NOTES 1Euge, K.M. Technical Proposal for Soil Erosion Study; Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, Arizona. 1983. 2Kearney, Thomas and Robert H. Peebles et al. Arizona Flora. University of California Press, Berkeley. 1960. 3Works Progress Administration. Arizona: A State Guide. Workers of the Writers Program of the WPA in Arizona. 1940. 4Kluckholn, Clyde, and Leighton, Dorothea. The Navaho. Cambridge, Mass. 1946. 8Goodman, James. The Navajo Atlas: Environments, Resources, People, and History of the Dine Bikeyah. University of Oklahoma Press. 1982. 10Works Progress Administration. Arizona: A State Guide. Workers of the Writers Program of the WPA in Arizona. 1940. 11Danson, E.B. Early Man Points from the vicinity of Sanders, Arizona. Plateau 34(2):67-68. 1961. 12Olson, A.P. An Unfinished Clovis Point from Houck, Arizona. Plateau 36(4):123-124. 1964. 13Huckell, B.B. The Distribution of Fluted Points in Arizona: A Review and An Update. Cultural Resource Management Division, Arizona State Museum, Archaeological Series No. 145. University of Arizona, Tuscon. 1982. 14Sims, J.R. and D.S. Daniel. A Lithic Assemblage Near Winslow, Arizona. Plateau vol. 39, No. 4:175-188. 1967. 15Huckell, B.B. The Distribution of Fluted Points in Arizona: A Review and an Update. Cultural Resources Management Division, Arizona State Museum, Archaeological Series No. 145. University of Arizona, Tucson. 1982. 16Wendorf, F. and T.H. Thomas. Early Man Sites Near Concho, Arizona. American Antiquity 17(2):107-1 14. 1951. 17Gumerman, G.J. A Folsom Point from the Area of Mishongovi, Arizona Plateau 38(4):79-80. 1966. 18Woodbury R.B. Prehistoric Stone Implements of Northeastern Arizona. Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University 34, Reports of the Awatovi Expedition 6. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. 1954. 19Wendorf, F. Archaeological Studies in the Petrified Forest National Monument. Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 27. Flagstaff. 1953. 20Huckell, B.B. Excavations at the Hastqin Site: A Multicomponent Preceramic Site near Ganado, Arizona. Ms on file, Cultural Resource Management Division, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson. 1977. 21Wendorf, F. and T.H. Thomas. Early Man Sites Near Concho, Arizona. American Antiquity 17(2): 107-114. 1951. 22Fehr, R.T., L. Popelish, K.B. Kelley and L.E. Warner. Prehistoric Occupation of the Black Creek valley, Navajo Nation. Navajo Nation Cultural Resource Management Program, Navajo Nation Papers in Anthropology No.7.1982. 23Hammack, N.S. Archaeological Road Corridor Survey, Petrified Forest National Park, 1978 and 1979. National Park Service, Western Archeological Center, Tucson. 1979. 24Fuller, S.L. and C. Chang. Archaeological Excavations at 11 Prehistoric Sites Within the Ganado Sewer Lagoon and Along the Right-of-way of Route N27(1). Report submitted to the National Park Service for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Branch of Roads by the Museum of Northern Arizona. 1978. 25Scurlock, D. An Archaeological Assessment of Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Report submitted to the National Park Service by the Center Anthropological Studies. 1979. 28Mount, J.E., S.J. Olsen, J.W. Olsen, G.A. Teague and B.D. Treadwell. Wide Reed Ruin: Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. National Park Service, Southwest Cultural Resources Center Professional Papers No. 51. 1993. 29Scurlock, D. An Archaeological Assessment of Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Report submitted to the National Park Service by the Center for Anthropological Studies. 1979. 30Fuller, S.L. and C. Chang. Archeological Excavations at 11 Prehistoric Sites Within the Ganado Sewer Lagoon and Along the Right-of-Way of Route N27(1). Report submitted to the National Park Service for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Branch of Roads by the Museum of Northern Arizona. 1978. 31Forbes, J.D. Apache, Navajo, and Spaniard. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman and London. 1994. 32Wilcox, D.R. The Entry of Athapaskans into the American Southwest: The Problem Today. In The Protohistoric Period in the North American Southwest, AD 1450-1700 edited by D.R. Wilcox and W.B. Masse. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Papers No. 24. 1981. 33Jones, K.L. Excavation of the Sand Dune Site (AZ.K:6: 11) At Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, Ganado, Arizona. Report submitted to the National Park Service by Southwest Archaeological Consultants. Inc. 1988. 34Brugge, D.M. Traditional History of Wide Reeds. In Wide Reed Ruin: Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site by J.E. Mount, S.J. Olsen, J.W. Olsen, G.A. Teague and B.D. Treadwell. National Park Service, Southwest Cultural Resources Center Professional Papers No.51, Santa Fe. 1993. 35Brugge, David. Personal Communication. 1996. 36Brandes, Ray. Frontier Military Posts of Arizona. Dale Stuart King Publisher, Globe, AZ. 1960. p.VII. 39Works Progress Administration. Arizona: A State Guide. Workers of the Writers Program of the WPA in Arizona. 1940. 40Peterson, Charles. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. 1986. 41Brugge, David. Personal Communication. 1996. 43Adams, William Y. Shonto: A Study of the Role of the Trader in a Modern Navaho Community. Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 188. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington: 1963. p. 149. 47Lockwood, Frank C. Pioneer Portraits-selected Vignettes. University of Arizona Press, Tuscon, Arizona. 1968. 48Adams, William Y. Shonto: A Study of the Role of the Trader in a Modern Navaho Community. Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 188. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington: 1963. 49Youngblood, B. "Navajo Trading." Survey of Conditions of the Indians in the United States: Hearings Before a Subcommittee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, 55th Congress, 1st Session, Part 34. Washington 1937. p. 111. 50Utley, Robert. The National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings. Special Report on Hubbell Trading Post; Ganado, Arizona. January 1959. 51Bailey, Garrick and Roberta Glenn Bailey. A History of the Navajos The Reservation Years. School of American Research Press: Santa Fe, New Mexico. 1986. p. 27. 53Utley, Robert M. The National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings. Special Report on Hubbell Trading Post; Ganado, AZ. January 1959. p. 21. 58Adams, William Y. Shonto: A Study of the Role of the Trader in a Modern Navaho Community. Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 188. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington:1963. 59Utley, Robert M. The National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings. Special Report on Hubbell Trading Post; Ganado, AZ. January 1959. p. 50. 60Works Progress Administration. Arizona A State Guide by Workers of the Writer's Program of the Works Progress Administration. 1940. 61Adams, William Y. Shonto: A Study of the Role of the Trader in a Modern Navaho Community. Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 188. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington:1963. p.151. 62Works Progress Administration. Arizona: A State Guide. Workers of the Writers Program of the WPA in Arizona. 1940. 63Underhill, Ruth M. The Navajos. University of Oklahoma Press: Norman. 1956. 64Kluckholn, Clyde and Dorothea Leighton. The Navajo. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1946. p. 46. 66Peterson, Charles. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. 1986. 67Van Valkenburg, Richard F. Dine Bikeyah. Window Rock, Arizona. 1940. 69Homestead Application No. 811, Patent No. 603857, final Certificate No. 154; July 26, 1907. 70Robinson, William. A Construction Sequence for Hubbell Trading Post and Residence. Article in The Kiva, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1985. Arizona Archeological and Historical Society. 71Homestead Application No. 811, Patent No. 603857, final Certificate No. 154; July 26, 1907. 72Hubbell, J.L. Letters to The Mandell Co. and 1st State Bank, Albuquerque, NM dated June 22, 1885. 73Peterson, Charles S. Farmlands History: Part One Water, Crops; Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, Arizona. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. October 1983. p. 19. 76Cotton, C.N. Letter to Honorable C.E. Vandever, U.S. Indian Agent; Ft. Defiance, Arizona. March 26th, 1889. 77Cotton, C.N. Letter to Honorable Commissioner Indian Affairs Thro (sic) Honorable C.E. Vandever; U.S. Indian Agent Navajo Agency, Arizona. April 5th, 1889. 78Cotton, C.N. Letter to Honorable S.S. Patterson, U.S. Indian Agent; Fort Defiance, Arizona. April 9th, 1889. 79Cotton, C.N. Letter to E.J. Post and Company; Albuquerque, New Mexico. October 1885. 80Robinson, William. A Construction Sequence for Hubbell Trading Post and Residence. Article in The Kiva, Vol. 50, No.4, 1985. Arizona Archeological and Historical Society. 81National Register Registration Form. Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site; Ganado, Arizona. 82Eckel, LaCharles History of Ganado, Arizona;" Hubbell Papers Box 19. Museum Notes Museum of Northern Arizona; Vol. 6 No. 10, April 1934. 83Homestead Application No. 811, Patent No. 603857, final Certificate No. 154; July 26, 1907. 84Wilkins, Teresa. Personal Communication. March 1996. 86National Register Registration Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. 57Robinson, William. A Construction Sequence for Hubbell Trading Post and Residence. Article in The Kiva, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1985. Arizona Archeological and Historical Society. 88Hayzlett, G.W. Letter to Colonel L.B. Henderson, Speaker of the House of Representatives. December 2, 1899. Ft. Defiance Letterbooks, FD-27, pp. 185-187. 89Robinson, William. A Construction Sequence for Hubbell Trading Post and Residence. Article in The Kiva, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1985. Arizona Archeological and Historical Society. 90Culin Stewart. "Report on a Collecting Expedition among the Indians of NM and AZ"; 1902. Brooklyn Museum Department of Primitive Art and New World Cultures. p.21. 91Peterson, Charles S. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1986. 92Culin, Stewart. "'Report on a Collecting expedition among the Indians of NM and AZ;" April - September 1903. Brooklyn Museum Department of Primitive Art and New World Cultures. p.77. 93Hubbell, J.L. Letter to Dr. W.H. Knap; Chicago, Illinois. September 22, 1903. 94Hubbell, J.L. Letter to Bank of Commerce; Albuquerque, New Mexico. December 7, 1903. 95Hubbell, J.L. Letter to John Deere Plow Company. January 18, 1904. 97Hubbell, J.L. Letter to John Deere Plow Company. February 8, 1904. 98Kinlichinee, Friday. Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site Interview No. 31; September 3, 1970. 99Culin, Stewart. '"Report on a Collecting expedition among the Indians of NM and AZ;" May - September 1904. Brooklyn Museum Department of Primitive Art and New World Cultures. p.77. 100Culin, Stewart. '"Report on a Collecting Expedition among the Indians of NM and AZ"; 1905. Brooklyn Museum Department of Primitive Art and New World Cultures. p.8. 101Homestead Application No. 811, Patent No. 603857, final Certificate No. 154; July 26, 1907. 105Hubbell, J.L. Letter to H.F. Robinson, Esq. of Albuquerque, N.M. dated March 1st, 1909. 106Hubbell, J.L. Four letters to various persons written early March 1909. Hubbell Papers. Correspondence Files. 107Hubbell, J.L. Letter to Gentlemen: Barteldes Seed Co. Los Angeles, California dated April 1909. Hubbell Papers. Correspondence File. 108Hubbell J.L. Letter to Antonio Armijo at Oraibe, Arizona dated April 11th, 1909. Hubbell Papers. Correspondence File. 109National Register Registration Form Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, Ganado, Arizona. 110Peterson, Charles S. Farmlands History: Part One Water, Crops; Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, Arizona. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. October 1983. 112Peterson, Charles S. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1956. 113Hubbell, J.L. to Lorenzo Hubbell. April 6, 1912. HUTR-Working Papers. 114Hubbell Dorothy. HUTR Interview No. 52. October 1969. 116Peterson, Charles. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1986. 117Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview No. 52. October 1969. 118Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview No. 71. May 1971. 119Peterson, Charles. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1986. 121Cook John and William Brown. Part I Historic Structures Report. Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. National Park Service Southwest Regional Office. May 1966. 123Peterson, Charles. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1986. 124Ivey, James. Draft Historic Structures Report. 1983. unpublished manuscript. 125National Register Registration Form. Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site; Ganado, Arizona. 126Record Group No. 28; Microfilm Group No. 841: Roll 5; Volume 58 1885-1891. 128Brugge, David. Personal Communication. March 1996. 129See Morgart, John T. 1984; Benjamin, Levy. 1968, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation; Robinson, William. 1985; Utley, Robert. 1959; Cook, John and William Brown, 1966; Koue, Lewis, Robert Simmonds, and David Brugge. 1971; and Brugge, David. 1972. 130Litton R. Burton Jr. "'Visual Vulnerability of Forest Landscapes. Outdoor Recreation Research: Applying the Results." U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report NC-9. 131National Register Bulletin No. 15. 132Adams, William Y. Shonto: A Study of the Role of the Trader in a Modern Navaho Community. Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 188. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington: 1963. 133Peterson Charles S. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1986. 136Parker, L. Hubbell. HUTR Interview #47. April 1973. 137Cook, John and William Brown. Part I Historic Structures Reports; Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. May 1966. 138Hubbard, Arthur. HUTR Interview #10. December 1971. 139Gayle, John R., Tourist Potential for the Navajo Reservation. SRI Project 1380. Prepared for Navajo Tribal Council, Window Rock, AZ. August 1955. 140HUTR Interview #47 with L. Hubbell Parker; April 1973. 141Eckel, LaCharles. HUTR Interview #74. June 1979. 142Hubbell Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 145Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 148Blacksheep, LaCheenie. HUTR Interview #18. 151Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 153Hubbard, Arthur. HUTR Interview #10. December 1971. 154Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 155Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 156HUTR Interview #47 with L. Hubbell Parker; April 1973. 159Peterson, Charles S. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1986. 160Wilkins Teresa. Personal Communication. March 1996. 162Blacksheep, LaCheenie. HUTR Interview #18. 164Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 166HUTR -Interview #47 with L. Hubbell Parker; April 1973. 167Brugge, David M. Furnishing Study for HB-2, The Hubbell Home; Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site Ganado, Arizona. January 1972. 168Hubbell Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 169Guy, Kee. HUTR Interview #45. Chester Brown. HUTR Interview #44. Net Slivers. HUTR Interview #36. 170HUTR General Files 1973. Notes from an archeological proposal for excavations of the Leonard buildings. 172Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 173Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 174Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 175Eckel, LaCharles. HUTR Interview #74. 176Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 182Hubbell. Dorothy and LaCharles Eckel. HUTR Interview #53. March 1973. 183Hubbell, Dorothy. HUTR Interview #52. October 1969. 184Peterson, Charles S. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1986. 186Youngblood, B. 1937.; McNitt, R. 1962; Adams, W.Y. 1963; Hill, W.W. 1948. 187Bourke, Captain John G. 1884. 190McNitt, Frank. Letter from Frank McNitt to David Brugge dated June 1969. Frank McNitt Collection. Box 18. NM State Records Center and Archives; Santa Fe, NM. 194Brugge, D. Personal Communication. 1996. 195Peterson, Charles S. Homestead and Farm: A History of Farming at the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. March 1986. 197Federal Records Center; NPS-SWRO Archives Box No. 49; letter from Supt. Cook to Regional Director dated August 6, 1966. 198Federal Records Center; NPS SWRO Archives; HUTR Memorandum re: gabions dated March 17, 1976 To: Chief of Maintenance, SWR From: Mike Varela. 199Letter from Regional Director, Southwest Region National Park Service to Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, Mr. Donnie McCarthy dated September 24, 1976.
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