APPENDIX D: STUDY PARTICIPANTS National Park Service Planning Team Ronald N. Mortimore, Team Captain, Landscape Architect Phillip R. Iversen, Superintendent William J. Briggle, Former Superintendent David K. Morris, Ecologist Ronald H. Treabess, Interpretive Planner William Rothschild, Engineer John Henneberger, Wilderness Coordinator Harold Brown, Landscape Architect Consultants Theodore Wirth and Associates Dr. Loren Kreck Donald Hummel Edsel Corpe, Forest Supervisor A. D. Adie, Superintendent As the nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has basic responsibilities to protect and conserve our land and water, energy and minerals, fish and wildlife, parks and recreation areas, and to ensure the wise use of all these resources. The Department also has major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in island territories under U.S. administration. Publication services were provided by the graphics and editorial staffs of the Denver Service Center. NPS 841A
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