PART II PROJECT CONSTRUCTION PROPOSALS Alfred Reagan House UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PROJECT CONSTRUCTION PROPOSAL 1. STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT'S REQUIREMENTS, PROPOSED WORK, AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER FACETS OF THE PARK PROGRAM. MANAGEMENT'S REQUIREMENTS: To rehabilitate the Alfred Reagan House, which has been held in a stand-by condition for many years. The house is an important unit in interpreting the pioneer culture of the Smokies. PROPOSED WORK: Remove all temporary materials used to hold house in stand-by condition. Replace all unsound material. Reconstruct foundation piers and supports. Treat all old and new wood materials with a wood preservative. Clean up area and dispose of debris. 2. ADVANCE REQUIREMENTS DATA LAND STATUS: Government-owned, National Park Service OTHER The data on this PCP is basically identical to that of B-307-1, approved by Acting Regional Director on 8/19/66. However, it is being resubmitted as per Regional Program Officer's criteria that all estimates more than one year old (at time of submission to Bureau of Budget) must be updated or dropped from the program. 3. RECOMMENDED BY SUPERINTENDENT 4. APPROVED BY REGIONAL DIRECTOR 5. LOCATION WITHIN AREA OR TERMINI 6. BLDG. OR RT.# AND SEC. 7. REGION 8. PARK 9. PROJECT 10. PCP INDEX NO. ESTIMATE
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR PROJECT CONSTRUCTION PROPOSAL PARK: Great Smoky Mountains National Park 1. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION This saddle-back log house which has been weather-boarded and ceiled on the inside with hand-dressed poplar boards. It illustrates that even though the people were quite isolated, advantages were taken when new materials came available to improve their living conditions. The lumber was sawed at a sawmill which stood at the mouth of Roaring Fork. This building is a unit of the Alfred Reagan Outdoor Museum. 2. TECHNICAL INFORMATION Replace all unsound materials, matching the original in kind, workmanship and design. Reconstruct the foundations by installing concrete footings underground for all piers, supports, etc. Treat all new wood materials and all old materials with a wood preservative. Research Study, PCP B-510, to provide the necessary detailed measured drawings, photographs, and other pertinent architectural data for the guidelines of the project.
alfred-reagan-house/part2d.htm Last Updated: 03-Nov-2009 |