General Information Regarding Great Smoky Mountains National Park
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Made, published and approved by the Secretary of the Interior and to continue in force and effect until otherwise directed by said Secretary.

General Regulations

The following rules and regulations for the government of Great Smoky Mountains National Park are hereby established and made public pursuant to authority conferred by the acts of Congress approved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 536), and May 22, 1926 (44 Stat. 616), and acts supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof. Those rules and regulations are promulgated to cover only the Government owned or controlled lands and waters in the park area.

1. Preservation of natural features and curiosities.— The destruction, injury, defacement, or disturbance in any way of the public buildings, signs, equipment, or other property, or the trees, flowers, vegetation, rocks, minerals, animal, or bird or other life is prohibited: Provided, That flowers may be gathered in small quantities when in the judgment of the superintendent, or other authorized representative of the National Park Service, their removal will not impair the beauty of the park. Before any flowers are picked, permit must be secured from the ranger in charge.

2. Camping.—When the development of the park is undertaken by the National Park Service, adequate camping places with pure water and other necessities will be provided. Until such time no camping over night or fires of any sort will be permitted except by special permit of the superintendent or his authorized representatives. In such instances the following rules must be carefully observed: Wood for fuel only can be taken from dead or fallen trees. Combustible rubbish shall be burned on camp fires, and all other garbage and refuse of all kinds shall be buried.

3. Fires.—Fires constitute one of the greatest peril to the park; they shall not be kindled near trees, dead wood, moss, dry leaves, forest mold, or other vegetable refuse, but in some open space on rocks or earth. Should camp be made in a locality where no such open space exists or is provided, the dead wood, moss, dry leaves, etc., shall be scraped away to the rock or earth over an area considerably larger than that required for the fire.

Fires shall be lighted only when necessary, and when no longer needed shall be completely extinguished and all embers and bed smothered with earth or water, so that there remains no possibility of reignition.

Smoking may be forbidden by the superintendent in any part of the park during the fire season when in his judgment the fire hazard makes such action advisable.

NOTE.—Especial care shall be taken that no lighted match cigar, cigarette or burning pipe tobacco is dropped in any grass, twigs, leaves, or tree mold.

4. Hunting.—The park is a sanctuary for wildlife of every sort, and all hunting or the killing, wounding, frightening, pursuing, capturing or attempting to capture at any time of any bird or wild animal, except dangerous animals, when it is necessary to prevent them from destroying human lives or inflicting personal injury, or taking the eggs of any bird, is prohibited within the limits of said park. Firearms are prohibited within the park except upon written permission of the superintendent. The outfits, including guns, teams, traps, horses, or means of transportation of every nature or description used by any person or persons engaged in hunting, killing, ensnaring, or capturing birds or wild animals within the limits of the park shall be forfeited to the United States and, may be seized by the officers of the park and held pending the prosecution of any person or persons arrested under the charge of violating this regulation, and upon conviction such forfeiture shall be adjudicated as a penalty in addition to other punishment. Such forfeited property shall be disposed of and accounted for by and under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior. Possession within said park of the dead bodies or any part thereof of any wild bird or animal shall be prima facie evidence that the person or persons having the same are guilty of violating this regulation. During the hunting season arrangements may be made at entrance stations to identify and transport through the park, carcasses of birds or animals killed outside of the park.

5. Fishing.—Fishing with nets, seines, traps or by the use of drugs or explosives, or in any other way than with rod, artificial fly without bait, and line held in hand, or for merchandise or profit, is prohibited. The open season for trout in the park for streams not closed to fishing for restocking is April 15 to August 31, inclusive. The open season for small mouth bass in streams not closed for restocking is June 11 to August 31, inclusive. Trout or small mouth bass less than 10 inches in length shall be carefully handled with moist hands and returned to the water at once. Fish retained shall be killed immediately upon being removed from the hook.

Ten trout per person or ten small mouth bass per person or ten trout and bass per person fishing shall constitute the limit for a day's catch. In the discretion of the Superintendent, the limit for a day's catch may be increased or decreased in certain waters indicated by posted notices.

Any of the waters of the park may be closed to fishing by the Superintendent when, in his judgment, such action is necessary for restocking.

The possession of fishing tackle or fish on waters of the park closed to fishing will be considered prima facie evidence of fishing. The possession of nets, seines, traps, or explosives on waters of the park will be considered prima facie evidence that the person or persons having same are guilty of violating this regulation. Such outfits will be taken up and held subject to the order of the Director of the National Park Service.

Fishing in waters of the park, not closed for restocking, is permitted from daylight to dark during the open season. At no time will fishing be permitted between dark and daylight,

6. Private operations.—No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in any business, or erect buildings in the park without permission in writing from the Director, National Park Service, Washington, D.C.; nor shall any person or persons reside or be permitted to reside on park land without authority of the Director or his authorized representative.

7. Cameras.—Still and motion-picture cameras nay be freely used in the park for general scenic purposes. For the filming of motion pictures requiring the use of artificial or special settings, or involving the performance of a professional cast, permission must first be obtained from the superintendent of the park.

8. Gambling.—Gambling in any form, or the operation of gambling devices, whether for merchandise or otherwise, is prohibited.

9, Advertisements.—Private notices or advertisements shall not be posted or displayed within the park, excepting such as the park superintendent deems necessary for the convenience and guidance of the public.

10. Grazing.—The running at large, herding, or grazing of livestock of any kind on the Government lands in the park is prohibited.

11. Miscellaneous.—Possession, sale, transportation, or manufacture of liquor in the park is prohibited.

12. Dogs and Cats.—Cats are not permitted on Government lands in the park, and dogs only to those persons passing through the park to territory beyond, in which instance they shall be kept tied while crossing the park.

13. The possession of dynamite.—Dynamite caps, or blasting fuse is forbidden unless permission in writing has been obtained from the superintendent in advance.

14. Fines and penalties.—Persons who render themselves obnoxious by disorderly conduct or bad behavior shall be subjected to the punishment hereinafter prescribed for violation of the foregoing regulations, or they may be summarily removed from the park by the superintendent.


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Last Updated: 30-Nov-2009