PART II NOTES 1. Abstract of Title to Alfred Reagan's Land, prepared by B.E. Rippy, July 19, 1930, copy in park library. (Referred to hereafter as Abstract.) 5. Interview with Wesley Reagan, Sept. 16, 1969. (Referred to here after as Wesley Reagan.) 6. Abstract, and Wesley Reagan. 7. Interview with Herb Clabo, Sept. 15, 1969. (Referred to here after as Herb Clabo.) 8. Clark, Thomas D., Frontier America (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1959), p. 214. 11. Interview with Louis Reagan, Sept. 16, 1969. 16. Family Bible, in possession of Wesley Reagan. 17. U.S., Bureau of the Census, Seventh Census of the United States: 1850 Population, Sevier County, Tennessee. 21. Wesley Reagan and Herb Clabo. 26. Wesley Reagan and Herb Clabo.
alfred-reagan-house/part2a.htm Last Updated: 03-Nov-2009 |