cover only
The Magnificent Gateway John Eliot Allen 1969
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Cataclysms on the Columbia John Eliot Allen, Marjorie Burns and Sam C. Sargent 1986
The Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington: The Geologic Story of the Spokane Flood Paul L. Weis and William L. Newman 1989
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Fires, Faults & Floods: A Road & Trail Guide Exploring the Origins of the Columbia River Basin Marge & Ted Mueller 1997
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Glacier Lake Missoula and its Humongous Floods David Alt 2001
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On the Trail of the Ice Age Flood: A geological field guide to the Mid-Columbia Basins Bruce Bjornstad 2006
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Bretz's Flood John Soennichsen 2008
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On the Trail of the Ice Age Flods: The Northern Reaches Bruce Bjornstad 2012