PREFACE The Architectural Data Section of the Patowmack Canal, Great Falls Section, was produced to give management a starting point and base for the future preservation of this important resource. As stated in the addendum to the original task directive, it is the intent of this project to pull all relevant architectural/engineering material together into one document. The narrative of the existing conditions section can be attributed to Joseph Prentice and Thomas Hahn who compiled a draft report "Patowmack Canal, Great Falls, Virginia", in 1973. Except for a construction stabilization effort in 1978-79, the existing canal features have not changed dramatically in the 13 years that have passed since their report. The majority of the photographic documentation was accomplished by Susan Long during the summer and fall of 1985. The several treatment alternatives were developed and presented to the park in 1985 by the Williamsport Preservation Training Center, Denver Service Center. This document was produced by Elizabeth Sasser and Barry Caldwell under the supervision and guidance of James Askins. The preferred alternative outlined in a Memorandum of Decision dated February 19, 1986 by the Regional Director calls for the overall preservation of the canal and its associated structures and is in keeping with the legislation and National Park Service policies. The park staff has offered continuous support throughout the project. Last but not least, many thanks to Mary Jo Stine, editor, and Pam Young, typist. Anthony S. Donald
patowmack_canal_hsr/preface.htm Last Updated: 17-June-2011 |