (1970), respectively.
Wolves (Canis lupus), coyotes (Canis
latrans), wolverine (Gulo gulo), cougar (Felis
concolor), lynx (Lynx canadensis), grizzly bears (Ursus
arctos), black bears (U. americanus), golden eagles
(Aquila chrysaetos), and bald eagles (Haliaeetus
leucocephalus) were observed within mountain goat range in both
study areas. Artiodactyls present included elk (Cervus elaphus),
mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and rarely moose (Alces
alces) and white-tailed deer (O. virginuanus). Bighorn sheep
(Ovis canadensis) occurred on eastern slopes in Glacier Park.
Predator and ungulate populations in Glacier Park were protected, and
most were assumed to be naturally distributed and abundant. Distribution
and abundance of wildlife populations in the Swan Mountains may have
reflected past and present shooting and trapping, increased human access
through roadbuilding, and habitat alteration related to logging
Research in the Swan Mountains focused on a single
herd of 25-35 animals in the Bunker and Little Creek drainages (Fig. 3)
during 1971-74. This herd was observed on a daily basis for periods of
18 continuous months, 7 continuous months, and numerous shorter
intervals. Detailed maps were constructed of 2 key ranges, and daily
movements and activities of individual goats were charted on them.
Fourteen goats were marked: 5 with radiotransmitters (after Ream et al.
1971), 5 with nylon collars (after Craighead et al. 1969), and 4 with
dye. Patches of dye were transferred to subjects by Cap-Chur projectile
darts or automatic mechanisms placed along heavily used goat trails.
Fig. 3. Location of summer and winter
mountain goat ranges in the Swan Mountains study area. Numbers indicate
approximate numbers of goats present on winter ranges in 1973.
The Glacier Park study area (Fig. 4) was divided into
drainage or mountain complex units. Observation routes were established
within each unit and systematic surveys made while covering the area by
foot. All units were intensively surveyed at least once each month from
May through September in 1974 and 1975, with more limited surveys
performed in other months. During 1976, wintering herds were studied
during March and April, and each survey unit was thoroughly covered at
least once between June and September. As goat herds remained confined
to wintering areas during May each year they were observed in the park,
data from May are considered representative of winter conditions in
Tables 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 16. All park sightings were located with
reference to 100-m Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate
intervals and plotted together on topographic maps (scale 1:24,000)
after each monthly survey for additional analysis of spacing and range
relationships. Habitat data recorded for each observation included zone
(alpine or forest), type of vegetative community, slope, exposure
(aspect), elevation, and presence or absence of shade. Goat locations
were further described in terms of ledge development (a structural
parameter used to evaluate availability of footing) and distribution
along gradients of primary succession (soil development) and topographic
moisture (water distribution and retention) (Kessell 1976). Twelve goats
were temporarily marked with patches of natural-colored, unobtrusive
dyes by projectile darts.
Fig. 4. Location of summer and winter
mountain goat ranges in the Glacier National Park study area. Numbers
indicate average numbers of goats present on winter ranges during the
1974-76 study period.
With the onset of parturition in May, I separated
goats into 4 subadult classes (kid, yearling, 2-year-old male, and
2-year-old female), as well as adult male and adult female categories.
Two-year-old females were considered nonparous and distinguished from
adult females in sex and age ratios. As a check on field age and sex
determinations, periodic trips were made to Sperry Chalet and Gunsight
Pass in Glacier Park where goats were habituated to people and could be
observed from as close as 2 m. Close-up observation and photography with
high-speed film and telephoto lenses were used in an effort to develop
an age structure for adult goats based upon horn annuli.
Types and intensities of agonistic social
interactions within a fixed time interval were monitored, and motion
picture photography was utilized to aid interpretation of behavioral
sequences in both study areas
Habitat Selection
Studies of mountain goats show them to be intimately
associated with high-elevation precipitous habitats in the earliest
stages of primary succession, mainly rock outcroppings and fellfield
slopes (Saunders 1955, Kuck 1970, Peck 1972, Smith 1976). Though subject
to strong erosive forces, plant communities on ledges and fellfields
tend to be stable and self-perpetuating, with changes in community
composition occurring on a geologic time scale.
Goats consistently favored the newest geomorphic
stages of available terrain in all months; therefore, use of precipitous
areas was studied in relation to underlying rock strata in Glacier Park.
Argillaceous rocks of the Appekunny, Grinnell, Shepard, and Kintla
formations (Ross 1959) are loosely consolidated and erode to form
layered ledge habitat with abundant step-like footing. More resistant
Altyn and Siyeh limestone formations generally occur as massive blocks
and present a more difficult terrain for goats to negotiate. Since ledge
development is less marked within limestone strata, soil development and
forage abundance are reduced. Winter ranges supporting the greatest
densities of goats coincided with exposures of Appekunny and Grinnell
argillites. Altyn limestone received little use, while Siyeh limestone,
which overlies the Grinnell formation, was mainly associated with summer
Table 1 indicates that ledge habitats on rock
outcroppings in Glacier Park were used by mountain goats for most
feeding and nearly all bedding activities. Table 2 shows a similar
pattern of preference for ledges by foraging mountain goats in the Swan
Mountains (Chadwick 1974). More than 95 percent of goat bedsites in the
Swan Mountains were on ledges during all months. Goats appeared to take
greater care in choosing precipitous outcroppings for evening beds than
for daybeds, probably to fulfill security requirements. Winter habitat
selection in both areas appeared to reflect snow conditions which
rendered foraging and travel extremely difficult except on outcroppings
and windblown ridges. Summer habitat selection was more diverse and use
of fellfields and meadows adjacent to cliffs increased in both study
areas. In Glacier Park, habitat selection trends over summer were shown
to be associated with use of sites with better soil development (Table
3) and water retention qualities (Table 4). Use of forested habitats was
rare in both study areas, despite the proximity of most winter ranges to
timber stands. Infrequent use of forests by mountain goats elsewhere in
Montana has been noted by Saunders (1955), Peck (1972), and Smith
Table 1. Percent utilization of vegetation
communities by mountain goats in Glacier National Park study area,
1974-76. (N=1,519)
Vegetation community |
Feeding | Bedding |
Feeding | Bedding |
Feeding | Bedding |
Feeding | Bedding |
Feeding | Bedding |
Permanent snow/icefield |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Dry ledge |
68 |
74 |
61 |
58 |
50 |
51 |
29 |
52 |
24 |
48 |
Wet ledge |
20 |
23 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
16 |
12 |
16 |
17 |
28 |
Talus/scree/moraine |
4 |
1 |
6 |
3 |
18 |
13 |
13 |
10 |
12 |
8 |
Bunchgrass meadow/tundra |
4 |
2 |
10 |
14 |
10 |
13 |
28 |
14 |
18 |
8 |
Wet meadow |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
3 |
8 |
2 |
3 |
0 |
Shrubfield/ravine |
2 |
0 |
6 |
10 |
5 |
0 |
9 |
4 |
26 |
8 |
Forest |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Table 2. Percent utilization of vegetation
communities by foraging mountain goats in the Swan Mountains study area,
1971-74. (N=4,570)
Vegetation community |
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Cliff ledge | 53 | 26 | 25 | 88 | 63 | 56 | 36 | 26 | 42 | 16 | 49 | 85 |
Ridgetop ledge | 0 | 74 | 75 | 0 | 3 | 11 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 10 | 15 |
Ravine/wet meadow | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 9 | 26 | 31 | 18 | 11 | 23 | 0 |
Dry meadow | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 27 | 22 | 33 | 37 | 36 | 71 | 18 | 0 |
Forest | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Table 3. Percent habitat utilization along a soil
succession gradient by mountain goats in Glacier National Park study
area, 1974-76. (N=1,519)
Primary succession stage |
Feeding | Bedding |
Feeding | Bedding |
Feeding | Bedding |
Feeding | Bedding |
Feeding | Bedding |
Glacier/icefield |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Solid outcrop |
62 |
67 |
47 |
48 |
35 |
31 |
24 |
44 |
26 |
48 |
Broken outcrop |
33 |
32 |
14 |
21 |
23 |
27 |
15 |
19 |
14 |
28 |
Boulders and talus |
1 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
9 |
12 |
4 |
9 |
8 |
5 |
Talus |
1 |
0 |
7 |
0 |
3 |
7 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
Talus and meadow |
1 |
0 |
9 |
10 |
17 |
7 |
21 |
12 |
15 |
6 |
Meadow |
1 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
8 |
12 |
8 |
2 |
9 |
8 |
Meadow and shub krummholz |
1 |
0 |
1 |
17 |
3 |
0 |
18 |
11 |
18 |
2 |
Shrub/krummholz |
0 |
0 |
6 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
Shrub/krummholz and forest |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
Typical forest |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Table 4. Percent habitat utilization along a
topographic moisture gradient by mountain goats in Glacier National Park
study area, 1974-76. (N=1,519)
Topography |
May | June |
July | August |
September |
(Wet) | Hydric basin |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
 |
Ravine |
2 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
1 |
Draw |
0 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
6 |
Sheltered slope |
19 |
18 |
17 |
20 |
34 |
Open slope |
76 |
74 |
30 |
58 |
54 |
Peaks and ridges |
3 |
6 |
50 |
11 |
5 |
(Dry) | Xeric flats |
0 |
0 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
More than two-thirds of the slopes used by mountain
goats in Glacier Park exceeded 400 (Table 5). Average steepness of slope
used was found to increase under winter conditions in both study areas.
This largely reflected confinement of goats to those cliff areas with
the greatest snow-shedding qualities; at comparable aspects and
elevations, steep cliff terrain retains less snow than more moderate
slopes. Kuck (1970) found over 60 percent of all wintering goats on
slopes steeper than 50deg.
Table 5. Percent utilization of slopes by mountain
goats while feeding and bedding, Glacier National Park study area,
1974-76. Slopes are presented as degrees from horizontal. (N=1,519)
Month |
040° |
4160° |
6190° |
040° |
4160° |
6190° |
May | 31 | 53 | 16 | 30 | 50 | 20 |
June | 13 | 71 | 16 | 19 | 77 | 4 |
July | 33 | 59 | 8 | 40 | 57 | 3 |
August | 41 | 53 | 6 | 24 | 62 | 14 |
September | 51 | 46 | 3 | 40 | 57 | 3 |
Average, all groups | 34 | 56 | 10 | 30 | 61 | 9 |
Average, groups larger than 5 (N=135) | 66 | 31 | 3 | 45 | 42 | 13 |
Ninety-eight percent of all goat sightings in Glacier
Park were above 1,220 m elevation (Table 6). After May, goats increased
their use of high elevations and decreased their use of southerly
aspects (Table 7). Northerly aspects provided both shade and moist
micro-climates during hot weather. Peck (1972) noted that shaded sites
were favored by goats for most summer activities and that northern
aspects received more summer use than other aspects in the Spanish
Peaks, Montana.
Table 6. Percent utilization of different elevations
by mountain goats, Glacier National Park study area, 1974-76. (N=
Elevation (m) | May | June |
July | August | September |
9451,220 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1,2501,525 | 22 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1,5551,830 | 43 | 17 | 3 | 4 | 16 |
1,8602,135 | 31 | 54 | 30 | 38 | 38 |
2,1652,440 | 2 | 25 | 52 | 50 | 42 |
2,4702,755 | 0 | 2 | 14 | 8 | 3 |
Table 7. Percent utilization of different aspects by
mountain goats, Glacier National Park study area, 1974-76. (N=1,519)
Aspect | May | June | July | August | September |
North | 5 | 17 | 18 | 18 | 11 |
East | 26 | 36 | 37 | 32 | 28 |
South | 60 | 32 | 22 | 28 | 41 |
West | 9 | 15 | 23 | 22 | 20 |
Mountain goat populations were found to summer and
winter at consistently higher elevations and use ledge habitat and steep
slopes to a far greater extent than any other large mammal in the
ecosystems studied. In Glacier Park, less than 1 percent of all goat
sightings were within 1 km of a cervid observed during the same survey.
Five to 10 percent of the largely subalpine winter goat range in the
Swan Mountains overlapped that of cervids. Singer (1975) used nomograms
to effectively depict the extent of mountain goat niche isolation
relative to wintering cervids in southern Glacier Park. Holyrod (1967)
stated that goats were isolated from all other ungulates in the Mt.
Wardle study area in Kootenay National Park, British Columbia. About 10
percent of the Glacier Park study population shared moderate slopes and
lower-elevation terrain with bighorn sheep, mostly on the east side of
the Continental Divide in the St. Mary and Swiftcurrent drainages. Range
overlap was most noticeable from late spring through fall. The two
species were observed bedded and feeding within several meters of one
another. Interspecific dominance was not readily apparent. Females of
both species exhibited signs of anxiety in the presence of males of the
other species, and each species appeared to initiate avoidance movements
when confronted by greater numbers of individuals of the other species.
Bighorn rams were twice seen directing courtship behavior toward female
goats. Overt competition for resources appeared minimal. R. Riggs
(personal communication) noted goats and bighorn sheep in the same
vicinity only 4 times during the winter of 1975-76 while investigating
bighorn sheep winter ecology in the study area. Geist (1971) noted no
serious interspecific competition for winter forage in his observations
of these sympatric bovids in the Cassiar Range of British Columbia.
Food Habits
Anderson (1940), Casebeer (1948), Holroyd (1967),
Kuck (1970), and Peck (1972) reported shrubby browse to be the staple
winter food of goats, while Brandborg (1955), Saunders (1955), and Hibbs
(1967) noted dominant winter use of grasses and sedges. Heavy winter
utilization of conifers (Geist 1962), ferns (Hjeljord 1973), and lichens
(Hanson 1950, Brandborg 1955) further emphasizes dietary flexibility and
suggests that mountain goat food habits are readily adaptable to
availability of forage classes.
Data from the Swan Mountains point out dietary
variation within as well as between populations. Herds on the eastern
slope of the Swan Mountains relied upon grasses and sedges for the bulk
of their winter diet, while browse items constituted only 11.5 percent
of winter food (Chadwick 1974). However, on west-slope wintering areas,
10-20 km distant, mountain goats, some of which were in occasional
contact with east-slope herds, consumed approximately equal amounts of
browse and grasses. Utilization patterns appeared clearly related to
availability since west-slope cliffs were lower in elevation and
supported substantially more browse than outcroppings on eastern slopes.
Unquantified observations revealed a similar situation in Glacier Park:
extensive browsing on west-slope ranges and almost exclusive grass and
sedge use on eastern ranges, again consistent with the relative
availabilities of these forage classes.
Plasticity of diet and feeding style are essential
for goats to exploit microniche resources in winter, when forage and
mobility are limited. Goats made use of their excellent climbing
abilities to reach the outermost edges of cliff ledges where snowdepths
were usually reduced by winds and snow slippage. They also exploited
areas such as the bases of fallen logs and boulders where absorption and
reflection of thermal energy and reduced snowfall made more for age
available. Goats were able to reach sheltered crannies and fissures on
steep rock walls where plants were exposed and snow did not accumulate.
Forage cover on such vertical substrate was measured and found to be as
high as 50 percent on many sites, composed chiefly of nonvascular plants
such as edible lichen, mosses, and clubmosses, as well as ferns and a
few evergreen forbs. In addition to their availability, such, microniche
plant species may be of particular nutritional importance. The value of
green forage intake during winter has been discussed by Karaer (1961)
for reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), Hoefs (1974) for Dall sheep
(Ovis dalli dalli), and Hjeljord (1973) for mountain goats.
Goats are able to contend with deep-snow conditions
through the aid of highly developed pawing abilities. Geist (1971) found
mountain goat pawing frequencies to be higher than those of bighorn
sheep. Nevertheless, heavy, prolonged snows, or rains followed by frosts
which formed thick, icy crusts often prompted alternate feeding
strategies. Severe snowstorms or crusts stimulated movement of goats
from lower cliffs to higher, windswept outcroppings and ridgetops on
some ranges in both study areas. Alternately, goats moved downward or
laterally, away from optimum cliff terrain, toward slopes supporting
shrubfields. The latter option was more common in late winter when
packing and settling permitted goats to travel over deep snow
accumulations without sinking so deeply that their efforts were
unrewarding. Hjeljord (1973) observed similar shifts from hillside to
ridgetop in response to winter forage availability, and Holroyd (1967)
found goats shifted to exclusive use of browse under crusted snow
It should be noted that young goats were most often
at a disadvantage in pawing through deep snows and crusts to obtain
buried forage. As a result, they often fed in craters pawed and utilized
by older animals, and they traveled in paths of other goats. Kids were
especially reliant upon their mothers for such opportunities. Kids were
also able to bed in deep craters pawed by their mothers for protection
from winds typically lying in contact with the leeward or uphill side of
her body. Kids and yearlings were frequently observed to continue
feeding after older goats had bedded following a feeding session. This
suggests that foraging efficiency relative to metabolic requirements was
lower in juvenile classes.
Summer food habits reflected increased mobility of
goats and a pronounced preference for succulent plant tissues in early
phenological stages. South-facing winter range cliff outcroppings were
generally the first habitats to support green spring forage. From these,
goats typically moved upward in elevation, exploiting new plant growth,
especially inflorescences, of a succession of species until cliff and
ridgetop ledge vegetation dried. Thereafter, goats moved slightly
downward, seeking succulent forage in moist meadows, basins, and
ravines. Klein (1970) pointed out the value to herbivores in arctic and
alpine regions of being able to range over a wide array of elevations
and exposures to exploit early physiological stages of plant growth for
as long a period as possible during the short growing season. Other
studies have demonstrated the nutritional superiority of early growth
stages (Oelberg 1956) and of high-elevation forage over that of lower
elevations (Johnston et al. 1968). Goats in the Swan Range have been
recorded using 168 different plant species to date, most of them
recently flowering forbs.
General Considerations
Available evidence strongly suggests that traditional
use of specific ranges is characteristic of the species. Brandborg
(1955) recorded a known adult female on the same winter range for 3
consecutive years. Smith (1976) noted home range fidelity over a period
of 3-4 years for 4 marked individuals (3 females, 1 male) in the
Bitterroot Mountains, Montana. Four marked females were observed on the
same summer and winter range in the Swan Mountains during 4 consecutive
years. Naturally identifiable individuals provided examples of winter
range fidelity in Glacier Park over a 3-year period. Circumstantial
evidence from unmarked goats also reinforced available data insofar as
similar groups were observed in the same locations each year. Continuous
observation of a single herd in the Swan Mountains revealed a constant
female and subadult composition for up to 18 months. As another example,
a group of 3-4 large males, 1 of which possessed unusually long horns,
was recorded during July each year from 1974 through 1976 on the same
talus slope in the vicinity of Ahern Pass in Glacier Park, some distance
from any other male group.
Use patterns within home ranges were also quite
constant. Daily charting of individual goat activities in the Swan
Mountains showed that use of trails, specific feeding sites, dustbathing
areas, day-beds, evening beds, and escape routes were highly
predictable. Individuals appeared to favor particular portions of
available range and exhibited unique use patterns therein. The degree of
specific site orientation by this species was further attested to by
trails worn into rock substrata, dustbathing sites and bedding areas
devoid of vegetation, and caves and crevices littered with deep pellet
accumulations. Smith (1976) also documented traditional use of small
"key" areas by individual goats. On winter ranges, vegetation in key
areas may be heavily used while adjacent sites are subject to only light
to insignificant use.
Habitual use of ranges and key areas within ranges is
probably based upon learned traditions. Adult females remain on winter
ranges, which are typically steeper and more rugged than transitional or
summer ranges, to give birth in May or June. Isolated with its mother
for a week or more, a neonate becomes familiar with the area immediately
surrounding its birthsite during the postpartum period (Chadwick 1974).
Kids are still closely following their nannies in the fall when the herd
returns to winter range. Yearlings, dissociated from their mothers,
follow other females during their second departure from and return to
winter range. Females continue to follow other females in subsequent
Beginning as yearlings, males exhibit more
wide-ranging, exploratory movement patterns than females. By 2 years of
age, males begin to increase the size of their home range relative to
that of females. Many depart from female-subadult areas in the process,
as was observed with marked males in the Swan Mountains, and by 3 years
of age usually occupy independent ranges, often in association with
other males. Although males also evinced habitual use of ranges once
established, they remained more likely than females to show variable
movement patterns and to travel through atypical terrain.
All breeding took place on female-subadult wintering
areas. Geist (1964) suggested and Chadwick (1974) and Kuck (personal
communication, cited in Smith 1976) verified with marked animals that
whereas females return to the same wintering areas each fall, rutting
males cross between ranges. Adult males then spend at least early winter
on whichever female range they occupy at the termination of the rut
before returning to separate or peripheral range, usually by mid-winter,
depending on snowdepths.
Glacier Park
Goat sightings during March, April, and May were used
to illustrate winter-early spring range (Fig. 4). Continued presence of
deep snow restricted goats to these relatively small, isolated ranges
from October through May or early June. Ten major wintering areas were
recognized; all were at elevations of 1,070-1,980 m on generally
southern exposures. Areas occupied predominantly by males were found to
be peripheral to or separate from female-subadult wintering
During June, herds on both sides of the Continental
Divide dispersed toward ridgetops in the wake of receding snows. The
general pattern of transitional movements from winter to summer range
was inferred from successive goat sighting locations, which were similar
each year. Adult males were the first to leave wintering areas, and they
remained the most mobile and widely dispersed population segment. Goat
sightings during July and August were used to describe summer range.
Winter ranges were entirely separate from one another, and less than 5
percent of summer range overlapped wintering areas. It is evident that
summer range was more or less continuous and conformed to ridgeline
topography. Because vertical migration patterns culminated in extensive
summer utilization of peaks and ridgetops, goat population units
acquired potential for exchange of members. This would be adaptive from
the standpoint of genetic interchange, dispersal from high-density areas
and restocking of low-density ranges, and transfer of learned
information regarding salt sources and key or alternate forage supplies.
Actual magnitude of population interchange is unknown, but there was
evidence of at least temporary mixing of herds during summer in several
portions of the study area. Singer (1975) found goats from widely
separate ranges traveling at least 15 km, some of them traveling through
forested habitats or swimming a river en route, to use the Walton Lick
in southern Glacier Park.
Interspecific behavior involving goats seeking salt
from humans has been investigated in Glacier Park by Bansner (1976). The
spread of specific behavior patterns from the Sperry Chalet-Gunsight
Pass area to Hidden Lake and the Highline Trail in the study area
apparently involves communication of these learned salt-specific
activities between herds (Chadwick 1977).
During September and October, goats converged toward
wintering areas in a reversal of spring transition movements. Early
snowstorms prompted temporary fall use of winter range, followed by
return to higher elevations if snows melted.
Swan Mountains
Cliff habitat in the Swan Mountains is discontinuous
and surrounded by extensive forested terrain with little precipitous
escape cover. Consequently, both winter and summer ranges were small in
comparison with those of Glacier Park (Fig. 3). Marked females remained
in the same winter-summer ranges of no more than 15-25 km2
over a 4-year period, winter range lying almost entirely within summer
range. Data from marked and recognizable individuals suggested that
female-subadult herds were relatively isolated from one another
throughout the year. As in Glacier Park, males occupied separate or
peripheral ranges. Males were found to travel between female ranges and
were the main source of contact between population units.
Existing range use patterns in the Swan Mountains are
difficult to interpret as they may be influenced by various human
disturbances documented by Chadwick (1974). According to many hunters
and long time residents of the area, goats were previously more abundant
and occupied an area larger than that presently used (Fig. 3). This is
supported by mountain goat harvest records for the Swan Mountains
(Chadwick 1974), which show substantial declines in hunting districts
130 and 140, which included the west and east sides of the Swan
Mountains, respectively. Range use investigations on 6 west-slope
wintering areas revealed that less than 5 percent of available favored
grass species and less than 10 percent of available favored browse
species were consumed over winter on key use sites. This also suggests
Table 8 presents population structure for the Glacier
Park study area from 1974 through 1976. Kidding season extended from 20
May through 15 June, though births were concentrated in the last week of
May and the first week of June. Exceptions did occur, suggesting
recurrent estrus or departure from the normal gestation period of
approximately 178 days first described by Seton (1927). Casebeer et al.
(1950) cited a record of newborn goats observed on 27 February 1937, and
J. G. Edwards reported an adult female with a newborn kid on 28 August
1975 in Glacier Park. Edwards observed the female ingesting the
afterbirth at this time, indicating that parturition had occurred within
several hours (Chadwick 1974). I subsequently observed a neonate in the
same vicinity of Mt. Wilbur on 2 occasions. Physical and behavioral
traits indicated that the kid, probably the same one as seen by Edwards,
was less than 2 weeks old in early September.
Table 8. Mountain goat population structure, Glacier
National Park. Data are presented as number per 100 adult females /
percent in total population. Proportion of males observed in surveys was
variable as the largely solitary males dispersed early from winter
ranges and became difficult to locate during summer.
Class |
Study area
Bansner 1974 |
Singer 1975 |
Petrides 1948 |
1974 | 1975 | 1976 |
Kid | 56/18 | 55/19 | 57/20 | 39/ | 75/ | /42 |
Yearling | 36/12 | 33/12 | 40/14 | 6/ | 33/ |
Two-year-old | 36/12 | 20/7 | 28/10 | 41/ | 21/ |
Adult male | 86/27 | 75/26 | 57/20 | 47/ | 52/ |
Adult female | 100/32 | 100/35 | 100/35 | 100/ | 100/ |
Unclassified juvenile |
| 12/ | 5/ |
Unclassified adult |
| 14/ | 26/ |
Unclassified older than kid |
| /100 |
Number classifieda | 314 | 300 | 232 | 171 | 745 | 132 |
aStudy area figures are based upon complete, unduplicated
counts, while those of Bansner (1974), Singer (1975), and Petrides
(1948) lump all goat observations, including resightings. |
Natality was nearly identical each year in the
Glacier Park study area, averaging 57 kids/100 adult females. Twins
accounted for 7-11 percent of the annual recruitment of young in 1974,
14-17 percent in 1975, and 4-7 percent in 1976: an average of 10
percent. Continuous observation is necessary to distinguish twins from
playmates. Two, 3, and even 4 unrelated kids were observed following a
single adult female for over 20 minutes before returning to their
There is no evidence that females breed as yearlings
even under conditions stimulating unusually high natality such as
introduction to favorable new ranges (Lentfer 1955, Moorhead personal
Juvenile mortality is fairly high in the species, and
occurs mainly during the late winter-early spring period (Casebeer et
al. 1950, Brandborg 1955, Smith 1976). From 1974 to 1975, in which
moderately severe winter conditions prevailed, 41 percent of the kid
cohort and 44 percent of the yearling cohort were lost. From 1975 to
1976, under a light winter regime, 27 percent of the kid cohort and 15
percent of the yearling cohort disappeared. The unusually high
proportion of 2-year-olds in the 1974 study area population and in
populations using the Walton Lick that year (Bansner 1974) probably
reflect very low mortality in the kid class over the unusually light
winter of 1972-73.
Although natality was similar east and west of the
divide in Glacier Park, juvenile survival was consistently higher on
west-slope ranges (Table 9). Sex did not appear to influence subadult
survival as is evident from approximately equal percentages of
2-year-old males and females. Slightly fewer adult males were present
than adult females, a condition found in nearly all studies of this
species. Some of the disparity in male:female counts is probably an
artifact of survey limitations. Adult males are more solitary, disperse
earlier and more widely from wintering sites, and favor more rugged
terrain than other classes, all of which makes them more difficult to
locate. The low male:female ratio obtained in 1976 is primarily a result
of the fact that surveys were made less often and later in summer than
in 1974 or 1975.
Table 9. Comparison of subadult population structures
east and west of the Continental Divide, Glacier National Park study
area, 1974-76. Data are presented as number per 100 adult females.
Year | N |
Kid |
Yearling |
Total | Male | Female |
West side |
1974 |
47 |
58.9 |
60.7 |
39.3 |
10.7 |
28.6 |
1975 |
44 |
69.2 |
56.0 |
40.0 |
24.0 |
16.0 |
1976 |
36 |
50.0 |
68.2 |
45.5 |
27.3 |
18.2 |
East side |
1974 |
84 |
62.1 |
29.7 |
34.1 |
13.8 |
20.3 |
1975 |
69 |
50.0 |
38.9 |
13.0 |
5.6 |
7.4 |
1976 |
67 |
59.0 |
29.5 |
21.3 |
11.5 |
9.8 |
Population structure in the Swan Mountains study area
may have been influenced by various artificial factors (Chadwick 1974).
Sex and age ratios relative to 100 adult females were artificially high
due to removal by hunters of more adult females than other classes
during recent years. Sample sizes are too small to permit intensive
analysis, although the 1973 census, conducted by 5 investigators
throughout the summer and fall, is thought to include almost every goat
inhabiting the study area. Both productivity and subadult survival were
highest following the light winter of 1972-73.
Table 10 provides ages of a sample population of 52
adult mountain goats in Glacier Park based upon field counts of horn
annuli. Field aging of adults, even when aided by photography, was
difficult. Basal annuli tended to be indistinct and partially covered by
hair, especially in older animals, thereby increasing the likelihood of
age underestimation. Further testing and refinement of this technique is
necessary, but it is presently felt that individual ages were under
estimated by at most 2 years. This was compensated for in Table 12 by
adding 1 year to the age of animals whose annuli count was judged to be
of "good" instead of "excellent" quality, and 2 years to annuli counts
judged to be of "fair" quality. Counts of less than "fair" quality were
discarded. Animals over 8 years of age comprised 11.5 percent of the
sample. Table 10 also shows horn annuli counts from 8 adult carcasses.
The oldest age recorded for a living goat was 13, and for a carcass, 12.
Brandborg (1955) noted extreme wear and frequent loss of teeth in
mountain goats older than 8. Records from hunting harvests and
taxidermists suggest that longevity beyond 12 or 13 years is rare.
Table 10. Age distribution of adult goats as
estimated from horn annuli counts of study area sample population and
carcasses, Glacier National Park. To compensate for underestimation
resulting from indistinct or hair-covered annuli, ages were adjusted by
adding 1 year to age estimates considered to be "good," and 2 years to
age estimated considered to be "fair." All counts of less than fair
quality were discarded.
Sex |
Adjusted age (years)
Total |
3 | 4 |
5 | 6 |
7 | 8 | 8+ |
Sample population |
Male |
4 |
3 |
6 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
17 |
Female |
11 |
5 |
2 |
6 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
35 |
Both sexes |
15 |
8 |
8 |
7 |
3 |
5 |
6 |
52 |
Carcasses |
Male |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Female |
1 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
Both sexes |
2 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
8 |
Total sample |
Male |
5 |
3 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
21 |
Female |
12 |
5 |
4 |
6 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
39 |
Both sexes |
17 |
8 |
10 |
7 |
4 |
6 |
8 |
60 |
Apart from senility, sources of mortality to mountain
goats are poorly understood. As a consequence of its habitat
specialization, the goat must deal with what mountaineers refer to as
"objective danger": certain inevitable and unpredictable physical
hazards associated with steep slopes, such as rock- and icefalls, and
avalanches. In a lifetime of climbing, goats must also contend with the
possibility of snow cornices (on which they often travel) or rock ledges
giving way beneath their weight. Finally, there is the constant danger
of simply misplacing a foot and losing balance, not only under typical
climbing conditions, but under unusually wet or icy circumstances, or
when avoiding predators or aggressive conspecifics. Brandborg (1955),
Holroyd (1967), and Hjeljord (1971) discussed the possibly major role of
avalanches and climbing accidents in goat mortality.
Eighteen carcasses were discovered within the Glacier
Park study area. Ten additional carcasses were located by myself and
other park personnel in adjacent park locations. In 20 cases where
probable cause of death could be determined, 12 (60 percent) were
attributed to avalanches and 3 (15 percent) to climbing accidents. Two
were killed by mountain lions at an artificial salt source near Sperry
Chalet, 2 were killed by grizzly bears, and 1 apparently starved during
a severe winter storm. With the exception of 1 kid, all carcasses were
judged to be 2 years old or older on the basis of horn annuli,
dentition, bone length, and pelage characteristics. All but 1 of 22
carcasses found in previous years by park personnel were reportedly
located in snowslides. Natural mortality of goats in southern Glacier
Park and adjacent National Forest lands as reported by Singer (1975) was
entirely due to avalanches. Only 1 carcass other than those taken by
hunters was located in the Swan Mountains, where it was discovered in a
Evidence of injury, disease, and other physical
abnormalities in live goats in both study areas is presented in Table
11. Despite occasionally heavy infestations of ticks (Dermacentor
andersoni) serious debilitation from parasites or disease of any
sort was not detected, nor has any present or historical evidence of
epizootic conditions among goats in either area been recorded. Most
common were horn breakage and deformity and foot injuries, all of which
may be indicative of climbing mishaps. In 4,400 goat-hours (number of
goats X number of hours observed) in the Swan Mountains, I witnessed 29
missteps leading to loss of balance (Table 12), a rate of 1 misstep
every 151.7 goat-hours. Actual rates were higher, as Table 12 does not
include kids less than 3 months of age, which frequently lost their
footing, and it does not include those scrambling, leaping maneuvers
resulting from rapid climbing assaults, since these were difficult to
interpret. The majority of mishaps recorded (17) occurred on wet or icy
terrain. Older goats were generally methodical climbers in comparison
with subadults. Kids and yearlings often negotiated areas in an
all-or-nothing fashion and provided most of the frantic mid-air
reversals and leaps to safety witnessed but not included in Table 12. It
was also my impression that younger goats, through experimentation or
inexperience and lack of familiarity with the terrain, most frequently
placed themselves in difficult mountaineering situations. Kids and
yearlings also experienced the greatest difficulty with crusted and
granular snow on steep terrain as they lacked sufficient weight to
penetrate it and secure footholds.
Table 11. Evidence of disease, injury, and physical
abnormalities among mountain goats in the Glacier National Park study
area, Glacier Park Sperry-Gunsight area, and Swan Mountains study area.
High incidence of disease and injury in the Sperry-Gunsight area (annual
population, about 60) compared to Glacier Park and Swan Mountains study
areas (annual populations, 360 and 80, respectively) may reflect closer
observation and/or the attraction of afflicted individuals to salt
sources in the Sperry-Gunsight area. Sperry-Gunsight data are primarily
from Bansner (personal communication).
Type of evidence |
Number of goats affected
Remarks |
Glacier Park study area |
Glacier Park, Sperry-Gunsight area |
Swan Mountains study area |
Horns bent, broken, or missing |
11 |
6 |
5 |
Foot or leg injuries causing limp |
6 |
6 |
5 |
Diarrhea |
4 |
2 |
0 |
Observed primarily during August and September. |
Abnormal pelage |
3 |
1 |
1 |
Coat extremely irregular, rough, and mottled. Possibly affected by mites. |
Submaxillary swelling |
0 |
5 |
0 |
Possible necrotic stomatitis. |
Possible puncture wound |
0 |
2 |
3 |
One male missing an eye. |
Possible respiratory difficulties |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Periodic coughing combined with long periods of inactivity. |
Table 12. Potentially harmful climbing events
recorded during 4,400 goat-hours of observation of mountain goats in the
Swan Mountains. Data are presented as absolute number/adjusted number
based on number in class / 100 adult females. Aggression-related events
resulted from 192 agonistic encounters in dangerously steep terrain.
(Modified from Chadwick 1974)
Type of event | Kid |
Yearling |
Unclassified |
Total |
Male | Female |
Male | Female |
Knocked over edge by hard blow |
0 |
2/5.0 |
1/3.3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
Pushed or prodded over edge |
7/10.1 |
7/17.5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1/ |
0 |
15 |
Forced to leap over edge to avoid aggressor |
10/14.4 |
5/12.5 |
1/3.3 |
0 |
0 |
2/ |
0 |
18 |
Leaped or knocked over edge as result of another encounter (innocent bystander) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1/3.3 |
0 |
1/ |
0 |
2 |
Aggressor loses footing during pursuit |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1/ |
0 |
1 |
Total aggression-related events |
17/24.5 |
14/35.0 |
2/6.7 |
1/3.3 |
0 |
5/ |
0 |
39 |
Climbing misstep leading to loss of balance |
5/7.2 |
5/12.5 |
3/10.0 |
0 |
0 |
9/ |
7/ |
29 |
Total of all events |
22/31.7 |
19/47.5 |
5/16.7 |
1/3.3 |
0 |
14/ |
7/ |
68 |
In addition to missteps which occurred under ordinary
climbing conditions, 291 agonistic social interactions took place on
steep terrain during the same 4,400 goat-hours. Thirty-nine (13.4
percent) of these resulted in potentially harmful climbing events which
primarily affected subadults (Table 11). This yields a rate of 1
climbing mishap due to aggression every 112.8 goat-hours, higher than
that recorded for normal climbing activities. Smith (1976) described an
incident of an older goat butting a kid from a ledge, causing it to fall
some distance.
Table 13 summarizes mountain goat-predator
interactions. Although mountain goats were the most abundant ungulate in
the Glacier Park study area in terms of numbers and biomass, evidence of
successful predation was rare. None was discovered in the Swan
Mountains, nor has significant predator pressure been reported by other
investigators. This is probably due to 2 factors: (1) habitat
specialization which reduces potential predator-goat contact and
provides dense security cover in a topographic context; and (2) the
ability of goats older than 1 year to inflict lethal wounds with their
horns. Aggressive defense of young by mothers was observed, and adult
goats were seen to intimidate lynx, wolverine, and coyotes. Trapped
goats displayed aggressive resistance when we attempted to immobilize
them, repeatedly charging and making horn thrusts. At least 4 people
have been butted by aggressive salt-seeking goats in the Sperry
Chalet-Gunsight Pass area (Bansner 1976). It is unlikely that goats in
either study area constituted an important dietary item for any predator
species except possibly as carrion. Grizzly bears regularly searched the
bases of cliffs below winter ranges for carcasses during late April and
Table 13. Mountain goat-predator relationships in the
Glacier National Park study area, 1974-75. Simultaneous observation of
mountain goats and a predator less than 1 km apart was recorded as an
interaction, even if one or both species appeared unaware of the other's
presence. Due to the frequency with which eagles were observed in
mountain goat range, goat-eagle interactions were recorded only when
eagles passed within 200 m of goats.
Predator |
Number of interactions |
Number of different predators |
Number of goats involved |
Average interspecific distance (m) |
Remarks |
Eagle |
16 |
15 |
77 |
68 |
Some harassment observed. No direct attacks. |
Lynx |
1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
Lynx approached and circled 3-year-old male. No attack. |
Wolverine |
18 |
2 |
45 |
379 |
No attacks. Closest approach within 5 m. |
Grizzly bear |
9 |
6 |
30 |
433 |
Includes 2 unsuccessful attacks, 1 kill, 1 probable kill. |
Total |
44 |
24 |
153 |
A possible source of mortality to kids is separation
from their mother prior to 10-11 months of age. Kids tended to follow
the closest large goat during sudden flight and occasionally became
separated from their mothers. Separation also occurred during normal
activities and, of course, in the event of the nanny's death. Twenty-two
instances of separation were recorded, 12 of them permanent.
Most orphaned kids attempted to follow other adult
females closely, but females were typically intolerant of alien kids and
behaved aggressively toward them. Mountain goat mother-infant bonds are
established during the early postpartum period through frequent
olfactory contact (Chadwick 1974). When confusion of identity arises, as
in the case of mothers seeking to separate playing youngsters, perianal
odors are used to distinguish offspring from other kids. No nursing,
acceptance within critical personal space, or other maternal behavior
was directed toward alien kids by adult females, although temporary
adoption of yearlings and 2-year-olds by females without kids was
observed by Bansner (personal communication) on 2 occasions and myself
on 8 occasions. Four of these adopted subadults were observed nursing
lactating females during summer, implying probable recent loss of young
by the females and redirection of maternal behavior toward subadults. It
is possible that these subadults were offspring of previous years and
that olfactory recognition was essential to acceptance. If this were not
the case, then orphaned kids might be able to attach themselves to such
females if circumstances permit association in a group. In the absence
of maternal protection, orphaned kids were the least dominant members of
all groups and suffered harassment by older subadults, notably
yearlings. Probably as a consequence of unsatisfactory social status,
orphans were seen on at least 3 occasions to cease following bands and
remain solitary in a small home range for up to several weeks. Although
2 orphaned kids survived the unusually light winter of 1972-73 in
apparently good condition, orphans would probably be at considerable
disadvantage in surviving moderate to severe winter conditions.
Injury and mortality to males from fighting during
the rut has been reported by Seton (1927), Geist (1964, 1967), and
deBock (1970). DeBock concluded that early winter conditions of deep
snow can restrict mobility and intensify competition for females in an
area, thereby increasing the frequency of male combat and resulting
injuries. Table 13 shows that 5 goats in the study areas bore possible
puncture wounds, but no major injuries were inflicted during those
battles observed between males or between any other classes.
Group Size
Mountain goats further than 50-75 m apart were
considered separate if they showed no obvious signs of related activity
or orientation toward one another. Mean group size varied between 1.9
and 3.5 in Glacier Park and 2.1 and 4.6 in the Swan Mountains (Table
14). Aggregate indices (Jarman 1973) did not exceed 7 in either
population during any month. Fifty-three percent of all park goat
groups sighted were solitary animals (group size=1), and an
additional 25 percent of groups were pairs. Expressed as percent of the
total number of goats sighted, 35 percent of the park population
occurred alone or with 1 other goat. A high percentage of these pairs
were females with young, behaviorally equivalent to solitary animals. A
picture therefore emerges of the mountain goat as more of a
semi-gregarious animal than a typical herd species.
Table 14. Mean group size and aggregate index (Jarman
1973) of mountain goats in the Glacier National Park and Swan Mountains
study areas. Swan Mountains data are for 1971-73 combined.
| N |
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr |
May | Jun | Jul | Aug |
Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Annual average |
Glacier Park |
Mean |
1974 | 626 | | | |
| 1.9 | 2.1 | 2.4 | 2.9 |
3.3 | | | | 2.5 |
1975 | 492 | | | |
| 1.8 | 3.0 | 3.2 | 3.5 |
3.3 | | | | 3.0 |
Aggregate index |
1974 | 626 | | | |
| 3.3 | 4.1 | 6.8 | 7.1 |
8.3 | | | | 5.9 |
1975 | 492 | | | |
| 3.0 | 6.8 | 7.7 | 7.5 |
7.8 | | | | 6.6 |
Swan Mountains |
Mean | 4,570 | 3.1 | 3.3 | 3.6 | 2.8 |
2.1 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 2.9 | 2.6 |
3.6 | 2.4 | 2.6 | 3.2 |
Aggregate index | 4,570 | 4.2 | 6.0 | 6.2 |
4.4 | 3.2 | 5.5 | 5.0 | 5.0 |
3.9 | 5.9 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 4.6 |
Annual mean group size from 1971 through 1973
averaged 3.2 in the Swan Mountains, and was 2.5 and 3.0 in Glacier Park
during 1974 and 1975 respectively. In contrast, bighorn sheep herds in
Glacier Park were sampled and found to have annual mean group sizes of
13.9 and 7.0 and aggregate indices of 22.7 and 15.1 during 1974 and
1975, respectively.
The precipitous nature of terrain favored by goats
appears to set an upper limit on gregarious tendencies. That goats
experience difficulty coordinating activities on steep cliff faces was
confirmed by direct observation and by analysis of slope utilization,
which showed that groups larger than 5 favored more moderate slopes than
smaller groups. Large groups are also disadvantageous insofar as
crowding under dangerously steep climbing conditions restricts
maneuverability and forces all group members to share to some degree the
genetic and experential limitations of the poorest mountaineers. Seton
(1927) relates an incident in which a group of goats crowding onto a
thin ledge and unable to turn back past one another eventually fell to
their deaths.
Data from Brandborg (1955), Lentfer (1955), Kuck
(1970), and Smith (1976) confirm small group size, consistently less
than 5, throughout the year in this species. Group sizes were smallest
in May as females separated from bands seeking isolation for the birth
and early development of young. The largest groups were observed during
summer. Increased group size at this time appeared most directly related
to formation of nursery bands which increase defense capabilities and
facilitate social interaction of neonates. Increasing tolerance of
conspecifics by adult females was evident in nursery bands and
contributed to their cohesion. Forage was abundant and readily
accessible to all group members during summer months. Although large
groups were also observed on winter range, it is significant that
average group size did not substantially increase during winter despite
confinement by deep snows of large numbers of goats to ranges of limited
Group Composition
The tendency of subadults older than kids to continue
following adult females can be measured by the very high percentages of
yearlings and 2-year-olds in mixed groups (Table 15) in Glacier Park.
The significance of leadership by the female adult class is emphasized
by the lack of subadults in male groups. Groups containing only
subadults were rare, never exceeding 3 percent of the population, even
during May when parous adult females avoided other classes.
Table 15. Group association by class of mountain
goats, Glacier National Park study area. Groups consisting solely of an
adult female and kid were classified as solitary females.
Class | Sample size |
Percent solitary |
Percent with subadults only |
Percent with males only |
Percent in mixed groups |
May |
Yearling | 114 | 11.5 | 11.5 | - | 77.0 |
2-yr-old female | 56 | 25.0 | 3.5 | 2.5 | 70.0 |
Adult female | 308 | 47.0 | - | - | 53.0 |
2-yr-old male | 33 | 61.0 | - | 3.0 | 36.0 |
Adult male | 237 | 30.0 | 2.0 | 51.0 | 17.0 |
Average |
| 35.0 | 3.0 | 11.0 | 51.0 |
June |
Yearling | 43 | 7.0 | 5.0 | - | 88.0 |
2-yr-old female | 19 | 10.5 | 5.0 | - | 84.5 |
Adult female | 199 | 34.0 | - | - | 66.0 |
2-yr-old male | 18 | 22.0 | - | - | 78.0 |
Adult male | 137 | 55.0 | - | 27.0 | 18.0 |
Average |
| 26.0 | 2.0 | 5.0 | 67.0 |
July |
Yearling | 65 | 5.0 | 3.0 | - | 92.0 |
2-yr-old female | 20 | 10.0 | 10.0 | - | 80.0 |
Adult female | 209 | 25.0 | - | - | 75.0 |
2-yr-old male | 21 | 14.0 | - | 5.0 | 81.0 |
Adult male | 76 | 64.5 | - | 11.5 | 24.0 |
Average |
| 24.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 70.0 |
August |
Yearling | 52 | 4.0 | - | - | 96.0 |
2-yr-old female | 37 | - | 3.0 | - | 97.0 |
Adult female | 290 | 20.0 | - | - | 80.0 |
2-yr-old male | 21 | 28.0 | 5.0 | - | 67.0 |
Adult male | 125 | 28.0 | - | 43.0 | 29.0 |
Average |
| 16.0 | 2.0 | 8.0 | 74.0 |
September |
Yearling | 96 | 4.0 | - | - | 96.0 |
2-yr-old female | 47 | 13.0 | 2.0 | - | 85.0 |
Adult female | 374 | 21.0 | - | - | 79.0 |
2-yr-old male | 34 | 20.5 | 3.0 | 9.0 | 67.5 |
Adult male | 118 | 46.0 | - | 48.0 | 6.0 |
Average |
| 21.0 | 1.0 | 11.0 | 67.0 |
Two-year-old males were more often observed alone
than 2-year-old females, and they were slightly better represented in
predominantly male groups than were 2-year-old females. By 3 years of
age, males assumed patterns of association which differed considerably
from those of females and subadults. Adult males were more solitary than
any other class. The majority of adult male social contacts occurred in
small bachelor bands. The presence of adult males in mixed groups was
occasional, and of relatively short duration in most instances. Outside
the rut, adult males were most common in mixed groups during midsummer
(Table 15).
Adult females were less gregarious than subadults. In
Glacier Park, 47 percent occurred alone during May, and an average of 25
percent occurred alone from June through September. (Percentages of
solitary females include those accompanied solely by their young.) Adult
females were not observed in predominantly male groups.
The most common grouping in mountain goat herds was
of an adult female with her young of the year followed by 1 or more
subadults. Such typical group structures resemble "family" bands.
However, evidence from marked animals suggests that while subadults and
females maintain strong home range traditions, individual associations
are highly transitory apart from the 10-11-month maternal-infant bond.
Recognizable subadults and young adult females were seen to follow
various older animals, often switching among several groups and leaders
during the course of a day. Singer (1975) recorded marked individuals in
the same group type only 21 percent of the time at a salt lick. I found
marked and otherwise recognizable individuals to exhibit no consistent
associations which might be interpreted as family bonds, although
Chadwick (1974) and Smith (1976) have reported isolated instances of
long-term female-subadult relationships. In general, then, herds appear
to consist of loosely associated, interchanging bands. As might be
expected, small, isolated wintering bands often possessed a relatively
stable composition due to limited mobility and potential for exchange of
Distribution Within Habitats
High counts for each age and sex class were selected
from repeated monthly surveys in 1974 and 1975 to obtain total counts of
314 and 300 goats, respectively, for the Glacier Park study area.
Repeated surveys were assumed capable of locating about 80 percent of
the existing population. Thus the actual number of goats was probably
close to 360, establishing a density of 1.2 goats/km2
throughout the study area. Applying these population figures just to
those habitats within the study area known to be utilized by goats, as
defined in Fig. 4, densities of 2.8 goats/km2 on summer range
and 5-10 goats/km2 on various winter ranges were derived.
On the 883-km2 portion of his study area
situated within the southern part of Glacier Park, Singer (1975)
estimated a population of 405 goats, yielding 0.46 goats/km2
(Fig. 1). Singer's study area contained a higher proportion of subalpine
landforms and less extensive rock outcroppings than did mine, and
apparently represented less optimal range situations. Sample surveys in
inhabited goat range elsewhere in the park indicated that extrapolation
of densities equivalent to those obtained by Singer and by myself was
appropriate for similar adequate to optimal habitats, respectively. This
resulted in a minimum parkwide population estimate of 1,500 mountain
goats, nearly double traditional estimates exemplified by Cahalane's
(1948) figure of 870. Park populations give every indication of being
stable at present, and no historical evidence of major fluctuations was
Densities in the Swan Mountains were low: 0.15
goats/km2 throughout the 500-km2 study area. Due
to the coincidence of summer and winter ranges, densities in summering
habitats were only slightly lower than for winter ranges. Wintering
densities varied from 0.13 to 1.5 goats/km2 for west-slope
herds. The larger east-slope Bunker-Little Creek herd was confined to 2
discrete cliff areas where winter densities of 6.1-8.0
goats/km2 were recorded from 1971 through 1973 (Fig. 4).
Seasonal densities reflect both amount of available
preferred habitat and degree of mobility permitted by existing snow
conditions. Differences in monthly average intergroup distances in
Glacier Park more than doubled from winter to summer conditions (Table
16). Table 17 presents monthly rates and extent of movements of goats in
the Swan Mountains. Here, average distance traveled per feeding period
increased five-fold from winter lows to summer, while average distance
traveled per day increased more than twenty-fold.
Table 16. Average intergroup distance of mountain
goat groups, Glacier Park study area, and monthly rate and extent of
movements in the Swan Mountains study area. (From Chadwick 1974)
| N | Distance (m)
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr |
May | Jun | Jul | Aug |
Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Glacier Park |
Average intergroup distance |
1974 |
626 | | | | |
221 | 421 | 577 | 425 |
470 | | | |
1975 |
492 | | | | |
288 | 462 | 484 | 571 |
405 | | | |
Swan Mountains |
Distance traveled/ minute feeding |
4,570 | 1.5 | 1.1 | 0.6 | 0.6 |
1.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.1 | 2.5 |
1.2 | 1.1 | 0.5 |
Average distanc traveled/feeding period |
4,570 | 33 | 69 | 141 | 114 |
117 | 163 | 144 | 124 | 161 |
138 | 59 | 30 |
Average distance traveled/24 hours |
4,570 | 30 | 109 | 195 | 264 |
301 | 378 | 477 | 618 | 636 |
847 | 345 | 123 |
Table 17. Mountain goat social relationships outside
the rutting season as defined by frequency of agonistic interaction and
relative expression of dominant behavior between classes. Data are
presented as number of interactions / percent behavior patterns
expressing dominance. Percentages of dominant patterns between any 2
classes are not strictly complementary and usually exceed 100 percent
since both participants often exhibited agonistic patterns while only
one eventually exhibited submission during encounters.
Recipient class |
Kid |
Yearling |
Male | Female |
Male | Female |
Kid |
65/100 |
35/100 |
31/100 |
1/100 |
104/99 |
Yearling |
61/28 |
135/ |
70/93 |
105/89 |
0 |
164/100 |
2-yr-old male |
33/22 |
73/44 |
12/ |
41/41 |
9/80 |
121/70 |
2-yr-old female |
32/22 |
94/29 |
43/95 |
27/ |
8/38 |
129/100 |
Adult male |
0 |
0 |
10/50 |
45/ |
70/48 |
Adult female |
88/4 |
179/10 |
139/49 |
119/11 |
69/ |
616/ |
Leadership is a subtle yet pervasive aspect of
mountain goat society. Individual leaders generally determined type,
tempo, and orientation of daily group activities. Leaders also directed
movements between ranges and to salt licks. Behavior of leaders was the
subject of considerable interest by group members while that of less
important individuals, subadults in particular, was generally ignored.
Gilbert (1974) found that older fallow deer (Dama dama) does wait
longer in assessing situations, act with more deliberate and decisive
movements, and are less reliant on the behavior of companions than other
classes. A similar situation was found in the mountain goat. Studies of
the amount of time expended by goats of different age and sex in
surveying surroundings in an alert posture show a significant and
regular increase in individual alertness with age and suggest some of
the individual and group survival advantages of leadership by older
animals, especially by adult females (Chadwick 1977).
Leadership was often associated with dominance, but
the correlation was imperfect and difficult to distinguish from the
influence of age, experience, and residual maternal-young patterns.
Stewart and Scott (1948) reported a lack of correlation between
leadership and dominance in the domestic goat (Capra hircus).
Darling (1969:68-69) observed that leaders of hind groups in the red
deer (Cervus elaphus) were generally older females but that "a
female which ceases to be a regular breeder soon ceases to be a leader."
Female mountain goats with young elicited stronger following responses
than any other category and were followed even by those adult females to
whom they were socially subordinate in agonistic encounters. Singer
(1977) obtained similar results from goats using the Walton Lick in
Glacier Park. Subadult animals displayed a reluctance to initiate
movements on their own when in groups with adult females. In mixed
groups, adult males generally followed adult females but exhibited
marked independence of action in comparison with other classes. Young
males followed older males in bachelor groups.
Lent (1974) stated that a major function of maternal
behavior is the facilitation of learning processes in the infant by
providing optimum levels of stimulation and a relatively stable social
environment. Mountain goat kids were singularly inattentive to potential
danger and dependent upon maternal direction, following within 20 m of
their mother for nearly an entire year. Like maternal behavior,
leadership relationships might be said to facilitate transmission of
learned information concerned primarily with safety and efficient
utilization of perennial home ranges to subadults.
Agonistic and Sexual Relationships
Mountain goat social interactions took place within a
dominance hierarchy described by Geist (1964) and deBock (1970). As in
most hierarchical societies, older and stronger individuals generally
enjoyed higher ranks than younger, smaller animals. Aggressive adult
females successfully dominated all other classes, while 2-year-old
males, 2-year-old females, yearlings, and kids were increasingly
subordinate (Table 17). The prolonged and highly developed following
tendencies of kids seemed to be continually reinforced, since the
further a kid strayed from its mother, the more it experienced
displacement by dominant animals.
Relationships between males and females were complex
and constituted an important departure from the linear age-size range
structure described above. Aggressive behavior toward older animals was
rarely exhibited by kids or yearlings except in the context of obvious
play. Where sex identification was possible, those exceptions which did
occur could nearly always be attributed to young males. Immature males
tended to be slightly larger, more exploratory, and more aggressive than
females of the same age. Males matured over the course of their second
year and increasingly dominated adult females larger than themselves
(Table 17). Two-year-old females, in contrast, remained almost entirely
subordinate to adult females. Males first participating in the rut at
2.5 years of age directed mating behavior toward females of all ages
though they were most successful at courting and dominating smaller,
younger females (Chadwick 1974). After 2.5 years of age, mature males
interacted with other classes almost exclusively in terms of sexual
behavior during and outside the rut. As noted by Geist (1964), male
sexual postures emphasize submissive elements and minimize threatening
elements. In fact, males appeared to be inhibited from striking other
classes while behaving in a sexual context and consequently began to
"lose" contests with them in the sense that they would ultimately
withdraw first. Opposing sexual and agonistic drives were expressed in
unique male "conflict" postures and appeared to generate considerable
stress in the male during social interactions.
Adult males observed in female-subadult groups were
mainly young, 3-4 years of age. These males, having undergone a
transition from agonistic to sexual modes of interaction with maturity,
appeared to exert a destabilizing influence on mixed groups which led to
elevated rates of aggression within the groups and frequently stressful
conditions for the males themselves. Mature males thus became less able
to interact successfully in female-subadult groups and eventually
developed independent activity and range use patterns. Analysis of
behavior (Chadwick 1977) revealed that while adult males were
effectively subordinate to other classes at times, they did not exhibit
typical submissive postures indicative of fear and/or flight. Adult
males remained capable of dominating other classes when sufficiently
motivated. This approach resolves some of the difficulties in
interpreting male social relationships and explains why males are
clearly dominant during the rut and in the presence of salt, as has been
observed by Chadwick (1974), Rideout (1974), Singer (1975) and Moorhead
(personal communication). The shift from agonistic to subordinate sexual
behavior in maturing males did appear to neutralize potential for injury
to other classes by the large, powerful billies. Of 3,916 extra-rut
social interactions analyzed, only 199 involved actual horn weapon
contact to one or both contestants, and none of these was initiated by
an adult male.
Dominant animals were observed to preempt limited
resources (pawed feeding craters, sheltered bedsites, and other areas
favorable to energy conservation, salt, prospective mates, etc.) and
control to various degrees the activities of lower-ranking individuals.
Rank contests were seen to disrupt large groups on many occasions. In
group situations, agonistic encounters excited onlooking goats,
predisposing them to additional contests of their own. Redirected
aggression by combatants also frequently involved adjacent group
members. High-intensity battles were most common between individuals of
similar rank (Chadwick 1977). Large groups were necessarily more likely
to include individuals of similar status than small groups. The
consequence of these different factors was that total number of
agonistic encounters per group rose dramatically with increasing group
size as did the number of agonistic encounters per individual in Glacier
Park (Table 18) and the Swan Mountains (Table 19). Data from the two
study areas are not quantitatively comparable due to different sampling
techniques, but they reflect a similar pattern of increase. It became
evident that high levels of aggression destabilized large groups,
eventually causing members to separate into smaller units.
Table 18. Aggressive rates of mixed groups and male
groups of different sizes during foraging, Glacier National Park study
Group size |
Mixed groups
Male groups
Sample size |
Number of encounters/ group/hour |
Number of encounters/ individual/hour |
Sample size |
Number of encounters/ group/hour |
Number of encounters/ individual/hour |
2 | 11 | 2.16 | 1.08 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 17 | 2.84 | 0.94 | 3 | 1.33 | 0.44 |
4 | 8 | 11.00 | 2.75 | 3 | 2.66 | 0.66 |
5 | 14 | 9.16 | 1.83 | 2 | 4.00 | 0.80 |
6 | 10 | 14.80 | 2.47 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
7-10 | 20 | 25.00 | 2.84 | 0 | | |
>10 | 13 | 46.16 | 3.04 | 0 | | |
Total | 93 |
| 12 |
Table 19. Relationship of mountain goat group size to
frequency of agonistic behavior while foraging, bedded, and licking
salt, Swan Mountains study area.
Group size |
Number of agonistic encounters/goat/hour
Foraging (N=1,055) | Bedded (N=549) |
Licking salt (N=43) |
2 | 0.26 | 0.06 | 1.47 |
3 | 0.63 | 0.06 | 3.04 |
4 | 0.83 | 0.39 | 4.17 |
5 | 0.82 | 0.22 | 3.69 |
6 | 0.89 | 0.52 | |
7 | 0.65 | 0.47 | |
8 | 1.30 | 0.80 | 6.06 |
9 | 1.50 | 1.25 | |
10 | 1.82 | 0.44 | |
>10 | 1.87 | 0.54 | |
An increasing frequency and intensity of aggression
acted to limit group size, agonistic relationships between classes
placed similar constraints upon group composition. The result was
distribution of herds within ranges as small, loosely associated bands
of females and subadults and, separately, males. The most stable
female-subadult bands were clearly defined linear hierarchies. Adult
male associations appeared to be less aggressive than female-subadult
groups outside the rut (Table 19). This helps explain the cohesiveness
of certain bachelor bands observed in Glacier Park.
Three major points proceed from evidence
demonstrating occupation of a highly specialized topographic niche by
mountain goats. First, because of terrain requirements, habitats are
selected from within a narrow range of stable periglacial alpine and
subalpine plant communities. Secondly, in a topographic rather than
vegetational context, mountain goats occupy habitat with dense cover
qualities which provide a high degree of seclusion and escape potential.
In northern biomes, the impact of predation on artiodactyls is most
significant during winter. However, use of precipitous rock outcroppings
by goats increased under winter conditions, mitigating predation as a
cause of mortality. Third, mountain goat habitat selection appears to
minimize competition from sympatric artiodactyls.
These points argue that the carrying capacity of
mountain goat range is fundamentally determined by extrinsic abiotic
factors, mainly climate and primary (geomorphic) succession, while
biotic factors of secondary (plant) succession, predation, and
competition seem not to be limiting. Mountain goat populations appear to
occupy the extreme upper-elevational limits of faunal distribution over
most of their continental range. On an environmental gradient from
complete biological accommodation to complete control by physical
phenomena, mountain goats must be placed well toward the physically
controlled end. Whereas biotic pressures from competitors and predators
may have originally driven rupicaprid ancestors of Oreamnos to
exploit high, precipitous terrain, we would expect much of their
evolution since that time to have occurred in response to the physical
demands of that niche.
In addition to innate climbing abilities and
obviously adaptive morphology, including specialized pelage, flexible
traction-pad hooves, short cannon bones, extreme development of anterior
musculature, bilateral flattening of body, and skeletal configuration
placing front and rear hooves in close proximity, behavioral adaptations
have also evolved in response to physical environmental demands.
Plasticity of diet (Geist 1962) coupled with flexible foraging style and
transmission of learned information regarding resources permit the
mountain goat to achieve high densities in its niche, as do size,
structure, and distribution of social units.
Ledge habitats, for which goats expressed strong
preference in all months and utilized almost exclusively two-thirds of
the year under winter conditions, support a discontinuous food supply.
This food supply is typically distributed as an irregular series of thin
strips separated by rock and talus. Jarman (1973) correlated small group
size with patchy food resources in a comparison of African bovids.
Houston (1974) related the semi-solitary habits of moose to a highly
dispersed winter food supply. Schaller (1973) found that Himalayan tahr
(Hemitragus jemlahicus) had an average group size of 6.5 compared
to 23.0 in Nilgiri tahr (H. hylocrius), and pointed out that the
Himalayan species utilizes narrow cliff ledges while the Nilgiri species
is found on rolling grasslands. Average group size in the mountain goat
populations studied was small, with a high proportion of the populations
occurring alone or in pairs. Annual mean group sizes and aggregate
indices for mountain goats in Glacier Park were considerably smaller
than for bighorn sheep, which utilized more continuous grassland
habitats just below goat ranges. It was also demonstrated that goats
utilizing moderate slopes, such as those on which sheep might be
observed, occurred in larger groups than those on precipitous terrain.
It therefore appears that the semi-gregarious nature of mountain goat
society is primarily an adaptation to the nature of the food supply
within their topographic niche.
Given the dispersed and highly localized nature of
critical winter forage and confinement to microniche food sources for
long periods during storms, individuals and small groups might obtain
adequate nutrition and shelter where a larger group would quickly
exhaust available food and force many group members to use poor-quality
shelter. Small group size also facilitates coordination of travel and
other band activities in precipitous terrain, disperses total zootic
impact on fragile plant communities, and confers some immunity from
avalanches. Avalanches were shown to be a major agent of mortality which
might have in itself provided selective pressure toward less gregarious
social tendencies. Holroyd (1967) stated, "The fact that they [mountain
goats) are seldom closely bunched would probably result in only one or
two being taken by a single slide rather than large numbers."
Size and structure of mountain goat groups were found
to be mediated by agonistic behavior. In the absence of significant
interspecific competition, predation, or successional vegetation
influences, we would expect development of complex social mechanisms to
structure intraspecific competition and maintain total population size
within the carrying capacity. It was shown that both summer and winter
food habits incorporated frequent and often extensive vertical and
lateral movements. The discontinuous and unpredictable nature of the
food supply thus favored development of a mobile system of dominance, or
hierarchy, rather than a fixed territorial system. The frequency and
intensity of agonistic behavior observed in mountain goats, especially
high among females and subadults, probably reflects the species' extreme
location on the biologically accommodated, physically controlled
Competition between adult males and the female-young
population component was minimized as mature males sought peripheral or
separate ranges to avoid social stress. Adult males generally yielded
personal space to females and even to subadults when in contact with
them. Foss (1962) received the impression that adult males in the Crazy
Mountains, Montana, occupied "rougher" terrain than other classes.
DeBock (1970), Chadwick (1974), Rideout (1974), Smith (1976), and Kuck
(personal communication) observed that many adult males occupy habitats
judged to be marginal in comparison with those of females and subadults.
Use of suboptimal range may partially explain why adult male mountain
goats are usually less numerous in most populations than adult females,
as summarized by Hibbs (1966) and Vaughan (1975).
Competition between adult females and juveniles was
structured to the consistent advantage of the productive female class.
Under conditions of scarcity, dominant animals in stable groups enjoyed
relatively uncontested access to resources. This had the overall effect
of standardizing the resource base of dominant animals while magnifying
resource shortages to subordinates. Consequently, adult survival
appeared constant, particularly in the generative female class, while
juvenile mortality varied considerably under different winter regimes.
Natality, which also reflects the resource base available to adult
females, is expected to vary substantially in optimal range situations
only when winter conditions are so extreme as to significantly alter
extent of available range. Moderate fluctuations in the winter regime
between years should not greatly alter natality in optimum ranges but
should have a more measurable impact on natality in marginal ranges.
Production of young by 3-year-old females is expected to be lower and
more responsive to winter conditions than that of older females.
Disparities between 3-year-old female natality and older adult female
natality should be most apparent on marginal ranges.
Natality was quite constant in the Glacier Park study
area, while limited data indicate that natality indeed varied with
winter conditions in the Swan Mountains. Hjeljord (1973) observed
unusually low production of young following a particularly severe
winter, as did Brandborg (1955). Rideout (1974) found that natality
varied with winter conditions in the marginal Sapphire Mountains,
Montana, range as did Smith (1976) in the Bitterroot Mountains,
Loss of over 50 percent of the kid cohort during
their first winter has been reported in other native goat populations
(Anderson 1940, Cowan 1944, Brandborg 1955). By distinguishing
2-year-old classes, it was found that similarly high losses may also
occur in the year ling class. Over the winter of 1974-75, percent
yearling losses exceeded those of the kid class in Glacier Park.
Typical winter weights of kids and yearlings are
approximately 18 and 27 kg, respectively (Brandborg 1955). Juvenile
animals with high metabolic requirements, low fat reserves, and high
surface-to-volume ratios suffer thermal disadvantages which in
themselves would lead to much higher mortality rates than in adults
under winter stress, particularly in the kid class. Gains in weight and
experience from kid to yearling class are partially offset by loss of
maternal protection and consequent competitive disadvantages within
group hierarchies.
Both Geist (1966) and Klein (1968) noted a
relationship between the self-regulating ability of species and
stability of vegetation communities in which they evolved. Although fire
may play a larger role in the ecology of coastal mountain goat
populations where many winter ranges are within the forest zone, stable
ledge habitats on rock outcroppings remain of prime importance. Given
the mountain goat's use of traditional home range in these spatially
limited, topographically defined habitats; poorly developed colonizing
abilities; and the fragile, slow-growing characteristics of
high-elevation plant communities, it would be particularly
disadvantageous for mountain goats to exceed and thereby reduce the
carrying capacity of their range. It therefore seems likely that as
increasing niche specialization led to reduction of biotic regulating
influences, social mechanisms evolved which distribute range use,
structure intraspecific competition, and cause density-influenced
mortality consistent with physical environmental stresses and a
recurrently scarce food supply.
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Last Updated: 8-Apr-2013